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Mo Wonderboy

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Rob Terry was made to look absolutely amazing. If they can keep that sort of thing going, he's the future star of TNA.

Lance Storm didn't like it though......

TNA: I'm Done

April 6, 2010

Well folks I'm done. I'm not going to rant, I'm not going to tell you all the things I hated about Impact this week, because none of it matters, I'm just done; I'm done watching Impact for good. I've stopped watching before just for my own sanity and peace of mind, but each of those times I intended it to be a temporary break. This time I'm not planning on coming back and checking to see if things have gotten better after a while, I'm washing my hands of the whole thing; I'm done.

The straw that broke the camels back for me was the unprotected chair shot to the head of Rob Terry by Homicide. Yes they have done chair shots to the head before, and they bothered me then too, but this one was different; this unprotected chair shot to the head came just 2 days after Chris Kanyon's suicide death and I just couldn't stomach it. I know there will be defenders out there that will want to argue that Chris Kanyon's depression that led to his suicide has not been determined to as a result of concussions he suffered due to chair shots to the head, but that is just a cop out, in my opinion.

Sure you could argue that one chair shot to the head does not necessarily result in a concussion, and one concussion does not necessarily result in brain damage or depression, and not everyone with depression commits suicide, but let's be real. Anyone who tries to argue that concussions aren't really bad, are idiots and they need to go have a talk with Chris Nowinski and the Sports Legacy Institute. I've spoke at length with Chris and a couple of the doctors doing research into concussions and there is not a whole lot of doubt that concussions cause brain damage and depression, and instances of suicide increase dramatically as a result of this brain trauma.

The wrestling Industry has suffered an incredible number of deaths due to drug use, steroid use, and suicide over the last several years, and in a post Benoit tragedy world seeing a wrestling company put no effort forth to protect it's talent roster offends me to no end.

Let's just look at this one incident, and this is not meant to be a burial of Rob Terry, I don't even know the guy and I wish him all the success in the world, but I think this really needs to be said. I'm genuinely concerned for the well being of people in this business and after the incredible number of deaths this industry has suffered over the years someone has to say something. I'm not looking to place blame for past events, I'm looking for action now to improve the future.

Rob Terry took a stiff unprotected chair shot to the head last night on Impact. The chair shot to the head was intended to help get him over as a monster. Why is Rob Terry getting this push? Rob Terry is getting this push because of his body; TNA likes his look. Unless you have your head completely buried in the sand you know one of the main contributing components to a body like Rob Terry's; and we know the heath risks involved with it. Steroid use while likely not lethal on its own does greatly increase one's chances of a heart attack at a young age. Far too many wrestler deaths are due to a heart attack, and while steroid use is usually only a contributing factor, not the sole cause, it can not be argued that steroids played a significant role in many early heart attack deaths in this business.

We also know that getting off steroids after years of use/abuse can lead to depression. We also know that concussions lead to brain trauma which can result in depression. Depression in athletes often leads to suicide, which it unfortunately did in the case of Chris Kanyon a mere 2 days before last night's chair shot on Impact.

What a horrific tribute this was to the death of Chris Kanyon. How the people in charge of TNA can be either this insensitive or this oblivious is beyond me. Now I'm not saying that this one instance has sealed the fate of young Rob Terry or that TNA has sentenced him to death, but there are many roads one can travel on in life and we all know where this particular road leads. Rob Terry and TNA together have very willingly chosen a very dangerous road to go down, and it is a journey I refuse to witness or support.

When is this industry and the people in it going to wake up and learn from the death toll this business has experienced? Thankfully WWE is taking steps forward with their wellness policy and the banning of chair shots to the head, but TNA seems content to seek short term, shock value ratings and ignore the horrific long term writing on the wall. This may be a decision the company and the talent made willingly together, but it is one I am not willing to tolerate any longer. I have lost too many friends, and we should all know better by now.

I have been in this industry since 1990 and below is a list of people I have known and lost during my career. I am beyond sympathy and to the point of rage when I have to add a new name to this list, and while steroid use and concussions are not the only causes of these deaths, denying they play a significant role in many of them is ludicrous and we have to start taking every step possible to protect the health and well being of the people in this industry. The people on this list are not without blame, almost all went down their road willingly, so it's time for the Industry to step up and start protecting its own (like WWE is trying to do with Wellness), and maybe it's time for the fans to demand it too, with their support or lack there of.

Mike Awesome

Bam Bam Bigelow

Mike Lozanski

Chris Candito

Rhonda Singh

Curt Hennig

Road Warrior Hawk

Big Boss Man

Larry Cameron

Eddie Gilbert

Rick Rude

Anthony Duranti

Big Dick Dudley

Bobby Duncum Jr.

The Wall

Eddie Guerrero

Davey Boy Smith

Louis Spicoli

Miss Elizabeth

Crash Holly

Gary Albright

Joey Maggs

Johnny Grunge

Ted Petty

Terry Gordy

Dick Murdock

Art Bar

Russ Hass

Brian Pillman

Sherri Martel

Beef Wellington

Chris Benoit

Nancy Benoit

John Kronus

Bryan Adams

Mike Bell

Andrew Test Martin

Steve Doll

Kerry Brown

Edward "Umaga" Fatu

Chris Kanyon

Rest in peace my friends. Here is to hoping that in addition to mourning your loss, we learn from your mistakes and do everything in our power to help others avoid your fate.

