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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. I believe that Colin McFarlane resigned, the BOD didn't 'punt' him. Who's the security boy?
  2. How long would you give them as a matter of interest?
  3. Anybody know why the authorities decided not to proceed with the criminal case against Goodwillie? Was it down to a lack of evidence?
  4. I know folk who haven't bothered to try for one because they thought that they would have been gone in jig time. I think that loads of people would have thought the same thing, adding to the no-shows.
  5. Aye, right enough. There's 200 allowed sitting down I believe so that's only 300 others allowed (although I've no idea what the usual hospitality figures are?)
  6. The tickets should really go to folk who bought full STs, that's only fair. I imagine it will be a lottery to decide who gets them with the winners then missing out V Dumbarton? There should be absolutely NO comps and no away fans allowed (although the last bit is just common sense).
  7. Aye, we've been working on that for a wee while TBF.
  8. Are you by any chance wondering what that whooshing noise is?
  9. Don't know if the abandonment's a good thing for us or not? On the one hand it gives Rennie more time to work with the squad before it's replayed and we may have a couple of new signings in by then too. On the other, we were 1-0 up at the time with the chance of actually winning the game. Let's be optimistic and say it's a positive!
  10. And if Garry can't tempt, let's say, maybe 14 or so strikers to sign but manages to attract a top class centre back, is the money handed back or can it be spent on the defender?
  11. I'm not sure that's why Dixon was missing though. He's been playing with his wrist bandaged all season so, hopefully, it's not any worse and he'll be available? Either way, I'd still play a back 3 as Hall and Lemon showed us V QP that they'll leak goals if played together in a 2. I'd play Miller, Hall and Lemon if Dixon's out.
  12. I think it's crucial that we have Dixon back for this. No matter what form he's in, we simply can't afford to have a McKay/Hall/Lemon combo at the back. Personally I'd go with a back three of Miller, Dixon and Lemon. Lemon would get more help from Dixon than he did when playing beside Hall and Miller may just prove to be marginally better than Hall or McKay in a 3. Getting a better right sided CD in in January remains a priority however.
  13. Aye, I've already mentioned this. He'll be 42 next week but he's not the sort of guy that would have let himself go, he'll possibly be as fit as some of the players? I'm sure he'd be able to come on later in games and be able to make a difference. Just like Lee Miller, I think it makes perfect sense to have him signed as a player as back-up, can't do any harm.
  14. He's not a bad 'keeper but he's like a rabbit in the headlights a lot of the time. Don't think he's the most physical of goalkeepers either. Mutch hadn't been great before being dropped, but I think I'd prefer him of the two.
  15. I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised that, if Kenny Miller is going to be assistant, he also pulls the boots back on to give us a further option up front. He may be in his forties now but I'm sure he'll have kept himself fit. Could see him being used in the last 15 or 20 minutes of games.
  16. We had actually been the better team and had looked quite dangerous going forward, then Neil does that and I'm thinking 'FFS we can't catch a break, even getting wonder goals scored against us'. I knew right there and then that the game was over and it would be a case of how many?
  17. Is Rennie even in the country? Have him manage the team tomorrow via zoom. Holt could hold the telly!
  18. I get the same impression although I'm not sure why. Never thought this would, or even could, happen. It's a short-term appointment though so I'm assuming he'll not be relocating and that the remit is that he turns things around to at least get us a play-off place. If Cove beat us tomorrow though and manage to go on a decent run then I can't see us turning that around, no matter who's in charge!
  19. Actually Shadwell, your 4k a week may not be a bad shout.
  20. 'Mon guys, that's only a couple of million a year FFS!
  21. Incidentally, I was told this evening that Jack Ross was on £40k a week at Hibs!! Maybe it's just me but I think that's a tad unrealistic.
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