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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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I fucking HATE CZW with a passion! those idiots just bleed and wrestle bad, I LOVED the original ECW

While CZW was certainly heavier on the death matches etc there was a really good mix of garbage/flying/strongstyle/technical on most shows. Things like the rottens' Taipai Death match in ECW were basically the precursor for Zandig's COD and all that stuff.

Edited by cb_diamond
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So I should have said "Why did Sting kick the shit out of RVD" ? I guess that wouldn't have gotten my point over. It is what it is.

Once again I was disappointed with RVD's debut but it sees him in a fued straight away with Sting. It certainly wasn't the worse debut I've seen.

TNA did a 0.8 rating. Their worst in about two years.

Aye, they're doing well right enough. laugh.gif

How were WCW doing in 94 -95 ish?

You're a TNA fan & so am i, i am asking why you bother responding to the shite that is in this thread sometimes. You'll never be able to win any argument, because it's all pro WWE.

I don't see anything on this thread as an arguement, just a discussion as we are all wrestling fans in the end.

Most of the discussions on here are interesting and that's why I visit this thread and so do you so I don't see how you can call this thread sh*te. I am of the opinion that TNA is better than WWE but some will disagree and I can live with that. To all WWE fans on here. What makes WWE better than TNA with the exception of marketing, promos and production?

Edited by The Hero of the Day
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Once again I was disappointed with RVD's debut but it sees him in a fued straight away with Sting. It certainly wasn't the worse debut I've seen.

I certainly can't think of a worse one for a top name. Even TNA have managed for the most part to get it right.

How were WCW doing in 94 -95 ish?

The lowest rating for a WCW Nitro in it's first year ( 1995 ) was a 1.9 in it's third week. Before that, their only big free TV show, Clash of the Champions, was regularly scoring around the 3.0-4.0 region.

Most of the discussions on here are interesting and that's why I visit this thread and so do you so I don't see how you can call this thread sh*te. I am of the opinion that TNA is better than WWE but some will disagree and I can live with that. To all WWE fans on here. What makes WWE better than TNA with the exception of marketing, promos and production?

I find that the PPVs are normally much better too. You have to get through some right turgid shite on the TV most of the time but in saying that NXT has been brilliant and RAW, while having a dodgy week this week, has been superb in the lead up to Wrestlemania. Even Smackdown seems to be stepping it up, even if Edge now has the worst catchphrase ever.

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I don't watch much wrestling but WWE draws more money and a larger audience than TNA, which is what it ultimately comes down to.

Don't think you are right there. TNA has a better in ring product and that is what it should come down to. I agree with you about drawing money and having larger audience but what it should come down is what the show is like overall and for a few weeks now Impact has been a lot better than RAW.

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Once again I was disappointed with RVD's debut but it sees him in a fued straight away with Sting. It certainly wasn't the worse debut I've seen.

I can't think of many worse debuts that I've seen. What could have been such an outstanding moment, which TNA could have stole viewers from WWE, and they fucked it. They have the potential to be so much more, but shitty, shitty decisions are holding them back.

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Don't think you are right there. TNA has a better in ring product and that is what it should come down to. I agree with you about drawing money and having larger audience but what it should come down is what the show is like overall and for a few weeks now Impact has been a lot better than RAW.

TNA is by far better than WWE

the only reason WWE is winning in the ratings is because it's had Decades of being a household name and with that the money, people don't like change and are quite happy to eat up the same old product. But Rome wasn't built in a day and TNA will reach the same Heights one day

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TNA is by far better than WWE

the only reason WWE is winning in the ratings is because it's had Decades of being a household name and with that the money, people don't like change and are quite happy to eat up the same old product. But Rome wasn't built in a day and TNA will reach the same Heights one day

Another solid Impact this week. The Abyss chokeslam on Flair through the entrance way was awesome. AJ sells the moment well. Solid match from Hardy and a good contribution from RVD as well. Kurt Angle and Pope vs Wolfe and Anderson was decent as well. Another flawless performance Hall and Nash. The match was poor but it was always going to be. Even Matt Morgan cut a decent promo.

Not to forget the Amazing Red front flip from the top of the ladder all the way down to the floor.

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I'll give TNA credit on it's TV. While it might be turgid stuff a lot of the time, they always keep it moving with something going on, even if it doesn't make much sense. So a bad episode is still watchable. Their PPVs have gone downhill from the early days when they were putting on scorchers every month and WWE, outside of Elimination Chamber, are on a stunning run of PPVs. Even if the PPV on the whole is poor, you know one match is probably gonna stand head and shoulders among the rest.


