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Mo Wonderboy

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Goldberg in the WWE again would be immense if they handled him right! Think enough of the audience WOULD know who he was and the others would just cheer along. Think of who he could feud with; Edge, Cena, Orton, Batista, Taker, Y2J, Punk, Hornswoggle.

Looks like it's not going to be a full time contract, so none of those fueds seem likely.

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Just came across this gem;


Its breathtaking. Seriously its a must watch. Its incredibly shit, hilarious, cheesy, gay, ridiculous and many other things. I was laughing out loud in the university librabry watching it. Not the best quality, but its the best I could find and it's watchable. The dialogue is stunning and some of the actors should have received oscars (British Bulldog especially).

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Just came across this gem;


Its breathtaking. Seriously its a must watch. Its incredibly shit, hilarious, cheesy, gay, ridiculous and many other things. I was laughing out loud in the university librabry watching it. Not the best quality, but its the best I could find and it's watchable. The dialogue is stunning and some of the actors should have received oscars (British Bulldog especially).


Could Sting's illuminous shorts be any tighter?! :lol:

EDIT: Sid and Vader remind me of Power Rangers baddies in that video. Brilliant find.

Edited by The Naitch
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Mind how Eddy and RVD had the feud over the frog splash a few years ago? What if Goldberg came in and had similar type of feud with Edge over the spear? Would be entertaining.


Im thinking of attending the above event as I live on the same street as the Northern Hotel (in fact it's literally a 90 second walk from my front door). Do those who are knowledgeable about the Scottish scene think it will be any good?

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Dragon Gate : UK Invasion

Stixx vs. The Lion Kid - Dark Match

You may be wondering how this is a dark match even though it made it onto the DVD proper ? This match started pretty much as doors opened, so the guys were wrestling in front of a depleted crowd and it was basically a bonus match. Of course, there was no Dragon Gate representation in this match either. Deciding to watch without commentary. Stixx goes on the attack right off the bat and sends Lion to the ropes. Flapjack from Stixx. Kick to the stomach and then forearsms and knees. Lion puts the breaks on and lifts a boot. Handspring Back Elbow from Lion. Lion with the Spinning Head Scissors and he Springboards into a Rana which sends Stixx over the top rope. BOTTOM ROPE ASAI MOONSAULT FROM THE LION KID !!! That was as awkward a version of that move as I have ever seen. Kicks from Lion Kid. Lion into the ropes and he runs into a Roaring Elbow. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX LANDS LION KID ON HIS FACE !!! Choke with the boot and that gets a two count. Referee clearly not a fan of the rules. Backbreaker gets a two count for Stixx. Knee to the head of Lion Kid and then Stixx taunts the audience. Lion attempts a fight back and hits the ropes. He runs right into a Front Suplex from Stixx. Full Nelson Gutbuster from Stixx and then he stretches the gut of Lion Kid over the knee. Lion Kid gets a Victory Roll for a two count. Stixx into the ropes and he runs into a Dropkick. Lion Kid onto the apron and he eats an elbow. STIXX CHARGES LION KID INTO THE FRONT ROW !!! The fans tell Lion Kid that he's "Baldy". Slingshot Senton from Stixx gets a two count. Choke in the corner with the boot from Stixx. Stixx then to the middle rope. SECOND ROPE LEG DROP FROM STIXX !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Lion Kid into the corner and Stixx misses a charge. Lion Kid with a handstand in the corner and then a kick. Springboard Dropkick from Lion Kid and then he goes for the 619. Connects. SPRINGBOARD CROSS BODY FROM LION !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Lion Kid sets Stixx in the corner and then goes to the top rope. SHOOTING STAR PRESS ... MISSES !!! BLACK HOLE SLAM FROM STIXX !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE RINGS OF SATURN FROM STIXX !!! Lion Kid gets into the ropes and the referee breaks the hold. Kicks to the head of Stixx. HURRICANE KICK FROM THE LION KID !!! MOONSAULT FROM LION KID ... lands on his feet. Powerslam into a Suplex from Stixx gets a two count. SPLASH MOUNTAIN FROM STIXX ... COUNTERED INTO A RANA FROM LION KID !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! SUNSET FLIP FROM LION KID !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Stixx gets a sarcastic "Tried Your Best" from the audience.

