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Pregnancy And Parenting

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My wee boy is 3 months today and weighs exactly a stone. He was born with Down's Syndrome which came as a huge shock to us as we were considered "low risk" when we underwent the tests. There was something like a 1 in 1180 chance and unfortunately we were it. We were told around 15 minutes after he was born that he had certain characteristics indicitave of a chromosomal condition. Looking back it did seem that the paediatricians had him over at the weighing station for longer than seemed necessary, however it was a bit of a traumatic birth (forceps) and he is our first child so we didn't know any better.

When we were told our world just caved in on us. I nearly fainted, had to go to the toilet to compose myself and only came back so soon because my wife was in tears. We didn't really take anything in that we were being told. Because it was a night birth we were taken to a room and then left in the darkness, confused, scared, angry and helpless. What should have been the happiest night of our lives turned out to be the worst.

Because my wife was so upset I had to be strong for her, even though I didn't feel it, and I suppose this helped me come to terms with it a lot sooner. I had two choices - collapse in a heap of tears and self pity or man up and look after my family. When I looked at him I realised nothing really mattered apart from the fact he was here. He was so small and helpless and had never harmed a soul in his life so any bad feelings I had were soon replaced.

As for the future - who knows? We'll just have to take things as they come. He is such a good baby and is no hassle at all. He smiles away and laughs occasionally and has just started making all the baby talk noises which is good. I just hope we can do enough for him so he can lead as normal a life as possible.

congrats to you EZ. I know what you're going through mate, it isn't easy when things dont go as planned. My granddaughter was born with severe brain damage 2 1\2 years ago, resulting in distonic cerebral palsy. I was their when she was born and still struggle with all what happened that night, but it does get easier. There are a host of emotions to endure, but judging by your post I'm sure you'll get their. We never thought we'd smile again, let alone start enjoying life again, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. All the best for the future to you and your family
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He's always been a fairly lovable boy, but he does seem much happier to see his mum or me after being away with his granny, or even when we got him from school today he said that he had really missed his mummy, something that he would never have said a year ago!

I'm a bit shocked that the father of my son says he's "fairly loveable". I honestly thought he liked him a bit more than that.

Ooft. Caught a belter.

I only say those kinds of things when I know she's nowhere to be found :ph34r:

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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Does anyone else have kids who tamper with the toaster? I've lost count of the amount of times that they've turned the toaster up to 5 and I get blackened toast. Why does the '5' setting even exist. What demented, twisted weirdos like burnt toast?

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Does anyone else have kids who tamper with the toaster? I've lost count of the amount of times that they've turned the toaster up to 5 and I get blackened toast. Why does the '5' setting even exist. What demented, twisted weirdos like burnt toast?

Ours play with the fridge settings. We either find puddles running along the kitchen floor or everything frozen solid. Another "why does that setting even exist" question. If I want my food frozen, I'll put it in the freezer. I use the fridge for a reason.

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I thought the nesting instinct wasn't meant to kick in to the third tri-mester?? She's gonna end up in hospital if she doesn't start taking it easy, and it's not like I'm not trying to help but when i do she's snapping at both me and our eldedst saying she's fine!! It's not only pissing me off, its also worrying me just how much she's doing, what with work too (she runs her own business), on top of her medical issues, i don't know what to do!!! :(

Sent from my Windows Phone 8S by HTC using Tapatalk

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Gman, my wee boy is a sept baby but I felt he wasn't ready. He has no cognitive or behavioural issues. His speech isn't the clearest and he's a bit emotionally immature. We had to have meeting with local authority as he didn't fall in brith dates for automatic deferral.

Best thing we ever did.

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My son also had toilet issues. He's only stopped having daily accidents since September. He is under community nurse but seems to have clicked now. Still in pull ups at night. We also have speech therapy. I've had him seen by specialist developmental Heath visitor and then peadiatrician. As I suspected though it was emotional immaturity rather than underlying issue.

Good luck. You know your son better than any professional.

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Man, i swear i'd rather have babies or toddlers than teenagers, teenage girls especially, my 2 eldest daughters are driving me round the fecking twist with fighting and bitching with each other,

I used to fight with my younger sister when i was young, but this pair are taking the fecking cake!!!!

Between the mrs being pregnant and the two girls ripping each other new arses, i'm due a nuclear breakdown :bairn

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