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Mo Wonderboy

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Taker wants out. He's made that clear. He wasn't even interested in wrestling when he started and I doubt that he's interested now. He's not in wrestling because he loves it. He's in it because he feels he owes the McMahons for their loyalty.

It's for that reason that he deserves more fanfare than anyone. The man knows how to cater to the audience yet he doesn't give a f**k about wrestling.

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I've also heard that he will continue to wrestle for quite a while after the dates mentioned, it's just the last tour he'll ever do of Europe.

The first wrestling I can remember watching was 1990 and ever since he first appeared in WWE he has been my favourite. Even moreso since around '95, I always thought his character was cool as f**k and as far as gimmicks go he'll always be my favourite.

EDITED: http://www.lordsofpain.net/news/wwe/1969.html

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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I've also heard that he will continue to wrestle for quite a while after the dates mentioned, it's just the last tour he'll ever do of Europe.

The first wrestling I can remember watching was 1990 and ever since he first appeared in WWE he has been my favourite. Even moreso since around '95, I always thought his character was cool as f**k and as far as gimmicks go he'll always be my favourite.

Snap! That is exactly the same for me. I missed his debut PPV at Survivor Series but we had Sky installed in our house shortly after and the 1st PPV I watched was Wrestlemania 7 and 'taker blew me away, his gimmic in his 1st couple of years in the WWE was the dogs b#ll#cks.

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In saying that my very first wrestling memory was when I was 2 :lol: . The very first show I ever saw was Battle Royal from the Royal Albert Hall. Needless to say The British Bulldog won. But it also had Ric Flair vs Tito Santana and The Big Bossman vs The Mountie :lol: . Its weird to remember so much from such a young age.

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In saying that my very first wrestling memory was when I was 2 :lol: . The very first show I ever saw was Battle Royal from the Royal Albert Hall. Needless to say The British Bulldog won. But it also had Ric Flair vs Tito Santana and The Big Bossman vs The Mountie :lol: . Its weird to remember so much from such a young age.

I was 12. :ph34r:

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Loads of reviews ! Also, at the end, the updated 2008 MOTY list, in order.

John Morrison vs. Evan Bourne - ECW 14/04/2009

For anyone wondering if Bourne would get any momentum, here's a good idea. This match was an amazing show of exactly what Bourne can do. He's not a superstar and that much has become obvious, but if he gets matches like this a lot then I won't be complaining about how low down the pecking order he is. He's already improved an unreal amount since his days in ROH and IWAMS. Anyways, lockup and Morrison and Bourne exchange reversals. Morrison goes to the arm and takes Bourne down, but he doesn't stay down long and goes to the arm. Arm Bar from Bourne. Knee to the stomach and then Morrison with the Headlock. Morrison into the ropes and he takes down Bourne. Arm Drag and an Arm Bar from Bourne, and then he goes right back to some nice submissions. Arm Ringer from Bourne and then Bourne runs into an elbow. Morrison misses a Dropkick and Bourne gets a two count. Kick to the back of the head from Bourne to Morrison. Bourne gets sent throat first into the middle rope. Choke over the bottom rope from Morrison. Kick to the head from Morrison. European Uppercut from Morrison and then an Enziguri misses, but Bourne with a LOVELY Clothesline for a two count. Bourne with kicks into the corner. Morrison into the corner and Bourne onto the apron. Morrison with a sweep. RUNNING KNEE TO THE HEAD OF BOURNE WHO'S ON THE APRON !!! JESUS CHRIST, THAT'S BRUTAL !!! Knee to the head of Bourne and the referee wants this match back in the ring. Back in and we get a two count from that. Bourne into the corner and then he's put in a Reverse Torture Rack ... COUNTERED INTO AN ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL HEAD SCISSORS TAKEDOWN FROM BOURNE !!! Morrison gets to the floor and Bourne into the ropes, but Morrison with a Dropkick to the knee.

Back from commercials and we have a Cobra Clutch from Morrison. Who the hell does he think he is ? The Iron Sheik ? Yeah, I do that a lot. Anyways, Bourne has decided that he doesn't want to stay down, so does all sorts of movement and fighting back. Bourne gets back to his feet and then elbows to the stomach and then a chop. Bourne with kicks. He misses one and Morrison lays one on the back of the head for a two count. Replay shows that kick was actually really cool. Should have probably been more excited about that. :( Anyhoo, Morrison goes back to work with some stomping because that's what he does, see ? European Uppercut. Right hands from Morrison. Bourne comes back into the match. Fujiwara Armbar from Morrison as he blocks a move, and then gets a two count from that. Bourne now battles to his feet. Sort of a modified Cobra Clutch there from Morrison and the fans get behind Bourne. Bourne then gets grounded and Morrison is showing some great determination here, but Bourne is equally determined to get the hell out of there. Bourne is getting back to his feet ... well, he thinks he is. He does eventually. Morrison head first into the top buckle. Kick to the stomach. BRUTAL LARIAT FROM BOURNE !!! Striker acknowledges that with a "LARIATOOOOOOOO !". Dropkick from Bourne and then a Spin Kick and that gets a two count. Morrison into the corner and he raises a boot which does him no good. BOURNE JUMPS FROM THE CANVAS AND HITS A SUPER RANA ON MORRISON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! WOW !!! Flapjack drops Bourne on the top rope and we have pinfall attempts. European Uppercut from Morrison and then a right hand. High Cross Body and both men end up on the floor. This is some amazing stuff. THE KNEES FROM BOURNE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Bourne is LIVID with this. Kicks to the chest from Bourne. Morrison catches one. MOONLIGHT DRIVE ... Bourne gets out with a knee and now heads to the top rope, but Morrison catches him. HANGING MOONLIGHT DRIVE FROM MORRISON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEE !!!

**** I think I underestimated this match initially. It's an absolutely amazing free TV match to have. Both guys left everything in the ring, and because of that, and the talent both men have, we were left with an absolutely terrific match. People ask me why ECW is my favourite WWE brand. What other brand would give two guys this low in the pecking order SEVENTEEN minutes ? Not a single one. Super match.

Kurt Angle vs. Rey Mysterio - WWE Smackdown 26/08/2004

Lockup and Angle with the takedown and Front Facelock. Rey goes behind and a Hammerlock and Angle then goes to the arm. Angle with the Headlock and Rey with shots. Angle charges Rey down and then the Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock. Rey gets to his feet and Angle into the ropes. He charges down Rey and then Angle into the ropes again. Rey with an Arm Drag and that has Angle thinking about things, and then Rey mocks Angle. Angle decides to keep his cool and not let Rey into his head. Angle with a takedown and then the Front Facelock. He decides to get angry in the right way. Rey with a nice Suplex escape and a Drop Toe Hold and then a Headlock of his own. Rey with a Shoulder Block and then another Headlock and he's probably making the wrong decision here. Sure enough, Angle with a Back Drop Suplex. European Uppercut from Angle in the corner. Rey bounces out of the corner and sends Angle to the floor with a Head Scissors. Baseball Slide from Rey.

