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Mo Wonderboy

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I thought it was'nt until the start of March that they are moving to Monday nights?

Also with the Jericho/Hurricane thing, they'll both get away with it.

It will be in March yes but I don't think anyone mentioned it earlier.

Does anyone know how TNA finances are going if they are able to have Hogan and Angle etc. on the show?

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As for the Jericho/Hurricane thing. What is it that Jericho will be getting away with ? Drinking ? OH NOES !!! The Hurricane and Matt Hardy are the only ones in any real bother here. The Hurricane for assault and Matt Hardy for fleeing. Whether THEY get off is debatable, but Jericho will get off scot free because he wasn't really doing much other than get punched and be drunk. I'm sure we can all agree that this is hardly a big punishable offence.

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Greatest WWF video ever - through the years. biggrin.gif


Anyone know the song used for that video...

I know it's Kid Rock but the name of the song?

Edit. never mind got it..Lonely Road of Faith

Edited by The Hero of the Day
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Is it true Bret Hart is going to be in the rumble tonight?

I highly doubt it. It's one thing to expect him to be in a heavily gimmicked match with Vince McMahon at Mania, which seems kinda likely. It's another to expect him to actually be in a Royal Rumble.

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After the drinking incident, Jericho should get pushed and not job to people like R Truth. While Matt Hardy and Helms on the other hand should just leave and join their brother at the weed garden party in TNA.

Tonight is certainly going to be interesting, i can see either one big face or heel turn happening. I'm really hoping that Mysterio defeats Undertaker. In the other title match sadly i can see Sheamus retaining for some reason although i would rather Orton wins.

Also who is everyone going for to win the Rumble? for some reason i have a feeling that Kofi will win it, of course i'm hoping Jericho does but there's probably not much chance of that happening. Additionally, it will be interesting to see if there will be any surprise entrants this year and i have a feeling that HHH will eliminate HBK.

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Helms seems to have been pulled from the Rumble, so that's one out of three. The woman involved actually said it's a big load of crap over nothing.

According to TMZ, Ashley Storer, the woman who took an elbow from The Hurricane early Wednesday morning has decided to speak and clear things up. Storer claims that Jericho and Helms were play fighting, and things escalated, due to them being drunk. During the play fight, she took an elbow to the face, and then at that time, the cab driver pulled over to the gas station, where the arrest happened. She also says that Matt Hardy was completely sober. Finally, she admitted that she blew things out of proportion, saying…

"I was crying and drunk and tired from being out all night and I just wanted to leave."

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Also who is everyone going for to win the Rumble? for some reason i have a feeling that Kofi will win it, of course i'm hoping Jericho does but there's probably not much chance of that happening. Additionally, it will be interesting to see if there will be any surprise entrants this year and i have a feeling that HHH will eliminate HBK.

Think: DX

Want: Di Biase

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Greatest WWF video ever - through the years. biggrin.gif


Amazing video, like how the change from the Macho Man to HBK to Kurt Angle...

very well done

some very iconic scenes in there

Sid and his laugh

Undertaker "squaring up" to Kane


Tyson and Austin

and laugh.giflaugh.gif at the look on Michaels' face when Undertaker drags him into the casket...

good PPV then 98 Royal Rumble actually, so much hype over Austin pretty much like the Rock in 2000.

Edited by The Hero of the Day
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Been meaning to mention this, but just how fucking disgusting is the 'Piggy James' angle?! Its absolutely fucking despicable, even by the crass, low WWE standards. What a bunch of utter c***s. The lassie isn't fat, she's in tremendous shape! She's stunning yet because she isn't an anorexic little hoor they decide to rip the pish?! What the f**k?! Utterly inexcusable and should be something that people should not only be fired over but possibly face legal action over. What kind of message is it sending to it's younger, more impressionable fans with this crap? Remember these are the fans they are now trying to cater to with thier whole PG13 nonsense.

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Been meaning to mention this, but just how fucking disgusting is the 'Piggy James' angle?! Its absolutely fucking despicable, even by the crass, low WWE standards. What a bunch of utter c***s. The lassie isn't fat, she's in tremendous shape! She's stunning yet because she isn't an anorexic little hoor they decide to rip the pish?! What the f**k?! Utterly inexcusable and should be something that people should not only be fired over but possibly face legal action over. What kind of message is it sending to it's younger, more impressionable fans with this crap? Remember these are the fans they are now trying to cater to with thier whole PG13 nonsense.

I thought they've handled the storyline well - and they did get their comeuppance last night...

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Considering that they dabbled in homophobia and racism in the golden age of PG wrestling, then I can't say I care.

Infact, it's one of the few involving storylines going in WWE at the moment, buried under an unwanted pile of absolute shit.

What message is it sending to people anyways ? Just like in movies or soaps or anything like that, bullies are the bad guys. They're wrong in every way, and Mickie NOT being fat just goes to emphasise that point.

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