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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Aye, that could work; fear I have with Nesbit though is that he tries to do too much on his own and he would maybe end up wandering back midfield again giving us the same 'not enough in the box' scenario.
  2. Didn't think we were as bad as we were against Alloa but we certainly weren't immeasurably better. I've said all season that we don't have enough presence in the box and that we need to get someone in there to support Keena so, when I saw yesterday's line-up, I thought 'ah well, he's persisting with Ruth, but as least he's playing Sammy up beside him'. Nope, simply played Sammy in the Morrison role and left the wee laddie to try to out-muscle McGeever and Buchanan! I don't know why football managers all seem to be such stubborn buggers but surely Sheerin's got to realise that his system isn't working and that he needs to play his best players? He's made Hetherington his captain and is reluctant to drop him because of this. Dixon is most suited to the captaincy IMO but I assume that he doesn't want it because he's surely been offered it at some point? IMO he needs to change the system. I would play a 3-5-2 next week now that Williamson's back and because McCann's a much better WB than FB. (In both yesterday's game and at Alloa he sent in some delightful crosses to, well, nobody because there's never any c**t in the box to take them!) If everyone's available (apart from Morrison obviously and assuming that we haven't signed a better striker) I'd go with: Martin McKay, Dixon, Lemon Williamson, Nesbit, Krasniqi, Telfer, McCann Ompreon, Keena Millar, Hetherington, Ross, McGuffie, McDaid, Ruth, Mutch
  3. Easily our worst performance of the season. It’s not that we don’t have the players to create, more that we don’t have anyone for them to create for! I really hope that Keena was carrying a knock and not that he’s fallen out with Sheerin because the decision to play that wee laddie up front on his own was completely baffling! It does appear that he’s determined not to play two up top and if he doesn’t change his mind on that I can’t see how we’re going to score enough to compete. If they’re available I would play Krasnique and Keena next week and, believe it or not, I would play Ompreon beside Keena because he does at least have some physical presence. Mutch; Miller, McKay, Dixon, McCann; Krasnique; Nesbit, Telfer, McGuffie or Ross or Weekes ; Keena, Ompreon
  4. No doubt Holty will hear about this and promptly sign Tom Domas from some English non league mob!
  5. Of course the big question is; would Smokiegate have happened had Grieg Spence been SD and not Holt? I suppose we'll just never know...
  6. TBH I'm not sure who's taking the piss out of who now!
  7. So, here's a question for you then; do you think we should sign Greig Spence?
  8. Those will be who he's managed to actually sign. You, me and nobody else has any idea who else he's sourced, possibly offered a deal too and been turned down for various reasons, the main one being that we're a L1 side.
  9. Your original argument had nothing to do with Wilson, again, you're using that to suit. So, taking the 'he'd be better than Wilson' claim out of the equation, would you be happy to sign Spence now? As he's the man that's shown he can do it in this league he'd be signed as the main striker too as, based on what you've already said, the rest aren't going to be able to score the goals we need.
  10. No, but, as you say, you used Spence as an example of someone that had already done it at this level, so why wouldn't you want 'Greig feckin Spence' now? Also, I'm not sure that anyone claimed that you were basing all our striking hopes on him either, so stop making things up.
  11. It all started with Shadwell (who else) telling us (again) how bad Wilson and Ompreon are and giving us umpteen examples of strikers that have scored freely in L1, Spence being one. He's saying that we should have signed experience and that guys of that type could do us a turn. I then suggested, with tongue very firmly in cheek, that we should look at Spence and I reckon that some others have jumped in without reading the back story too carefully. Don't let on to Shadwell though because it's great fun and it might run for a wee while yet.
  12. Only because it suits your argument Shadwell. If we'd signed any of those jobbers and it didn't pay off you'd be shouting from the rooftops that 'we shouldn't be signing shite looking for their last pay day, we should be signing young, hungry players who would burst a a gut to succeed'. Plus the fact that I'm sure you would be applauding Holt for managing to attract that level of player to the club - not!
  13. Aye, right! You'd have been front and centre of the complaining committee!
  14. Of course I read it Shadwell, I hang on your every word, for entertainment value at least. I'm wondering why you would be against Spence signing though given that he's scored regularly at this level and obviously knows the league very well. He's only 29 too so he's not past it by any means. As you say he's a level of player who's 'able to score a decent number of goals at this level', so why would you not advocate signing him?
  15. But he's only 29 and he's done it before. Presumably playing for us he'd easily get 25 goals! He fits the profile.
  16. Who would be your preferred signing? Some of them are getting on a bit but Spence is still quite young I think. Who does he play for now?
  17. Do you think we may be able to tempt any of them?
  18. So what about the others, do they meet the profile?
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