We come back from commercials, and Angle has a Camel Clutch. Rey manages to fight his way out of the move and Angle settles for a couple of nearfalls. Body Slam from Rey, and that was a HUGE Body Slam for a two count. Another two count comes from that. Rey into the ropes and then the Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Angle and the fans get on his back. Bearhug from Angle. Seriously ? Rey then battles with rights and lefts. BRUTAL RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM ANGLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! That was absolutely vicious. ANGLE SLAM ... Rey with an Arm Drag counter. Rey into the corner and a Drop Toe Hold. SPLIT LEGGED MOONSAULT FROM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Angle with a knee. Short Arm Clothesline misses. Fireman's Carry misses and Rey with a Dropkick gets a two count. Right hands from Rey. Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors from Rey. 619 ... misses. Rey into the ropes. Dropkick ... 619 CONNECTS !!! Rey on the apron. POWERBOMB FROM ANGLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! WOW !!! Angle pulls the straps down and he means business. ANGLE SLAM ... REVERSED INTO THE REVERSE DDT FROM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Have mercy ! Rey to the middle rope. Angle with a blow. SECOND ROPE GERMAN SUPLEX ... Rey blocks. LEAPING RANA ... VICTORY ROLL REVERSED BY ANGLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

****1/4 AMAZING !!! AMAZING !!! That was absolutely stunning stuff there. From the very beginning, those two guys went out there and put on the sort of show that makes you proud to be a wrestling fan. Reversals. Counters. High Flying. Hard Hitting. Nearfalls. You want it ? You've got it. Stunning match.

Billy Kidman vs. Psicosis - WCW Nitro 21/06/1999

I'm going to call Psicosis by the name of Mask. You do a PBP like I'm doing and you'll be doing the same. Lockup and a Headlock from Mask. Mask into the ropes and Kidman gets knocked down. Basement Dropkick and then stomps from Mask. He taunts the crowd. Aye, very good. Head first into the corner and then Mask with a choke with the boot. Headbutt from Mask and then a series of stomps. Kidman intot he ropes and he goes under. Into the ropes and a Flying Head Scissors and then a Dropkick. Mask is sent to the floor and Kidman fires the crowd up. CLIMBING PLANCHA FROM KIDMAN TO MASK !!! Cpt. Insano indeed. I should say that Kidman was the guy I first called Cpt. Insano because of the stuff he did. Anyways, back to the match and Kidman with some stuff. SITDOWN FRONT SUPERPLEX FROM MASK !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! The fans couldn't care about this any less. Mask is going mental. Basement Dropkick and we have no sound from that. No wonder the fans don't care. Kidman sends Mask into the corner and hits a Clothesline. Mask sends Kidman into the corner and Mask runs into a boot, but Kidman runs into a Clothesline. To the floor they go. Kidman into the railing and then Mask into the ring and back to the floor and then ... back to the ring. Uh ? Anyhoo, into the corner and Mask goes to work. Kidman into the ropes and he comes out with a kick. He ends up on the apron. Kidman sent into the top buckle. Running Dropkick sends Kidman to the floor. SPLIT LEGGED MOONSAULT PLANCHA TO THE FLOOR ON KIDMAN !!! Mask heads to the top rope. Mask jumps right into a Dropkick. This is just not happening. The fans don't care. SKY HIGH FROM KIDMAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Kidman misses a charge. SPRINGING SUPER RANA FROM MASK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Mask heads for the top rope. SPINNING HEEL KICK OFF THE TOP ROPE FROM MASK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! X-FACTOR FROM KIDMAN !!! Kidman is heading for the top rope. SHOOTING STAR PRESS ... Mask is getting up. Mask has totally blown the ending of the match. Back Drop Suplex and then Sid and Savage hit the ring. That's a no contest.

** If it wasn't for the big moves, this would be bad. Psicosis must be the worst cruiserweight in the history of WCW. Why did he ever get a job ? Kidman was utterly, utterly amazing here and did the work of about four men in a match with two.

Edge vs. Kofi Kingston - WWE Smackdown 13/03/2009

This was a breakout match for Kofi Kingston. I recall that I said "take a bow" when the match happened at the time. I'm hoping that it comes across equally as well here. Kofi backs Edge into the corner and we have a clean break. Lockup and a Headlock from Kofi. Kofi goes to the arm and then an Arm Ringer on Edge. Edge goes behind and Kofi with a Headlock. Clothesline knocks down Edge and that gets a one count. Headlock from Kofi. Edge with a reversal and a Headlock on Kofi. Kofi fights his way out of the move and then charges down Kofi. Edge into the ropes and he runs right into a Dropkick for a two count. Edge into the ropes and then he gets to the floor. Kofi wants Edge back into the ring.

Commercial break and a Back Elbow knocks down Edge after the break. Kofi with a fight back out of the corner and a right hand. Edge sends him into the corner hard. That gets a two count. Edge with a Waistlock and Kofi manages a fight back. Elbows from Kofi and he hits the ropes and runs right into a Flapjack from Edge and that gets a two count. Edge misses a charge and ends up on the top rope where Kofi kicks him onto the apron and then to the floor. PESCADO FROM KOFI !!! Back into the ring and a Clothesline and then chops send down Edge. Boom Boom Boom Leg Drop from Kofi. Big Splash gets a two count for Kofi. Edge into the corner ... reversed. Kofi drops behind and then hits some punches in the corner. KOFI WITH A RANA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Kofi then sent to the floor by the Ultimate Oppertunist. Edge then gets ran into the steps head first. Back into the ring they go and then Kofi heads to the top rope. HIGH CROSS BODY FROM KOFI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Edge into the ropes ... reversed, and he hits a Big Boot. Edge now has his eyes on the prize. SPEAR FROM EDGE ... KOFI GETS OUT INTO A SUNSET FLIP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! HURRICANE KICK ... BLOCKED INTO THE SHARPSHOOTER FROM EDGE !!! KOFI TAPS !!!

***1/2 Super outing from Kofi Kingston, and this was the first real sign that Kofi Kingston has what it takes to be something in WWE. Edge also played his part, by making Kofi look good against a world champion.

Disco Inferno and Alex Wright vs. Mark Jindrak and Sean O'Haire vs. Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman - WCW Halloween Havoc 2000

