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Mo Wonderboy

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Triple H in the year 2000 was at his best ever since he returned from the knee surgery in 2002 he has been more of a fan favourite (exception to the evolution era) he was a great heel, I bought the "I am the game and I am that damn good" shirt in 2000 thought he was on top of his game, he is becoming less and less important in recent years and the 2 man DX is just boring, it's not what DX used to stand for with this over pushing the merch and doing just play Gay promos.... when hornswoggle joined DX it was officially dead

X-Pac would be turning in his grave.... sadly though he is still on our screenstongue.gif

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My favourite theme of all time is still HHH's first theme 'My Time'.

The start 'One, two.....is this on?' then the distorted guitar riff that sounded kinda like a siren going off is superb. It was a perfect theme to push him as the bad bastard hell character.

Then the lyrics themselves break which break kayfabe a few times.

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To claim that Cena is shite in every aspect of wrestling is a rediculous statement to make.

Also after someone mentioned Goldust, He has to be one of my favourite characters to come down the pipe in the past 20 years.

And for Mania, can anyone else see the MitB winner cashing in on the night?

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Some great discussion going on in this thread recently. You've been a fine addition to our club Boyd. ;)

If you're going to look at replacements from the current roster then the likes of Edge spring to mind, while Orton could be a Stone Cold type character who kicks the hell out of everyone yet has the fans respect and full support. Although in saying that the task of replacing Cena as the top face will be very difficult.

If WWE can get away with Randy Orton as an anti-hero, then he IS capable of doing so, regardless of what I have said in the past. This has been one of the most subtle face turns I've ever seen, and it's worked so well because Orton is still doing everything that made him such a popular heel. If they just keep him as he is, he's gonna be a superstar in the future.

I don't think anyone can really "replace" Cena right now, but they can certainly be big enough to keep things going strong. Edge has been horrific as a babyface recently. "Spear ... Spear ... Spear" ... stop acting like a fucking spear.

Triple H in the year 2000 was at his best ever since he returned from the knee surgery in 2002 he has been more of a fan favourite (exception to the evolution era) he was a great heel, I bought the "I am the game and I am that damn good" shirt in 2000 thought he was on top of his game, he is becoming less and less important in recent years and the 2 man DX is just boring, it's not what DX used to stand for with this over pushing the merch and doing just play Gay promos.... when hornswoggle joined DX it was officially dead

Triple H's 2000-2001 run of matches was unreal. The guy was untouchable. The post-injury Triple H really was an absolute disaster. Not as a character, but as a wrestler. I fully get that he might have been even bigger than he was before the injury, but by god the guy went downhill in the ring. Had the worst match of the year in both 2002 and 2003 and was just generally the pits, but the guy worked hard and got himself back to decent shape and got himself good again. Maybe not as good as he was, but you can't have it all.

I actually really enjoyed the Hornswoggle/DX stuff when they were seperate. DX were a disaster on the comeback I thought, but then Hornswoggle came in and I was pleasantly surprised by just how much I enjoyed their "fued". Him joining was crap though.

X-Pac would be turning in his grave.... sadly though he is still on our screens

Enough of yer shite. ;)

He's actually looking motivated right now, and that "sneaky looking fucker" look he always has these days is brilliant.

My favourite theme of all time is still HHH's first theme 'My Time'.

The start 'One, two.....is this on?' then the distorted guitar riff that sounded kinda like a siren going off is superb. It was a perfect theme to push him as the bad b*****d hell character.

A great time for theme music. The Rock had a cracker around then too, and D'Lo Brown had his "You lookin' at the real deal now !" music.

Also after someone mentioned Goldust, He has to be one of my favourite characters to come down the pipe in the past 20 years.

Talking about those that play their characters perfectly ... here is one. Dustin Rhodes was absolutely glorious as Goldust. I have to agree that this is one of the best characters not only in the last however many years, but one of the greatest wrestling characters of all time. The heel version of Goldust was just pure unsettling to anyone watching. Being a kid watching him, it was just pure weird. Dustin seemed to be having an absolute ball playing the part as well.

He's a good guy to have around as an old hand these days.

And for Mania, can anyone else see the MitB winner cashing in on the night?