A bit on the sloppy side from The Lion Kid at times. Stixx seemed completely at ease with the task of competing in front of this crowd, but it was supposedly a big deal for The Lion Kid and the nerves showed at times. He still pulled himself together in time for this match to be passable stuff and it worked to get the crowd into it before the main show. Some big moves and stuff and the fans got popped a few times. Solid. **1/4

Genki Horiguchi and Ryo Saito vs. Jonny Storm and Marty Scurll

Jonny Storm's got some Mylo going on. He can only wish he had entrance music as cool as Hanson's "Mmmbop". Genki : "f**k you England !". I admit I felt like joining in with that one at the time. The fans instantly get on Genki's back with the "H-A-G-E !!!" chant. We start with nice reversal work from Marty. Genki with a takedown, but that does no good as Marty starts snapping fingers. Genki takes Marty down with the leg. Snapmare from Genki and Marty with the quick reversal and goes for more finger snapping. La Magistral from Marty gets a two count and the fans like that. They lock hands and Marty with a nice escape and he takes down Genki. Marty then pulls the hair of Genki. He then applies the Hair Ringer. The referee wants a break and Genki is raging. Saito gives his partner some encouragement while Genki throws a hissy fit. Takedown and a Head Scissors from Marty. Genki with the escape and he has the legs, so Marty goes back to the hair. Snapmare, he stands on the hair and then a Knee Drop. That gets a two count. Headlock from Marty and he's sent into the ropes. Shoulder Block and into the ropes again. Roll Up reverse. Snapmare and then Marty hits the ropes. Kick to the chest from Marty takes down Genki. Jonny into the ring with Saito. Genki : "SHUT UP !". Lockup and into the ropes they go. Slap from Saito and Jonny isn't happy. Lockup and a Headlock from Saito. Storm goes to the hair and then sends him into the ropes. Shoulder Block takes Storm down. Storm into the ropes and a Rana on Saito. Dropkick sends Genki to the floor. STORM WITH A CORKSCREW PLANCHA ONTO BOTH OF THEM !!! Nicely done there. Into the ring they go and Genki into the corner. Running Dropkick from Storm and then Marty with a running slap in the face. Into the corner and Marty with a Snapmare. "Whoo ! Whoo ! HAAWWW !" "USA !". Marty works on the leg and Storm with a Dropkick. Two count. Michinoku Driver from Storm. Genki rakes the eyes and then in comes Saito. Genki goes after Storm and Saito works over Marty in the corner. Saito stands on Marty. Marty into the ropes and a Running Back Elbow gets a two count for Saito. Genki into the ring with a Half Crab. Low Blow from Saito to Storm to stop him breaking the hold. The fans get right behind Marty and Saito comes in with a series of stomps. Genki lets go and Saito to the top rope. DOUBLE STOMP TO THE CHEST OF MARTY !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Body Slam from Saito and an Elbow Drop gets a two count. Chop exchange is ended when Saito goes to the eyes and in comes Genki. He lands a Running Dropkick to the leg of Marty. Snapmare and then a Splash on the leg. He drops his weight on the leg. Marty tries to come back with chops, so Genki just lands a Dropkick to the knee and then locks in the Leg Grapevine. Saito adds a choke with a strap. Real Hazard get a "f**k You England" chant going which me and a couple of guys actually manage to extend and get people to join. Mad Spanish b*****ds. Anyroads, Snap Suplex on the floor from Genki to Marty and Saito manages to keep Storm from taking his place. That gets a two count. Marty into the ropes. Swinging Kick on Saito and a Back Drop Suplex on Genki and now he goes for the tag. HOT TAG !!! DOUBLE SPRINGBOARD RANA ON SAITO !!! Marty is up and ready to help. MARTY WITH A SUICIDE DIVE ON SAITO !!! WHEELBARROW DDT FROM STORM TO GENKI !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Storm runs into a kick. DDT FROM GENKI TO STORM !!! BRAINBUSTER !!! f**k !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... MARTY SAVES !!! Marty and Saito in. SWINGING DOUBLE ARM NECKBREAKER FROM MARTY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Marty then heads for the top rope. TOP ROPE LEG DROP FROM MARTY ... MISSES !!! Marty down in the corner. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX SENDS JONNY INTO MARTY !!! WOW !!! SNAP SUPLEX/TOP ROPE SPLASH COMBO FROM REAL HAZARD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! JONNY WITH A SUPER DOUBLE MOONSAULT JAPANESE ARM DRAG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Back to Marty and Genki. ROLLING NECKBREAKER FROM MARTY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... SAITO SAVES !!! Saito with Forearms to Storm. REWIND RANA ON GENKI !!! DOUBLE DROPKICK SENDS EM TO THE FLOOR !!! JONNY WITH A SUICIDE DIVE DDT ON GENKI !!! Saito and Marty left in the ring. Kicks from Marty. BIG LARIAT FROM MARTY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Ref distracted. TWO LOW BLOWS FROM SAITO !!! SMALL PACKAGE FROM SAITO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

