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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Why the name 'Tonks' as a matter of interest?
  2. Aye, maybe. Players are people though and some will react differently to others to certain situations. Griffiths, for example, won't suffer from a lack of confidence I wouldn't think. A young laddie like Kabia however may be entirely different. Also, I'm not saying they were frightened of Airdrie (that comment being a bit disingenuous toward them though I feel) but that they're scared to make a mistake.
  3. Aye, I'm not disagreeing with you. As I say, Mills and Watson are better players but he's not managed to improve the defence with them.
  4. Aye, he's certainly struggling there. I think the players are shitting themselves in case they make a mistake (which invariably leads to them making a mistake). I could visibly see the trepidation in some of them on Saturday. McKay, Williamson and Kabia in particular looked petrified. It can't be easy to motivate in those circumstances but, as he said, he's got to try to find a way somehow. I think that Saturday's game being away may help because the fans tend to be a bit more supportive, at least in the early part of the game.
  5. Mills and Watson are, without doubt, better than McKay and Hall. Unfortunately ATS isn't and Dixon has decided to turn to shit in the meantime. Big worry for me is that Rennie has managed to bring in apparently better players but isn't managing to turn them into a better team. Having listened to him and Serafini last night Craig (if indeed it was him) was not the only player that they tied to sign. However, it does give us an idea of difficult the January window is when a club won't release a 35 year old because they, in turn, haven't managed to sign a replacement.
  6. Made this very same point (although probably a lot more sarcastically) countless times.
  7. Jaze is contracted to Livi for another season mate. Edit to say that he was excellent when he came in, was a real threat, but he took a battering against Peterhead and missed the next game. Don't know if he's maybe still carrying an injury but he's looked a shadow of the player he was, even seems to have lost his pace. Hopefully a short-term situation.
  8. When did he say that? He did however say the total opposite.
  9. Rennie didn't promise that there would be improvements although he would obviously hope that that is the case. Two or three times he mentioned that he had inherited a squad that wasn't going to cut it and I admit that I did get the impression that he was making excuses a bit. He said that there wasn't enough of a mix of different players in the squad, too many of the same type and both he and Nigel Serafini stated that they had tried really hard to get different players in over the window but that the January window is a very difficult one to negotiate. They did say that they were very close to signing a player that would have been a leader on the park (he's aware that we don't really have one) and that they had been working on the deal before the window opened but, with the guy ready to come, his club pulled the deal on the last day. My guess is Liam Craig for that one. Serafini stated that they hope to remain full-time next season but that would depend on finances. It sounds to me like Rennie will be here for the long haul and certainly next season. I hope that the remaining games can give me a glimmer of hope that that will be a good thing!
  10. I’d play Wilson on Saturday just to see if he is any good as a wing/full back. Can’t be as big a shitebag as Williamson and we’ve nothing to lose anyway.
  11. Why did Hutton have ‘Currie’ on the back of his jersey. I can’t bring myself to watch the highlights but, tbf, Mutch made an outstanding save in the first half when Watson tried to beat him with a header.
  12. Too many fans (posters) think that we have a magic wand for all sorts of situations!
  13. Is Martin injured do you know? Hasn't been seen for weeks.
  14. Don't normally post on a Saturday immediately after a match but I can't let that go without saying something. What an absolute gang we are! We've too many soft as shite players who don't look like they care enough. Mutch is average, Williamson is good for one thing, running into space down the wing. His crosses are decent, maybe one in four, his defending is crap as his positioning is dreadful and he can't win a header, McKay is McKay, Watson is about average although he was terrible today, while McCann is probably good enough to keep. Mills was like a fish out of water, Telfer is being dragged down to the level of the rest of them, McGuffie is ok and was probably our best midfielder today (so why the f**k was he taken off?). Nesbitt started the season quite well, as he probably will with his next team, but, by f**k, he is absolutely rank rotten! Griffiths is immobile and Kabia, for whatever reason, has lost the great promise that he showed just a few weeks ago. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Rennie resigned tonight as he must be desperate to get back to the states. I was certainly willing to cut him some slack, but not after that. Another Saturday night ruined, thanks lads!!
  15. Which then gives us the ATS, Dixon or McKay tombola. I would personally go for Dixon in the hope that his last few appearances have been some sort of aberration!
  16. Aye, the atmosphere wasn't great when we were getting beat and it was pishing with rain!
  17. Well, we had to sell to clear the debt. I don't know the ins and outs of the thing either so I can't claim that it was gross negligence. It may be the case that we could have got a better deal, I don't know. The South Stand deal is an entirely different issue I would have thought?
  18. Nah, not getting my hole doesn't bother me as much as it used to for some reason. Just canny work out how the guy thinks it's gross negligence then says he doesn't know anything about it.
  19. Don't disagree at all but it is what it is and we've just got to live with it. I'd hope that one of the new board's long-term aims would be trying to work out a deal that would give us total ownership of what we've got so that we can get the thing working for us the way that Hamilton or St Johnstone do. Whilst we don't need a 4th stand as such it would obviously be far better if we could develop the land in a way that would finish the stadium too, so that would have to be a building that could be used to generate income like a hotel or whatever, maybe with a standing area facing the pitch. At the age of 64 though I suspect I won't be around to ever see any of that coming to fruition!
  20. So it's gross negligence in it's finest but you don't know much about the deal??
  21. As I said earlier, I'm not comparing Rennie with Houston, of course the situations are different. I'm just saying that Houston took a while to get things moving so maybe Rennie can do the same. Since you've brought it up though, it may be the case that Falkirk have the biggest budget in the league, but Rennie hasn't been able to spend all of that. Mr Holt and Mr Sheerin had a lot of it spent long before he arrived. What I would say is that he has managed to bring in players who appear to be a bit better than those that have gone yet he hasn't been able to get them firing better as a team. That's a concern for me but hopefully he can prove that the concern is unfounded between now and season's end.
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