Lance Evers

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Lance Storm is a moany c**t on the same level as Jim Cornette though. I suppose he isn't as bad as Cornette as his rants aren't based on where a paycheque comes from, but he still became worthess months ago.

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Terry has the potential to be the next Goldberg type character and it showed with the chair shot. But he really needs to find a decent finisher. The spinebuster type thing isn't going to work. Goldbergs spear and jackhammer were awesome and well recognised, (remember when he'd literally kill the guy with the spear?). Rob Terry's spinebuster isn't going to do him any good.

I was unaware of Goldberg being a mass murderer. Is he a wanted man? Is that what happened to all the WCW guys who disappeared?

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Right, the card so far for Largs on May 1st is ...

PBW Championship

Lionheart © vs. Bad Bones

PBW Tag Team Championships

CJ Hunter and Johnny Star © vs. Liam Thompson and Noam Dar

PAC and El Ligero vs. Project Ego

Darkside vs. Andy Wild

Obviously the key match here is the PAC one, but that tag title match will be a fucking corker. High Energy are on a roll of great matches and Liam and Dar are brilliant.

As for the title match, should be pretty good. I'm unsure of Darkside/Wild as I've never been sure on Wild. Always seems alright, but never anything great.

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I found this link on another forum - http://taimapedia.org/wiki/Stage/wooo/#RAW_Is_War

It appears to have every RAW from 1997 as well as the PPV's, every RAW from '98 as well as the PPV's, and the same for '99, with Smackdown included as well. I started watching an episode of RAW from January 1997, but I can't really get into it because I have no idea what's going on. I'm tempted to skip straight to 1998 because that's when I really started watching wrestling.

I did however get to see a good enough match between Owen Hart and Mankind. I love how Mankind had the sinister music for going to the ring, but had a lovely little piano number for when he won a match. Brilliant.

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I found this link on another forum - http://taimapedia.or...ooo/#RAW_Is_War

It appears to have every RAW from 1997 as well as the PPV's, every RAW from '98 as well as the PPV's, and the same for '99, with Smackdown included as well. I started watching an episode of RAW from January 1997, but I can't really get into it because I have no idea what's going on. I'm tempted to skip straight to 1998 because that's when I really started watching wrestling.

I did however get to see a good enough match between Owen Hart and Mankind. I love how Mankind had the sinister music for going to the ring, but had a lovely little piano number for when he won a match. Brilliant.

For some reason when I try to play some of the videos I get this message at the bottom:

Warning: You currently do not have the DivX Plus Web Player installed.

Thing is I do have DivX Plus Web Player installed. The troubleshoot section didn't really seem to give me any ideas as to what I could to rectify this problem.

Any ideas? I'm stumped

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For some reason when I try to play some of the videos I get this message at the bottom:

Warning: You currently do not have the DivX Plus Web Player installed.

Thing is I do have DivX Plus Web Player installed. The troubleshoot section didn't really seem to give me any ideas as to what I could to rectify this problem.

Any ideas? I'm stumped

f**k knows. Every now and again those types of videos just won't play for me, so I go download DivX again, and even then it's 50/50 if they will play for me.

The only thing I can suggest is uninstalling it then installing it again.

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f**k knows. Every now and again those types of videos just won't play for me, so I go download DivX again, and even then it's 50/50 if they will play for me.

The only thing I can suggest is uninstalling it then installing it again.

I done that a couple of times but still had nae luck. I'll try again but I'm no holding my breath :(

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I also thought Goldust was fantastic. Terri Runnel's nipples helped to be fair. You could hang a wet jacket on them.

It makes Cody's push for the last couple of years even more frustrating. He's not even the best wrestler in his own bedroom.

Speaking of which, I take it Ted's brother will be getting the nod in the near future. Real brothers feuding again. Hope they can pull it off this time, Bret v Owen was never quite right for some reason.

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don't know if any of you guys would be interested but looks like jericho will be out for a while but if your in glasgow on the 13th may heres why----- already got my tickets


Edited by tucker
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I'll remind you.


Lance Storm didn't like it though......

It was just a chair shot Lance, chill out.

I was unaware of Goldberg being a mass murderer. Is he a wanted man? Is that what happened to all the WCW guys who disappeared?

Used my words to get my point across. There was no need to display the level of fudology you have just shown here. Nice one!

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You shouldn't have used the word 'literal' then! Despite what some think, it can't actually be used to get a point across as it has just the one meaning. It can't be used to exaggerate; it means what it means, therefore your post read that Goldberg had actually, for real, kille people with his spear.

Anyway, just a bit of fun, calm down. Goldberg was immense and his spear was tremendous.

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Toma that site is class. Going to watch a RAW from just after Royal Rumble when Kane set the casket on fire.

