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So it's a matter of weeks....but neither care about, "the boaby bouncing off" their heads which was my point

Well, no, they don't. You are correct there. However, it's quite unnerving when they start doing somersaults mid-coitus.

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Guest Kincardine
Well, no, they don't. You are correct there. However, it's quite unnerving when they start doing somersaults mid-coitus.

I'd be more worried about me doing "somersaults mid-coitus."

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Well thats the family and friends told :) All where supportive even her dad who took it better than i thought. Went out to the Arc and celebrated last night with a few of my friends. Im shittin it , but rather excited at the same time :)

Although while using the urinal in the arc , there was that poster that says "Are you worries about STIs?" and some neddy guy says "Aye ma burds got the worst STI , shes pregnant!!" I had a wee chuckle and said "Yeah mine too"

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Oh fucking really!?!?

I know we don't see each other often these days, but come on. :(


Anyway, congrats! I hope she wasn't touching a drop last night at the Ark!

I thought u knew seeing as how u live on P&B :P no she didnt she was on the Fresh orange and lemmonade. Camebull had a few wee cheeky comments to make and Yaco said he didnt think I had it in me :lol:

wanks! lol

Edited by gypoarmy
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My son has presented us with FOUR enormous dirty nappies today. All absolutely stinking <_<

Ooft! We have a lot of nappy changes, but they don't tend to smell much at the mo... good old mother's milk! :)

He's got a bit of a sore bum today though, Sudocream not touching it, poor wee mite is not impressed. :( Hoping the Bepanthen works quickly as it's breaking my heart hearing/seeing him scream at nappy change time! :(

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Make that FIVE in one day. He obviously has an upset tummy. :(

When did you start solids? The day after I gave Ruairidh his first solids he poo'd 7 times, I called the health visitor the next morning as I was a bit concerned but she said that it was perfectly normal!

Also has anyone else waited until 6 months to start solids, I did but alot of people seem to have started sooner.

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When did you start solids? The day after I gave Ruairidh his first solids he poo'd 7 times, I called the health visitor the next morning as I was a bit concerned but she said that it was perfectly normal!

Also has anyone else waited until 6 months to start solids, I did but alot of people seem to have started sooner.

Madison's been on solids for a few weeks now, so about 4 and a half to 5 months we started her. Alexandra was about 6 months, I think :unsure:

Both of them had two teeth by 6 months though :whistle

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Madison's been on solids for a few weeks now, so about 4 and a half to 5 months we started her. Alexandra was about 6 months, I think :unsure:

Both of them had two teeth by 6 months though :whistle

Yes and mine still has none! :lol:

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Charlie was just over 4 months when we started solids. The 6 month thing is fairly new - it was 4 months when I had my first two. Charlie was in need of them though. Milk didn't seem to be enough and a bottle would only satiate him for 2 hours at a time. As the health visitor said, he's a fairly big boy, so it makes sense that he'd need solids before 6 months anyway. My personal belief is that you know your own child better than anyone. There's no guideline can tell you when your child will need to move to solids. I wouldn't recommend solids before 4 months because their digestive systems can't handle it and it can cause a lot of problems, but after that you know if your child is happy with just milk or if s/he needs something extra.

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When did you start solids? The day after I gave Ruairidh his first solids he poo'd 7 times, I called the health visitor the next morning as I was a bit concerned but she said that it was perfectly normal!

Also has anyone else waited until 6 months to start solids, I did but alot of people seem to have started sooner.

He's been on some sort of solids for about five or six weeks now. Started with just some porridge in the mornings but these days he has something along with his milk at breakfast, lunch and tea (but not supper). Not an awful lot, but maybe about ten baby spoons worth. So no, it's not directly connected to new diet, though we've tried various different things and maybe something specifically hasn't agree with him.

I wasn't terribly happy with starting him on some solids before six months. All the books said six months with one specifically saying we certainly shouldn't start before that if either parent has any allergies or asthma. Well I had asthma as a child (doesn't really ever affect me now) and a couple of allergies. However, the health visitor was saying that it was time he was on some solids every time Maureen saw her so eventually she introduced some at about four and a half months. Yet another example of advice from different experts conflicting with one another.

