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Mo Wonderboy

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My enjoyment of the current product isn't really anything to do with the point I'm making. The different fanbase is though, and is exactly why WWE will be successful for years and years to come. That being said, the Bret stuff has me intrigued, Sheamus is ever improving, The Miz continues to be awesome, Hornswoggle and DX actually seem to be a nice fit for each other, Drew McIntyre is IC Champ and CM Punk is CM Punk. PPVs are consistantly decent - good. Considering the current direction of WWE, I won't be complaining too much about the way things are going.

Problem with TNA is that things are short sighted with them, although with the way Hogan is talking, this might well be short term. Interesting you bring up TNA, because it reminds me of the post I was gonna make on here.

Hulk Hogan seems to have acknowledged that Impact had pretty major problems. His first problem was the Steel Asylum. He pretty much hated the look of it as soon as he seen it and that means that we won't see it as long as Hogan is in TNA. Six sided ring is another problem in his mind and that will be getting dumped too. Some of the production for the show got on his gears too. The guy knows his shit. I can see a LOT of firings coming.

The key thing is that they have managed to keep Styles, Joe, Pope, Angle and the likes away from the whole Hogan storyline for the time being, which is good news. As long as the old names are only there to raise profile for the time being, I have no problem with it. If not, TNA will be bust. Soon.

Superb Post DomDom

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He is barely on the show to promote himself as champion, he looks like he is in considerable pain and needs a lengthy break from it all.

I do agree he is the biggest star and one of the greatest of all time, but it's time for him to drop the belt.....

Exactly, Undertaker doesn't deserve to hold the title now or ever again, simply because he doesn't need it. He should follow Shawn Michaels who can keep himself entertaining and fresh even though he hasn't held the biggest title since 2002.

The champion of the Smackdown should be on Smackdown quite a lot, instead Undertaker hardly isn't and is quite frankly crippled. The guy can't work a proper one on one match because he's injured. He faced Punk in a really short Hell in a Cell match, won a fatal four way at Bragging Rights, a short triple threat match against Jerishow then had a corny match against Batista where Teddy Long interupted to give Taker a break.

Batista is a ticking time bomb, the guy will probably break his toenail and be out for months. Although with his latest heel push he'll probably take the gold although i would be inclinded to give Rey Mysterio the title and then let him drop it at the Elimination Chamber event to Jericho.

Edited by Parscelona
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Exactly, Undertaker doesn't deserve to hold the title now or ever again, simply because he doesn't need it. He should follow Shawn Michaels who can keep himself entertaining and fresh even though he hasn't held the biggest title since 2002.

The champion of the Smackdown should be on Smackdown quite a lot, instead Undertaker hardly isn't and is quite frankly crippled. The guy can't work a proper one on one match because he's injured. He faced Punk in a really short Hell in a Cell match, won a fatal four way at Bragging Rights, a short triple threat match against Jerishow then had a corny match against Batista where Teddy Long interupted to give Taker a break.

Batista is a ticking time bomb, the guy will probably break his toenail and be out for months. Although with his latest heel push he'll probably take the gold although i would be inclinded to give Rey Mysterio the title and then let him drop it at the Elimination Chamber event to Jericho.

There's a surprise! :P

Good post, though.

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Exactly, Undertaker doesn't deserve to hold the title now or ever again, simply because he doesn't need it. He should follow Shawn Michaels who can keep himself entertaining and fresh even though he hasn't held the biggest title since 2002.

It's not about what The Undertaker needs though. They made that clear when they decided to bring him back to take the title from CM Punk in the first place instead of giving him the proper time off that he needed.

It's about what WWE feel that THEY need, and they feel that having The Undertaker at the top of the hill is the best thing for the brand at the moment. Personally, I don't think CM Punk did anything worthy of The Undertaker coming back and taking the belt.

The champion of the Smackdown should be on Smackdown quite a lot, instead Undertaker hardly isn't and is quite frankly crippled. The guy can't work a proper one on one match because he's injured. He faced Punk in a really short Hell in a Cell match, won a fatal four way at Bragging Rights, a short triple threat match against Jerishow then had a corny match against Batista where Teddy Long interupted to give Taker a break.

He's not in the state that he was in a couple of months back though. He has been moving around much easier and has been wrestling more and more, and has even started doing more house shows. Of course they could have waited and put the title on him at this point, but rumour has it that CM Punk made a big boo boo and that necessitated Taker coming back as they already had plans for Batista and Rey, who are the other two big names, and obviously Chris Jericho was up to other shit. CM Punk has been shuffled down to the midcard which is a shame.

