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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. How would you feel if we keep them and they hadn't done any work to identify suitable players for next season? Additionally, there would be nothing to stop a new manager either binning their list or acting on it.
  2. I agree, you are, of course, entitled to criticise. If you don't want him in post though (presumably) then you should take the chance to go along to tell him (and the BOD) that. I would assume that there will be plenty of others who will do so, so it's a chance to strengthen that feeling.
  3. As a matter of interest, do you intend to go to any of the meetings? Sometimes hearing things first hand can give you a different perception on things.
  4. I think it's very hard to say. I do think that the players he's brought in are a wee bit better than what was there yet we don't seem to be performing any better, which is a concern. I think there's something about him though and it would be good to give him the chance to show what he could do with a proper pre-season under his belt. Can we afford to give him that time though? Very difficult to tell. What we do know however is that we've now had 7 people in charge in 5 years and haven't managed to get it right so maybe giving the guy the chance next season would be the right thing to do? I don't know.
  5. I'd like to have seen what Rennie could do with the majority of players being his and with a full pre-season. The problem with that is that, if he isn't the guy to turn us around, we've wasted yet another season, so maybe we should be looking to change it now? The problem with that is that, just maybe, he is the guy who would turn us around and we've blown the chance to give him the opportunity to do it.
  6. Wasn’t at the game but when I saw that Griffiths had been booked I said to my mate that it would probably be for something petulant.
  7. Rennie said at the AGM that Jacobs was carrying an injury last week.
  8. He did say on Monday that Mills would be back in defence tomorrow.
  9. Hold it, I'm not having that! There's a team in Mongolia...
  10. Aye, I think the days of PT players running round a public park a couple of nights a week are over.
  11. Don't know. It's fair to say though that there's a lot of money sloshing about in the lower leagues at the moment. Cove, QP, Kelty, Montrose for example all seem to be very well off at the moment although I have heard that these funds may be about to dry up in some cases. I even heard that there's a Stirling Albion player getting £400 per week!
  12. Well, you certainly know a bit about getting decent players over from the Caribbean Dunc!
  13. I don't think the BOD directors were aware of that before Rennie arrived (possibly didn't enter their heads as they probably didn't know that a payment was required). Rennie certainly didn't know this was the case or at least that's what I took out of what he said. Edit to say that I remember Rennie saying that both he and Miller had contacts 'all over the world' (or words to that effect) so, if he does stay on, I'd like to think that this is a market that he could tap into during the close season.
  14. Just to clarify a bit further; Rennie did state that some part-timers are earning more money from their football contracts alone than some of our full-timers. Presumably these will be the better part-time players so there's little chance of us signing these guys on a full-time basis.
  15. Mutch Mills, Watson, Dixon Wilson, Telfer, Jacobs, McGuffie, McCann Griffiths, Dowds
  16. I didn't say it was working out, did I? I'm simply relaying what the man said when he was asked the question. I'm not sure if you're pished or not but you seem to be making even less sense that usual. When did Longridge and Doyle sign for Cove?
  17. Rennie actually explained at the meeting on Monday that he sometimes likes to take a step back so that he can assess things more calmly. I'm sure he also said that refs don't like more than one person in the technical area (maybe it's a rule?) and that Miller's usually jumping around out there most of the time. No point trying to explain that to Shadwell though so I didn't bother.
  18. And one that knows not to go through players when they don't.
  19. I think we've seen in the past that this can be the case. There are umpteen players who are either coming to the end of their contracts or are on loans that may be thinking that we've no chance of the play-offs so why bother? I don't think any of them have chucked it completely but may just be going through the motions, even on an unconscious level.
  20. Look Shadwell, I've no desire to get embroiled in another shitfest but you can't know what goes on in the dressing room or training ground. Rennie comes over as a nice guy but that doesn't necessarily mean that he speaks to the players in the same way. For all any of us know he may have a completely different demeanor at training. Having said that, if we were to look at things as simply, then I certainly don't get the impression that Miller would be a shrinking violet when dealing with folk.
  21. I know you didn't mean it mate, but that's brilliant!
  22. Aye - 'see you, I'm not taking your shit, be motivated or I'm going to kick your arse'!!
  23. Why the name 'Tonks' as a matter of interest?
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