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So, the osteopath... She asked about his birth etc and had a feel of his head and tum, then asked if he was quite sicky as she thinks his diaphragm is quite high. He is, so she's going to try and lower that. Then she asked if he prefers to look to the left and if he lies down with his head to the left. I said I hadn't really noticed, and she said she could feel a lot of tension on the right of his head and neck which she'll work on - now that she's said that, I've been paying more attention to it and he does always look to the left! She thinks it'll take one or two more sessions to make a difference to him. £35 a time! Better be worth it - although it looks like the health insurance we have through my husband's work might cover it...

Oh, and he slept from 10pm through to 6:30am this morning!!! :D

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So, the osteopath... She asked about his birth etc and had a feel of his head and tum, then asked if he was quite sicky as she thinks his diaphragm is quite high. He is, so she's going to try and lower that. Then she asked if he prefers to look to the left and if he lies down with his head to the left. I said I hadn't really noticed, and she said she could feel a lot of tension on the right of his head and neck which she'll work on - now that she's said that, I've been paying more attention to it and he does always look to the left! She thinks it'll take one or two more sessions to make a difference to him. £35 a time! Better be worth it - although it looks like the health insurance we have through my husband's work might cover it...

Oh, and he slept from 10pm through to 6:30am this morning!!! :D


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What's so amusing? :huh:

I'm sure most followers of this thread would have seen Ron's contribution. What I generally find pathetic is the reaction of some users to the postings of people who are at their wits end, or heading there, whatever the situation may be.

That and those who jump into something, despite clearly having little of no knowledge, understanding or empathy of a situation in a desperate attempt to ride on the coattails of the forum's 'favourite' badass.

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FWIW Ron, studies have proven cranial osteopathy to be effective in treating babies with colic, and my health visitor suggested we give it a try since it's not actually costing us anything - good old Bupa. Furthermore, my son is exclusively breastfed and has been since birth - not a big fan of "fake titty nesquik in a tin" as you so eloquently put it.

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FWIW Ron, studies have proven cranial osteopathy to be effective in treating babies with colic, and my health visitor suggested we give it a try since it's not actually costing us anything - good old Bupa. Furthermore, my son is exclusively breastfed and has been since birth - not a big fan of "fake titty nesquik in a tin" as you so eloquently put it.

I wouldn't let him wind you up Debs, he is the sad sacks that can't stand to not be around here anymore.

It's like he is screaming "PAY ATTENTION TO ME!" at the top of his voice. Rather sad when you think about it.

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I'm glad you think it's funny <_< I'm pretty sure you'd give anything a go if your 2 month old baby was screaming from 1pm until 10pm EVERY DAY.

Cole was like that for the first 6 months. Thankfully the baby Gaviscon worked a treat for him but it isn't always successful unfortunately.

We used to lie him on our knees and rub his wee tummy which also used to soothe him a bit. I'm so glad that my wee girl didn't get it as it's horrible not being able to comfort the wee things.

Hopefully this woman will be able to help.

Ron, get a grip man! I get the distinct impression from PM's that you've sent me that you won't feel good about what you've written. There's an intelligent man behind the bile and I don't think that you are really as nasty as that but unfortunately you seem to play up to the idiots on here who try to act cool by laughing at the vitriol you post.

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FWIW Ron, studies have proven cranial osteopathy to be effective in treating babies with colic, and my health visitor suggested we give it a try since it's not actually costing us anything - good old Bupa. Furthermore, my son is exclusively breastfed and has been since birth - not a big fan of "fake titty nesquik in a tin" as you so eloquently put it.

You go girl. You're doing a fab job with Callum so ignore that sad chump.

Ruairidh just climbed up me and opened my shirt.............I think it's a hint! :lol:

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We use Heinz Nurture Farleys. The only time kyle cries is when he is getting stripped for nappy change or bath. How old is anna mate?

Kyle has put on 1 pound. From being 6 pounds 15 to 7 pounds 15 :) .

Still we bit of a struggle doing a poo but generally thats it. Only had the 1 bad night. Sleeping more also, 4-5 hours :)

A month come Monday. :)

Almost 3 Months now. Anna stuggled to poo a lot as well (and still does sometimes) the water as mentioned helped. Anna had a proper scream this afternoon when we didnt have the milk waiting to hand! You'll go though a ton of that powder though!

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If I hadn't had too because the wee one wasn't gaining weight I'd have not dreamt of using powder. It was such a bloody hassle.

I still enjoy feeding the wee one myself, I hadn't even bought bottles and a steraliser!

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