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Can you remember the names of any of the midwives? Hilary is the best one there.

The one who did the delivery was Allie. There was a Jill there too. There were others, but I forget their names to be honest. They were brilliant though.

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Having said all that, we've just spent £5k on a 5 door Fiesta this morning (less a generous trade in on the Toyota) having taken it for a test drive and checked the fit of the car seat. 06 plate so newer than I ideally wanted but it's a good deal, a good car and ticks the boxes.

Hopefully get it actually changed for Wednesday subject to getting insurance sorted out in time.

These nights with no sleep are great, eh! <_< Driving to Airdrie in less than 8 hours and I haven't been to bed for 23 hours whilst Thomas hasn't slept for five hours so far.

This thread has slipped back a bit I see. No P&B baby news this week?

Oh, and with reference to the above, we're still second carless three days after we should have got it due to some electrical fault. We are at least getting a complimentary courtesy car from tomorrow morning until the new one is sorted.

Happy Days.

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Had any sleep yet, SD? Can't wait for that...

Got my 20 week anomaly scan on Thursday (I'll be 21 weeks + 1 day). Can't wait to see our baby again, but I'm really nervous about it. So scared something could be wrong, even though I've no reason to think that. Not going to find out the sex, going to hold out for a surprise - they wont tell us for certain here anyway, but they will show you the area to look at if you ask and it could be really obvious - I just don't want to know even though it would make life easier in terms of getting the nursery sorted out etc. I'm getting really big now - my bump seems to grow a bit every day (I know that's stating the obvious, but I'm fascinated by it!). Ryan felt him/her kick this morning, which was exciting. :) I'm getting regular movements every day now.

How's everyone else getting on?

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I'm really slim, so when I started getting bigger, it was really obvious - although it did just look like I was putting on weight and getting a belly. It's now 'bump shaped' and hard rather than jelly-like, so I do look pregnant! :D People at work keep telling me I'm having a boy because I'm carrying all to the front. :blink: I'd be a bit worried if the bump was on my back!!! :lol: What does 'carrying to the front' mean, anyway?

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Yeah, it does. I have only put weight on at the bump (so far). Hopefully it stays like that, don't really need to have loads of weight to lose afterwards! All these old wives' tales though...they make me laugh! Apparently if your leg hair growth slows down, you're having a girl.

Edited by Reina
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We never found out the sex of our one and it was a great surprise.

Did make it almost impossible getting clothes but that got sorted over the days after she was born.

We hadn't decided and then at a scan at 19 weeks we were presented with a full frontal of his willie! :lol:

Still painted the room yellow and bought a red pram, just incase!

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I'm really slim, so when I started getting bigger, it was really obvious - although it did just look like I was putting on weight and getting a belly. It's now 'bump shaped' and hard rather than jelly-like, so I do look pregnant! :D People at work keep telling me I'm having a boy because I'm carrying all to the front. :blink: I'd be a bit worried if the bump was on my back!!! :lol: What does 'carrying to the front' mean, anyway?

I used to be really skinny as well,and I also had a big bump when I started to show,they all said I'd have a boy......I had a feeling that I was having a girl before I went for my second scan. I even went and bough little pink socks. :D

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Had any sleep yet, SD? Can't wait for that...

Got my 20 week anomaly scan on Thursday (I'll be 21 weeks + 1 day). Can't wait to see our baby again, but I'm really nervous about it. So scared something could be wrong, even though I've no reason to think that. Not going to find out the sex, going to hold out for a surprise - they wont tell us for certain here anyway, but they will show you the area to look at if you ask and it could be really obvious - I just don't want to know even though it would make life easier in terms of getting the nursery sorted out etc. I'm getting really big now - my bump seems to grow a bit every day (I know that's stating the obvious, but I'm fascinated by it!). Ryan felt him/her kick this morning, which was exciting. :) I'm getting regular movements every day now.

How's everyone else getting on?

Ah Friday night was a bugger of a night! And I had the laptop downstairs while I tried to get him to sleep so hence the post. He got off to sleep about 4:30am finally. I think he woke again about 8ish or 8:30 but as the wife got up and dealt with that I'm not entirely sure. Wee monster!

On the other hand, last night was much better. He lay awake (but not making too much noise) from his evening bath and through two feeds to about half past midnight (maybe got half an hour's sleep in there somewhere). Helpfully once his mother had gone to bed I also got a nappy explosion to deal with where he not only made a huge mess in his nappy, he also somehow contrived to get it in his vest and down his left leg into the babygrow! I finally got him off to sleep about 1:30am, took him upstairs to his Moses basket about 2am and he slept through to 8am this morning. Result!

Trying the same tactic tonight but he hasn't had much sleep through the day today so nothing we do seems to be keeping him awake at the moment. I therefore antcipate another bad night in getting him to sleep later.

Interesting that they "won't" actually what the sex is tell you where you are. I got the impression ours were desperate to tell us, and I'd happily have let them, but the wife didn't want to know so that was that.