Why am I watching a match from WCW in the year 2000 ? This really should be against some sort of law of wrestling. We're going to open the match with Mark, Kidman and Wright. Spinning Back Elbow from Wright and then Kidman comes in with some shots on Mark. Chops and right hands from Wright. Mark into the corner and Kidman with a shot. Leg Lariat from Wright and then Kidman says he's going for him. Mark gets behind and then a Clothesline on Kidman. Suplex escape and Wright attacks from behind and then a Double Front Suplex drops Mark on the apron. Mark is sent to the floor. Clothesline from Wright to Kidman and then a series of Elbow Drops. Kidman into the ropes and he hits a Flying Head Scissors and then a Dropkick and in comes Rey. BRONCO BUSTER ... RIGHT INTO THE BOOT !!! Disco comes into the match and hits a Swinging Neckbreaker and then Jindrak comes in with a Springboard Shoulder Block. Rey with a flurry and he's sent into the ropes. TILT-A-WHIRL SIDEWALK SLAM FROM MARK !!! Sean with a GORILLA PRESS POWERSLAM ON REY !!! Clotheslines from the big man and he's looking amazing in there. Rey into the ropes and he comes out with a Sunset Flip. Disco with a DDT on Sean and that gets a two count. Rey with a Leg Drop on Sean with the help of Disco. Sean into the ropes. Spinning Heel Kick from Rey and then both men fight over the pin. Sean into the corner and Rey with a shot in there. Disco is then sent into the opposite corner. Springboard Splash from Rey to Disco gets a two count as Sean breaks the count. In comes Kidman and he wipes out Disco and that gets a two count. Kidman into the ropes and he jumps into a Michinoku Driver from Sean, and then Wright with a Missile Dropkick gets a two count. Kidman into the corner and a HUGE Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Wright gets a two count. Kidman into the ropes and a Double Flapjack and then Wright with an attack. Mark into the ropes and a High Knee from Wright gets a two count. Kidman is then set on the top rope as the fans get behind this. TOWER OF DOOM AND WRIGHT GETS COVERED !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! We have a hot tag and in comes Sean, Rey and Disco. Rey with a Dropkick to Sean. SPRINGBOARD LEG DROP FROM REY TO SEAN !!! REY WITH THE SEATED SENTON ON DISCO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... SEAN SAVES !!! Sean then lays out Disco. DOUBLE HIPTOSS SENDS KIDMAN FROM THE FLOOR TO THE RING !!! GORILLA PRESS SENDS REY INTO A POWERSLAM FROM WRIGHT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! WRIGHT WITH A PESCADO ON MARK !!! DOCTOR BOMB FROM SEAN ... REY SENDS SEAN TO THE FLOOR WITH A RANA !!! SEATED SENTON FROM REY TO SEAN ON THE FLOOR !!! Back into the ring with Wright and Disco. Double team gets a two count. Kidman into the ring and ... KID KRUSHER FROM KIDMAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KIDMAN HAS BEEN PULLED OUT !!! SUPER RANA FROM REY TO DISCO !!! BRONCO BUSTER !!! Wright is sent to the floor. Gorilla Press sends Rey to the floor. CHARTBUSTER ON MARK FROM DISCO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... REY MAKES THE SAVE !!! SEANTON BOMB FROM O'HAIRE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

***1/4 Credit where it's due. These six guys went out there and busted ass in a big way. The action started kinda disjointed and it was as if there was too much going on at the same time, but then when the match started to find it's groove, there was all sorts of good action and it was well put together. The Thrillers were particularly impressive in this one.

Juventud Guerrera vs. Rey Mysterio - WCW Thunder 14/04/1999

These two guys know each other very well and have probably faced each other a million times, so there's no way they can use lack of chemistry as an excuse. Lockup and into the corner they go and Rey with a push. Rey is annoyed. Lockup and a Headlock from Juice. Juice into the ropes and he takes down Rey. Juice into the ropes and he comes out with a chop and then more chopping. Rey with a counter and then he gets over Juice and then gets hit with a Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissor. Juice jawjacks with the crowd and then gets sent into the ropes and both men try for a move, and Rey gets an Arm Drag. This is pretty weird stuff so far. Juice into the ropes and he comes out with a Sunset Flip. Juice then escapes ... Powerbomb is blocked and then Juice with a Clothesline and he gets on the back of the crowd, who give him the exact same back. Rey into the ropes and the hits a lovely Flying Head Scissors and Juvvy gets to the floor where the fans all laugh at him. Rey with a shot to Juice on the apron but Juice gets under Rey and hits a Tilt-a-Whirl Slam. Juice into the ropes and Rey kicks Juice and that doesn't do much. Rana takes Juice over the top rope and both men to the floor.

Commercial break and we come back. Juice is in control of things when we come back. Chops in the corner from Juice and then he misses a charge and Rey then gets sent in but he gets over. Juice with a chop. Face Plant from Rey and now Juice is in position. BRONCO BUSTER FROM REY !!! Rey gets the fans behind him after that and Juice attacks him. RUNNING POWERBOMB ... COUNTERED INTO A SUNSET FLIP FROM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Inverted Reverse DDT from Juice and that gets a two count. Juice then heads to the second rope to taunt the crowd. Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker from Rey. Rey into the ropes and he runs into a Clothesline. That gets a two count, and then Juvvy locks in the Chinlock. Rey with a 619 and Juvvy drops Rey on the top rope throat first. Springboard Leg Drop from Juice and that was botched. THE JUVVY ELBOW FROM JUICE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Rey into the ropes. Juice avoids a German. Both men with reversals. JUVVY DRIVER FROM JUICE !!! Rey gets pulled into the corner. 450 SPLASH ... Rey manages to stop Juice coming off the top rope. SNAP SUPER RANA FROM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

**1/2 This could have been a much higher rating, but Juventud Guerrera seemed to be going into RVD mode, and he was determined to waste as much time stalling and jacking with the crowd as possible.

Juventud Guerrera vs. Billy Kidman - WCW Thunder 20/05/1999

Lets hope for more stalling from Juvvy ... sure enough, as soon as I say that, he starts taunting the crowd. Can we not just have a feckin' match with this guy ? Lockup and both men into the corner. Lockup and into the corner again. Juvvy says that the driver is coming and Kidman looks like he wants to laugh. Lockup and they break and Kidman with a Forearm and Kidman then pushes Juvvy down. Juvvy then taunts the crowd. For god's sakes. Clotheslines ducked and a Dropkick from Kidman. Kidman into the ropes and then Juvvy escapes a German Suplex and hits a Clothesline. Chops from Juvvy and then Kidman sends him into the ropes and he comes out with a kick and more chops. Juvvy gets kicked into the ropes and then a Clothesline sends Juvvy to the floor. PESCADO FROM KIDMAN !!!

We're back from commercials, and Kidman with a Back Drop Suplex and that gets a two count. Chinlock from Kidman. Wheelbarrow Bulldog from Juvvy brings him right back into the match. Juvvy then gets into the camera. Into the corner and then Juice with a chop and then right hands. POWERBOMB OUT OF THE CORNER FROM KIDMAN !!! Kidman misses a Stinger Splash and ends up on the floor. Kidman crawls away making sure that Juice can't reach him and Kidman gets back into the ring. Stomp to the back of the head from Juice. Piledriver gets blocked and Kidman with the Back Body Drop. Slam from Juice and then heads to the top rope. He jumps right into feet. What was he even going for there ? Kidman then pulls Juice out of the corner and we have some reversals. Juice with a snap of the throat over the apron. Springboard Rana and Kidman ends up on the floor. PESCADO FROM JUVVY !!! Back in, and Juice jumps right into a Dropkick. That gets a two count. Powerbomb is blocked by Juice. Juice is set on the top rope. Kidman is taken down. 450 SPLASH ... Kidman stops Juice from coming off the top rope. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM KIDMAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Sunset Flip gets a two count for Juice. Kidman into the corner and Juice onto the apron and he pulls Kidman down. Juice to the top rope. Missile Dropkick to the back of the head from Juice. JUVVY DRIVER ... COUNTERED INTO THE SKY HIGH FROM KIDMAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Kidman now signals for the end. Juice drops behind. JUVVY DRIVER ... COUNTERED INTO THE VICTORY ROLL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

** This was exactly like the Rey match previously, except this match wasn't as good. It's as if WCW decided that Juventud Guerrera isn't allowed to be as good as he can be, and should always mock the crowd rather than have a good match. Ugh.