I absolutely love that ending. That was a much better match than I can remember. They used the old formula tag match which is rare for a Japanese tag match, but they had the UK team in there with them so they probably guided them through the whole thing. If they did, then all credit to them. Marty Scurll did himself a great credit here. The whole thing flew by. ***1/2

Mark Haskins vs. KAGETORA

The match starts with the fans telling Haskins he's a hobbit. Lockup and into the corner they go. We have a clean break from both men. Lockup and into the corner they go again. Not a clean break as Haskins pushes Kage. Kage clearly enjoying the "Hobbit" chants. Lock of hands and Kage goes behind and Haskins escapes quickly and goes to the arm. Haskins takes down Kage and then works on the arm. Kage reverses and eats a slap to the face. Headlock from Haskins and then he charges down Kage. Haskins into the ropes and he runs into a pair of Arm Drags. LOVELY Leaping Arm Drag and a Dropkick from Kage and the momentum has gone his way in the early going. Running Back Elbow from Kage, but then the bint on the floor sweeps him and Haskins goes on the attack. Double Springboard Clothesline from Haskins and then a choke. Forearm from Haskins and then he chokes Kage over the middle rope. Stomps against the ropes from Haskins. Choke from the bint on the floor. Kage into the corner and a Running Back Elbow followed by a Slingshot Springboard Clothesline from Haskins gets a two count. Snapmare and a Dropkick to the back of the head gets a two count. Kage into the corner and Haskins runs into boots. He runs into another, but then Kage runs into a Spinning Back Elbow for a two count. Knee Drop from Haskins as the fans get behind KAGETORA. Chinlock from Haskins. Kage makes a fight back and fights out. He can't do anything though and Haskins attacks from behind. Forearm from Kage and then we have an exchange. Poke to the eyes from Haskins. Stomp to the chest and then mounted punches. Body Slam from Haskins and then he heads for the top rope. SHOOTING STAR PRESS ... MISSES !!! Haskins blocks a Clothesline. Haskins goes for the Brainbuster and Kage blocks. Kick to the stomach. BRAINBUSTER FROM KAGETORA !!! Haskins backs into the corner, and Kage runs into an elbow. HASKINS JUMPS INTO A DROPKICK !!! Haskins sends Kage into the ropes and he comes out with a Clothesline. GROUNDED ENZIGURI FROM KAGETORA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Kage tries to lift Haskins up and can't as he's absolutely wasted. CODEBREAKER FROM HASKINS OUT OF NOWHERE !!! Swinging Neckbreaker from Haskins gets a two count. SUPERKICK FROM HASKINS AFTER THE MATRIX DODGE !!! HASKINS RUNS RIGHT INTO THE ENZIGURI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Haskins drops behind. Strike exchange. ACE CRUSHER FROM HASKINS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! EMERALD FROSION FROM KAGETORA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... MANAGER GETS ON THE APRON !!! Kage is back in. CRADLE TOMBSTONE FROM HASKINS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was actually better than I remember it. It all seemed a bit contrived at times but both men meshed very well which probably had a lot to do with why Mark Haskins got called to go on a proper tour. KAGETORA isn't as spectacular as other members of the Dragon Gate roster so he makes up for that in fire and babyface personality. Good fun. ***1/4

