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Well we've had a week of two birthdays. Thomas was 2 on Saturday and Steven was 1 last Tuesday. :D

Steven can still be enormously hard work at times though he is vastly improved on his first six months which were at times a living nightmare. Thomas remains (mostly) an angel though he has developed an annoying habit of kicking out at people when lying down which is a complete pain (literally at times).

Development continues apace. Thomas can walk very well now and climb down small steps. He understands a lot and can follow basic requests like this morning's "Bring me a bib" and "Bring me your shoes" which were both followed with a smile (after he mistakenly brought me his slippers first instead of the shoes). He also threw a ball to me from a ball pit on Sunday morning and shouted "Catch" unprompted. :lol: Steven can climb to his own feet and will walk very small distances with only one hand being held. He's not walking on his own yet but it isn't far away I think.

Thomas sleeps through the night from about 8:30pm to 7am pretty much every night. Steven has taken to going to bed about 7pm if he only had one sleep through the day or about 8:30pm if he had two and will sleep to about 6am usually though he can stir crying 2 or 3 times in that time. Usually just sticking a dummy in will see him turn over and go back to sleep though so it isn't the end of the world. I look back now and really have no idea how we got through the first six months when he was up several times a night and sleep was something to treasure. Happy days.

Edited by Skyline Drifter
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Whenever they no longer need it. I know of some 4 year olds that still nap occasionally through the day.

Happy birthday to your boys, SD :)

I like an afternoon nap and I'm 28!

Me too Rowan and I'm older :ph34r:

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Me too Rowan and I'm older :ph34r:

My 2 yr old was very co-operative this afternoon and slept for three hours! :D Would have been cruel not to join him! I just know he's going to stop napping as soon as the baby arrives and I want them both to nap :lol:

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Thomas sleeps through the night from about 8:30pm to 7am pretty much every night.

Well I should have shut my mouth and not posted that!

He was up screaming blue murder at midnight last night for no apparent reason, woke the whole house up including his brother who took half an hour to get back to sleep. Thomas himself went back to sleep quickly but then woke crying pretty much every hour, on the hour, for the rest of the night. What a horrible horrible night! Really not like him though.

When did parents stop giving there baby/child a nap in the afternoon?

Ours now take a nap when they feel like it really. Thomas generally has one a day but it might be late morning or early afternoon and he's 2 now. Steven still has two a day sometimes and one a day somtimes. He's just about at the stage of not needing two.

My son just loves sleeping, he sleeps from 7:30pm right through to 9am and then an hour or so in the afternoon. Stiil at 17 months he is not walking

Thomas didn't walk until 18 months (on his own anyway, I presume that's what you mean?). He was taking hands and walking along with support for 2 or 3 months before that. Steven is miles ahead on that front and has been walking with his hands held since he was about 10 months. He hasn't gone off himself yet though but he gets stronger all the time.

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