JBL and The Dudley Boys vs. Rey Mysterio, Rob Van Dam and Eddie Guerrero - WWE Smackdown 20/05/2004

The Dudley Boys sure did compete in a lot of TV main events, didn't they ? Eddie Guerrero was attacked and isn't competing. Devon is going to start the match with Rey. Bubba with a cheap shot from behind and then some right hands. In comes JBL and he comes in and basically bullies Rey and sends him down with right hands. Head first into the top buckle and then knees from JBL. Kick to the head of Rey and that sure woke the crowd up. Rey into the ropes and he gets under JBL before unloading with kicks. Spinning Heel Kick from Rey and then JBL gets the hell out of there, and Devon comes in and gets some shots from behind. Rey into the ropes and a Wheelbarrow Bulldog on Devon and then in comes RVD with a High Cross Body for a two count. RVD into the ropes where Bubba gets in a cheap shot, and then JBL with one of his own, and Devon then sends RVD into the corner. Suplex from Devon gets a two count. Rey into the boot of Bubba and then he comes into the match and unloads with rights. JBL then chokes RVD with the tag rope. Swinging Neckbreaker from Bubba gets a two count. Swinging Neckbreaker from JBL and then another and that gets a two count and RVD is going to have a bad neck after that. Rey is sent off of the apron and then in comes Devon. Right hands from Bubba and then he drops the throat over the middle rope. Choke over the middle rope from Devon. Back in comes JBL and he works on the back on RVD. RVD sends JBL into the ropes, but JBL with a takedown and an Elbow Drop for a two count. Into the corner and then RVD with a kick. Springboard Kick from RVD and he needs to get the hell out of this match. Rey with a Springboard Seated Senton and then Rey into the ropes. Flying Head Scissors and a Dropkick from Rey. Springboard Leg Drop from Rey and that gets a two count and Bubba comes into the ring where RVD meets him. SLINGSHOT SOMERSAULT PLANCHA FROM RVD TO THE DUDLEY BOYS !!! Rana sends JBL into the ropes. 619 FROM REY !!! FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH FROM RVD !!! REY WITH THE COVER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... REY IS PULLED OUT !!!

We come back from commercials and Devon is holding a Chinlock on Rey. During the break, The Dudley Boys hit a 3D on RVD on the floor. MOONSAULT INTO A REVERSE DDT FROM REY !!! Rey with a right hand to Bubba, and then Devon attacks from behind and hits a Delayed Vertical Suplex. Choke from Devon. In comes JBL again and he comes in with boots. Rey into the ropes and he runs into a brutal Spinebuster from JBL. Abdominal Stretch from JBL. EDDIE GUERRERO IS HEADING FOR THE RING !!! Eddie is now on the apron and he wants Rey to get fired up enough to tag out of the match. Rey into the corner and JBL with a Clothesline and then he runs right into a Dropkick. Bubba then stops Rey making the tag to Eddie. Eddie wants in there and Bubba taunts Eddie. Rey into the corner and then Bubba runs into a boot. Another run into the boot. Second Rope Bulldog from Rey and the fans are egging Rey on here. Rey tags out and he goes to work on Devon and he also gets a shot on JBL. Back Body Drop on Devon and then right hands on Bubba. Back Drop Suplex on Bubba. THREE AMIGOS ON DEVON !!! Eddie is out of it though because of the attack and he collapses. Devon doesn't seem to be sure of what he wants to do here. JBL then tags himself into the match. He sees an oppertunity. The ref does a quick count to get Eddie out of there.

*** That ending just took every bit of momentum that this match had. The match had been really good and dramatic and the business with Eddie being attacked and coming down to help his partners should have ended in a dramatic win ! This was a good fun six man tag though.

The Updated 2009 Match of the Year List.

The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels - WWE Wrestlemania XXV ( ***** )

Katsuhiko Nakajima vs. KENTA - Kensuke Office 11/02 ( ***** )

Nigel McGuinness vs. Bryan Danielson - ROH Rising Above 2009 ( ****3/4 )

Edge vs. The Big Show vs. Vladimir Kozlov vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Triple H vs. The Undertaker, Elimination Chamber - WWE No Way Out ( ****1/2 )

Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi - NJPW 15/02 ( ****1/2 )

Adam Shame vs. BT Gunn vs. Lionheart - SWA Bellahouston March ( ****1/2 )

Masato Tanaka vs. Yuji Nagata - NJPW 04/01 ( ****1/4 )

Minoru vs. Kaz Hayashi - AJPW ( ****1/4 )

Katsuhiko Nakajima vs. KENTA - Pro Wrestling NOAH 01/03 ( ****1/4 )

Jimmy Jacobs vs. Austin Aries, I Quit Match - ROH Rising Above ( ****1/4 )

Chris Renfrew vs. BT Gunn - SWA:NXT February ( ****1/4 )

Johnny Moss vs. Wolfgang, Flag Match - BCW Rage and Honour ( ****1/4 )

KENTA and Extreme Tiger vs. Teddy Hart and Jack Evans vs. Joe Lider and Nicho El Millonario, Ladder Match - AAA 31/01 ( **** )

John Morrison vs. Evan Bourne - ECW on Sci-Fi 14/04/2008 ( **** )

Vin Gerard vs. Jimmy Olsen, Ladder Match - CHIKARA Revelation X ( **** )

Alex Shelley vs. Chris Sabin vs. Jay Lethal vs. Consequences Creed vs. Suicide, Ultimate X Match - TNA Destination X ( **** )

Chris Sabin vs. Alex Shelley - TNA Genesis ( **** )

Sanshiro Takagi vs. Kota Ibushi - DDT 22/02 ( **** )

Thumbtack Jack vs. Danny Havoc, Panes of Glass Match - CZW Total Havoc 2009 ( **** )

Jack Swagger vs. Christian - ECW on Sci-Fi ( ***3/4 )

RAW Elimination Chamber - WWE No Way Out ( ***3/4 )

The Big Show vs. Triple H, Last Man Standing Match - WWE Smackdown ( ***3/4 )

MsChif vs. Sara Del Ray - ROH Rising Above ( ***3/4 )

Beer Money Inc. vs. Lethal Consequences - TNA Against All Odds ( ***3/4 )

Jack Swagger vs. Matt Hardy - ECW on Sci-Fi ( ***1/2 )

Edge vs. Kofi Kingston - WWE Smackdown 13/03 ( ***1/2 )

Jay Briscoe vs. Nigel McGuinness - ROH on HDNet 28/03 ( ***1/2 )

Eric Young and Petey Williams vs. Beer Money Inc. - TNA Impact ( ***1/2 )

Chris Hero, Go Shiozaki and Davey Richards vs. Ace Steel, Roderick Strong and Brent Albright - ROH Rising Above ( ***1/2 )

Primo vs. The Miz - ECW on Sci-Fi 10/03/2009 ( ***1/4 )

Miz and Morrison vs. Primo and Carlito - WWE Smackdown 27/02/2009 ( ***1/4 )

Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy, Extreme Rules Match - WWE Wrestlemania XXV ( ***1/4 )

Kid Fite vs. Jason Rotanda - BCW Rage and Honour ( ***1/4 )

Edge vs. Jeff Hardy - WWE Royal Rumble ( ***1/4 )

No Limit vs. Motor City Machine Guns - TNA Impact 19/03 ( *** )

Raging Storm vs. Darkside and Scott Renwick - BCW Rage and Honour ( *** )

Jack Swagger vs. Matt Hardy - WWE Royal Rumble ( *** )

Beer Money Inc. vs. LAX - TNA Impact 05/03 ( *** )

Tyler Black vs. Jimmy Jacobs - ROH on HDNet ( *** )

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MORE !!! I have 10 this time, because I just kept doing them untill the P & B was back online.