Masato Yoshino vs. Dragon Kid

The fans are right into this stuff. Lockup and both men with reversals to go behind. Dragon with the Headlock. Yoshino then goes to the arm and takes down Dragon. Arm Bar and then the Arm Ringer. Dragon with some flipping and an Arm Drag and we have a stalemate. Yoshino goes to the arm and works over it. Dragon takes down Yoshino and goes to the leg. Arm Scissors from Yoshino takes care of that. Dragon gets a two count with a reversal and Yoshino lets go and we're back to square one. Cravat and a Snapmare doesn't work for Yoshino. Yoshino into the ropes and then Dragon Kid with a Wheelbarrow Arm Drag. LOVELY Head Scissor Takedown and then Dragon Kid fakes the dive as Yoshino runs for cover. Yoshino wants Dragon to back off before he gets back into the ring. Snapmare and then a Double Knee Drop from Dragon. That gets a two count. Chinlock from Dragon. Yoshino gets into the ropes. Stomp to the back from Dragon. Head first into the top buckle and then a chop. Dropkick in the corner and then Dragon hits the Hesitation Dropkick to a downed Yoshino in the corner. Elbow to the back of the head from Dragon. Dropkick to the face from Dragon and then the Half Crab. Yoshino into the ropes there. Yoshino into the corner and then he stops Dragon springing into the ring. Dragon is on the floor and then gets back in to be met by Yoshino. Yoshino with a Back Elbow for a two count. Jumping Backbreaker from Yoshino. Slap to the chest from Yoshino to Dragon and the fans want to see one more, and Yoshino obliges. Body Slam from Yoshino and then he wants the referee to count Dragon Kid down. That's an act of deflection so as Yoshino can lay a beatdown. Into the corner and Shoulder Charges into the back of Dragon Kid. Suplex from Yoshino and that gets a two count. SPINNING FACE BUSTER FROM YOSHINO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! That was a big move out of nowhere. Figure Four Leglock from Yoshino. Dragon Kid gets into the ropes. Shots to the stomach from Dragon Kid to attempt a fight back and that concludes with a Spin Kick. Yoshino into the ropes and he comes out with a kick. DEJA VU FROM DRAGON KID !!! Masato Yoshino gets to the floor and Dragon Kid sees an oppertunity. BERMUDA TRIANGLE MOONSAULT FROM DRAGON KID !!! Into the ring they go and Dragon Kid on the apron. Springboard Dropkick gets a two count for Dragon Kid. SLING BLADE FROM YOSHINO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! CHRISTO FROM DRAGON KID !!! Yoshino escapes and gets sent into the corner. Dragon Kid onto the apron. SOMERSAULT SLINGSHOT STUNNER FROM DRAGON KID !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Dragon Kid to the top rope and Masato Yoshino stops him up there. SUNSET BOMB ... countered into a Rana into the ropes. 619 from Dragon Kid. RANA ... COUNTERED INTO THE POWERBOMB FROM YOSHINO !!! The fans are WAY into this by now. SUPLEX COUNTERED INTO A STUNNER FROM DRAGON KID !!! Dragon sets Yoshino on the top rope. SUPER RANA ... blocked. STALLING TOP ROPE DROPKICK FROM YOSHINO !!! THAT'S AWESOME !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Spin Kick to the face from Dragon. ULTRA RANA FROM DRAGON KID !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Dragon Kid signals for the end and heads for the top rope. DRAGON RANA ... avoided. Dragon Kid into the ropes. HE RUNS INTO THE FUCKING LIGHTNING SPIRAL FROM YOSHINO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! TORBELLINO INTO THE CRUCIFIX FROM YOSHINO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Slaps from Yoshino. DEJA VU INTO THE CRUCIFIX BOMB FROM DRAGON KID !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! SOL NACIENTE COVER ... DRAGON KID COUNTERS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEE !!!

This match got a standing ovation from the audience and they absolutely deserved it for that performance. They left it all in the ring and didn't hold back which is a delight to see. You knew you were gonna get a good match because the two men know each other inside out and have wrestled over and over again. They slowly let things build and then started to get nuttier and nuttier untill the match hit the big closing stretch and didn't let anyone down. ****1/2

