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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Only Dumbarton and Airdrie have drawn fewer games than Falkirk this season.
  2. Agreed. The players brought in ARE better than what was there yet they're not performing as such. I agree that the failure to bring in a midfield anchor is what's fucking us at the moment. The 3-5-2 would be fine IF we had brought in that midfielder.
  3. Can't see QOS being any great shakes, I'd imagine that they'll have to cut their cloth accordingly and I get the impression that Kelty will find it harder than most folk think. The likes of Tidser, Higginbotham and Cardle aren't getting any younger and Nathan Austin found things a lot harder when he was with us previously, albeit that was in the Championship. I also heard today that the money has dried up somewhat so they may not be able to bring better players in. Time will tell I suppose.
  4. I don't disagree at all. I'm simply pointing out the type of stuff you would come out with under such circumstances. As well as having a laugh I should add.
  5. 'And to think that we could have signed a proven premier league goal scorer and Scotland international. That would have shown real ambition and would have given us a real shot at promotion' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ What Shadwell would be saying if we finish 5th and hadn't signed Griffiths!
  6. Completely disagree on Telfer. He would definitely be an asset if he had the right players around him. I've seen folk suggesting he's lazy too which is utter bollocks, the boy runs his arse off.
  7. This is more like it, keep them coming. Thought about Billy Little but he's getting on a bit now.
  8. Not in the least. How about Alan Archibald or Jackie McNamara?
  9. So lets get thinking about a new coach then. I would prefer someone who can motivate, sign the right players and has vast experience. Rather than the usual suspects I'd go for someone like Jocky Scott, or Blobby Williamson maybe. Mark McGhee will be available come the summer too come to think of it. What suggestions do you all have?
  10. I dislike long-ball football but I'd definitely prefer trying to hit Dowds with it rather than this playing out pish. He's a better player now and I think he'd be capable of holding it up and bringing others in. Not ideal, but needs must.
  11. Well, you're obviously referring to me, so please show me where I'm defending the formation.
  12. If he does that I think he would need to play a CD as a full back. We may get away with ATS at LB but who would we play at RB? Would need to be Miller or one of Mills or McKay. We already know that Miller's not up to that anymore, Mills or McKay at RB? We would need to hope that Mills could play there I think! Some folk have said that we should go with Williamson and McCann as FBs. Could work, may even be worth a try and I actually think McCann's a better defender than some think; Williamson on the other hand...
  13. Very possibly. Is it just a matter of phoning them up and saying that they're signing then? I don't have any inside information of course but I'd be utterly amazed if Rennie hasn't identified the problem, identified players that could do a job and then tried very hard to sign them.
  14. I'm not saying we're not. That's not what he's trying to do though. The whole problem stems from the fact that we don't have an adequate midfield enforcer. Teams are waltzing through our midfield so the wing backs are spending more time in our half than the opponents because they've got to track back to cover.
  15. Not really. 5-3-2 indicates 5 defenders. I also believe that some posters are intentionally referring to 5 at the back rather than 3 just so they can have a whine about it.
  16. It's like groundhog day trying to explain that to some folk. The way they put it over it's like it's the easy matter of stepping out of the front door and choosing from the plethora of midfielders who have queued up to sign. Folk saying that he's playing a 5-3-2 gets on my tits too. He's trying to play with wide midfielders (wing backs) as he knows we don't have proper full backs. We play with 3 defenders, not 5, or at least, that's what he's attempting. I actually think that we are just that one signing from a being a good side. Doesn't look like we're going to get anyone in now though.
  17. I did wonder if there was some dressing room unrest due to Griffiths earning more etc as, apparently (wasn't there), the team looked to have downed tools a bit at Cove. That wasn't the case on Tuesday though. Pish, but no lack of effort.
  18. Look, you know as well as I do that there's a 'decent midfielder' shop at the retail park so don't try to make out that signing one would be difficult FFS.
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