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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Outstanding commitment from both Dave and Jack. Imagine travelling from Southampton just to cover matches!! Both should know that the work that they do is very much appreciated by Falkirk supporters!
  2. At the game I thought that the Alloa player had fouled Hetherington, having seen the highlights though that clearly wasn't the case. I also thought that Durnan's hand was against his body and that the ball possibly hadn't hit it at all. Again though, the highlights show it was a clear handball and the penalty was the correct decision.
  3. There has been a cash gate at the away end the last couple of games so I would assume that's still the case?
  4. I remember being at a Hearts game at Brockville many moons ago. Me and big Gordon McFarlane were standing in the enclosure when the polis led a group of about half a dozen totally pished Hearts fans round the track in front of us. For some reason the first five were wearing daft masks but when the last one got to us (real ugly bugger) I shouted 'Awe FFS take that mask aff!' Now, that wasn't particularly funny but the crowd around us had a laugh and Big Gordy nearly shit himself! Nowadays I'd probably be arrested for being maskist or something!
  5. Have you been to any games this season? We're obviously not romping to the title and the football could (and should) be better but I would say we're probably playing better stuff now (at times) than at any point since our thrashing of DU under Hartley. If you're going to wait until we get something akin to the Jeffries or McCall type stuff then I don't think you'll see very much of us.
  6. Well, I suppose in this day and age that may well be true!
  7. So, you're saying that you won't be back at a game unless Sheerin is sacked? Holt I can understand but what if he went and we started winning games?
  8. Part of going to the football was the humour that we listened to every week. That just seems to be getting sucked out of our Saturdays now because the PC brigade regard every little shout or chant as being offensive, whether at the football or not. We're rapidly heading to living in a sanitised world. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of stuff that shouldn't be allowed and never should have been in the first place; for example I heard a shout of 'black b*****d' aimed at an Alloa player at our last game. Along with the Norrie McCathie and eyeball stuff aimed at Dunfermline fans, that's over the top and isn't called for however, as an example, I shouted FFS hen when a female lino fucked up in a game last season and a woman in front of me went tonto. I call every female I know 'hen' as I have done all of my life and none of them have ever taken offence. Maybe a couple of extreme examples but it does illustrate how things are now which is a real shame because I used to enjoy the odd individual shout which could sometimes have me in stiches. It was part of the experience.
  9. My cup is always half empty, thanks very much, it's what Falkirk fans do. Hetherington's red has been rescinded so he'll be the first name on the team sheet, which is a pity. Not because I've anything against him as I don't think he's as bad as most make out but because I was looking forward to seeing what Krasniqi could do in his place. I would imagine we'll play an unchanged team.
  10. Funnily enough, I'm sure I spotted him outside EEP earlier.
  11. Do you mean that he should have hit it before the keeper got to him?
  12. Was just thinking there that every club needs a scapegoat but we appear to have 5, with, I think every other player, apart probably from Martin, Lemmon and maybe Weekes getting it at some point! Falkirk fans eh, wha's like us?
  13. Quite right too as it was an appalling decision! The result should be that Hetherington's card is dismissed and the ref. should be getting his arse kicked. Get the biased b*****d to pay for the appeal too. Maybe then they'd start to do their jobs properly!
  14. I think I must have been at a different game to most FFC fans on here because I thought we played quite well, especially in the 1st half. We played some good football with Telfer controlling the midfield and getting further forward than usual too. McCann was the best player on the park for me though; I think we could do some damage with him and Williamson playing as wing backs. We lack a focal point though. Ruth's a good player but he's too easily knocked off the ball and doesn't hold it up very well. IF we could sign a decent striker in the window and we manage to get Williamson and Morrison on the park then I think we could be challenging, assuming of course that we are still in contention come January.
  15. I'm convinced that Keena can score if given the chances, however, I've been concerned with his attitude/work-rate over the past couple of games.
  16. Quite agree. If we can keep the ball away from Goodwillie, i.e. up the other end of the park, then we can win.
  17. It's plastic. Difficult pitch though because the 'grass' is very long. I've played on it and got soaked, water everywhere.
  18. As far as I can make out Wilson's started one game for Elgin and came on as a sub in another, playing a total of 105 minutes.
  19. Well, I've never claimed to be perfect although I suppose I'm about as close as you'd get to it!
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