ICW Episode 1. :D

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Correct. What happens to wrestling when your Undertakers, HHHs, Stings, Angles, Jerichos, Edges retire?

There should be new stars by then. Triple H, Edge and Jericho all probably have at least 5 years in them at least.

I suppose the TNAbots will defend the un-defendable.

Indeed they will.

TNA did a 0.8 rating. Their worst in about two years.

Aye, they're doing well right enough. :lol:

I think it will get better for them. Its just not been great timing going head to head on Mondays when WWE are a few weeks before Mania. The word will spread and eventually they will pick up. At least it shows there is enough folk out there who will watch wrestling on a Monday night in the US. Overall, wrestling got a 4.5 on Monday. Now they just need to get it to where Raw and Impact are getting at least that every week. Although I cant see that happening again.

One thing I did notice for the first time tonight was Mr Hellwig in the opening credits. Guess he'll be fighting McMahon next then. Great.

No chance that'll happen. He's only been put in the opening VT because they took Flair and Hogan out of it.

You're a TNA fan & so am i, i am asking why you bother responding to the shite that is in this thread sometimes. You'll never be able to win any argument, because it's all pro WWE.

I wouldn't say this forum is all pro WWE. The reason WWE is talked about so much is because its the company that most people have access to and watch. You have to understand that a lot of people still wont have heard of TNA and even if they have, wont know anything about it. A lot of the ratings that Raw gets wont be because theres that many hardcore WWE fans. A lot of people watching will be people sitting at home on a Monday night flicking through the channels and notice that Raw is on and theres nothing better on to watch.

TNA needs to get to the position of some random person sitting at home, flicking through the channels and they watch Impact cause theres nothing else on. Because once they get to that position, they'll be jammin.

But I gotta be honest, the way its going it doesn't seem like they'll get there.

Once again I was disappointed with RVD's debut but it sees him in a fued straight away with Sting. It certainly wasn't the worse debut I've seen.

Well it would be hard to beat The Shockmasters.

I don't watch much wrestling but WWE draws more money and a larger audience than TNA, which is what it ultimately comes down to.

Exactly. At the moment TNA does have the better TV product. But if nobody knows its there, nobody is gonna watch it.

Right now TNA has the better TV product. WWE has the bigger fanbase, the best marketing, best advertising, better look, best production and better PPV's. TNA needs to start doing better at all of the last 5 there, and then the first one will grow.

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The Insane Recap : ICW Webisode 1

We open with Red Lightning, complete with bottle of wine. "Get oot ma fuckin' ring !". He also calls the MC "Retard Boy". Well played sir. He calls the Old Firm "a fuckin' religious cult". He goes on to call the house band "fuckin' shite !". Lionheart is buying booze for Lightning. Mike Musso is coming out. WIN !!! Och, we cut to an advert for the show in May. I'll be there. We're back with MUUUSSOOOOOOO~~~!!! "I wanna get one thing straight from the offset." "f**k OFF !!!". laugh.gif This promo is kickarse so far. Musso goes for the "I hate this city" cheap heat. He says the band sounds like someone "set fire to at least seven cats." laugh.gif Mike Musso says he's a professional which causes Red Lightning to spit his wine out. Lightning tears Musso a new one for disrespecting him. "I'll overlook you being drunk, but there's one thing I won't overlook." "YER FACE !" laugh.gif The fans want Lightning to down his wine. Wolfgang comes in and beats up Musso with a toilet sign.

William Grange and Matt Cyrus on commentary.

Davey Blaze vs. Chris Rampage

Kid Fite wants none of this and launches Davey into the wall. We have a match change.

William Grange says he wants to make Falcon tap. We're gonna see that match on next week's show. I'll take that ! Grange goes on about how Falcon doesn't care about anyone and all he cares about is winning and getting paid. Is that supposed to be a bad thing ? Grange believes in us. Feeling isn't mutual mate.

