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Youngest grandson managed to circumcise his mother's hoover by cutting through the lead with a pair of nail scissors. Fortunately it wasn't plugged in and switched on at the time. Although that would certainly have straightened out his curly hair.

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OK some actual advice. Pack a bag of things for you both. And by things I mean boredom killers. You could be stuck in a room for many hours waiting with nothing at all happening. Bring books and puzzles and the like.

From here on in you'll need to maintain a Ninja-style readiness for when it's go time. Both of my kids, the waters broke just after we went to bed. You cannot spend half an hour messing about looking for your socks. Be prepared.

Take food with you, too. Energy drinks if you're in to them as you can get tired. Fresh fruit is best - apples and the like. The stuff they'll give you in hospital will depress you.

Finally, make sure you have everything you need at home. Bottles, sterilisers, nappies, the lot. The last thing you'll want is to come home with the baby and think "damn, I need to go shopping".

Thanks, think we have everything sorted back home. We are getting a bag for pre baby and another for post baby organised this weekend. Never thought about myself so will take the advice on board. Also planning on a dummy trip to the hospital this weekend to get the route etc all sorted out.

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Thanks for the advice guys but it was kinda futile anyway, as we finally got this wee minx home today after 4 grueling weeks,

from this,


to this in 4 weeks and 1 day, couldn't be happier :wub:




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Bought wee daft toys for them.....opened them and they are mostly whistles. They will be getting returned. I'll be fucked if I'll have a dozen of them buzzing about armed with whistles.

Very wise - bad enough one whistle. Although as you get older your hearing starts to go...

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Many years ago when our lass was wee, we had a birthday party for her. Trying to keep the buggers occupied was a problem but ended up with them in the garden doing weeding and digging shit, they loved it. 8)

Their parents didn't love the fact they were all filthy when they came to pick up. :lol:

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Stimpy pretty-much nails it - especially first time round. The only thing he missed is, "You will greet yer eyes out and that will be the most manly thing you ever do."

I never cried 2nd time round (7weeks ago) I dont know wtf is wrong with me!! We had the fortune of having 2 girls who both appear to have milk intolerances, the first grew out of it by the time she was 1, although docs dont seem to recognise it at all, it took about 3-4 months of chucking up every bottle for them to consider it. The 2nd decided to show some of the same signs so we sorted her out quicker. She ended up with a stomach and back rash with a really bright red rash on her face. Needed a trip to the docs 4 days in a row before getting sent to the hospital as they didnt have a clue, just kept giving out different creams. Seem to have the right concoction now though
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My middle child had cows milk protein allergy and it took months to get the gp to take her seriously. Hours of crying baby and mountains of washing!!! She has multiple food allergies.

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My middle child had cows milk protein allergy and it took months to get the gp to take her seriously. Hours of crying baby and mountains of washing!!! She has multiple food allergies.

Ours would be sitting on your lap and if she farted there was a massive likelyhood that you would need to change your own trousers. Gp's dont take you seriously unless you tell them your about to use infasoy as they really dont like babies taking soy milk. Its the only stuff that seems to work though!
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We couldn't use soy, we ended up with nutramagen which is an amino acid thing. Rank.

In fairness my health visitor happened to visit during one of Niamh's screaming/gagging/vomiting sessions and she weighed in and that seemed to get things moving.

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