Man, Wrestling just ain't the same anymore the attitude era was just awesome.

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Dragon Gate in Europe

Featured within are ...

Naruki Doi, Masato Yoshino and BxB Hulk vs. CIMA, Susumu Yokosuka and KAGETORA - DG Spain ( **3/4 )

The Young Bucks vs. SHINGO and Dragon Kid - DG Spain ( ****1/4 )

CIMA vs. Mike Quackenbush - DG Germany ( ****1/4 )

Genki Horiguchi, Ryo Saito and Emil Sitoci vs. BxB Hulk, Naruki Doi and Zack Sabre Jr. - DG Germany ( ***1/2 )

BxB Hulk still has the best ring entrance going.

CIMA, Susumu Yokosuka and KAGETORA vs. Naruki Doi, Masato Yoshino and BxB Hulk - DG Spain

OO !!! The fans are hot as f**k for this. Doi starts the match with Kage. Lockup and into the ropes they go. Clean break from there. Lockup and Doi goes behind and Kage does the same. Doi to the arm. Some more reversing coming. Hammerlock from Kage. Doi escapes and goes to the arm. A good exchange and we have a stalemate. Yoshino is tagged into the match and in comes Susumu. Some nice stuff from both men. Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker from Susumu and Yoshino heads for the floor. Hulk and CIMA into the ring. CIMA does some pec dancing. Headlock from CIMA and he's sent to the ropes. Kick to the head. Hulk with a kick. Hiptoss and a Dropkick from Hulk. HUGE chop from Hulk and then a Snapmare and a Chinlock from Hulk. Chinlock from Hulk. Seated Abdominal Stretch from Hulk follows that. Hiptoss from CIMA. In comes Kage. Double Back Elbow from Kage and CIMA and then ...... OO !! Forearm exchange. Spin Kick from Hulk. In comes Yoshino. Back Elbow from Yoshino gets a two count and then a Head Scissors. Doi adds a Figure Four Leglock. They let go and Yoshino does more punishment. Into the ring comes Susumu. Chinlock after a Snapmare from Susumu. Jawbreaker from Yoshino to escape that and then he tags in Doi. Kick to the ass and then Double Back Elbow. LOVELY Drop Toe Hold/Dropkick combo from Speed Muscle and that gets a two count as CIMA makes the save. Hulk comes into the ring. Kicks from Hulk. Slam from Hulk. STANDING CORKSCREW SENTON FROM HULK !!! Chops from Hulk. He hits the ropes and runs right into a Back Elbow. Into the match comes Kage. Cravat from Kage and then a Snapmare and a Dropkick to the head gets a two count. Dropkick to the back of the head. CIMA into the ring. Kick to the stomach and then more kicking. Into the corner. Here we go. DROPKICK TO THE ASS FROM CIMA !!! Modified Octopus Stretch from CIMA. He turns that into a School Boy for a two count and then works the back. CIMA misses a charge. Yoshino tags into the match and he stomps away at CIMA. Overhead Wristlock from Yoshino. Hammerlock and then Yoshino rolls through and ties CIMA up in a hell of a submission. Face Rake from Susumu. In comes Kage to add to Yoshino's misery. Double Back Elbow from the Warrior-5 tandem. Kage stretches the arms with the knee in the back. Doi comes into the match to take the place of Yoshino. Suplex from Doi gets a two count. Body Slam is blocked by Kage. Into the corner and in comes Susumu. Elbows to the back of the head from Susumu. In comes Hulk to save Doi. Susumu into the ropes and a nice Dropkick from Hulk gets a two count. Knees to the stomach from Susumu and then Hulk into the ropes. Double Stomp on the shoulder of Hulk from CIMA, just for shits and giggles. Snapmare from Susumu and then Kage with a Slingshot Elbow Drop. Hulk tries a comeback. Chop exchange. Snap Suplex from Kage ends that and gets a two count. Chinlock with a knee in the back from Kage. CIMA with a kick and a slam. SWINGING DOUBLE STOMP FROM CIMA !!! That was brutal. In comes Susumu and he gets the fans behind him. Hulk into the ropes. WHEELBARROW CODEBREAKER FROM WARRIOR-5 !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... SAVE MADE !!! Assisted Double Stomp from CIMA follows that. Spin Kick to CIMA. ROCK BOTTOM ON KAGE !!! Yoshino tagged into the match. REVERSE TARANTULA ON KAGE !!! CIMA comes in. Flapjack/Bulldog combo from Speed Muscle. In comes Kage. Yoshino jumps into a Dropkick. HUUUUGE Back Elbow from Kage. SHINING ENZIGURI FROM KAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! TILT-A-WHIRL OCTOPUS FROM YOSHINO !!! Susumu breaks the move and in comes Hulk. Slingshot Springboard Clothesline gets a two count for Hulk. Slam from Hulk. Moonsault misses. HUUUUUGE LARIAT FROM SUSUMU !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... YOSHINO SAVES !!! POWERBOMB/STOMP COMBO FROM WARRIOR-5 !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! ICONOCLASM FROM CIMA !!! HUGE SPLASH FROM KAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... DOI SAVES !!! CIMA to the floor. Doi gets stopped from diving. Hulk onto the apron. SPRINGBOARD SPINNING HEEL KICK ON KAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! SENTON/DROPKICK COMBO FROM YOSHINO !!! Superkick from CIMA. MOUSE FROM HULK !!! TORBELLINO FROM YOSHINO !!! SLIDING KICK FROM DOI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was good. It wasn't the mental match that I expected from the six men but it certainly had a lot of good stuff going for it. They kept everything simple and the match never felt boring at any point, but the madness of other six man tags that these sorts of guys put on was strangely missing. **3/4

