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Was wondering what sort of things folk do to discipline their kids? Charlie is quite a handful at times (probably our own/my doing due to a lack of consistency when punishing him), so last week we decided to introduce the naughty rug. Basically, he has to sit on the rug in the living room for three minutes in silence. He hated it at first, as he finds it difficult sitting still for three seconds, let alone three minutes, so we thought we were onto a winner.

As the weekend wore on, you would find him actually asking to sit on the naughty rug, it was almost like it was a game to him. So it obviously wasn't working as well as we originally thought.

Last night I decided to sit him on the naughty chair, and he really, really hated that. Great, me thinks. Twice he has been on it this morning and is asking to go on it again. :blink:

At night, once he is asleep, nine times out of 10 he will sleep the night through, but actually getting him to stay in his bed is proving very difficult. We've tried keeping him up later, bribing him, making star charts and various other things, but nothing seems to be working. I'd say at best, it's at least an hour between going to bed and actually going to sleep, and at worst it can be over two hours. Last night it was just under two hours, and I lost count of the number of times he got out of bed, but it was well over 20 times. So even though he is getting a full nights sleep when he eventually goes to sleep, he is still getting up at 7am/7.30am, and as a result, is knackered for the majority of the day. Tried to get him to go for a sleep during the day, but he's sort of grown out of that now, sadly.

He's had all his toys taken off him today, including his jigsaws (which he was most angry about) and isn't allowed to watch any TV, so instead he is sitting at the table with me playing with a coaster, having great fun. Nothing we seem to say or do to him bothers him in the slightest.

Any suggestions?

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Not much to offer Adam.

Thomas has always been an incredibly well behaved boy and rarely needs any sort of discipline, though he is just starting now and again to take wee tantrums. We use a naughty chair and he certainly doesn't like being on it but will wait there until he's allowed to come back (usually braying whilst on it) and then apologises to everyone. He sleeps all night and pretty much always has. Once in a blue moon he comes through to our room a wee bit early ie 6am or so.

Steven on the other hand is a patented "rascal" as his brother calls him. He likes getting into trouble. If you tell Thomas to stop somethng he stops. If you tell Steven to stop he looks at you, grins, and does it anyway. He's forever on the naughty chair but he won't wait there. He just comes running back after you crying. He doesn't mean ill, and he is always full of apologies, but it doesn't stop him doing whatever it was again. He's generally good at not doing things when instructed what he should do with them instead though.

Steven is still in a cot when Thomas was in a bed by this age. We think if Steven was in a bed he wouldn't stay in it at bed time, rather he'd charge through to our room or get into bed with his brother. He also still wakes up occasionally at nights and we'd rather he shouted for us than was able to wander the first floor. I can see him still being in a cot another year yet potentially though the time will come when he can climb out anyway if he really wants to.

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Was wondering what sort of things folk do to discipline their kids? Charlie is quite a handful at times (probably our own/my doing due to a lack of consistency when punishing him), so last week we decided to introduce the naughty rug. Basically, he has to sit on the rug in the living room for three minutes in silence. He hated it at first, as he finds it difficult sitting still for three seconds, let alone three minutes, so we thought we were onto a winner.

As the weekend wore on, you would find him actually asking to sit on the naughty rug, it was almost like it was a game to him. So it obviously wasn't working as well as we originally thought.

Last night I decided to sit him on the naughty chair, and he really, really hated that. Great, me thinks. Twice he has been on it this morning and is asking to go on it again. :blink:

At night, once he is asleep, nine times out of 10 he will sleep the night through, but actually getting him to stay in his bed is proving very difficult. We've tried keeping him up later, bribing him, making star charts and various other things, but nothing seems to be working. I'd say at best, it's at least an hour between going to bed and actually going to sleep, and at worst it can be over two hours. Last night it was just under two hours, and I lost count of the number of times he got out of bed, but it was well over 20 times. So even though he is getting a full nights sleep when he eventually goes to sleep, he is still getting up at 7am/7.30am, and as a result, is knackered for the majority of the day. Tried to get him to go for a sleep during the day, but he's sort of grown out of that now, sadly.

He's had all his toys taken off him today, including his jigsaws (which he was most angry about) and isn't allowed to watch any TV, so instead he is sitting at the table with me playing with a coaster, having great fun. Nothing we seem to say or do to him bothers him in the slightest.

Any suggestions?

There is a technique for the bedtime issue that you might try. Luckily we only had to do it a couple of times when Molly was younger - both of ours are really, really good at bedtime, thankfully!

Basically, the first time they get out of bed you talk to them, tell them its bedtime and take them back to bed. Second time, you say less - like just "its bedtime" and take them back. Any subsequent time they get out of bed you avoid eye contact, dont say anything, just take them back. Not pretending that its easy, as it can go on for a long time, but the idea is that they eventually give up as theyre not getting any acknowledgement from you.