Back to subject the three dirty nappies early in the day all appeared pretty normal (and I suspect the third was actually just a bit of a continuation of the second), However, two more tonight have had much more of a dairrhoea look about them. Clearly something not right but he doesn't appear to be in pain and has gone to sleep now and was laughing and giggling before that. Hope he's ok overnight. We're going to need to get more nappies in the morning!

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If he seems happy enough, I wouldn't worry an awful lot. If he was really unwell, he'd let you know. It's maybe just one of those things while his stomach's adapting. Their nappies can be really changable on a day to day basis. If his temperature, diet and mood are all ok, you might find he's completely back to normal tomorrow. They have a habit of worrying you one minute and then being absolutely fine the next, as you've probably already found out more than once by now!

Of course, as I was saying in my previous post though, you're his Dad, so you and his Mum will know him far better than I can guess at from your posting, so if you're really not happy, ignore everything I said have a chat with the Health Visitor or Doctor. The times I've taken a child along or phoned them for something I'm a little concerned about and it's turned out to be nothing, and every time they've said "It's better to be sure". They've never minded at all.

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If he seems happy enough, I wouldn't worry an awful lot. If he was really unwell, he'd let you know. It's maybe just one of those things while his stomach's adapting. Their nappies can be really changable on a day to day basis. If his temperature, diet and mood are all ok, you might find he's completely back to normal tomorrow. They have a habit of worrying you one minute and then being absolutely fine the next, as you've probably already found out more than once by now!

Of course, as I was saying in my previous post though, you're his Dad, so you and his Mum will know him far better than I can guess at from your posting, so if you're really not happy, ignore everything I said have a chat with the Health Visitor or Doctor. The times I've taken a child along or phoned them for something I'm a little concerned about and it's turned out to be nothing, and every time they've said "It's better to be sure". They've never minded at all.

Yeah, we're very different. I tend to think everything will be fine always and given he's not running a temperature and not unhappy about anything I doubt there's much wrong. Maureen panics more and would be much more likely to run to the doctor's. At the end of the day I'm back to work tomorrow so unless he's obviously distressed in the morning (or overnight) then it will be in her hands to deal with tomorrow anyway. She'll phone the doctors if she's not happy.

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We're the opposite way around. I'm the calm one, Adam's the worrier! Although, the experience of having done it before, as well as seeing a lot of other people in my family doing it too means that I know these things generally turn out to be nothing! I've only panicked over two things - a wee head bump and what looked distinctly like blood in a dirty nappy. His little knock never bothered him at all, he was right as rain and as for the blood, it happened the once and never again. We called NHS 24 and they said if he had another one to take him straight to the doctor, but it was most likely caused by being a bit constipated, but as he's had no problems since then, that turned out to be nothing as well.

Incidentally, we're actually in the same boat as you right now. We're getting a minimum 3 dirty nappies a day when we've been used to just the one. I don't know why he's suddenly started doing this when he's been on solid food for very close to 4 months now, but he's happy and healthy and they've all been normal. Our trouble is keeping his hands out of it when we take his nappy off! I have to hand him the clean nappy to keep hold of while I clean him up just to keep his mits busy!

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Our trouble is keeping his hands out of it when we take his nappy off! I have to hand him the clean nappy to keep hold of while I clean him up just to keep his mits busy!


That's happened to me twice this weekend! "Thomas would you keep your hands out of that!" doesn't appear to be working. I'll try the clean nappy thing (or more likely give him a toy or bib to hold).

Edited by Skyline Drifter
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That's happened to me twice this weekend! "Thomas would you keep your hands out of that!" doesn't appear to be working. I'll try the clean nappy thing (or more likely give him a toy or bib to hold).

Tried all of those but his willie is much more intresting :lol:

How has he been today?

Incidently, one of the health visitors at our practice I wouldn't take lessons on how to make a cup of tea from. She is a sour faced witch who has no children and no understanding of being a parent. Now I'd made my mind up about her and had figured out she had no kids long before I got it confirmed.

The staff nurse who is with her is excellent and I'll happily take her advice.

I was scoffed at by 4 woman last night because I still choose to feed Ruairidh myself twice a day <_<

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I was scoffed at by 4 woman last night because I still choose to feed Ruairidh myself twice a day <_<

Did you say "I also smear jam on my nipples to make it taste even nicer for him. Here, wanna see?". Should have, just for a giggle. :D

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