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The wee one is now 3 weeks and 5 days and is still in the SCU, her blood is no longer a danger and they just want her to start taking all her feeds from a bottle now, it's a bit of a nightmare, as the hospital is quite under staffed and they don't have the man power to sit and persevere with her, so they give her 15-20 minutes and stick whatever she hasn't taken down her tube, and this is doing my mrs's head in as she can get her to take the bottles no problem, but we can't be there 24/7 so this looks like it could drag on for a good bit longer!!

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Indeed she is mate, and don't get me wrong, we're over the moon that she's out of danger, but the SCU has very strict rules about them feeding, and she won't get home until those rules are met, but with how under staffed they are, that could be a while!!

the mrs reckon's we can refuse to have her being tube fed, i'm not so sure, anyone know anything about this??

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Indeed she is mate, and don't get me wrong, we're over the moon that she's out of danger, but the SCU has very strict rules about them feeding, and she won't get home until those rules are met, but with how under staffed they are, that could be a while!!

the mrs reckon's we can refuse to have her being tube fed, i'm not so sure, anyone know anything about this??

I wouldn't advise going down that route, think it would backfire on you, you never know when you might need the maternity facilities again! (Or were you the one who had the snip?)

Seriously, I'm not in the health service, the likes of Mrs M might know better, I just don't think you could refuse to have her tube fed without some medical back up.

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It's a question probably better suited to someone like Ayrgirl or one of the on board medical people but I can certainly offer my best guess. You can, in theory, refuse anything you like, however, if this is considered to be crucial, life-saving treatment, you'd have a fight on your hands to get it taken away. When I say fight, I mean hearings and the possibility of court in the long run. Obviously, it's entirely up to you but my personal opinion is that it could become a bit lengthy and difficult. If it were me, I would speak to the charge nurse in the first instance, mention that your wife is able to spend the time to get your daughter to finish a full feed and that the reason staff nurses aren't able to do so is that they aren't spending the time with her to do so. They may be able to find a way around it for you.

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Good advice from Mrs M I would say, working with the professionals is deff the way to go. When you start thinking about refusing things for a person who can't voice their own informed opinion then the staff have a duty of care to question whether that decision is in the person's best interests.

Can't imagine what you're going through and the self doubt that comes with every decision.

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The wife is due 5 weeks today and it's right to say I'm crapping it a bit but trying not to let it show to her. Anybody pass on any good tips for when the big day arrives?

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Trying to give our 16 month old some penicillin that really doesn't taste nice. She's too young to bribe and there appears to be no fooling her either.

Tantrum central.

You have an oral applicator?

They're like a syringe without a point, they are an absolute must for nasty medicine, You can put the medicine in the cheek and away it goes.

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You have an oral applicator?

They're like a syringe without a point, they are an absolute must for nasty medicine, You can put the medicine in the cheek and away it goes.

Aye we have that but she's fighting it, spitting it out and jamming her mouth shut. She's coming across as a right angel here eh?

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If you've had a go as it were and some has come out you must assume that she has had the dose. Stop trying and go again at next dose, little at a time between gum and cheek alternate sides. You'll get there.

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The wife is due 5 weeks today and it's right to say I'm crapping it a bit but trying not to let it show to her. Anybody pass on any good tips for when the big day arrives?

Do as you're told, don't be afraid to ask, bow to her every whim and enjoy the tea and toast at the end.

Stimpy pretty-much nails it - especially first time round. The only thing he missed is, "You will greet yer eyes out and that will be the most manly thing you ever do."

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Yesterday some dental folk went round the school applying some varnish to the kids teeth. Scott was fine getting it done, but the wee one refused and screamed the place down. She told me later she was scared. Poor wee thing.

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The wife is due 5 weeks today and it's right to say I'm crapping it a bit but trying not to let it show to her. Anybody pass on any good tips for when the big day arrives?

OK some actual advice. Pack a bag of things for you both. And by things I mean boredom killers. You could be stuck in a room for many hours waiting with nothing at all happening. Bring books and puzzles and the like.

From here on in you'll need to maintain a Ninja-style readiness for when it's go time. Both of my kids, the waters broke just after we went to bed. You cannot spend half an hour messing about looking for your socks. Be prepared.

Take food with you, too. Energy drinks if you're in to them as you can get tired. Fresh fruit is best - apples and the like. The stuff they'll give you in hospital will depress you.

Finally, make sure you have everything you need at home. Bottles, sterilisers, nappies, the lot. The last thing you'll want is to come home with the baby and think "damn, I need to go shopping".

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