Shingo Takagi vs. Susumu Yokosuka

I was firmly behind Susumu on the night, which might have got me more into this match than a grown man should be. I'll call him Sumu to make things easier for me. Into the ropes with the lockup and we have a clean break. Lockup and neither man wants to budge here and Shingo uses his power. Chop from Shingo and Sumu isn't happy so now we have a chop exchange. Knee from Shingo and a Headlock. Shingo into the ropes and both men collide. Sumu wants another shot even though Shingo was clearly stronger. Dropkick to the forehead from Sumu but he then runs into a Shoulder Tackle and the gradual build has already started. Cravat from Sumu. Snapmare and then a Fist Drop and then a Chinlock from Shingo. Sumu gets Tangoed. Knee Drop misses from Shingo and then a Dropkick to the knee. DOUBLE KNEE BREAKER FROM SUSUMU !!! Shingo limps his way around the ring and when he gets back in, Sumu continues to work on the leg with a submission. Shingo escapes and then Sumu rolls through and gets the Leg Lock and Shingo is back in trouble. Shingo gets into the ropes. Sumu puts the leg over the middle rope and stretches away. Dropkick to the knee from Sumu and then he slams the leg of Shingo into the ringpost. He does that one more time. Shingo falls to the floor and then Shingo comes back with chops. Knee Breaker on the apron and then into the ring they go. Sumu puts the leg over the bottom rope and then drops his weight on it. Kicks to the knee and and then a BRUTAL kick to the back of the knee. Knee Breaker from Sumu and then wants to do one more. Shingo blocks the second one. Dragon Screw comes next though. FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK FROM SUSUMU !!! Shingo reverses but it gets turned again. Eventually both men roll in the move untill Shingo gets into the ropes. Stomp on the knee from Susumu and then Shingo blocks the Exploder Suplex. Shingo tries for one of his own and Sumu just grabs the knee and then runs to the ropes. Back Elbow from Shingo. SHINGO CATCHES SUMU IN MID AIR AND THEN DROPS HIM WITH THE EXPLODER !!! Jabs from Shingo and now he's back in the match. Gutbuster and then the DDT but he misses the Senton Splash. Powerslam from Shingo and that gets a two count. THE MANRIKI FROM SHINGO !!! Sumu gets into the ropes. Chop from Shingo. Suplex but that's blocked by Sumu as his knee is still kinda done. Suplex blocked by Shingo. Both men do battle for the Suplex before Susumu REALLY struggles to hit it ! LARIAT IN THE CORNER FROM SUSUMU !!! That was a vicious one there. Shingo then gets set on the top rope. Lariat on there. SUPER EXPLODER SUPLEX LANDS SHINGO ON HIS HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Pedigree attempt is reversed. Lariats from both men don't work. Dropkick to the knee from Sumu. ELEVATED DEATH VALLEY DRIVER FROM SHINGO BUT HE RUNS RIGHT INTO THE PUMPING BOMBAAAHHHH FROM SHINGO !!! PEDIGREE FROM SUSUMU ... countered. LAST FALCONRY ... Susumu gets out. Elbow Strike from Shingo. Susumu with one of his own and then we have an exchange. SHINGO GOES MENTAL WITH ELBOW STRIKES ON SUSUMU !!! SUSUMU ISN'T BACKING DOWN !!! HE UNLOADS WITH A FLURRY OF HIS OWN AND HE FUCKING UNLOADS WITH LARIATS !!! LAST FALCONRY FROM SHINGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTT !!! WHOOAAAA !!! The Regal in Oxford is fucking NUKED at this point. VICTORY ROLL COUNTER FROM SUSUMU !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! HUUUUUUUGE LARIATOOOO !!! MUGAN FROM SUSUMUUUUUUUUUU !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOOUUUTTTT !!! This gives goosebumps. Susumu with Lariats and Shingo isn't going down. He's down on one knee. LARIAT FROM SHINGO AND DOWN GOES SUSUMU !!! THE JUMBO NO KACHI FROM SUSUMUUUUUUUU !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEE !!!

Yup, that was pretty much how you put on one of the best matches of the year. An absolute epic of a match as both men, once again, left it all out there, although this time, they decided that they'd go for a mammoth power match and both men just murdered each other. The flurry of strikes before the nearfall sequence was insanity. Get the DVD for this. *****