The Young Bucks vs. SHINGO and Dragon Kid - DG Spain

With any luck this match will be much better. We open the match with Matt and Dragon in the ring. This match should at least have more of the trademark action that you get from these guys. Behind go both men and Dragon with a Hammerlock and Matt with the same. Sweep down from CIMA and then Matt takes him down. Dragon Kid gets into the ropes. Matt with some more arm work and he's really putting the torque on this. Dragon seems to be in a bit of bother early. Some nice flipping and he escapes much to the delight of the audience. Matt with some flipping doesn't really get him anywhere. Flurry of reversals and we have a stalemate following that. Kid lands on his feet from a Hiptoss and then hits a Wheelbarrow Arm Drag and a Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors and then fakes a dive and the fans like that. In come Shingo and Nick. Shingo charges down Nick. Arm Drag blocked by Shingo and he just throws Nick down to the canvas. Into the corner they go. Spinning Back Elbow from Nick and then a Running Rana. Nick with Shoulder Blocks in the corner and then he tags in Matt. Both men with quick tags and work on the arms. They then do the Yoshino Double Stomp spot. Shingo with a Suplex and that turns the match right on it's head. DOUBLE STOMP DEATH SENTENCE FROM KAMIKAZE !!! Dragon Kid is in there. Snapmare and then the Double Knee Drop. Shingo lands one of his own. Tilt-a-Whirl Kick from Kamikaze. Nick back in with knees to the stomach. Snapmare and then a Modified Abdominal Stretch from Nick while Matt holds off Shingo. Double Hiptoss, Double Backflip, Double Dropkick from the Bucks and that gets a two count. Matt into the match and he works the gut of Dragon. Into the corner they go. Dragon whipped in. Lariat and then a Snap Suplex from Matt and Shingo comes in and breaks the count. Dragon into the ropes and a double kick to the face. Assisted Spinning Heel Kick from the Bucks and that gets a two count. That was quality. More right hands from the Bucks. Into the corner and Nick then goes to work. The fans liked that. Leg Drop from Nick and that gets a two count. Dragon into the corner and then Nick knocks Shingo off the apron. High Knee in the corner and a running kick gets a two count for Nick. This IS a much better match by the looks of things. Give it an ending and it'll be fun. Dragon with a comeback attempt. Leaping Rana off the second buckle from Dragon and the fans love that. In comes Shingo and he KILLS Nick. BRUTAL DOWNWARD SPIRAL/DDT COMBO FROM SHINGO TO THE BUCKS !!! Shingo with a combo and the fans are HOT. Gutbuster into the DDT. Senton Splash misses from Shingo. Matt into the corner and Shingo tuns into boots. FLIPPING ACE CRUSHER FROM MATT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Shingo blocks the irish whip attempt. Kick to the arm from Matt. Snap Powerslam gets a two count for Shingo. ANACONDA VICE FROM SHINGO !!! DEJA VU INTO THE OCTOPUS FROM DRAGON KID ON NICK !!! Both members of the Bucks escape. Dragon onto the apron. SPRINGBOARD SOMERSAULT STUNNER !!! 619 misses. JAY DRILLER INTO A BACKBREAKER FROM NICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Dragon into the ropes. WHEELBARROW X-FACTOR FROM THE BUCKS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... SHINGO SAVES !!! Shingo has Matt. SUPER FUCKING MENTAL RANA OFF OF THE SHOULDERS OF SHINGO !!! HOLY SHIT !!! SUPERKICK FROM NICK !!! DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE FROM SHINGO !!! POWERBOMB INTO THE KNEES OF NICK !!! THE MORE BANG FOR THE BUCK FROM THE BUCKS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! SUPERKICK FROM NICK TO MATT !!! LAST FALCONRY FROM SHINGO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! BERMUDA TRIANGLE FROM DRAGON TO MATT !!! SUPER DVD FROM SHINGO TO NICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEE !!!

