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Everything posted by Richie

  1. Funnily enough, whilst we're on the Barca Real theme...: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwD3lnhV-k8
  2. If we're going to compare FA's etc... Fiorentina were entered to 5th division after liquidation I believe.
  3. Utter shite. Someone could put in a £1M offer for Mackay-Stevens etc in the meantime. They could also make E/L group stages etc. That is why this financial meltdown talk is complete conjecture.
  4. Was the tv deal not due to go up 20m next season to 80m. So a 17m loss is actually a 3m gain? Or have I got this completely wrong?
  5. This is absolutely disgusting. No other word for it and its far worse than just admitting them stright into the SPL. After the hilarity of last night (John Brown) Im now back to -possibly never attending another Scottish game- mode.
  6. Correct me if I'm wrong but this breakaway talk... Does the SFA not designate what it's top tiers are etc and who gets European places? Therefore any such threat could technically backfire with the SFA designating - for argument's sake- SFL 2 as the top tier. The SFA would have to be complicit in the breakaway for it to be viable.
  7. There are probably a few fans on here who's teams have been through it, or similar (admin etc). The thing is, they didn't: Believe their club was too big to fail Blame everyone else Completely lack any humility Threaten other clubs about how they would "take them down with them" Stand by and do nothing until it was too late. That is why fans of other clubs rally round each other and why few have sympathy with Rangers at the moment.
  8. Surely the Rangers fans can appreciate that after DECADES of abuse, taunting and patronising that the diddies have absolutely no sympathy for them at all?
  9. Rangers fans on RM are talking about holding back registrations/complaining to UEFA etc. I may well be wrong here but are they not missing the rather large point that the players are not registered with the Sevco (They can't be as Sevco has no membership as yet). Their contracts with Oldco have ended so the players are not, in fact, registered at all.
  10. if it was a loan there would be documented terms of settlement, deferred or otherwise. If there isn't documentation to say its a loan, (or at least 3rd party evidence in the case of a verbal agreement) then legally, it isn't one..
  11. Slightly off topic, but is there a limit to loanees in Div 3? Theoretically , if Rangers were to go to DIv 3, what is to stop Celtic unofficially adopting a "feeder" club (for argument's sake Queens Park or Clyde) and loaning them the the youngsters, likes of Tony Watt etc. Thus hampering Rangers' predicted rise up the divisions?
  12. Why would hearts liquidate? The debt is owed to the owners (ukio/romanov). It would be nonsensical.
  13. I've had the same thing. When I see someone with a rangers top on I get a smirk on my face and have had to stop myself giggling.
  14. Is the licence thing not a moot point? Fair enough they could get in spl but without a licence they can't register players surely.
  15. If another club was bought over and re-branded they wouldnt be allowed directly into the spl as they would already be in the league system. Unless they resigned and re-applied to go straight in spl. Which would surely be vetoed.
  16. My mate tried to put the argument forward that Killie etc spent money which wasnt theirs. The difference is that Killie have an agreement with the bank, therefore the funding is from a legitimate source. Rangers didnt have that with the paye. That was theft/fraud.
  17. Why would ticketus agree to this though, knowing fine well that would happen.
  18. As far as has been reported, Whyte is only out of the picture if a CVA is agreed. That was apparently a condition of sale. How can they guarantee being more financially sound than Celtic in 5 years? How do they know 5/6 clubs will go bust? They don't know what contingencies they have or if their banks are willing to restructure the debt for 3 years etc.
  19. Indeed, presumably at the time Rangers had: A payroll dept An accounts dept An invoices dept
  20. Haha. They're getting excited on RM because one of them received this reply from Tesco: I appreciate that it is frustrating and under normal circumstances I would be more than happy to provide you with an in depth and detailed response. However, on this occasion we are under instruction from the corporate press office. Do they not realise this is a token rgesture as their complaint is not about a product or service. Certainly in my work anything like this would be met with a "Please refer to our press office" type of response.
  21. I may be wrong but to escape uefa sanctions, do rangers not have to pay off all football debt, to what would be unsecured creditors. I think hmrc stance is that they will only agree cva under certain conditions. One being that all unsecured creditors treated equally. So it looks like either face uefa sanction or lose cva.
  22. Off the ball should be on as a guy who phoned in to complain yesterday is meant to be picking the tune at the end. Maybe mw only as im getting the rambling poet as well.
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