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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Aye mate, it was mainly just to illustrate another Shadwell fairy story.
  2. I think it'll be the bench, at best, for both of them.
  3. Which manager was it that had Hetherington playing well at Alloa, Grant or Ferguson? I think it was Grant?..., aye, it was Grant.
  4. While he's been poor with us, Alloa fans thought he did a good job so it will be interesting to see if Rennie can get anything out of him. (Not that I'm saying we shouldn't be looking for a 1st choice CDM.)
  5. Aye, especially given that's where Morrison plays and it's the only position that Ompreon's shown any promise in. Can only hope that he is better through the middle than Morrison's shown.
  6. I don't know how you find the time to run two accounts Shadwell!
  7. So, what are you advocating then, bribery?, intimidation? The person doing the recruitment is Martin Rennie. I've liked what I've seen from him so far with regard to improving what we have and he's already stated that both he and Miller have built up some good contacts. I'm confident that they'll have been working hard to try to get players in but it's a very hard window to be able to sign players who, remember, must be better than we already have. Where Rennie may be lacking in that dept. is the probability that most of his contacts will be overseas and I would imagine that, in this Covid world, it will be extremely difficult to tempt decent players to the third tier of Scottish football from the USA or wherever. Presumably you'll be of the opinion that, if Rennie and Miller can't attract the required players they should be sacked and a manager who can should be brought in? Who, apart from the aforementioned and excellent McCall, Campbell and McGlynn do you think we should and could, (see above) have as our next manager? Bear in mind of course that, in addition to attracting the right standard of player to L1, they should be able to coach and manage said players to winning the title.
  8. Put it in with his arm by the looks of it. When I saw the highlights originally I thought the keeper may have been fouled but that certainly wasn't the case. Defence is as soft as shite!
  9. Yea but what if there's nobody available, willing to come or affordable?
  10. I'd need to watch it again but I thought that he slipped on his arse for the 3rd goal on Saturday. Might be wrong though.
  11. It could be if it means that Dixon goes to CH. Means we only need one right sided CB rather than two.
  12. Can't disagree with that at all. He's also got a bit of history with the club, his missus works for us and he's already into a player/coaching role. Could see him being involved in the youth set-up as well as playing now that Fergus has gone.
  13. Aye, although he features regularly for St Johnstone, I don't think he often gets the full 90 minutes and we certainly need someone that can dictate in that midfield area for the full game.
  14. Yes and very good at her job too. Would also have to say that Liam is seriously punchin' here too!!
  15. I always thought that Stuart Burgess ran like Fred Flintstone. His legs seemed to be running for a few seconds before he actually went anywhere!
  16. I'm not sure that Kevin Thomson will have the necessary contacts or experience to be able to persuade him to sign TBH. He could maybe be a hypnotist though, that could maybe do it. In fact that could maybe be a prerequisite for any future manager. 'Must be able to hypnotise to be able to recruit good players'. Aye, I like it!
  17. He'll be going to Raith or Partick I would think.
  18. A third you say! My goodness, your contacts really are shit hot Shadwell. Not only do you know what our budget was but you also know that Raith's was just a third of it. Some guy right enough. You would almost think that such capable managers who are steeped in contacts and experience should be managing at a far higher level? Amazing! I just wish that our BOD were in tune to the extent that they could appoint someone like that instead of some American-Korean bloke who doesn't have any contacts or experience. Maybe someday.
  19. Raith were shite the year they went up. So were we but, if it hadn't been for Covid, I think that we would have overtaken them. They've improved since though.
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