Randy Orton vs. Eddie Guerrero - WWE Smackdown 14/10/2005

Both men are cautious to get going with this and Orton is looking pretty confident about this. I don't see why, all things considered. They lockup and we have a break. Lockup and a Headlock from Orton. Into the ropes goes Orton and a Dropkick from Eddie and that gets a two count. Right hands from Eddie. Whip into the corner from Eddie and then Orton with a thumb to the eye. Orton with a Back Drop Suplex for a two count. Side Headlock from Orton. Eddie battles to his feet and then into the corner they go. We have a clean break from there and Eddie then with a thumb to the eye. Into the corner and then Eddie chokes Orton with the tag rope. The referee is right on the back of Orton. Face Twist from Eddie. European Uppercut from Eddie and then another. Two count comes from that. THREE AMIGOS ... Bob Orton gets onto the apron to stop the second and third. Orton into the corner and Eddie misses a charge. Standing Dropkick from Orton and that was absolutely lovely.

We come back from commercials. Chinlock of doom from Orton. Eddie gets to his feet and fights his way out of the move, so Orton decides to do the Orton Backbreaker and that gets a two count. Knee Drop from Orton and then another Chinlock from Orton. Eddie fights his way to his feet. Back Drop Suplex into a Backbreaker from Eddie and that will sure change the momentum of the match. Whiplash off of the top rope and Orton gets a two count from that. Orton is getting annoyed and goes to work with rights and lefts. The referee admonishes Orton. Eddie then comes back with rights and lefts of his own so Orton hits a European Uppercut and then throws Eddie to the floor. Head first into the announce table goes Eddie twice and then Eddie blocks a shot and sends Orton face first into it. Eddie is then sent into the steps and both men get back into the ring. Orton gets a two count. Eddie into the ropes and a Sleeper Hold from Orton. Eddie manages to fight back to his feet. Eddie with a series of right hands and then he takes down Orton. THREE AMIGOS FROM EDDIE !!! Eddie then heads for the top and Bob Orton tries to get involved and gets a boot. Bob Orton pushes Eddie into the middle of the ring and that's a DQ.

** How much has Randy Orton come on since this time ? He was so boring at this time and he had no idea what to do when he was in control of a match. All he ever did was Chinlocks and Sleeper Holds, which is a long way from what he does now. He definately had his star power at this point though.

Austin Aries vs. Bryan Danielson - ROH 04/04/2009

These two guys have had an amazing fued over the last few years, including a really good best of three matches series. They then took their fued to PPV and it's good to see that they are taking it to TV, because they have never disappointed in their matches. Aries doesn't give a toss about this, untill they tell him he's going to get his head kicked in. Why is there so much stalling here ? Danielson wants a handshake and doesn't get it. The bell rings and this is off. Lockup and they jockey for position. Into the ropes they go and we have a clean break from that. Lockup and Danielson goes behind. Aries goes behind and Danielson gets out of the move. They then lock hands. Aries with another Headlock and then he's sent into the ropes and he takes down Danielson. Into the ropes and Aries with a pair of Arm Drags and an Arm Bar to take the initiative in this match. Dropkick from Danielson takes down Aries. Lockup again and Danielson goes to the arm and an Arm Ringer from Danielson. Aries with a Fireman's Carry but we have a quick escape. Head Scissors escape from Aries is blocked and both men with some nice countering, before Aries misses a kick to the head and we have a stalemate. Drop Toe Hold from Danielson and he goes to work on the legs. Danielson then with a Hammerlock. Danielson then moves into the Mexican Surfboard position, but Aries gets into the ropes before any damage can be done. Aries with a knee to the stomach and then an elbow strike. Aries into the ropes and he hits the breaks. Danielson onto the apron and a shoulder to the stomach. Danielson tries for the Sunset Flip. The referee breaks it but then hits a Dropkick. That was a belting little modification to the moveset there from Aries. Headlock from Aries. Aries into the ropes and he charges down Danielson and a Hiptoss from Danielson and then he gets the Cross Armbreaker and Aries gets into the ropes. Aries with an attack from behind when Danielson admonishes the referee. Back Elbow from Aries and then a Running Elbow Drop from Aries gets a two count. Knee to the back from Aries and then another. Nerve Hold from Aries. Danielson fights out of the move and then hits some kicks to the leg and Aries catches one. Knee Breaker and then Danielson is sent out of the ring. HEAT SEEKING MISSILE FROM ARIES !!! Back into the ring they go and that gets a two count. THE FISH HOOK ... the referee has to break the move and then Aries goes to work with rights and lefts. Aries misses a charge and the fans couldn't care about that. Aries sets Danielson on the top rope and then does a Back Rake. Danielson gets down and Aries misses the Corner Dropkick. Forearms from Danielson and then a series of European Uppercuts. Knee to the stomach and then a kick to the back gets a two count. Arm Breaker from Danielson and he Moonsaults over Aries and hits a big Clothesline. BUTTERFLY SUPLEX INTO THE CROSS ARMBREAKER !!! Nicely done there from Danielson and Aries needs to get into the ropes. Aries is set on the top rope. Aries is sent to the floor. Danielson wants to dive and Aries gets out of there. RUNNING KNEE OFF OF THE APRON TO THE FACE !!! Back into the ring we go. Danielson heads to the top rope. Top Rope Dropkick from Danielson. Running Knee to the head. CATTLE MUTTILATION ... ARIES COUNTERS INTO A PIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Strikes from both men. ROARING ELBOW FROM DANIELSON !!! THE SAME FROM ARIES !!! Running Kick from Danielson. Tiger Suplex blocked. KICK TO THE FACE FROM ARIES !!! Man, that'll make you sore in the morning. CORNER DROPKICK FROM ARIES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! BRAINBUSTER ... Danielson blocks with a knee. ARIES WITH A LAST CHANCERY ON DANIELSON !!! Knees to the head from Danielson ... TRIANGLE CHOKE FROM DANIELSON !!! ARIES INTO A PIN ... BUT ARIES TAPS !!!

*** This is about as high as I can go, as this was purely these guys putting on about 50% of what they can actually do in the ring. It was basically just a showcase of what they can do, which is something I can't agree with when they have a great chance to turn new fans to the ROH product, but all they seen on this showing was two guys doing a bunch of counters which ultimately meant nothing.

Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy, Stretcher Match - WWE Smackdown 10/04/2009

Right hands from Jeff and into the corner they go and Jeff goes mental in the corner. Clotheslines in the corner. Swinging Dropkick in the corner ... Matt gets the hell out of Dodge, so Jeff goes out and goes on the attack. Suplex onto the stretcher from Jeff. That had to hurt ! "The stretcher can be used as a weapon." Yeah JR, we just fucking seen that ! Back into the ring we go and Matt is now the man in control. How did that happen ? Suplex is blocked by Jeff and then he hits a Sitdown Front Suplex. TWIST OF FATE FROM JEFF ... blocked ... SIDE EFFECT FROM MATT !!! Matt brings a stretcher over and puts Jeff on it. Matt starts the push and Jeff kicks his way back into the match and then hits a Clothesline. JEFF HARDY SURFS DOWN THE RAMP ON THE STRETCHER AND HITS A CROSS BODY ONTO MATT !!! That was a damn cool spot to take us into the break.