Batista is a ticking time bomb, the guy will probably break his toenail and be out for months. Although with his latest heel push he'll probably take the gold although i would be inclinded to give Rey Mysterio the title and then let him drop it at the Elimination Chamber event to Jericho.

He's almost 50 too. So he can't exactly have much longer to go, even without injuries. It's amazing that it's taken someone of his size and obvious talents to get into WWE.

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He's almost 50 too. So he can't exactly have much longer to go, even without injuries. It's amazing that it's taken someone of his size and obvious talents to get into WWE.

He's not even 40!

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There has always been confusion surrounding Batista's age.

Officially he turns 41 in 5 days time, but he's always apparently worked under a false age in has cut 3 years from his date of birth, meaning he's now approaching 44.

That doesn't surprise me. Even if he was 40 then Dom is still right - he doesn't have long left at the top.

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That doesn't surprise me. Even if he was 40 then Dom is still right - he doesn't have long left at the top.

I've never gotten the whole 'Batista' thing anyway.

I mean, really....what does he have aside from intensity and a good look? His mic skills are dire, low charisma, he's not a great wrestler, he has a bad attitude and isn't the easiest to work with if the stories are to be believed.

I've never bought into him as a main eventer.

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It WAS Batista I was on about. I actually thought he was older than that. And I thought Jericho was younger.

Batista DOES have charisma. Bags of it. Which is mainly what has made him so popular. His mic skills are merely passable. His wrestling is solid enough. He can be carried to cracking matches. Stories about him not being easy to work with are false, and have been outed as such.

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While Vince McMahon was no-selling Jeff Hardy appearing on TNA's three-hour iMPACT! broadcast last week backstage, it's been said that he was "privately seething" over the former WWE Champion's decision to jump ship to the competition. As noted earlier, WWE promptly removed Hardy from its opening video montage. Many others have been removed as well.

WWE officials were hoping his legal issues would be settled in time for a match with CM Punk at WrestleMania, but with those plans now out the window, they'll likely go with Punk vs. Rey Mysterio in a Hair vs. Mask Match as we reported Monday here on the website.

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While Vince McMahon was no-selling Jeff Hardy appearing on TNA's three-hour iMPACT! broadcast last week backstage, it's been said that he was "privately seething" over the former WWE Champion's decision to jump ship to the competition. As noted earlier, WWE promptly removed Hardy from its opening video montage. Many others have been removed as well.

I noticed that they totally revamped it ! Well, not totally, but you know what I mean. Had a wee bit of a mark out moment when Ted Dibiase chimed in.

Vinny Mac was probably raging at the Jeff thing, considering he wanted him for Wrestlemania, but now that he's going to go to jail most likely, I honestly don't think he'll be that fussed. He'll probably be relieved that he didn't take him in himself.

WWE officials were hoping his legal issues would be settled in time for a match with CM Punk at WrestleMania, but with those plans now out the window, they'll likely go with Punk vs. Rey Mysterio in a Hair vs. Mask Match as we reported Monday here on the website.

CM Punk and Rey Rey had a belting match at Armageddon last year. And Rey is even better now than he was then, so I'd absolutely love to see what those guys do with each other in a big time match.

EDIT : Two years ago sorry. Forgot we were in '10.

Edited by DomDom
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Maria and Kelly Kelly are gonna be interviewed on Sky Sports News at about half 6 today, if anyone cares.

P.S. Simon Thomas is a lucky c**t! Gets to sit beside Georgie Thompson every day and now this :angry:

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I noticed that they totally revamped it ! Well, not totally, but you know what I mean. Had a wee bit of a mark out moment when Ted Dibiase chimed in.

Vinny Mac was probably raging at the Jeff thing, considering he wanted him for Wrestlemania, but now that he's going to go to jail most likely, I honestly don't think he'll be that fussed. He'll probably be relieved that he didn't take him in himself.

CM Punk and Rey Rey had a belting match at Armageddon last year. And Rey is even better now than he was then, so I'd absolutely love to see what those guys do with each other in a big time match.

EDIT : Two years ago sorry. Forgot we were in '10.

Hopefully Jeff is back for Genesis atleast, where they can have him beat Homicide cleanly then after the match Homicide beat the crap out of Jeff in order to make it look like he is out of action, then bring back Jeff at a PPV costing Homicide the match, fueding one more time with Jeff coming out with the victory then pushing for TNA WHC.

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Apparently it's a matter of YEARS for Jeff in prison so lets not talk about his comeback. It's a shame because the guy is stunning. One of the best performers of last decade.

I hate that he's mates with Shannon Moore. Moore is one of the worst cruisers of all time.

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