THAT'S more like it. The fans give that a standing ovation and quite rightly as well. All four men busted ass big time to give the audience exactly the sort of match they should be expecting from the likes of these guys. They came out with stuff that they don't use often as well, rather than just sticking to the big move showcase stuff that they could have done and put on a similar standard of match, so well done to them for that too. ****1/4

CIMA vs. Mike Quackenbush - DG Germany

CIMA has a rather animated arguement with the referee and we have a handshake between the two men. The fans clearly want Quack to win this match. CIMA with the takedown and he works the leg of Quack. He locks the leg. Quack with a Body Scissors out of that. CIMA with elbows to the legs and he gets out and twists at the knee of Quack. Duelling chants from the audience and CIMA with the Headlock. Sent into the ropes and he charges down Quack. "OO !!!". CIMA lets up Quack and he gets people chanting for him. This audience is split 50:50 here. They lock hands and Quack begins to work on the arm. CIMA with some flipping and stuff and he goes to the Hammerlock. Takedown into the Chinlock from CIMA. Quack with a nice reversal and then he bridges CIMA back. CIMA ends up on his back and then he bridges with an Overhead Wristlock and CIMA is forced to go into the ropes. Quack gets the better of the early exchanges. Lockup and Quack with the takedown and he works the legs of CIMA. CIMA then stretches Quack in something of an airplane stance, but Quack gets his submission back. CIMA then works the leg of Quack. He turns Quack onto his shoulders and gets a two count and we're getting lots of nice stuff from these guys but it isn't really going anywhere at the moment. Lockup and into the ropes. CIMA with a takedown. Quack into the ropes. Fireman Slam and then CIMA ties up Quack and locks in a hell of a submission. That will sure get the attention of the fans. He gets a two count from that and the fans liked that. Quack with a takedown and then he goes to the legs. Quack works the arm. CIMA with a bit of flipping and then he has an arm of his own and works it. Quack with some dancing around the ring and then he escapes and then does a lot of moving and an Arm Drag. CIMA sets Quack on the top rope. Arm Drag from Quack from there. Lockup and Quack goes behind and gets a Full Nelson and then takes CIMA down to his knees and stretches the arms. CIMA then gets into the ropes. Quack then locks in a modified Abdominal Stretch. CIMA manages to get into the ropes. Quack is absolutely schooling CIMA at the moment. He works the leg of CIMA again. He rolls through and works another painful looking submission. This is all getting a little old now. Quack pulls CIMA into the middle of the ring and then locks in the Half Crab. Elbow Drops on the leg from Quack and then another Half Crab. Quack then locks in the Leg Grapevine. CIMA gets to his feet but Quack with the Dragon Screw and then another submission. f**k sake. CIMA gets into the ropes again. This has been going on for something like 10 minutes. Is there really any need for that. Quack then with more work on the legs. He puts in something that resembles a Figure Four Leglock. Butterfly Suplex from Quack and the fans like that and he heads for the top rope. CIMA catches him and throws him off. LUNGBLOWER FROM CIMA !!! Hopefully that will turn the match on it's head. Kick to the leg from CIMA and then another kick to the leg. CIMA into the corner and he gets over Quack. Slam from CIMA and then a Slingshot Double Stomp and that gets a two count. CIMA charges and he runs into a boot. Rolling Palm Strike from CIMA. ICONOCLASM ... countered. Victory Roll from Quack. REVERSE CLOVERLEAF FROM QUACK !!! That is a move which he has no doubt been setting up for right from the word go. To be honest, I kinda forgot that was one of his finishers. CIMA gets into the ropes much to the delight of the crowd. Quack over CIMA. Crucifix Pin from Quack gets a two count. Both men with reversals. JAPANESE ROLL UP FROM CIMA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! DOUBLE STOMP TO THE FUCKING FACE FROM CIMA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! All this match needs now is to really pick up and we're onto a winner here. Quack into the ropes and he ducks a Clothesline. SPRINGBOARD BUTT BUMP !!! HERE IT COMES ... REVERSE SAMOAN DROP INTO THE CRUCIFIX FROM QUACK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! QUACKENDRIVER FROM QUACK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Of course, the #2 version is the real killer, but you don't kick out of that move often. Quack into the ropes. Enziguri from CIMA. SCHWEIN FROM CIMA ... countered. SCHWEIN FROM CIMA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOOUUUUTTTT !!! WHAT THE f**k ?!?! The fans chant "This is awesome". Reversal exchange from both men now. ELEVATED HALF CRAB FROM CIMA !!! Quack gets into the ropes. CIMA sets Quack on the top rope and then goes up to meet him. SUPERKICK FROM CIMA !!! Uh oh ... CIMA HITS THE COAST TO COAST DROPKICK ON QUACK !!! CIMA WITH THE TOP ROPE DOUBLE KNEES TO THE FACE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEE !!!

I do think that the Quackenbush exhibition went on for a bit long. Especially in a country and in front of an audience that have seen it over and over and over again. Other than that though, this was a cracking effort. CIMA did seem to be in a bit of a minimalist mood, not even breaking out a quarter of what he normally does, but Quack was the master and commander of the match so that worked fine. ****1/4

Ryo Saito, Genki Horiguchi and Emil Sitoci vs. BxB Hulk, Naruki Doi and Zack Sabre Jr.