We come back from commercials and Matt is back in the match. Jeff into the ropes and he comes out with a Clothesline. BUTTERFLY LOCK FROM MATT !!! That is pretty cool. Didn't he used to use that as his finisher when he was in the indies ? Jeff is now out cold and Matt sees a chance to take Jeff out of the match here. Matt is taking Jeff to the floor and then starts pushing, but Jeff refuses to allow himself to be pushed across the finish line. Jeff with a kick, but he hurt his legs doing that kick. Matt is then sent into the ringsteps by Jeff. Jeff puts Matt on a stretcher and we're heading for the finish line, but Matt doesn't allow it to happen. Both men battle over the stretcher and Jeff gets knocked down. MATT TRIES TO BEHEAD JEFF WITH THE STRETCHER !!! Back into the ring they go and Matt now brings a stretcher over to the ring. Matt now has a steel chair. Matt is knocked off of the apron and then knocked onto the stretcher and he falls off. JEFF SENDS THE STRETCHER INTO THE FACE OF MATT !!! Jeff puts Matt on the stretcher ... AND RUNS HIM INTO THE STEPS !!! Matt is on the stretcher and Jeff to the top rope. SWANTON BOMB ... MATT MOVES AND JEFF LANDS ON THE STRETCHER !!! Matt now sends Jeff up the ramp, but he refuses to stay down. Matt gets the chair. CHAIR TO THE HEAD OF JEFF !!! IT'S ALL OVER !!!

**1/2 Nowhere near as good as their Wrestlemania match as the gimmick of the match didn't allow for any sort of drama to be built between the two men. There was some right good spots between them though.

Jamie Noble vs. Billy Kidman - WWE Vengeance 21/07/2002

Lockup and into the corner and the ropes they go. To the floor they go as well and then back into the ring and a lockup again. Kick to the stomach from Noble. Kidman with the go behind and then a Backslide for a two count. Victory Roll is countered and we have all sorts of counters. Noble isn't happy with how the match is going. Snapmare from Noble and then he hits the ropes. Kidman with a Flying Head Scissors. Why does Michael Cole ALWAYS call that a Hurricanrana ? IT'S A FLYING HEAD SCISSORS YOU FANNY !!! Guillotine Leg Drop sends Noble to the floor. Pescado misses. Single Arm DDT from Noble and that will surely be the focus of the match now that he's done that. The shoulder is sent into the ringpost and it'd appear that this indeed is the focus for the match. Hammerlock Northern Lights Suplex gets a two count for Noble. Noble then goes to work on the arm of Kidman by simply twisting the arm. Kidman tries for the Sky High and can't get it, so Noble sends him shoulder first into the ringpost. Key Lock from Noble. If this was in Japan, the fans would totally be buying this as a finish. Kidman fights back into the match and Hammerlock from Noble. Right hands from Kidman. Rana from Kidman and then a Dropkick. CRADLE BREAKER FROM KIDMAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Noble into the corner and Kidman runs into a boot. Single Arm DDT and then the Fujiwara Armbar from Noble. POWERBOMB ... COUNTERED INTO THE X-FACTOR FROM KIDMAN !!! YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB KIDMAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Enziguri and now Noble is set up. Noble stops Kidman before he can do it. SUPER POWERBOMB FROM KIDMAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! WOW !!! Noble runs into an elbow. TORNADO DDT ... Kidman onto the apron and then the neck snap. SHOOTING STAR PRESS ... MISSES !!! LA MAGISTRAL FROM NOBLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Kidman drops behind as does Noble. GIBSON DRIVER FROM NOBLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

**3/4 Can't go higher as they didn't have the time to really make something of the match, but for the time they were given, this match was absolutely brilliant. For a match to be that short and still have two major nearfalls which you can buy into was really good.

Eddie Guerrero vs. Hardcore Holly - WWE Smackdown 14/07/2005

Holly looks like he wants to murder someone. When Holly wants to beat you up then you have some major problems coming your way. Holly basically involved himself in the business of Eddie Guerrero and Vickie, and Eddie wasn't amused. We have a Lockup and into the corner. They then switch places in the corner and then Eddie with a slap. Holly slaps him right back and Eddie isn't happy. Lockup and into the corner. Knee to the stomach and then chops from Eddie. Holly ducks one and hits a HARD chop. Those are some hard chops. Thumb to the eye from Eddie and then he hits chops of his own. Head into the top buckle, and then Holly comes back with more chops and Eddie gets the hell out of there.

We come back from commercials, and Eddie is in control and he hits chops. Eddie into the ropes and an Arm Drag and then an Arm Bar from Holly. Eddie battles to his feet and then gets whipped into the corner. Drop Toe Hold sends Holly face first into the buckle and then Eddie with a series of right hands. Eddie then chokes Holly with the bottom rope. Snapmare then a stomp. Eddie then with an Arm Bar before locking in a Head Scissors. Eddie is pretty much trying to dismantle Holly at this point. Electric Chair Drop from Holly. Both men back to the feet and right hands from both men. Eddie into the ropes and he runs into a Clothesline. Eddie into the ropes and a Baaaaaaaaaaack Body Drop from Holly. Dropkick from Holly gets a two count. Full Nelson Driver from Holly gets a two count. Holly heads for the top rope. Top Rope Clothesline gets a two count for Holly. Eddie tries to get over Holly ... ALABAMA SLAM ... Eddie hangs on for dear life. Kick to the stomach seems a good alternative from Holly. Eddie gets to the floor and Holly doesn't give him much in the way of space. Holly gets sent into the ringpost and that'll get the control back. Holly is then sent into the apron and Eddie gets onto the apron. Holly then grabs Eddie. HOLLY IS CHARGED BACK FIRST INTO THE ANNOUNCE TABLE !!! That looked pretty brutal. He then sends him into the apron and Eddie has taken a decent chance. Eddie is looking for something because the referee has a bad eye. PIPE TO THE LEG OF HOLLY !!! Back into the ring we go and Eddie is now in complete control of the match thanks to his lying, cheating and stealing. THE CLOVERLEAF FROM EDDIE !!! HOLLY TAPS OUT !!!

** It was certainly some hard hitting stuff and they put in a lot of effort, but the match was pretty uninspiring, as was always the case with normal Holly matches that went any length of time.

Ultimo Dragon vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. - WCW Spring Stampede 1997