I think the key for us at bedtime has been routine. When they were both younger, they went to bed at around the same time each night, had a bath, a story with a drink and then it was time to go to sleep. Whats your bedtime routine like with him?

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There is a technique for the bedtime issue that you might try. Luckily we only had to do it a couple of times when Molly was younger - both of ours are really, really good at bedtime, thankfully!

Basically, the first time they get out of bed you talk to them, tell them its bedtime and take them back to bed. Second time, you say less - like just "its bedtime" and take them back. Any subsequent time they get out of bed you avoid eye contact, dont say anything, just take them back. Not pretending that its easy, as it can go on for a long time, but the idea is that they eventually give up as theyre not getting any acknowledgement from you.

I think the key for us at bedtime has been routine. When they were both younger, they went to bed at around the same time each night, had a bath, a story with a drink and then it was time to go to sleep. Whats your bedtime routine like with him?

As they are both in the same room now, we thought it would be a good idea to put Harry to bed first, as he is normally ready for bed at 6.30pm. Also, we thought that Charlie would appreciate being allowed up that bit later than his little brother. Charlie has a story, or does one of his reading books with us both, or watches some TV before we take him in at 7pm/7.30pm. Been reading some stuff online about cutting out the TV for an hour before they go to sleep as without the noise of the TV it is easier for them to wind down, or something like that. Going to try it anyway.

I think he is just testing the water at times TBH. Lyn-Marie went back to work yesterday after a couple of weeks off so is out the house before he gets up in the morning and he is starting to get ready for bed by the time she gets in, so I think he is missing her and playing up as a result.

Just now, when I thought I had five minutes to reply to this, he started rolling a ball along the dining table, a ball which was only returned to him an hour ago, and has knocked his cup of water all over my laptop. Really getting quite annoyed as that's really the first thing (apart from his brother's toys - and that's when I've been playing with them with Harry) that he has been allowed to play with today, and he only got it as he has been better behaved this afternoon!

As for your tip, we have tried that, although it's probably a case of getting that pissed off that you don't actually want to say anything to him the tenth time he has got out of bed in the last 20 minutes!

Skyline, Steven sounds exactly like Charlie, it's uncanny!

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Anyone got any tips or views on the sort of products you can put in a toilet bowl for training little boys to aim properly?

No 1 son is at the stage of standing up to go to the proper toilet now and not very good at aiming. No 2 son is already asking to do the same since he sees his brother doing it. There seems to be a dearth of decent products online though. All I can find are some sort of blue floating ball with a character face on it which has mixed reviews because it flushes away too easily and is out of stock on Amazon at the moment anyway. There are a handful of companies offering stickers but the only one that seems to be much use is in New Zealand! The rest seem to also suffer mixed reviews for flushing away too easily.

Anyone been through this got any tips or know of more reliable products?

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Anyone got any tips or views on the sort of products you can put in a toilet bowl for training little boys to aim properly?

No 1 son is at the stage of standing up to go to the proper toilet now and not very good at aiming. No 2 son is already asking to do the same since he sees his brother doing it. There seems to be a dearth of decent products online though. All I can find are some sort of blue floating ball with a character face on it which has mixed reviews because it flushes away too easily and is out of stock on Amazon at the moment anyway. There are a handful of companies offering stickers but the only one that seems to be much use is in New Zealand! The rest seem to also suffer mixed reviews for flushing away too easily.

Anyone been through this got any tips or know of more reliable products?

Ping pong ball

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I did wonder if that would be just as good as a ball with a face on it called Max! :lol:

Doesn't flush away easily?

You could always draw a face on it. No actual experience of this but I have heard this used for this purpose.

I also saw this I thought it was a good idea

Tossing a few pieces of cereal is a quick and easy way to help your son improve his toilet aim. This tried and true method is a favorite among many moms and dads. Keep a container of Cheerios or Fruit Loops on the back of the toilet so they're always available. You may want to choose a child proof container so your little one does not decide to make his toilet targets into an afternoon snack. He'll have fun trying to hit the cereal targets and keep his urine off the sides of the toilet and the floor

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Anyone got any tips or views on the sort of products you can put in a toilet bowl for training little boys to aim properly?

No 1 son is at the stage of standing up to go to the proper toilet now and not very good at aiming. No 2 son is already asking to do the same since he sees his brother doing it. There seems to be a dearth of decent products online though. All I can find are some sort of blue floating ball with a character face on it which has mixed reviews because it flushes away too easily and is out of stock on Amazon at the moment anyway. There are a handful of companies offering stickers but the only one that seems to be much use is in New Zealand! The rest seem to also suffer mixed reviews for flushing away too easily.

Anyone been through this got any tips or know of more reliable products?

Let me know if you have any luck with that. I'm still trying to get mine to aim properly :rolleyes::ph34r:

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:lol: Aw, but still, Ruairidh seems like such a great big brother, he'll be over the moon!

Yeah he came to my first midwife appointment so cottoned on and is now randomly telling people. :lol:

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