CIMA and The Young Bucks vs. PAC, Naruki Doi and BxB Hulk

Yeah, that entrance is the shit. PAC is more popular than I can remember him being, but no surprise as he is the sole UK representitive in this match. We open the match with Matt and Doi. Lockup and Doi goes behind and we have more reversals. Matt goes to the arm and Doi does the same. Matt then with some flipping and flopping and gets taken down. We have a stalemate from that. They lock hands and a kick to the stomach and a Headlock from Doi. Doi into the ropes and he charges down Matt. Arm Drags from both men and then we have some reversals and another stalemate. CIMA tries to interject himself into the match. In come Hulk and Nick. Lockup and a Headlock from Nick and he takes down Hulk who kips right back up. Arm Drag from Hulk. Dropkick from Hulk and then a kick. Springboard Arm Drag and a Spinning Heel Kick from Nick and Hulk backs into his corner. In come PAC and CIMA. CIMA wants to do some press ups. He challenges PAC to do some fancy ones and then just stomps on him. CIMA seems to find this very funny. PAC jumps over CIMA but misses an Arm Drag. CIMA is LOVING this. STANDING SHOOTING STAR PRESS FROM PAC TO CIMA AFTER AN AWESOME EXCHANGE !!! CIMA into the ropes and he runs into a Double Back Elbow for a two count. Seated Abdominal Stretch from Doi. Stomp to the back and then forearms. Drop Toe Hold from CIMA and then an Indian Deathlock/Suplex combo on Hulk and Doi. Double Dropkick from the Bucks to Doi. Snapmare on Doi and then a Dropkick gets a two count. In tags Matt. The Bucks then work very soundly on the arm, ending with a Double Stomp from Nick. Knees to the back and then Nick stretches the arms using the knee in the back of Doi. Doi charges Nick into the corner and in comes PAC. Cravat from PAC and then the Snapmare. Dropkick to the back of the head gets a two count. Body Slam and a Leg Drop gets a two count for PAC. If that was Hogan, this match would be over. In comes Matt with Shoulder Blocks to the stomach. Into the ropes and a running kick to the head for a two count. Double Suplex from Doi and PAC to Matt. In comes Hulk. Kick to the arm from Hulk. Dropsault in the corner from Hulk. Doi is then tagged into the match. Matt into the ropes. Double Hiptoss and then a Standing Corkscrew Moonsault from Hulk. CORKSCREW MOONSAULT OFF OF THE BACK OF HULK FROM PAC !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... CIMA SAVES !!! Snapmare and then a Head Scissors from PAC. Kick to the stomach from Hulk and then he takes Matt's head off with a Spin Kick. MATT BREAKS THE HEAD OF HULK OVER HIS KNEE !!! CIMA is then tagged into the match and he chops Hulk in the corner before biting on his head. CIMA into the corner. HANGING LUNGBLOWER FROM CIMA !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Full Nelson from CIMA and then Hulk gets to his feet and into his corner where CIMA then slaps his ass. RUNNING DROPKICK TO THE ASS OF HULK !!! Snapmare from Matt and then Nick comes in with a Slingshot Senton and then Nick does the same for CIMA to come in with one of his own. Back in comes Nick. N'SYNC FROM THE BUCKS AND CIMA !!! ONE ! TWO ! DOI SAVES !!! Right hands from Nick and then a Double Back Elbow from the Bucks. ASSISTED FLYING DROPKICK FROM THE BUCKS !!! ASSISTED DOUBLE STOMP FROM CIMA !!! CIMA then with a Modified Abdominal Stretch. To be honest, even that's a stretch for something to call it. Crucifix from that gets a two count. Into the corner where Nick lays a beatdown and then in comes Matt. Nick onto the apron. Matt runs into a boot. Nick knocked off the apron and a Springboard Dropkick from Hulk and then he tags in Doi. Doi and CIMA in the ring. Back Elbow from Doi and then he beats down. MATT DROPKICKS CIMA BY ACCIDENT !!! CANNONBALL TO MATT IN THE TREE OF WOE !!! PAC and Nick in there. Nick into the corner. Running Forearm ... PAC FLIES OUT OF THE OTHER SIDE WITH A CORKSCREW PLANCHA ONTO MATT JACKSON !!! HOLY SHIT !!! Nick then gets kicked. RUNNING DROPKICK TO NICK WHO'S CAUGHT IN THE ROPES !!! ORTON DDT ON NICK !!! CIMA and Doi in the ring and Doi runs into a kick. Enziguri from CIMA. RYDEEN BOMB FROM DOI !!! This is impossible to do PBP on. Tombstone reversals. CIMA TRAPS THE HEAD OF DOI AND JUST DROPS IT ONTO THE CANVAS !!! OUCH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! CIMA with a Dropkick to send Doi out. CIMA gets stopped from diving as does Doi and in come Hulk and Matt. Hulk runs into a kick. SPRINGBOARD SOMERSAULT STUNNER FROM MATT TO HULK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! STANDING MOONSAULT FROM HULK ... HITS KNEES !!! SPEAR FROM MATT !!! DOUBLE STOMP TO THE FACE !!! MOONSAULT/SWANTON BOMB COMBO FROM THE BUCKS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... DOI MAKES THE SAVE !!! Hulk is still left in there with CIMA. Hulk into the ropes. Some reversals. ROUNDHOUSE TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD !!! ASSISTED DAI BOSOU FROM DOI !!! STANDING CORKSCREW SHOOTING STAR PRESS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... NICK SAVES !!! WORST CASE SCENARIO DROPS PAC ON HIS HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! FRONT LUNGBLOWER !!! THE BUCKS WITH THE WHEELBARROW X-FACTOR !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! PAC WON'T STAY DOWN !!! Matt into the corner. DOUBLE SUPERKICK FROM THE BUCKS !!! MORE BANG FOR THE BUCK FROM THE YOUNG BUCKS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... HULK MAKES THE SAVE !!! Pac goes behind. DOUBLE SUPERKICK TAKES OUT MATT !!! Hulk and Pac onto the apron. TREBLE KICKS !!! SHOOTING STAR PRESS DROPS MATT JACKSON ON HIS FUCKING HEAD !!! DOI 555 !!! BAKATARE SLIDING KICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... THE REST OF THE TEAM MAKES THE SAVE !!! EVO ... MATT ROLLS THROUGH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! MOUSE !!! EVO !!! PAC WITH THE CORKSCREW SHOOTING STAR PRESS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!

