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Mo Wonderboy

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I think the push The Miz is getting is lesser than you might think. He's really been playing the coward to Cena's superhero, but when they meet, you know it's going to end badly for The Miz.

The way I look at it is that Miz has been working with Cena and Morrison has been stuck with the lifelong micarder, Benjamin.

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But JoMo working with Shelton will get a chance to show what he can do to his new audience, while The Miz will get shown up as soon as Cena gets near him, leaving his new audience thinking he is shit.

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Andre the Giant had no personality, and by the time he became one of the biggest heel in WWF, he had little to no wrestling ability either. He didn't need it. Neither does Khali. He has everything he needs in his size and WWE decided to try and book him in 20 minute matches. Stupid idea and it killed any chance he had. He should have been a superstar.

Andre the Giant was far more entertaining than Khali would have & will ever be.

Kane's had credible runs before after being treated in a dire way. He's vile enough to make it work and plays the part quite well. If WWE ever need a surefire main eventer, send Kane away for a couple of months and then bring him back to fued with someone and it'll probably work. He's one of the only sure things in WWE at the moment.

Can he though? It has been a good few years since I stopped watching wrestling regularly but on the odd occasion that I do catch him his performances (More likely storyline as a jobber) are incredibly embarassing but since you are a regular watcher I shall take your word for i.

Another blown oppertunity here. Remember the Cena fued ? Umaga was red hot at the time and looked unstoppable. The match that blew off the fued was also an absolute corker. He went on to have great matches throughout 2007 and 2008. Unfortunately, he's lost most of them, but he's another one who's benefitted from the move to Smackdown. He's beginning to look good again

Umaga is just a horrible, horrible gimmick that will go nowhere IMO.

If there's one thing that Edge has going for him, it's the fact that he can talk a good game. His fued with Cena would have been nowhere near as good as it was if he wasn't doing his schtick along with it. It helped that the matches were great of course.

At the start of his push I would have actually agreed with you but to me it just felt same-y after a while.

Jeff Hardy and Rey Mysterio are main eventers. They are massively popular and that's all that matters.

Rey Mysterio is massively popular with the younger generation which is exactly why many older fans like me stopped watching. He should never have got the Heavyweight Championship. It's a give-away in the name Heavyweight that he shouldn't have won it!

Everything else you mentioned I do agree with and there is no need to quote as there is nothing to add.

Also, it seems as if you accept that the WWE is not as good as it once was realistically it can't stay at the top forever but it seems as if people are just accepting that it is in decline. IMO if people didn't think like this WWE wouldn't be like this. Simply put - It is whatever that makes money!

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But JoMo working with Shelton will get a chance to show what he can do to his new audience, while The Miz will get shown up as soon as Cena gets near him, leaving his new audience thinking he is shit.

It didn't do Edge any harm to get shown up by Cena on a weekly basis.

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Andre the Giant was far more entertaining than Khali would have & will ever be.

Not when he was at his biggest stage though. When he became a monster heel, he was worse than The Great Khali is.

Can he though? It has been a good few years since I stopped watching wrestling regularly but on the odd occasion that I do catch him his performances (More likely storyline as a jobber) are incredibly embarassing but since you are a regular watcher I shall take your word for i.

Kane usually disappears and comes back as a monster. It's just the way it works. He actually had a good thing going with Rey Rey, but it ended up turning into a disappointment. But he got over as the monster again at the time and the fans bought into it. Again.

Umaga is just a horrible, horrible gimmick that will go nowhere IMO.

It's not really. He's a Samoan Bulldozer. He can destroy everyone. Well, that's the way it should have been anyways.

Also, it seems as if you accept that the WWE is not as good as it once was realistically it can't stay at the top forever but it seems as if people are just accepting that it is in decline. IMO if people didn't think like this WWE wouldn't be like this. Simply put - It is whatever that makes money!

I think WWE is having one of it's better times right now as far as matches go, but it's going to be a very long time, maybe not even in my lifetime, that we see a Rock or Hogan come through the ranks. WWE will stay at the top if the competition comes in the form of TNA though. A poorly run promotion which is a shame considering the wealth of talent at their disposal.

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Just to clarify. The Miz is getting TV time, but as soon as Cena faces him proper. He is getting squashed. It's not much of a push in that respect.

That's sort of the point I was making. He'll be back in the midcard soon enough which is a shame. He deserves a good shot at a main event program.

Of course, if he gets a decent shot at Cena, even in defeat, then it might be a chance for him to shine.

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He has nothing to go anywhere. Shouting your name twice doesn't equal charisma.

The man was sloppy as hell and passable as best as a wrestler. Has come close to injuring wrestlers multiple times and has been injured himself multiple times. The guy is a walking disaster and I for one am delighted that he is gone.


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Kennedy dropped Orton on his head and shoulder with a Back Drop Suplex. Lawler had to pull him into the ring near the end of the match when he actually forgot he was supposed to come in. This injured his arm.

:lol: What a tool. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

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Kennedy dropped Orton on his head and shoulder with a Back Drop Suplex. Lawler had to pull him into the ring near the end of the match when he actually forgot he was supposed to come in. This injured his arm.

:lol: What a tool. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Forgetting the finish............unforgivable.

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I wouldn't get pissed about a so called retired wrestler coming out of retirement. It isn't exactly uncommon for it to happen now is it. I mean just look at the likes of Terry Funk how coul quite possiblyhave the most official retirements in the history of any business. And then there is the man who idolises Funk, Mick Foley. Now I don't know if Foley officially announced his retirement but it was widely assumed that he was and he came back. Then recently we had the reappearance of The Dragon. I wouldn't get too worried about. Back at WrestleMania 24 I could have almost guaranteed you and would have been confient enough to bet on it that he would be back sooner or later. When you consier how much wrestling means to the mans life, it was only a matter of time. Of course I don't think he should come back but it was inevitible.

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