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number one wasp

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Everything posted by number one wasp

  1. Well that was a shite ending to raw, Y2J making a shite comeback and then that ending with Kane.
  2. That is the most pointless 5 minutes i've watched of WWE tv at least when others make a comeback they fucking talk!!
  3. Pleased its Jericho i seen a rumour online it was Brodus Clay making his debut now that would have been dissapointing.
  4. Nicholson is an average darts player who has got to where he is by his big gob, If he didn't talk down Bristow and Taylor etc then he whould be in the mix with the likes of Hamilton etc but Sky like to hype him coz of his mouth.
  5. Don't see the big deal about the crowd they do it at every tournament and every week in the PL and Phil doesn't complain when he's winning.
  6. What was the red dot for in the Alloa vs Elgin thread? You obviously weren't even at the game coz i seen you post on the Clyde vs Stranraer thread.

  7. Fucking hell Ando you made that hard.
  8. He needs to ditch tops it's just not working.
  9. Y2J vs CM Punk would be a pretty good feud but something in me just think's it's taker, I know it's not as dark and eery as previous taker promo's but there's something about it that gives off the taker vibe.
  10. I doubt he loses sleep over it he will know it's part of the job some like you some hate you does that mean you feel sorry for heels who get booed?
  11. Stephanie looked amazing for having two kids.
  12. CM Punk ripping into Triple H was brilliant "Or what? You gonna hit me? Or do you need to ask your wife 1st" , Best thing i have seen in WWE for ages.
  13. Punk!!!! Must have been he re-signing from Triple H.
  14. I used to stick up for Cena coz i felt he got unnecessary abuse and his match with Punk showed he is a decent wrestlier but if the WWE put the belt back on him tonight i won't be watching for a while.
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