Even better than I thought it was live, because I was exhausted when I watched it that night. This match was murder to do PBP on because of the mental rate of the action in the second half of the match. Constant double teaming and triple teaming, some absolutely sick finishing moves and just general 100mph stuff that only the likes of Dragon Gate can provide. ****1/2


Mark Haskins vs. The Lion Kid - IPWUK 22/11/2009

Just a wee sidenote. Billi the wrestling fan from Big Bro usually does the commentary on these shows, but not on this one.

The production in this very small hall is actually pretty good. Pity that the hall makes it look so bush league. The heat from the crowd doesn't make it seem like it'll be up to much either. The referee gets booed. Even by the kids. No respect for authority. The "Hobbit" chants can be heard from sections of the crowd. Turns out The Lion Kid's first match was on the Dragon Gate UK show in the dark match. That'll explain the nerves. Haskins has a bit of CM Punk about him here. Haskins with some trash talk. Haskins charges and Lion moves and this is off. Lion goes under Haskins and takes him down and gets a quick Roll Up. Backslide gets the same. Haskins with a knee and a Headlock. Haskins into the ropes and he shoulders down Lion. Some reversals from both men. LOVELY stuff from both men leads to a Cradle Pin from Haskins. Shoulder Block and a chop from Haskins. LOVELY Tilt-a-Whirl Crucifix from Lion and then a Jacknife Pin gets a two count. Lion Kid looking brilliant from the off here. Snapmare and a pin attempt from Haskins and this is a GREAT start. Haskins into the corner. Lion with a handstand in the corner and he kicks Haskins away. HE JUMPS INTO A VICTORY ROLL FROM THERE !!! WOW !! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Spin Kick from Lion, but Haskins sends him to the floor. Lion onto the apron and Haskins on there with him. BACK DROP SUPLEX ON THE APRON FROM HASKINS !!! Head first into the apron and then into the ringpost. Cracking camera angle on that there. Lion back into the ring where Haskins is there to meet him. Lion into the corner and Haskins with a beating in there. Lion into the corner and Haskins with the Running High Knee and then a Suplex gets a two count. Chinlock from Haskins. Lion elbows his way out and runs into a Clothesline and that gets a two count. Chinlock with the knee in the back again. Haskins then goes for the mask too. Lion is fighting his way up and he explodes and hits some chops. He goes for a Suplex, but Haskins with the Snapmare and he hits the ropes. Fisherman Suplex from Haskins gets a two count. Lion takes some punches on the canvas and then a two count again. The "Hobbit" stuff comes up again. Chinlock and then Haskins adds the knee to the neck to make it hurt even worse. Haskins takes a drink and then kicks Lion and then chokes him. He then chokes Lion Kid on the middle rope. Chop from Haskins. Lion into the corner. Running Back Elbow from Haskins but he then gets set on the top rope by Lion Kid ! SLINGSHOT TOP ROPE HEAD SCISSOR TAKEDOWN FROM LION KID !!! That's innovative stuff ! Lion Kid and Haskins exchange strikes. Forearms from Lion Kid. German Suplex misses. LION KID WITH THE BIG RANA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Pinfall exchange. Crucifix gets a two count for Lion and then Haskins with the Monkey Flip. STANDING MOONSAULT FROM HASKINS ... MISSES !!! LIONSAULT FROM THE LION KID !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Haskins with a reversal. European Uppercut. Face Buster. RUNNING STO FROM HASKINS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! SUPERKICK ... MATRIX BLOCK AND THE SUPERKICK FROM HASKINS !!! JOHN WOO DROPKICK FROM LION KID !!! HASKINS WITH THE CRADLE 2 THE GRAVE ... COUNTERED BY LION KID !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! LION KID WITH A TILT-A-WHIRL INTO THE ANKLE LOCK WITH LEG GRAPEVINE !!! THAT'S ABSOLUTELY FUCKING TERRIFIC !!! MARK HASKINS IS IN TROUBLE !!! HASKINS INTO THE ROPES !!! The Lion Kid gets the fans behind him. The Lion Kid fakes a dive. He sweeps Haskins. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA OVER THE TOP ROPE ONTO HASKINS !!! This is some quality action right here. Into the ring. Lion Kid heads for the top rope. CORKSCREW MOONSAULT FROM LION KID ... MISSES !!! THE SKIN CUTTER FROM HASKINS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT ?!?!?!?! WHAT ?!?!?! FUCKING HELL !!! HUGE KICKOUT !!! CRADLE TO THE GRAVE ... LION KID ESCAPES !!! LEAPING DDT FROM THE SECOND ROPE !!! CRADLE TO THE GRAVE FROM HASKINS ... COUNTERED INTO THE VICTORY ROLL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! LION KID RUNS INTO A LARIAT !!! Haskins now sets Lion Kid on top. SKIN CUTTER OFF THE TOP ... BLOCKED !!! SHOOTING STAR PRESS FROM LION KID !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!

