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number one wasp

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Everything posted by number one wasp

  1. Don't be silly his average was under 100.
  2. Holy shit this is tediious speed up a bit.
  3. Decent match that but Barney managed to sort himself out during that break.
  4. If Osborne wins this i would fancy Anderson to take him but i would even give him a chance with Barney on this form.
  5. What is Anderson doing hes throwing it away!!!!
  6. Both guys are playing fantastic but Anderson is playing out of his skin.
  7. :lol: no hard feelings from me just curious how u knew that was me on fb
  8. Anyone got a stream that doesnt require a software download?
  9. Alright mate how you doing its jordan.

  10. Good guess, Didn't think they would let bret wrestle again.
  11. Was a good night all round few good laughs aswell Swagger: i do not have a speech impedament and anyone who says so will be escorted from the building. Anyone who chants spear will also be escorted out . Morrison: The straight edge society and the queen of england can kiss my arse. I enjoyed all the matches apart from the diva's match was pretty much layla running for 5 minutes. Kane and Ezekiel were just getting into a good match when big zeke got hurt.
  12. Did anyone go to the smackdown wrestlemania revenge tour tonight?
  13. quite sad IMO if people on here had any respect for people in wheelchairs who might use the forum they would say wheelchair user i am in one and nod having a dig at people but the terms cripple and leg-mental do make me cringe a bit
  14. Everyone whos slagging chissy off for his mic skills id love to see how you would react with cameras and a mic stuck in your face
  15. I havent seen a game that close for a while.
  16. well done simon well deserved
  17. 138 checkout from steve west against mccloskey Edit: 160 checkout in the 2nd leg of 2nd set
  18. taylor always takes a few legs to find his eye but when he finds it hes fantastic
  19. fantastic finish from whitlock
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