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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Because you could publicly show the content which would give everyone an idea of their self-importance and possibly encourage other folk to use the same option. If what they're putting in print is obviously not what fans want to hear and we can see that they're not fit for purpose then I'm sure many fans would voice their concerns. Me included.
  2. What, you're saying that things should be changed because one guy emailed and didn't agree with the reply? What did they say when you emailed them?
  3. Which is different from saying that they set out to stop us playing.
  4. Aye, that's key for me. This season started off with a bit of promise, players trying to do well and putting in the effort. The last few weeks though, we've just fallen off a cliff and we need to know why. It looks like Sheerin may have fallen out with Dixon and Mutch so, is it dressing room unrest or is Holt trying to influence things too much? Just what the f**k is going on?
  5. The really annoying thing is that I reckon we've at least 9 players that could cut it in the championship and that's not even counting the loanees or youngsters. There is absolutely no doubt that Sheerin's not getting the best out of what he's got.
  6. That was absolutely dreadful yesterday and completely unacceptable. Airdrie looked good but I think that was, at least partly, down to us and this ludicrous playing out from the back shite. I thought that a few players were just going through the motions and looked like they weren't playing for the manager. We've all been clamouring for two up front only to be served that pish when we eventually get it. For me, only McCann and Martin get pass marks; I think the former has the makings of being a very good wing-back. The rest were garbage though, although I can maybe absolve Lemon and Ruth due to their age and inexperience. I still think Keena's our 'best' striker but he had the chance to prove Sheerin wrong and didn't take it. His work-rate was terrible although he did take a knock early on so don't know if that affected him or not? I tried to get a ticket for Tuesday but they're sold out apparently so I really hope that those who are going give it tight to the fuckers, especially Holt and the BOD. Somebody's got to answer for the mess we're in!
  7. Thing is, it's a win-win for him because if he plays 2 up front and we win it's down to his tactics whereas if we lose he can say 'told you so'!
  8. Did you not hear? The club are giving free tickets to supermarket workers tomorrow. Just need to blag somebody's ID and get yourself down for a freebie!
  9. Don't hold your breath. I think he'll see a few fans turning against him if he doesn't start with 2 up, especially if we lose.
  10. I would have expected you to be front and centre with the questions mate. Perfect opportunity surely?
  11. TBF Shadwell, what goes on in your head may very well be a bit different from what ends up in your post so I'll let you off. Going to the game tomorrow? What supermarket are you working with this week, Asda, Tesco?
  12. Yes, I read your post Shadwell, very good it was too, although it is quite difficult to work out exactly what you're on about considering you managed to contradict yourself in it. So, do Scotland get your hopes up then dash them (as you said in your post) and, again, at what point would your hopes not have been dashed V the Faroes? I admit that I'm finding it a wee bit hard to get my own hopes dashed at this point considering that we're 2nd in the group and looking good for qualification to the play-offs, although I fully accept that said hopes may well be dashed in the not too distant future. I think I'll maybe just wait until that happens before moaning about it though. I have a somewhat sneaking suspicion that your hopes may have been dashed because we didn't give the Faroes a very sound thrashing.
  13. So, at what point would your hopes not have been dashed against the Faroes? 2-0?, 3-0?, 10-0?
  14. It concerns me that he'll view Airdrie as one of the better teams in the league and so revert to the one up top shite. If we start with Keena partnering Ruth then I think we'll win.
  15. He's happy when he's miserable so he's ecstatic most of the time.
  16. The annoying thing is that, if he simply played his best players in their best positions, his peg would be getting a few more screws rattled into it.
  17. I don't ever remember us wearing red shorts with navy tops.
  18. Nah, the guy that wrote the email is the CEO who was appointed after the strip was launched.
  19. IF Sheerin starts to play him from the start of games and we hit any sort of decent form I'd be confident that Keena wouldn't be too far away. Behind McAllister, Goodwillie and Webster he already has the 4th best goals to minutes played ratio in the league.
  20. Yes it was, if you'd read what had been said before.
  21. Actually, after I had replied I remembered that both my son-in-law and his pal are both called by their surnames on a regular basis. They both have the same first name and have been pals since they were wee, so that's probably the reason.
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