As you've probably noticed, luchadores and cruiserweights are featuring pretty heavily with these reviews. Lockup and Dragon with a Takedown and a Front Facelock. Rey with a nice escape and then goes to the arm. Dragon with an escape and then locks in a Half Crab before going back to the head with a Chinlock. Rey with a Hammerlock. Dragon with a Body Slam to escape from that. Rey goes to the leg and takes down Dragon and then locks in some sort of Surfboard variation. Camel Clutch comes next from Rey and then he gets dropped throat first on the bottom rope. Crucifix gets a two count for Dragon and then Rey does some flipping around. The fans are appreciative of this. A series of kicks ends in a brutal kick to the back from Dragon. Dropkick from Dragon. Body Slam and that gets a one count. Side Headlock from Dragon. Cross Armbreaker comes next from Dragon. This match is very NJPW Jr. like in it's execution so far. Rey tries and fails to roll into the ropes. We get some nearfalls from a Short Arm Scissors from Dragon and then he wants to use the ropes. Dragon breaks the move and into the ropes goes Rey. SPINNING INVERTED TORTURE RACK BACKBREAKER FROM DRAGON !!! POWERBOMB AND THEN A REVERSE POWERBOMB DROPS REY ON THE TOP ROPE !!! Dragon has stepped things up here. Sleeper Hold from Dragon slows things right back down again. Rey with elbows and he runs into a Back Elbow from Dragon. RUNNING SITDOWN POWERBOMB FROM DRAGON !!! JUMPING TOMBSTONE FROM DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! DRAGON PULLS REY UP !!! Sleeper Hold from Dragon again. Rey fights out and hits the ropes and hits a Spinning Heel Kick. Clothesline from Dragon puts a stop to any momentum and then a kick to the back from Dragon. Another kick to the back from Dragon. Front Suplex from Dragon and now we have a Muta Lock. Mexican Surfboard soon follows that. He tries to get a pin from it and Rey kicks out. Kick to the back and Rey heads to the floor. Dragon heads to the floor and gets sent into the railing. Rey takes the chance to get the hell away from Dragon. Another Sleeper Hold from Dragon and a section of the crowd isn't exactly appreciative of that. This is total Benoit tactics right here. Shoulder Block Takedown and then Rey with a Sleeper Hold of his own and he takes down Dragon with it. Dropkick sends Dragon to the floor. Rey fakes a dive. SPRINGBOARD SOMERSAULT PLANCHA ONTO DRAGON !!! We now have an interview with Kevin Nash. WHAT THE HELL ?!?! Springboard Somersault Seated Senton gets a two count from Rey. Dragon into the ropes and a Drop Toe Hold from Rey. SPRINGBOARD LEG DROP TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD OF DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Rey goes behind and then Dragon misses a Cross Body. Rey to the top ... DRAGON SENDS REY OFF THE TOP ROPE AND TO THE FLOOR !!! DRAGON WITH A PESCADO !!! He also added a Skin of the cat, almost as if to say "hey, I can outdo you". Dragon gets back into the ring and Rey onto the apron. Forearms from Dragon. Rey gets behind and hits the ropes. LIONSAULT RIGHT INTO A DROPKICK FROM DRAGON !!! GIANT SWING FROM REY !!! Ultimo Dragon falls as well. Neither man can hit the Spinning Heel Kick. CARTWHEEL INTO THE RANA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... DRAGON REVERSES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Eniguri gets a two count for Dragon. Rey into the corner and Dragon with a Clothesline. GYRATING RANA FROM DRAGON OFF THE TOP ROPE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... FOOT ON THE ROPES !!! Rey escapes. TIGER SUPLEX FROM DRAGON ... COUNTERED INTO A VICTORY ROLL !!! NEARFALLS !!! SPRINGBOARD RANA FROM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

***1/2 Ultimo Dragon was vicious here, as he just beat the living crap out of Rey and made him feel the pain. The match was very Puroresu like in it's execution and at times it worked, especially with the Sleeper Hold when Rey got his receipt for the constant Sleepers from Dragon. This is a good match.

Eddie Guerrero vs. Billy Kidman - WWE Smackdown 02/01/2002

Awesome potential here. Takedown from Eddie and he seems fairly confident. Arm Drag from Kidman and then a Dropkick misses. Eddie with a Headlock and into the ropes. Sunset Flip from Kidman. Chop from Eddie and down goes Kidman. Fallaway Slam and then a Chinlock from Eddie. Kidman escapes but then runs into a knee. John Cena is now hitting the ring. Eddie decides to ignore the fact that he is even there and go to work on the back of the head. Eddie has finally had enough and then Kidman and Eddie end up on the floor. Chavo and B2 are in the ring. Rikishi is in the ring and he takes down B2 and the fans are going mental. What the hell is going on here ?!?! I didn't sign up for this ! Right hands from Kidman to Eddie on the floor. Chavo isn't a happy man either.

Commercial break ends and we come back to Rikishi getting taken away. Kidman with a series of rights and lefts. Eddie walks right into a Clothesline. Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker from Eddie and that gets a two count. Gory Special from Eddie. He then spins and drops Kidman for a two count. Chinlock from Eddie. John Cena is annoying on commentary. Everything he says is a rap. Kick to the head from Kidman. Kidman gets sent to the floor, just because that's what Eddie wants. Michael Cole is world class here though. Slingshot Senton from Eddie gets a two count for Eddie. Kidman into the ropes and Eddie with a Sleeper Hold. Tazz can't help but laugh at the commentary, while Kidman hits a Back Drop Suplex. Kidman heads for the top rope. Eddie stops him up there. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM EDDIE !!! FROG SPLASH ... MISSES !!! POWERBOMB FROM KIDMAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Eddie into the ropes and Kidman with a Baaaaack Body Drop and then a Dropkick. Eddie sends Kidman into the ropes and a SKY HIGH FROM KIDMAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! The worst X-Factor of all time from Kidman and he heads for the top rope. HIGH CROSS BODY FROM KIDMAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Eddie into the corner and he gets over Kidman. THE THREE AMIGOS ... Kidman drops behind and then both men collide. CENA WITH A CHEAP SHOT WITH A CHAIN !!! SHOOTING STAR PRESS FROM KIDMAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

**1/2 The shenanigans at the start of the match held this down badly. Eddie Guerrero basically made this match his show, and it was pretty good. John Cena was hilarious on commentary. Especially with Tazz sitting beside him laughing whenever the camera went onto him.

Blitzkreig vs. Rey Mysterio - WCW Nitro 09/02/1999

That is a pain to write in a PBP, so I'm just switching back to Mask here. Headlock from Mask and he takes down Rey and gets a Headlock down there too. Rey with a Headlock of his own. Wheelbarrow Arm Drag from Rey and then Rey into the ropes and he goes under. Lovely Dropkick from Mask and Rey ends up on the floor. SPRINGBOARD CORKSCREW PLANCHA FROM BLITZKREIG !!! Wowzers. Back into the ring that they go. Rey into the top buckle and then a POWERBOMB FROM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Body Slam from Rey and then a SLINGSHOT ARABIAN PRESS FROM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Rey is full of cool stuff. Mask drops behind and then Rey into the ropes. Mask to the apron. Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker after some gymnastics. STANDING MOONSAULT FROM MASK !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Big chop from Mask and then anothr. Mask into the corner and Rey hits the post. Rey is on the apron and Mask with a Springboard Neck Snap over the top rope. PLANCHA TO THE FLOOR ... RIGHT INTO A DROPKICK !!! Mask is then sent into the railing. Into the ring we go. Guillotine Leg Drop brings Mask back into things and that gets a two count for Rey. Mask then gets set on the top rope. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Sleeper Hold from Rey. Mask with an escape and he's sent into the ropes and he comes out with a Sunset Flip. HUGE Clothesline from Rey and he wants the cheers of the crowd. Snapmare from Rey and then a Head Scissors. Mask fights out and into the ropes. Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker from Rey. That gets a two count for him. Rey into the corner and Mask with the Corner Running Kick. RANA OUT OF THE CORNER FROM REY !!! BRONCO BUSTER FROM REY !!! Mask then crotches Rey on the top rope and he heads to the top rope. SKY TWISTER PRESS ... MISSES !!! Mask on the top rope. SUPER RANA FROM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

**1/2 This was basically a showcase for Blitzkreig, and man did he show a lot. Bumping like a crazy person and doing all sorts of flips and flops to wow the crowd into him.

