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I like trying to get Harry wrapped up like that, but he's not having a bar of it. He likes to be free, which is a shame because it's bloody freezing.

This is him here.

Jack is having none of it now either - the arms must remain free or he will fight with the blankets until he is.

He also started randomly fighting thin air (i think he is winning)

Harry is gorgeous!

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Having another baby boy due in April :)


Jack is having none of it now either - the arms must remain free or he will fight with the blankets until he is.

He also started randomly fighting thin air (i think he is winning)

Harry is gorgeous!

Aw, thank you. :D

I love when they start getting animated. Far more interesting than just sleeping all the time!

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Having another baby boy due in April :)

Congratulations :D

Jack is having none of it now either - the arms must remain free or he will fight with the blankets until he is.

He also started randomly fighting thin air (i think he is winning)

Harry is gorgeous!

We had that problem with Josh, so bought a couple of baby sleeping bags. Absolutely brilliant things.

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Congratulations :D

We had that problem with Josh, so bought a couple of baby sleeping bags. Absolutely brilliant things.

Yep, we've put Harry in one the last couple of nights. I just wish there was a way of keeping his wee head as warm as the rest of him is. Pick him up in the morning for a wee cuddle and his little cheeks are always cold!

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These baby photos almost make me hanker for the times when they were babies and screamed and didn't really move! Almost..........but not quite. :lol:

My little cherubs got their christmas haircuts last night. Thomas sat like an angel on a big chair through his (when I got in from work last night before his hair appointment and asked him how his day had been he replied "I getting my hair cut later" :D ). Steven thought it was fun for the first minute or two and then had a tantrum and screamed his way through the rest of it and had to be held in place in true Steven style. Bloody wee pest. :lol:

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My wee boys first taste of scrambled eggs.


He's brilliant fun at the moment, some of the faces and looks he comes up with have me in stitches.

He's so desperate to be mobile at the moment though he gets himself frustrated. He can can wiggle round in a full circle now, sits up perfectly fine and can stand himself when we've got hold of his arms for balance. I can't see him being far from crawling/bum shuffling, but there's no rush.

Second tooths just appeared too.

Its all happening very quickly, one half of me wants him to slow down a bit :lol: but the other half can't wait to see whats next.

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First Christmas with the wee one has me pretty excited, I must say.

Snap although I'm sure I'll be more excited than her given she's only one month old!

We're facing our first major challenge - colic or reflux. I'm sure you'll all have been there so what are your best tips for soothing or curing it? Feel so sorry for the poor wee bugger.

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