Nursery was always going to be a neutral cream colour even if we had known and any baby stuff we bought in advance was white or cream or yellow too. They do tell you in advance not to buy much in the way of clothes as people will arrive with it by the armfuls and, though I suppose it's always going to depend to an extent on how wide your circle of friends and workmates is, I can only reiterate that. Thomas has so many clothes now that I genuinely think he'll never get around to wearing some of them, especially the smaller ones. We're actually having to go out and buy a new chest of drawers to store all the extra clothes he got which are at the moment simply piled up in the cot! We got a lot of duplicates and some where we knew where they'd come from have been returned to be swapped for bigger sizes as most of the clothes we got were for newborn or 0-3 months. People have been so very generous though. It's been quite humbling in many ways.

Interesting that you are very obvious and can feel movements on 2o weeks or so. I can't in truth remember when Maureen became obviously pregnant. It possibly was about then, maybe a little later, but inevitably it will depend on your natural body shape and the type of clothes you tend to wear. I do however remember that it was nearer 27 weeks or so before Maureen realised she was feeling movements and certainly later than that before I could. From what I recall the maternity staff suggested it was normal from the early 20's so I reckon you're quite early at that. It's also possible Maureen was feeling things without really recognising what they were.

Anyway, good luck with everything this week. Obviously there's always a chance something might be wrong but by now it probably would have shown anyway so I'm sure it'll be fine. All the best. :thumsup2

Edited by Skyline Drifter
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14 weeks with my other half and i see no bump, apart from that got no other news, but unlike reina we wanna find out what the sex of our baby is gonna be, but wont find out until we get back from our honeymoon

Where you going on Honeymoon?

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Haven't stuck my nose in here for ages. Congrats to Half a Person :D.

the midwife was adement that swadling was a no no now...

Then the first ward swaddled our child and said...

Then when we moved ward the midwife on that ward didn't swaddle.

:( Why can't people just present options and realise it's not their baby so a. they shouldn't be making the decisions and b. they shouldn't be implementing them!? Grrrrrrr.

I gave up listening to the professionals, in fact I checked us out of hospital 10 day (we'd been readmitted) after the wee one was born as they were trying to force me to use formula instead of EBM and actually the best bit of advice we got when we were struggling with Ruairidh's weight was from HCG on here.

:cheers: Cheers Rowan! That's the first of me seeing that. Over-inflated ego time in my house just now then. :P

Growth spurts, eh? No-one's mentioned that yet. :unsure:

How's it going SD? Baby mentioned a growth spurt and let you know about it yet? :D

Don't worry though, some newborns only 'poo' once every two or three days. Kirtsy was like that for the first week or so then she became more regular, so it's normal. You'd only need to be concerned if Thomas was showing obvious signs of discomfort (ie constipation).

I think formula fed babies poo more regularly than breastfed ones, but once a day is still normal at that age.

StewartyMac, baby expert in three weeks :lol:

As a rule if a baby wasn't pooing much even in the first week I'd be wanting to know more. Tiny babies may well not show discomfort if the reason for not pooing isn't down to a blockage or similar. It *may* turn out to be absolutely fine but I'd be looking very carefully at what was happening. Talking through things certainly wouldn't be harmful and there's the potential that no output = need more input, ie baby might need feeding more frequently/effectively.

Breastfed babies often poo more frequently than formula fed babies - certainly a mum's early milk contains a laxative effect so although some babies only produce a few in a day other parents find that their breastfed baby might poo at every feed time. Happy days :lol:.

Having said all that, we've just spent £5k on a 5 door Fiesta this morning (less a generous trade in on the Toyota) having taken it for a test drive and checked the fit of the car seat. 06 plate so newer than I ideally wanted but it's a good deal, a good car and ticks the boxes.

Would a new car seat not have been cheaper? :rolleyes:

I've started doing antenatal courses now (was only doing individual classes until recently) and my first two sets of parents had their babies last week. That's about as close as I come to having any baby news. :D

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Would a new car seat not have been cheaper? :rolleyes:

It no doubt would have been but frankly it was completely impractical attempting to maneouvre much through the tight space over the back of the front seat into the back at the best of times. And it would only have been deferring the problem down the line six months max until he was slightly bigger so why bother? Better to get the car sorted out now and have something she can use for a good few years with plenty of space.

I'd also have needed to change the type of seat belts installed in the back as well as buy a new car seat to avoid changing the car.

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She will be 19 weeks roughly when flying, and we have spoken to someone about this, well she has and it is perfectly fine, you can travel on a plane until 1 month until the baby pops out.

She has to get travelling socks though and just do some exercising also, that was about it really.

So all is fine stewartymac, cheers for asking, was nice of you. :D

Who told you that?

You'd be very unlikely to be allowed to travel anywhere near that late. Airlines will generally not carry mums to be over 27 or 28 weeks and certainly you'll have a hard job getting travel insurance for it even if you could find an airline willing to take you.

Albeit, if she's 19 weeks you won't have a problem anyway.

Mrs SD went to Denmark with Queens in late August when she was 13 weeks or so I think. We checked with her doctor and the insurance company first though and told a couple of selected people who were with us who wouldn't otherwise have been told until a good deal later.

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Who told you that?

You'd be very unlikely to be allowed to travel anywhere near that late. Airlines will generally not carry mums to be over 27 or 28 weeks and certainly you'll have a hard job getting travel insurance for it even if you could find an airline willing to take you.

Fly up to 28 weeks is generally fine, after this it varies from airline to airline.

28-35 weeks you'll likely require a doctor's note and as SD's said you should also

check with your travel insurance company.

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