Billy Kidman vs. Juventud Guerrera vs. Psicosis vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. - WCW Souled Out 2000

Rey and Kidman are going to start things ... well, I thought they were, but they then split and we don't have any sort of fight between them. Right, we now have Kidman and Rey in the match again. Lockup and a Headlock from Kidman and he's sent into the ropes. Oh, and Psicosis is Mask again. Flying Head Scissors from Rey. Forearm from Rey. Kidman onto the apron and then he comes in with a Slingshot Flying Head Scissors. Suplex blocked and Kidman goes behind. Into the ropes go both men and then they collide in the middle of the ring, and the other two men come in to get their own wee cheap shots in. Rey ducks a right hand and Kidman drops behind. Rey onto the apron and then he tags in Mask. Kidman now tags out of the match and in comes Juice. Juice has words and the fans get on the backs of both men. Juice gets shoved down to the canvas and then some stomps and kicks from Mask. Kick to the face from Mask and then Juice into the ropes. Lovely Victory Roll gets a two count for Juice. Kick to the stomach and chops from Juice. Running Chop from Mask takes down Juice. Both men with reversals. They break it and we have a stalemate, they want to tag out and Kidman and Rey get off of the apron. They then run into the ring and take down the heels. This is very ... bad guy like. Rey with a Backbreaker on Mask. ALLEYOOP SKY HIGH FROM REY AND KIDMAN !!! Juice into the corner and Kidman heads to the top rope and brings down Mask for a two count and Kidman is now one of the legal men. Mask sends Kidman into the ropes, and he gets tripped. Sitdown Front Suplex from Mask. Mask into the ropes and he sends Kidman to the floor. Rey wants into the match. Rey then gets thrown out over the top onto him. Juice goes out to lay the boots in. Mask wants to dive onto someone I think. Juice wants to dive and both men now have a bit of a fight about it. SUNSET POWERBOMBS OFF OF THE APRON TO THE FLOOR FROM REY AND KIDMAN !!! That's a pretty brutal way to end that arguement. Back into the ring with Juice and Kidman. Rey comes in. DOOMSDAY DEVICE FROM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Mask made the save there. Rey with Forearms on Juice. Juice into the knees of Mask and Rey decides to take issue with that. Mask kicks Rey down, but then gets Monkey Flipped over the buckles and to the floor. Kidman heads for the top rope. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA OFF THE TOP ROPE !!! In come Juice and Rey and Rey jumps into a Dropkick. AIR JUVVY OFF THE BACK OF REY TO THE FLOOR ONTO PSICOSIS AND KIDMAN !!! REY WITH A SOMERSAULT PLANCHA OVER THE REFEREE AND HE LANDS ON KIDMAN !!! Mask attacks, and then Juice wipes out Mask. Back into the ring we go with Juice and Rey. Springboard Seated Senton gets a two count for Rey. JUVVY DRIVER FROM JUICE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... MASK MAKES THE SAVE !!! Into the corner and Mask with some chops. Juice set on the top rope. SUPER VICTORY ROLL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KIDMAN BREAKS IT !!! X-FACTOR FROM KIDMAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... REY SAVES !!! Sunset Flip into a Bulldog from Rey and Juice makes the save. All four men are in the ring and Kidman and Juice end up on the floor. Mask with a slap to the chest. Rey is slid to the floor chest first. Juice lays Rey and Kidman next to each other. MASK WITH A SOMERSAULT PLANCHA OVER THE TOP ROPE ONTO REY AND KIDMAN !!! Missile Dropkick off the top from Juice to Kidman gets a two count as Mask makes the save. Baseball Slide to Rey. SLINGSHOT SENTON TO THE FLOOR ... MISSES !!! German Suplex from Kidman to Juice misses. JUVVY DRIVER ... Rey with a leg sweep. Kidman to the top rope. SPRINGBOARD RANA TO THE FLOOR FROM REY !!! SHOOTING STAR PRESS FROM KIDMAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

***1/4 The middle portion of this match was amazing as all four men busted a gut to get things moving at about 100mph. After that and before that, the action isn't bad but you've seen much better from these guys. Well, apart from Psicosis, who hasn't been involved in many better matches.

Randy Orton vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. - WWE Smackdown 11/11/2005

Lockup and a Headlock from Orton. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock from Orton. Bob Orton is proud of his boy. Rey then goes to the arm of Orton. Rey with some flipping about and he's sent into the ropes. Arm Drag and then another on Orton and he backs into the corner. Cheap shot from Orton and then Orton unloads with kicks in the corner. Orton is pretty happy with the way he is performing right now. Atomic Drop from Orton and Rey ends up face first on the second buckle, where Orton stands on him. Rey is now coming back into the match, and then Orton with an Uppercut to make sure that momentum is stopped. Rey is then whipped into the opposite corner hard. That gets a two count. Chinlock from Orton. Wouldn't be a Randy Orton match if we didn't have a really long Chinlock from Orton. Rey battles to his feet and gets into the ropes. Rey into the corner and he gets over Orton and kicks to the leg from Rey. Rey runs into a kick from Orton but then hits the breaks and Orton ends up on the floor. CORKSCREW PLANCHA FROM REY TO ORTON !!!

Commercial break and we come back to Rey with a Head Scissors on Rey. Orton gets into the corner. Shoulder Blocks from Rey and then right hands in the corner. Rights and lefts and then a big Bulldog back into the middle of the ring and that gets a two count. Bob Orton has the foot on the floor and Orton then runs Rey into the ringpost. Orton shoves Rey back into the ring and that gets a two count. Neck Twist from Orton and then he goes back to the Chinlock. Rey with a fightback. Orton then hits his Backbreaker on Rey and that is a two count again. Orton with a Knee Drop onto Rey. Into the corner and Orton runs into a boot and then the same again. Satellite Head Scissors from Rey. Big Dropkick from Rey gets a two count. Orton sends Rey into the corner. MOONSAULT PRESS ... Orton misses a move and Rey with a School Boy gets a two count. That was close. Rey into the ropes. CRUCIFIX BOMB FROM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Dropkick sends Orton to the ropes. 619 ... misses. Clothesline from Orton. Rey into the ropes. Wheelbarrow Bulldog. 619 ON ORTON !!! SPRINGBOARD ... Bob drags Rey to the floor and the match is over by DQ.

**1/2 This was an obvious improvement from Orton, as he was facing someone who was willing to bump like an insane person for him. Crappy ending though, but it's a free TV match though, so you're going to get that from time to time.

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It was actually The Big Bossman vs. Earthquake and The Mountie vs. Texas Tornado.

The Nasty Boys vs. The Rockers is worth a look, as is Tito Santana vs. Ric Flair. Not a great show.

You sure? I could have sorn it was Bossman/Mountie......but then again I was 2 :lol: . I've seen Santana/Flair since and it is pretty good. I could also remember The Nasty Boys on it but I can't remember ot being against The Rockers.

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Aww ye ruined it!

I was convinced it was gonnae be Taz btw.

Well after he put this on Hos blog everyone did:

With speculation that the former ECW star will debut for TNA this Sunday at

Lockdown (and at this point I think he will be the name TNA have hinted at), Taz


“In closing, I’ve been in the Pro Wrestling business for 23 years and I don’t

plan on disappearing anytime soon."

“I plan to make an impact real soon in this, the ultimate in businesses and

keep it’s honor….lol….sorry for crossing the line with my sophomoric humor!

Survive if I let you.”

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