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Guest The Phoenix
My wee lamb is a ging and she is absolutely stunning. :)

Isla is indeed stunning. :D

And I'm sure Ginge_Baby will be too!

Do she get allowed out of that Torture Chamber if she behaves? :unsure:

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ffs, overkill eh?

Do you still use it? We got one for Alexandra and it was pretty much 'change her on your knees/sofa/floor' by the time she was home a week. Never bothered for Madison, as it was 'change her on your knee/sofa/floor' by the time she was two hours old doing the green/black slimy nappy thang.

We don't use it now. He's too big and too active really. He'd roll off it given half a chance and anyway, he usually sleeps through the night these days.

We did use it a lot when he was in his first three months or four months though. When he woke in the night I'd change him at the changing station by his cot whilst his mother went downstairs, heated some milk up and brought it back to feed him by the cot. We found it a lot less disruptive that way.

I don't really have a problem with the changing station unit. If we hadn't bought it we'd have needed a similar chest of drawers and cupboard for his stuff anyway. A bit of furniture with a changing unit thing on top and a bit of furniture without one are still both bits of furniture at the end of the day. I expect we paid a premium for a specially designed baby thing but I doubt it was a massive difference given the cost of regular furtniture (and the cost of the much smaller chest of drawers I had to add subsequently).

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Isla is indeed stunning. :D

And I'm sure Ginge_Baby will be too!

Do she get allowed out of that Torture Chamber if she behaves? :unsure:

She's too big for it now, the wee bugger.

She plays with her brothers toys now much to his annoyance.

All I've heard since dropping Cole of at the nursery is Isla shouting on him. "Tole, Tole." It's incredibly cute. :)

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I have no explanation to why I read this thread, but baby G_man is an exciting moment in my week off work. The whole week is based around the whole event!

I know. I'm busy every day/night this week apart from today.


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ffs, overkill eh?

Do you still use it? We got one for Alexandra and it was pretty much 'change her on your knees/sofa/floor' by the time she was home a week. Never bothered for Madison, as it was 'change her on your knee/sofa/floor' by the time she was two hours old doing the green/black slimy nappy thang.

We weren't going to bother, ended up picking up the Ikea one which is about £25, so don't feel like we've chucked loads of money away if we don't use it for long. It would prob be handy as a shelf unit afterwards anyway.

We've been quite sensible about what we have bought for the bairn so far. I am scared when I see furniture room sets for babies for several thousand pounds! :o

I suppose we'll see if we remain sensible once baby is here... :lol:

Forgot to add, good luck G_Man and family!

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Doing fine thanks - not much to report, occasional wee tightenings and pains, but only maybe a few times a day.

We put the car seat base in the car today, was handy to get it out of the way, but funny to see it in there!

How are you getting on with your wee guy?

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Yeah, it was weird putting the base in the car for the first time! :D

He's getting on great. He's sleeping really well - got 6 hours without waking up last night - 10pm-4am! Then he fed for an hour (!) and went down again for another 4 hours. Was fantastic! :) He's slept well for 8 days in a row now, thinking it might not be a coincidence anymore. Not looking forward to his jabs/him teething now - that'll put an end to the good sleep!

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Yeah, it was weird putting the base in the car for the first time! :D

He's getting on great. He's sleeping really well - got 6 hours without waking up last night - 10pm-4am! Then he fed for an hour (!) and went down again for another 4 hours. Was fantastic! :) He's slept well for 8 days in a row now, thinking it might not be a coincidence anymore. Not looking forward to his jabs/him teething now - that'll put an end to the good sleep!

Ruairidh wasn't up nor down with his jabs. Had a cry for a minute or so at the time and that was it.

We've had signs of teething since Christmas but still no teeth!

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Not looking forward to his jabs/him teething now - that'll put an end to the good sleep!

You've done really well.

Kirsty regularly woke up around 12-2 for a feed, then woke up for the day anytime between 6-8. It's only been recently she's been sleeping longer at night, although not the last few days, as she's been full of the cold. It's quite heartbreaking watching snorters stream from your 7 month old child's nose.

She's getting better now, hopefully she'll sleep well tonight.

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Not looking forward to his jabs/him teething now - that'll put an end to the good sleep!
Ruairidh wasn't up nor down with his jabs. Had a cry for a minute or so at the time and that was it.

Likewise. Thomas was fine after about 30 seconds of getting his innoculations. And they told us to give him Calpol the night he had them. Whether that affected him or it was just coincidence he slept undistrubed like a log the night after each set.

As for teething, Thomas has two teeth already and hasn't noticeably suffered any sleeping issues with it. He was maybe a little more grouchy through the day when they were coming through but no sleeping issues so far as we could tell.

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....he slept undistrubed like a log the night after each set.

....and hasn't noticeably suffered any sleeping issues with it. .....but no sleeping issues....

To be fair, this probably doesn't surprise any of the veteran forum members here. We remember what it was like to read some of your old posts! :D

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Charlie was the same after his innoculations, he would settle after a minute or so.

He will be 9 months old on the 15th of September. I honestly cannot believe where the time has went. On the one hand, it feels like he has been here forever, but on the other, it feels like it was just yesterday that I had to hand him back to the Midwife because I was getting queasy.

My girlfriend seems pretty set that she doesn't want anymore children. I'd love to have another one in a couple of years, they really are fantastic little people.

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Charlie was the same after his innoculations, he would settle after a minute or so.

He will be 9 months old on the 15th of September. I honestly cannot believe where the time has went. On the one hand, it feels like he has been here forever, but on the other, it feels like it was just yesterday that I had to hand him back to the Midwife because I was getting queasy.

My girlfriend seems pretty set that she doesn't want anymore children. I'd love to have another one in a couple of years, they really are fantastic little people.

I know what you mean, it seems like they have been here forever but it only seems like yesterday we were stressing about him not putting on weight and being under 5lbs! Now it's a little over a fortnight until his birthday!

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Not looking forward to his jabs/him teething now - that'll put an end to the good sleep!
Ruairidh wasn't up nor down with his jabs. Had a cry for a minute or so at the time and that was it.

We've had signs of teething since Christmas but still no teeth!

Cameron was the same, neither up nor down with his teething, or jags, however he does now have an unhealthy likening for Calpol.

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