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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Having just watched the HBK/Taker video again, I 've realised that the AC/DC song is 'Thunderstruck'.

And it just emphasised how epic it is! It's truely stunning, from the music to the slow motion shots to the colours used. Award winning worthy stuff. If it was Hollywood people would be going fucking batshit.

Edited by DA Baracus
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Having just watched the HBK/Taker video again, I 've realised that the AC/DC song is 'Thunderstruck'.

And it just emphasised how epic it is! It's truely stunning, from the music to the slow motion shots to the colours used. Award winning worthy stuff. If it was Hollywood people would be going fucking batshit.

Dang, I love seeing stuff like that but I cant access youtube from my current location, will have to wait patiently until the weekend.

The last promo video I think that Itruly loved (bearing in mind theres about a 9/10 year gap of me not really seeing any of the wrestling) was steve austins pre-survivor series 1997 video for his match with bret hart...the one shot in black and white with some kind of industial back drop, with the line, 'pink tights...what the hell is that all about? This ain't no ballet class....'

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The last promo video I think that Itruly loved (bearing in mind theres about a 9/10 year gap of me not really seeing any of the wrestling) was steve austins pre-survivor series 1997 video for his match with bret hart...the one shot in black and white with some kind of industial back drop, with the line, 'pink tights...what the hell is that all about? This ain't no ballet class....'

The WWE promo videos are immense. Here's a few of my favourites:

I couldnt find the intro video to Wrestlemania 22 but this one is almost as good.


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Ted DiBiase Senior and Junior are gonna be on Sky Sports News tonight. I think its within the next hour.

At the end of the last hour they showed Ted Sr's Hall of Fame video :D

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Ted DiBiase Senior and Junior are gonna be on Sky Sports News tonight. I think its within the next hour.

At the end of the last hour they showed Ted Sr's Hall of Fame video :D

They've been doing the promo for it all day - could be one of the better interviews we get on SSN.

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I'm a TNA fan, I've been watching it since 2003 really refreshing when compared to the generic shite on wwe, I just can't stand goofy guest hosts, cena getting put over too much and hornswoggle.... I'm 24, midgets stopped being entertaining to me a long time ago.

Looking forward to Monday when the Moday night wars come back, sure TNA won't win, but they will be gaining more fans each week, Flair and Styles vs Hulk Hogan and Abyss will be something I certainly won't be missing...

I know TNA can't compete just now to the level of wwe, but it's a young company with a lot less money, not everyones cup of tea and sure it has taken the form of WCW of late but hey.... I enjoyed WCW.

Hogan and Flair are the 2 best guys on the mic that has ever lived, I could listen to Ric Flair read out the instructions to a microwaveable lasagne if he did it in the normal intensity and ended it with a WOOOOOOOOOOO

I have to say the card for Wrestlemania looks great though, I think that Bret vs Vince will be a Botchamania highlight reel, Cena vs Batista will be ok but not a great pure wrestling spectacle with Cena winning, Edge and Jericho will be a really good match, but the main event for me will be Taker vs HBK.... I really hope the streak remains!

thats my thoughts on wrestling, I hope you all don't flame me for being both a TNA and a Rangers fan biggrin.gif Cheers!

If you cannae be arsed with the stupid pish on RAW well thats what Smackdown is for and ECW before they got rid of it

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TNA reminds me of the original ECW. A blend of excellent wrestling a crap. Ecw had some awesome wrestlers and also had what Stone Cold described as "violent crap". TNA can have amazing matches but it too often focuses on gimmicky crap...but f**k it, thats not gona stop me watchin AJ, Beer Money, MCMG etc. etc.

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well said, there is good and bad on both sides, TNA is just my drug of choice, I have to say MCMG have not been up to the billing they often get, Generation Me (shite name) are the most exciting tag team to watch in the world of wrestling right now, I was amazed at their debut, not exactally the best name or ring atire... but awesome team.

the blend of awesome and crap is highlighted when the nasty boys get a PPV spot ahead of them laugh.gif but I'll take sitting through a nasty boys match to get to see Hogan vs Flair again anyday

Some of the matches in TNA do my head in too...like Ultimate X, King if the Mountain and that weird lookin one they had on January 4th....the big red fucker that you couldnae see into.

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I like TNA but the thing that annoys me is that even though they seem to know where they want to get to, they have no idea how to get there.

One of the main things that gets on my tits about TNA is that they have talent being face one week and heel the next. And nobody cares enough about them to care which one they are and how often they turn.

I just hope they get it together soon. Cause come Monday when going up against Raw, they're gonna get arse raped.

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I like TNA but the thing that annoys me is that even though they seem to know where they want to get to, they have no idea how to get there.

One of the main things that gets on my tits about TNA is that they have talent being face one week and heel the next. And nobody cares enough about them to care which one they are and how often they turn.

I just hope they get it together soon. Cause come Monday when going up against Raw, they're gonna get arse raped.

There was a period where I thought TNA were doing an extra episode of iMPACT a week and I didn't know. Eric Young was a heel and leader of World Elite a few weeks ago....now World Elite disnae exist and Young is a face. Same can be said for Rob Terry, Rhino, MCMG and that guy wi the massive mohawk.

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Eric Young was a heel and leader of World Elite a few weeks ago....now World Elite disnae exist and Young is a face.

My point exactly. I didn't even realise World Elite had finished and had completly forgot EY was a heel a few weeks back.

Although I dont think he pulls of the Leather Jacket wearing Badass quite as well as Big Sexy.

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yeah all part of the hogan transition getting guys to take the form of what he thinks they will pull off best, I for one hope that Rhino stays heel, he has been my favourite wrestler for a long time, Brilliant heel

ECW Rhino is easily one of my top 5 favourite heels of all time.

And Big Sexay is always the man....but with that leather jacket....nobodys safelaugh.gif .

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ECW Rhino is easily one of my top 5 favourite heels of all time.

And Big Sexay is always the man....but with that leather jacket....nobodys safelaugh.gif .

It's funny how ECW made some wrestlers into really entertaining and believable characters, yet in other companies, they're completely bland and uninteresting. Justin Credible's another example. I actually think his character in ECW inspired Edge's heel persona.

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