WHAT A MATCH !!! I did NOT see that coming. The nerves and everything is gone from The Lion Kid here. What is left is a spot monkey in the good AJ Styles mould where given the right opponent, the guy can just put on a corker and this match does it. This is on YouTube so search for their names and look it out. ****1/2

Mark Haskins, Zack Sabre Jr. and Dave Moralez vs. El Ligero, Bubblegum and Luke Phoenix - Pro Wrestling NOAH : European Navigation Dark Match

Aye, more dark matches. This was a huge night for all of these guys, wrestling in front of a decent crowd. We're going to open the match with Sabre and Luke. They lock and Sabre goes behind. Luke goes behind and we have reversals from both men. Lovely stuff from Sabre in there. Luke taken down and then Sabre with a big running kick to the chest. Luke kicks him in the forehead as a receipt and in comes Dave. Lockup and Dave just throws down Luke. Arm Drag from Luke and then a sweep and a pin and in comes Ligero. Ligero can't whip him. Satellite Clapping Head Scissors from Ligero but he runs into a kick afterwards. Big chop from Dave and then in comes Haskins. Ligero slides out of the ring and sweeps Haskins and then comes in with a little stall, and a Standing Moonsault gets a two count. Ligero into the corner and he mocks Haskins. Springboard Cross Body gets a two count for Ligero and then in comes Gum. Double Dropkick from Gum and Ligero. Running Rana on Sabre. Gum then ends up on the apron. Dropkick to the knee sends Gum to the floor. Gum then gets rammed into the post and then into the ring they go. Back Drop Suplex from Sabre and then onto the corner and in comes Dave and he gets a cheer. Body Slam and a Knee Drop and that gets a two count. Slap to the chest from Dave and then into the corner. In comes Haskins. Forearm from Haskins and down goes Gum. SPINEBUSTER FROM HASKINS TO GUM !!! That was brilliant. In comes Dave again. Gum into the ropes and he runs into a Back Body Drop and that gets a two count. In comes Haskins again. Gum comes back into the match and tags Luke in. He's a house on fire. He unloads with strikes on Big Dave ! The fans LOVE that. CODE RED ON DAVE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... HASKINS SAVES !!! ACE CRUSHER FROM HASKINS TO LIKE !!! SPIKE DDT FROM LIGERO !!! HUUUGE LIGER BOMB FROM DAVE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... GUM SAVES !!! Gum and Sabre in. MINORU SPECIAL FROM SABRE !!! LUKE SAVES !!! LUKE WITH A SUICIDE DIVE ONTO DAVE !!! LIGERO WITH THE SPACEMAN SOMERSAULT PLANCHA !!! WHOA !!! Gum and Haskins in the ring now. CRADLE BREAKER FROM HASKINS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Gum now set on the top rope. GUM WITH THE SHOOTING STAR PRESS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEE !!!

This was a good showcase for each man. It was basically "here's what each guy does" and it worked in that sense. The fans got more and more into it as the action sped up and it was a great way to get some UK wrestling to new fans. ***1/2



I'm not sure I can recommend this show enough. Even the extras are top notch. It was the best show EVER to take place in the UK. Yes. Better than Summerslam 1992.

Edited by DomDom
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Raw was good. Swagger didn't look too out of place in a match with Batista, Cena, and Orton, but he's never going to be a top guy.

I'm absolutely loving Randy Orton just now! If he isn't already up there beside the likes on Stone Cold and The Rock then he's not far away!

..and he's only 20-odd!

Edited by garymcc1874
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Raw was good. Swagger didn't look too out of place in a match with Batista, Cena, and Orton, but he's never going to be a top guy.

I'm absolutely loving Randy Orton just now! If he isn't already up there beside the likes on Stone Cold and The Rock then he's not far away!

..and he's only 20-odd!

Orton isn't half the star that The Rock and Stone Cold is and was.

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If he's booked right then he could well be soon.

Indeed. I've been driving it home that they cannot change his mannerisms. They can't turn him into a full on babyface. He's become the most over guy in WWE. The reactions he gets are HUGE.

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Indeed. I've been driving it home that they cannot change his mannerisms. They can't turn him into a full on babyface. He's become the most over guy in WWE. The reactions he gets are HUGE.

All they need to do is keep him as he is. The potential is there for him to be this decades Stone Cold.

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Looks like it's all over for JR as a commentator if his latest blog is anything to go by. A real shame for him to go out the way he did.

Watching the main event at Mania again and just thinking how much better it'd have been were it JR calling it.

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