If Christian wins, I can see that happening as he turns on Edge. Anyone else, I'm not sure.

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If Christian wins, I can see that happening as he turns on Edge. Anyone else, I'm not sure.

I think maybe this or if Cena beats Batista then something where Vince tries to screw Cena by having McIntyre cash in.

Also talking of great music...I still think this one is a belter:

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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I can't see them having Cena win and then lose with the case as I think that'll be the "send fans home happy" main event of the evening. It might well be the case though to give more of an "anything can happen at Wrestlemania" kind of vibe. If that happened, I would go absolutely fucking mental.

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I can't see them having Cena win and then lose with the case as I think that'll be the "send fans home happy" main event of the evening. It might well be the case though to give more of an "anything can happen at Wrestlemania" kind of vibe. If that happened, I would go absolutely fucking mental.

Even if the case is cashed in, whos to say the title will change? They could have McIntyre win MitB. Have Vince have him cash it in and loose, just to act as a big "git it right up ye" to Vince.

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Just don't imagine the present day Goldust while listening to his theme. Think of the nutjob from 1996 and it's some seriously good music.

Indeed - that run he had was absolutely immense. Fantastic character. Always loved the music as well, to the point where I'd play it over and over on the early PS1 games... :ph34r:

He's a good guy to have around as an old hand these days.

He is that, hopefully he's well utilised while on Smackdown.

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anyone here ever travelled to a WM? I would like to one year it is one of those things that just needs to be done if you have the time and money, I still think X8 was the best ever, even though that idiot cole says "the best mania of alllll time" every year (kinda takes the meaning away from the phrase)

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anyone here ever travelled to a WM? I would like to one year it is one of those things that just needs to be done if you have the time and money, I still think X8 was the best ever, even though that idiot cole says "the best mania of alllll time" every year (kinda takes the meaning away from the phrase)

Me and my mate went to Orlando for Mania 24. We managed to get tickets but ended up aboot 3 mile away fae the ring. As great an occasion as it is, I wouldn'tgo again unless I knew I had a good seat.

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Cena wins

Bret wins

J.R. returns

the heels get skelped, normal mania material, the taker vs HBK match is the only one I'm really interested in right now as I have no clue how it will pan out

Everyone always goes on about how the streak will end when there is a youngster ready to end it and take the company onwards.

Well if McMahon was serious about Sheamus, surely now would have been as good a time as any to put that theory into effect? Personally I don't, and never have bought the theory. They've had chances to do it with Orton, HHH and Edge at points which would have seen them elevated to whole new levels.

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Me and my mate went to Orlando for Mania 24. We managed to get tickets but ended up aboot 3 mile away fae the ring. As great an occasion as it is, I wouldn'tgo again unless I knew I had a good seat.

aye thats the problem with WM they always have them at arenas meant for a sport that is bigger than the size of a ring, fair enough if there was a game of football on the go, but it's hard to focus in on a wrestling ring from some of the seats

I'm still hoping to see some nudity in WM30 as the name fits

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aye thats the problem with WM they always have them at arenas meant for a sport that is bigger than the size of a ring, fair enough if there was a game of football on the go, but it's hard to focus in on a wrestling ring from some of the seats

I'm still hoping to see some nudity in WM30 as the name fits

To be fair, less than half of the Wrestlemania events have taken place in huge arenas (III, VI, VIII, X7, X8, XIX and now 23-27) but given that we'll now have five in a row at big arenas it's certainly becoming the norm. WM30, I suspect, will be at the Garden though.

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To be fair, less than half of the Wrestlemania events have taken place in huge arenas (III, VI, VIII, X7, X8, XIX and now 23-27) but given that we'll now have five in a row at big arenas it's certainly becoming the norm. WM30, I suspect, will be at the Garden though.

I really want another one at Ceasasrs Palace.

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Wembley would be a great one if possible, yanks would be raging but f**k them, when wwe are over here it's normally a shite show, at least when TNA were over they had a title change hands

I think the only thing that would f**k that up is that its WWE biggest earner of the year ad the time difference could have an affect on buy rates...can't see a Mania outside of North American to be honest.

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