Chris Rampage vs. Kid Fite

I was thinking this was just gonna be a mauling, but it turns out that they decided to have a bit more of a normal match than what I was expecting. I was just expecting a one sided beatdown. Rampage doesn't have much of a look about him, but he's only getting started in wrestling so that sort of thing can work itself out. AWESOME spot with Kid Fite with the Cross Body sending him and Rampage over the wall and into the front row. Look out for a MASSIVE Lariat from Fite. Naw a BAD match. WORST CASE SCENARIO FROM RAMPAGE !!! f**k YEAH !!! A bit sloppy at times, but it was a decent wee match. Definately some right enjoyable stuff and popped the crowd a few times which is essential for an opener. **1/2

Red Lightning, Lionheart and Mike Musso vs. Wolfgang, BT Gunn and Chris Renfrew - Street Fight

Take Musso and Wolfgang out, and you have what was apparently an absolute beast of a match on the show before this one, so that's why they decided to go and up the stakes. This should be a wee bit mad. The match takes about 30 seconds to break down. That long ? This match is a bit on the mental side. Not as far as spots go, but it's just constant. BT Gunn gets a fan to sit on Mike Musso. laugh.gif Oh, that was Warsaw. Nevermind. Lightning hits the most brutal sign shot you're likely to see. The match begins to take a turn for the even more crazy at that point. Renfrew knows how to swing a chair, I'll tell you that. This match was a bit messy which is why it doesn't go into the upper scale, but this is absolutely great fun. Also credit to Lightning for wearing his Jags top for the whole match. ***3/4



If you can take the crappy production, this is a class wee show. The first match doesn't really standout but there's some good stuff in it. The second match is quality and the opening promo is magnificent. There's loads to love about it.

Next week we get the Deathmatch between Jack Jester and Rob Cage, which features a dildo gun.

Edited by DomDom
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There should be new stars by then. Triple H, Edge and Jericho all probably have at least 5 years in them at least.

Indeed they will.

I think it will get better for them. Its just not been great timing going head to head on Mondays when WWE are a few weeks before Mania. The word will spread and eventually they will pick up. At least it shows there is enough folk out there who will watch wrestling on a Monday night in the US. Overall, wrestling got a 4.5 on Monday. Now they just need to get it to where Raw and Impact are getting at least that every week. Although I cant see that happening again.

No chance that'll happen. He's only been put in the opening VT because they took Flair and Hogan out of it.

I wouldn't say this forum is all pro WWE. The reason WWE is talked about so much is because its the company that most people have access to and watch. You have to understand that a lot of people still wont have heard of TNA and even if they have, wont know anything about it. A lot of the ratings that Raw gets wont be because theres that many hardcore WWE fans. A lot of people watching will be people sitting at home on a Monday night flicking through the channels and notice that Raw is on and theres nothing better on to watch.

TNA needs to get to the position of some random person sitting at home, flicking through the channels and they watch Impact cause theres nothing else on. Because once they get to that position, they'll be jammin.

But I gotta be honest, the way its going it doesn't seem like they'll get there.

Well it would be hard to beat The Shockmasters.

Exactly. At the moment TNA does have the better TV product. But if nobody knows its there, nobody is gonna watch it.

Right now TNA has the better TV product. WWE has the bigger fanbase, the best marketing, best advertising, better look, best production and better PPV's. TNA needs to start doing better at all of the last 5 there, and then the first one will grow.

Have a green dot, great post

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There should be new stars by then. Triple H, Edge and Jericho all probably have at least 5 years in them at least.

HHH will have done well if he gets another two years considering the state of his quads.

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Just the fact that he retired once before. I wouldn't be surprised to see him having a one-off match a couple of years down the line.

He was forced to retire before due to his back.

I actually think he came back a better wrestler - his return match against HHH at Summerslam 2002 still one of my favourites, but imagine we had the wrsetler HBK is now combined with the ego he had before he retired?

The tv would be amazing!

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He was forced to retire before due to his back.

I actually think he came back a better wrestler - his return match against HHH at Summerslam 2002 still one of my favourites, but imagine we had the wrsetler HBK is now combined with the ego he had before he retired?

The tv would be amazing!

I'd have to agree that he came back better. He did have a good run in 1996, but he was hit and miss both before and after that.

It took a few months, but since about Wrestlemania XIX time, HBK has been incredible. Only Benoit has been a better wrestler for WWE this decade.

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I'd have to agree that he came back better. He did have a good run in 1996, but he was hit and miss both before and after that.

It took a few months, but since about Wrestlemania XIX time, HBK has been incredible. Only Benoit has been a better wrestler for WWE this decade.

Yon Kurt Angle, surely?

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Have a green dot, great post

Cheers mate.

HHH will have done well if he gets another two years considering the state of his quads.

Suppose that is true in a way. But even if he does injure them again he's still gonna come back and be around. I think in 5 years we'll still have Triple H on WWE TV, even if he were only to wrestle very rarely.

Only Benoit has been a better wrestler for WWE this decade.

I dunno why, but I never did like Benoit and never thought he was any good. For any technical wrestling matches I always found Angle or Jericho more entertaining.

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