Once again, we get to see the full entrance for him. Genki doesn't come into this match in a very good mood. Saito is going to open the match with Zack. Saito gives everyone the finger and tags Genki into the match. Hulk wants a piece of Genki so Sabre tags out. Genki then spits at the audience. Eeeewwww. Some stuff from Hulk and Genki gets a Head Scissors. Hulk goes for the Side Headlock and Genki gets out rather easily. Genki with a takedown and then he works the leg. Hulk then rolls through and works a leg of his own. Genki gets into the ropes with the help of Saito. They lock hands and Genki goes to the arm. Hulk with some flipping and flopping and Genki with the same. Hulk with a cartwheel escape and then Hulk with a takedown and into the ropes. Arm Drag from Hulk and then a Dropkick. Genki backs into the corner and back in comes Saito and in comes Doi. Would be nice to see these two guys square off actually. Both men lock hands and Saito clearly has the advantage in the strength department. Doi rolls through and that gives him the advantage. Headlock from Doi and he's sent into the ropes. Both men collide several times. This is giving me a headache. Doi wins that exchange. Arm Ringer from Doi and in comes Sabre who's loved by the audience. Sabre works over the arm of Saito. Arm Ringer from Zack. "Zack Sabre ... Oh Oh Oh !". The heels work over Zack in the corner and then Saito chokes with the boot. The fans chant "f**k you Genki !". Emil comes into the match. Snapmare and then a knee in the back and then an Arm Bar. What was the point of the knee in the back ? Sabre comes back with a Stepover and then an Arm Bar. Genki distracts the ref and then comes in and breaks the move. Genki has a duelling chant with the audience. Sabre with some nice work. Wheelbarrow Takeover from Emil. LOVELY Arm Drag into the Arm Bar from Emil. Emil works on the arm and drops a knee on it. In comes Genki again. Suplex is blocked by Sabre and then a Bearhug from Genki. Sabre is going for the tag and he manages to tag out, but the referee hasn't seen it. He allows it though. Double Hiptoss from Hulk and Doi. Standing Corkscrew Moonsault from Hulk and Saito comes in and breaks that. Kneeling Abdominal Stretch from Hulk. Into the corner they go with Hulk and in comes Saito with a Back Elbow and then another. Emil with some choking in there. Hiptoss and then Saito works on the arm, but also manages to cheat a little with the referee distracted. Headbutts to the back from Saito. Chop exchange. Hulk with Forearms, but he runs into a NASTY Back Elbow. Saito picks up Hulk. Emil to the second rope and a shot to the back. Backbreaker from Emil and then he stretches Hulk over the back. Sabre tries to come in and break but the referee stops him, and Genki takes this chance to hit Hulk with a crate and that gets a two count. Snapmare from Genki, and a Double Stomp from Saito. Genki then with shots to Sabre and Doi. Hulk to the ropes. Knee 2 Face/Drop Toe Hold/Dropkick combo from Saito and Genki gets a two count. Very nicely done there. Into the corner they go and Hulk is set nasty on the top rope and Saito unloads with stomps. Saito then just spits in the face of Hulk in that position and that just isn't very pleasant at all. SWINGING DDT OFF THE SECOND ROPE FROM GENKI !!! ONE ! TWO ! DOI SAVES !!! Half Crab from Genki. Saito comes in with a Cross Arm Camel Clutch. Emil adds a Dropkick to that. The fans then chant "f**k Real Hazard !" and Genki and Saito REALLY don't like that. Hulk attempts a comeback. STANDING MOONSAULT/DROPKICK COMBO FROM HULK TO REAL HAZARD !!! SABRE IS IN !!! Running Dropkick to Emil. BRIDGING BUTTERFLY SUPLEX FROM SABRE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Kick to the stomach. SPRINGBOARD ENZIGURI FROM SABRE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! MOONSAULT PRESS FROM EMIL !!! Zack misses a right hand. Slap from Sabre. MINORU SPECIAL FROM SABRE !!! Saito comes in and makes the save and in comes Doi to meet him. Chop exchange from them. Saito runs into a boot. POWERBOMB FROM DOI TO SAITO !!! This match is kicking off. Fisherman Suplex from Saito and he rolls and hits another one. Doi stops a third and hits a Suplex and that gets a two count. Saito into the corner. Hulk onto the apron. Running High Knee. SPRINGBOARD SPINNING HEEL KICK FROM HULK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Sabre gets sweeped by Genki and a Dropkick from Saito off the ropes. JACKNIFE PIN OUT OF A POWERBOMB FROM EMIL TO SABRE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! BIG SPLASH FROM EMIL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... DOI SAVES !!! Genki and Hulk in the ring. Spin Kick misses. STANDING MOONSAULT ... HITS KNEES !!! MOUSE FROM HULK !!! RUNNING KNEE RIGHT TO A SUICIDE DIVE ONTO REAL HAZARD !!! DOI 5s !!! SLIDING KICK FROM DOI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a good fun match. Felt more like an orthodox style six man tag most of the way thanks to the heel tactics and heat segments and hot tags and stuff, but that wasn't to the detriment of the match. As always, Real Hazard were all sorts of fun and Genki Horiguchi especially is always a delight to watch. It did eventually break down into the Dragon Gate style, but not too much as to not take away from what they had done before. A good solid six man match. ***1/2

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Dragon Gate in Europe

Featured within are ...

