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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. I'd have Ross as wing back as I don't think McDaid is remotely suitable to the role, plus he was utterly pish last week and I'd have Telfer and Nesbitt either side of Krasniqi. Other than that, I agree with the formation. A back 4 isn't working so it's worth trying something different. Wing back suits McCann more too and I'd shoehorn Ross in there because, although it's not his position, I do think he's probably the most suitable alternative and it would give us a chance to see if the formation works prior to Williamson coming back in. Alternatively we could plod along with a back 4, playing ridiculous short passes from goalie to centre back and back again with Hetherington doing his not good enough best meaning that Telfer will need to drop back making him far less effective than he should be. I suspect that Sheerin will go with the latter but with the added gem of sacrificing Keena for McDaid or McGuffie.
  2. Aye, good point. Holt did say though that Robinson got twice as much at Kilmarnock than the 'very good' deal that we offered and that McManus trebled his wages going to Wales. We were also willing to pay a transfer fee to the Pars but couldn't look at the wages. So, in that sense they're good offers. They could, of course, maybe not signed McCann or Nesbitt or whoever and used the money to sign, maybe Robinson for example. To play devil's advocate though, I'm sure there would have been a lot of complaints if we'd done that and been left short in other areas?
  3. Aye, I appreciate that but BPM's the only member of the NB that I know so I didn't know who else to ask. I was really just looking for his opinion. I suspect that there may be others on here but I would be guessing.
  4. He's a good player but I think that may be his problem!
  5. Aye, that's what I heard too. Maybe my hearing's not as bad as I thought. When we signed him my first thought was that he would be back-up with another striker (or two) expected. We heard last night that they'd made good offers to Robinson and McManus so that would seem to make sense. Nothing against the lad because I think he's a good player but I don't think they expected to end up with Ruth as our no.9
  6. I've probably not heard him properly. My ears are not as young as they used to be right enough (along with the rest of me!)
  7. A couple of people are saying that Holt said that Wilson would be our starting striker but I heard it as they didn't expect him to be, i.e. he'd be back-up. (Which would make sense, albeit that he hasn't even turned out to be that) I completely acknowledge though that I may have misheard that.
  8. I'll put it differently then; do you think that the NBG may be willing to get back across the table if the BOD made contact to raise the question of possibly investing in the club?
  9. So, are you saying that there's a chance that the bid could be back on if they contact you first?
  10. As others have said, Colburn somehow managed to put blame on the fans and Deans also said that the level of abuse they're getting is unacceptable. Now, If he's talking about booing at the stadium then he's surely heard a hell of a lot worse since he's been a fan since he was wee? I admit though that I'm away sharpish at the end of games as I need to be elsewhere, so maybe someone else can tell us if there's anything else that's gone on after? If, however, he's talking about personal abuse or threats, then that's unacceptable to me. There's no place for it and it doesn't help. They said that they plan to win promotion this season but have plans in place to reconsider if this doesn't look likely come January. Whether that means that they're going to throw more money at it at that point was unclear though. Phil Rawlins didn't seem overly concerned about the possibility of yet another season in L1 as he says that it takes time to get it all right, citing his experiences at Stoke and Orlando as examples. A few folk said that we shouldn't be spending so much on staff and not the team but he again said that the way they did it at S & O was putting the infrastructure in first. 'They will get it right, but it will take time'. GD said that they are definitely looking for more investment, in fact it's crucial and they will speak to the NB if they want to get back to the table. He also said that the last round of talks fell down because the NB pulled a meeting that they had scheduled the day before it was due to take place and there's been no interaction since. As I've said multiple times, surely we can do something to get this off the ground again?? The biggest blow for me though was that I think Paul Sheerin told us tonight that we're not going to win the league! He intends to stand by his playing style and tactics and that the players he has are good enough to play to this system. He said it might take a wee while but it'll come good in time. Unfortunately it's time we don't have Paul. It's a bit baffling too because we weren't playing this keeper to the centre back stuff at the start of the season and we were more successful then! I don't expect that any of us thought we were going to hear anything remarkable tonight but it was really quite uninspiring stuff in the main.
  11. Well, this is very true sadly. I think most fans were happy at the 'new' board and the Rawlins' involvement, especially after dodging a bullet with Mark Campbell. I'd love to see more fan involvement but that's got to be done in the right way too, no point in having a SA or MR taking the reins if this is giving sole control. It's obvious that loads of folk on here would like to have the NB on board (me included) but, WTF would we do if they got control and we went further back? Doesn't bear thinking about!
  12. Look, like it or not there's got to be some sort of rhetoric with the BOD. There's got to be a conversation that asks what they're trying to do and what we, as a fan base, want to see happen. We want more fan involvement, that much is evident, the NB bid would have been perfect but it wasn't acceptable to the BOD and, as far as I can make out, the amendments they wanted to make weren't acceptable to the NB. We've got to find some common ground or we're going nowhere so we need to get talks up and running ASAP. Moaning and shouting on Social Media isn't going to achieve anything so maybe you should be asking GD for a Jaffa Cake, may make more difference than you think!
  13. Nah, just you send me his email mate, it'll save any hassle. Did you take Craig Campbell up on his offer btw?
  14. You would have thought so but if they're as pig headed as folk are making out then they're not going to walk without evidence of some sort. I just think the more we have that show they're not performing the more we can demand change. I suppose the down side is that maybe they're not as bad as we think? It's important too that tonight doesn't turn in to a rabble, folk need to keep the heid. Shouting abuse or whatever won't help anything.
  15. Aye, it's called evidence. The more folk have got the more we can complain. If it's shite we can tell them so.
  16. Oh f**k! Oh well, I'll give it a go, I'm not great with technology but I'm assuming it should be easy enough?
  17. What does this even mean? In what way would him 'not getting the answers he was looking for' change anything? If you emailed Deans though and he didn't reply then that is not acceptable. Can you give me his email address please as I'd like to contact him too. You can PM it to me if you don't want to make it public.
  18. You said that Airdrie set up to 'stop us playing' which was completely untrue. They set up to have a go, which they did to great effect. As per, you're spinning what you said originally to suit your argument.
  19. You could just have said, 'sorry I was wrong' to the guy rather than trying to justify yourself!
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