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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Two players in that photo share the same surname; what is it? HSW not allowed to answer.
  2. Aye, completely agree mate but we are where we are unfortunately. I can't see them increasing the midfield area because of finances. Hope to f**k I'm wrong!
  3. I agree. I'd be surprised if we're even in for him TBH as we already have 7 midfielders on the books whilst we only have 4 defenders (not including the young laddie) and 3 strikers. We need a back-up goalie, another CD and a striker. Could be a different matter if Leitch and Laverty go out on loan again but I'd imagine that M&M see them as part of the squad this season.
  4. I'm nearly 63 so it's often soft play in our house nowadays. That's if I get any play at all of course!
  5. f**k knows as he's been retained by Hartlepool. Fraser Kerr's been released by them though. A giant centre half who played in the Premier with Motherwell. Wonder if he's any good?
  6. I think you're probably right, sadly. I don't think the new season will even get off the ground. That being the case, the title should be awarded to Airdrie as they will be top at the point of abandonment. It's only fair and is in keeping with the sporting integrity that all clubs like to show.
  7. I think you're being totally unrealistic here. £10 an hour is much more than the minimum wage!!
  8. If the remaining 5 or 6 slots go to players of the required quality, I wouldn't expect any of them to be on 1 year contracts. They would have to be 2 year deals to get them in (with the usual no promotion clauses built in). At the end of the day, we're a L1 club for now so attracting players that would be considered good quality Championship players is going to be extremely difficult with the affordability levels that we have. It's probably a bit idealistic from me I suppose but we've got to try to be ambitious to get us up.
  9. There lies the problem. We need to be generating a lot more cash via season tickets to be able to offer the Alstons and Keillor-Dunns of this world a deal that would tempt them.
  10. That's why i would prefer the 5 or 6 that's still to come in to be ours and not loans ideally.
  11. Like a lot of people, you'd be happy with yet another rebuild if we manage to get up. Like a lot of other people, I wouldn't. It's all about opinions though.
  12. I would say that they look stronger than us up front as things stand but not regarding the remainder of their squad. It'll depend on who both teams manage to add from now on in. Partick may have the finances to get better in than us if they get a decent amount of compo though.
  13. Yes, but if the 5 or 6 that we've still to bring in are mainly our own rather than loans, I'd want them to be better than we already have and capable of making the step up. Therefore I'd be looking at signing players on longer deals (with probably a no-promotion get out clause)
  14. Aye, that doesn't sit very well with me either. Could end up with Sevco or Sellick reserves playing for us every week!!
  15. Aye, would fully expect the back-up keeper to be a loan. If we bring in 6 loans though, where would we be spending money? We'd have a 21 man squad at that point so don't think we'd be bringing anybody else in. Who was the last loan that we signed permanently? With 6 or 7 deals expiring at the end of the upcoming season, the expiry of 6 loans at the end would possibly leave us with yet another rebuild.
  16. Aye, me too, obviously. Ideally I'd prefer to do it with our own players to avoid another rebuild though.
  17. Not sure that I'd want 6 players on loan TBH. Imagine if they were all in the team and we win the league with them as key men, knowing that they'd all be fucking off at the end of the season, leaving us with a mini rebuild again? 2 or 3 maybe but not 6.
  18. Nae patience, however, selling Marc McNulty to East Fife would have required about 6 years in deep cover. He's over on the thistle thread now telling them that they're getting Andy Halliday.
  19. Nae patience, however, selling Marc McNulty to East Fife would have required about 6 years in deep cover. Aye, very true.
  20. I take it that this is your first trolling gig then? You're far too obvious mate, need to be much more subtle. You should've started mildly, then built everybody up to a crescendo over a period of time. Far too late now though.
  21. Shadwell just likes to moan. As far as I can make out, both McKinnon and M&M managed for 18 games each last season. McKinnon: W 8 D 6 L 4 M&M W 10 D 6 L 2 There's a clear improvement there despite them inheriting a team and obviously having to get to know them and getting bedded in. One of the defeats was against Hearts in the cup, a game we definitely deserved to win too. I think that the guys that have re-signed will not all be starters. Dixon and Connolly probably will be as will one of Hall or Durnan. Telfer's probably the most gifted footballer in the squad and I can see him being excellent in training when the pressure's off but, like most others, I can't see why he's been re-signed because he didn't bring his best game on to the park very often. I'm wondering if M&M have a game plan in mind that they think will bring the best out of him? As things stand we need a goalie, RB, CH, Midfield energy and a striker. With the exception of the goalie, who'll be back-up, if the other 4 are all starters then I don't think we'll be too far away.
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