Naruki Doi, Masato Yoshino and BxB Hulk vs. CIMA, Susumu Yokosuka and KAGETORA - DG Spain ( **3/4 )

The Young Bucks vs. SHINGO and Dragon Kid - DG Spain ( ****1/4 )

CIMA vs. Mike Quackenbush - DG Germany ( ****1/4 )

Genki Horiguchi, Ryo Saito and Emil Sitoci vs. BxB Hulk, Naruki Doi and Zack Sabre Jr. - DG Germany ( ***1/2 )

BxB Hulk still has the best ring entrance going.

CIMA, Susumu Yokosuka and KAGETORA vs. Naruki Doi, Masato Yoshino and BxB Hulk - DG Spain

OO !!! The fans are hot as f**k for this. Doi starts the match with Kage. Lockup and into the ropes they go. Clean break from there. Lockup and Doi goes behind and Kage does the same. Doi to the arm. Some more reversing coming. Hammerlock from Kage. Doi escapes and goes to the arm. A good exchange and we have a stalemate. Yoshino is tagged into the match and in comes Susumu. Some nice stuff from both men. Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker from Susumu and Yoshino heads for the floor. Hulk and CIMA into the ring. CIMA does some pec dancing. Headlock from CIMA and he's sent to the ropes. Kick to the head. Hulk with a kick. Hiptoss and a Dropkick from Hulk. HUGE chop from Hulk and then a Snapmare and a Chinlock from Hulk. Chinlock from Hulk. Seated Abdominal Stretch from Hulk follows that. Hiptoss from CIMA. In comes Kage. Double Back Elbow from Kage and CIMA and then ...... OO !! Forearm exchange. Spin Kick from Hulk. In comes Yoshino. Back Elbow from Yoshino gets a two count and then a Head Scissors. Doi adds a Figure Four Leglock. They let go and Yoshino does more punishment. Into the ring comes Susumu. Chinlock after a Snapmare from Susumu. Jawbreaker from Yoshino to escape that and then he tags in Doi. Kick to the ass and then Double Back Elbow. LOVELY Drop Toe Hold/Dropkick combo from Speed Muscle and that gets a two count as CIMA makes the save. Hulk comes into the ring. Kicks from Hulk. Slam from Hulk. STANDING CORKSCREW SENTON FROM HULK !!! Chops from Hulk. He hits the ropes and runs right into a Back Elbow. Into the match comes Kage. Cravat from Kage and then a Snapmare and a Dropkick to the head gets a two count. Dropkick to the back of the head. CIMA into the ring. Kick to the stomach and then more kicking. Into the corner. Here we go. DROPKICK TO THE ASS FROM CIMA !!! Modified Octopus Stretch from CIMA. He turns that into a School Boy for a two count and then works the back. CIMA misses a charge. Yoshino tags into the match and he stomps away at CIMA. Overhead Wristlock from Yoshino. Hammerlock and then Yoshino rolls through and ties CIMA up in a hell of a submission. Face Rake from Susumu. In comes Kage to add to Yoshino's misery. Double Back Elbow from the Warrior-5 tandem. Kage stretches the arms with the knee in the back. Doi comes into the match to take the place of Yoshino. Suplex from Doi gets a two count. Body Slam is blocked by Kage. Into the corner and in comes Susumu. Elbows to the back of the head from Susumu. In comes Hulk to save Doi. Susumu into the ropes and a nice Dropkick from Hulk gets a two count. Knees to the stomach from Susumu and then Hulk into the ropes. Double Stomp on the shoulder of Hulk from CIMA, just for shits and giggles. Snapmare from Susumu and then Kage with a Slingshot Elbow Drop. Hulk tries a comeback. Chop exchange. Snap Suplex from Kage ends that and gets a two count. Chinlock with a knee in the back from Kage. CIMA with a kick and a slam. SWINGING DOUBLE STOMP FROM CIMA !!! That was brutal. In comes Susumu and he gets the fans behind him. Hulk into the ropes. WHEELBARROW CODEBREAKER FROM WARRIOR-5 !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... SAVE MADE !!! Assisted Double Stomp from CIMA follows that. Spin Kick to CIMA. ROCK BOTTOM ON KAGE !!! Yoshino tagged into the match. REVERSE TARANTULA ON KAGE !!! CIMA comes in. Flapjack/Bulldog combo from Speed Muscle. In comes Kage. Yoshino jumps into a Dropkick. HUUUUGE Back Elbow from Kage. SHINING ENZIGURI FROM KAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! TILT-A-WHIRL OCTOPUS FROM YOSHINO !!! Susumu breaks the move and in comes Hulk. Slingshot Springboard Clothesline gets a two count for Hulk. Slam from Hulk. Moonsault misses. HUUUUUGE LARIAT FROM SUSUMU !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... YOSHINO SAVES !!! POWERBOMB/STOMP COMBO FROM WARRIOR-5 !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! ICONOCLASM FROM CIMA !!! HUGE SPLASH FROM KAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... DOI SAVES !!! CIMA to the floor. Doi gets stopped from diving. Hulk onto the apron. SPRINGBOARD SPINNING HEEL KICK ON KAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! SENTON/DROPKICK COMBO FROM YOSHINO !!! Superkick from CIMA. MOUSE FROM HULK !!! TORBELLINO FROM YOSHINO !!! SLIDING KICK FROM DOI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was good. It wasn't the mental match that I expected from the six men but it certainly had a lot of good stuff going for it. They kept everything simple and the match never felt boring at any point, but the madness of other six man tags that these sorts of guys put on was strangely missing. **3/4

