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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Why's Jim Craig wearing his shorts inside out?
  2. Cracking photo mate. I think you're right as he can surely see there was no hand ball by Shepherd. Crazy decision.
  3. I think it would have been a nice wee touch for Hibs to have used the same mode of transport for the cup parade as they did when they won it the time before. Of course they would have needed to use some new horses as the original ones will be dead.
  4. Shouldn't be so hard on yourself, good chance Utd could slip up before the end of the season.
  5. Well it would clash with the home kit, providing you were playing yourselves!
  6. Bantz pal. She does, of course, still have the wristband. TBH I didn't know where she had got it until it was pointed out on here that the cup had been to school. I wouldn't be being petty if I took it off her anyway, it would just be to make sure that she didn't get the bages! (Apologies if this is the wrong spelling of 'bages', I'm sure you're much more qualified to know!)
  7. Aye, my granddaughter came home with a Hibs wristband. Unfortunately she 'lost' it soon afterwards!
  8. That's a fair shout actually because he seems to be doing a good job at Brechin. Hopefully it's not something we'll need to worry about!
  9. Notwithstanding Keith's reply, I think I read the original question differently from you. I read it as the academy graduate most recently to have played regularly, not the one who played regularly and was most recent to qualify. Using your criteria however I think McGrandles came through more recently than Kingsley anyway.
  10. Aye and I think the man that may benefit most could be Sibbald. I don't think Sibbs likes responsibility and a wee spell on the bench or in a role that doesn't see him as the 'main man' as far as creating things is concerned could do him a lot of good! I think a formation of Taiwo, Kerr and Sibbald behind Craigen with McHugh and Baird up front could work well.
  11. I've attended the majority of games this season, have you? Whilst we haven't performed as well as I would have liked or indeed expected, to suggest that we are worse than the team at the bottom of the league, who were described by Morton fans as the worst that they've seen is crazy IMO! St Mirren fans themselves are agreeing ffs! Nobody knows how the remainder of the season may pan out and Morton may very well beat us on Saturday but to say we're worse than St Mirren at this point? Nah.
  12. I think he seems to be suffering from a recurring injury because we could certainly be doing with him right now. I think something different up front is definitely required!
  13. See the knicker wetters are out in force again! We matched Utd today and they couldn't have complained if we had snatched it rather than the other way round, although a draw would probably have been fairest. At the end of the day this league is shite, full of pretty poor teams, any of whom could beat one another on any given day. It seems that Hibs are probably just a bit less shite than the rest and are likely to win it though.
  14. Or Gallagher for that matter. Someone mentioned that he'd played at RB before.
  15. Might be an option given we've no right back. Watson didn't look comfortable there at all, his distribution was shocking in particular. We would still have the problem of who to play in the right wing back role though and I'm not sure that Houston would want to start Grant when he's had no 1st team action yet? I think Gasparotto needs his partner at the back to play well or he seems to fall apart. I don't think it was a coincidence that he played badly yesterday with McCracken having a 'mare beside him.
  16. Nah, caught me off guard. He clearly has issues and deserves our pity rather than ridicule.
  17. And I'm sure Craig Sibbald couldn't give less than a f**k about you either, principally because he'll have no idea who you are. You detestable little man.
  18. This. God knows how many caps Sibbald would have had by now if he'd played with either of the arse cheeks?
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