The Young Bucks vs. SHINGO and Dragon Kid - DG Spain

With any luck this match will be much better. We open the match with Matt and Dragon in the ring. This match should at least have more of the trademark action that you get from these guys. Behind go both men and Dragon with a Hammerlock and Matt with the same. Sweep down from CIMA and then Matt takes him down. Dragon Kid gets into the ropes. Matt with some more arm work and he's really putting the torque on this. Dragon seems to be in a bit of bother early. Some nice flipping and he escapes much to the delight of the audience. Matt with some flipping doesn't really get him anywhere. Flurry of reversals and we have a stalemate following that. Kid lands on his feet from a Hiptoss and then hits a Wheelbarrow Arm Drag and a Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors and then fakes a dive and the fans like that. In come Shingo and Nick. Shingo charges down Nick. Arm Drag blocked by Shingo and he just throws Nick down to the canvas. Into the corner they go. Spinning Back Elbow from Nick and then a Running Rana. Nick with Shoulder Blocks in the corner and then he tags in Matt. Both men with quick tags and work on the arms. They then do the Yoshino Double Stomp spot. Shingo with a Suplex and that turns the match right on it's head. DOUBLE STOMP DEATH SENTENCE FROM KAMIKAZE !!! Dragon Kid is in there. Snapmare and then the Double Knee Drop. Shingo lands one of his own. Tilt-a-Whirl Kick from Kamikaze. Nick back in with knees to the stomach. Snapmare and then a Modified Abdominal Stretch from Nick while Matt holds off Shingo. Double Hiptoss, Double Backflip, Double Dropkick from the Bucks and that gets a two count. Matt into the match and he works the gut of Dragon. Into the corner they go. Dragon whipped in. Lariat and then a Snap Suplex from Matt and Shingo comes in and breaks the count. Dragon into the ropes and a double kick to the face. Assisted Spinning Heel Kick from the Bucks and that gets a two count. That was quality. More right hands from the Bucks. Into the corner and Nick then goes to work. The fans liked that. Leg Drop from Nick and that gets a two count. Dragon into the corner and then Nick knocks Shingo off the apron. High Knee in the corner and a running kick gets a two count for Nick. This IS a much better match by the looks of things. Give it an ending and it'll be fun. Dragon with a comeback attempt. Leaping Rana off the second buckle from Dragon and the fans love that. In comes Shingo and he KILLS Nick. BRUTAL DOWNWARD SPIRAL/DDT COMBO FROM SHINGO TO THE BUCKS !!! Shingo with a combo and the fans are HOT. Gutbuster into the DDT. Senton Splash misses from Shingo. Matt into the corner and Shingo tuns into boots. FLIPPING ACE CRUSHER FROM MATT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Shingo blocks the irish whip attempt. Kick to the arm from Matt. Snap Powerslam gets a two count for Shingo. ANACONDA VICE FROM SHINGO !!! DEJA VU INTO THE OCTOPUS FROM DRAGON KID ON NICK !!! Both members of the Bucks escape. Dragon onto the apron. SPRINGBOARD SOMERSAULT STUNNER !!! 619 misses. JAY DRILLER INTO A BACKBREAKER FROM NICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Dragon into the ropes. WHEELBARROW X-FACTOR FROM THE BUCKS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... SHINGO SAVES !!! Shingo has Matt. SUPER FUCKING MENTAL RANA OFF OF THE SHOULDERS OF SHINGO !!! HOLY SHIT !!! SUPERKICK FROM NICK !!! DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE FROM SHINGO !!! POWERBOMB INTO THE KNEES OF NICK !!! THE MORE BANG FOR THE BUCK FROM THE BUCKS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! SUPERKICK FROM NICK TO MATT !!! LAST FALCONRY FROM SHINGO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! BERMUDA TRIANGLE FROM DRAGON TO MATT !!! SUPER DVD FROM SHINGO TO NICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEE !!!

THAT'S more like it. The fans give that a standing ovation and quite rightly as well. All four men busted ass big time to give the audience exactly the sort of match they should be expecting from the likes of these guys. They came out with stuff that they don't use often as well, rather than just sticking to the big move showcase stuff that they could have done and put on a similar standard of match, so well done to them for that too. ****1/4

CIMA vs. Mike Quackenbush - DG Germany

CIMA has a rather animated arguement with the referee and we have a handshake between the two men. The fans clearly want Quack to win this match. CIMA with the takedown and he works the leg of Quack. He locks the leg. Quack with a Body Scissors out of that. CIMA with elbows to the legs and he gets out and twists at the knee of Quack. Duelling chants from the audience and CIMA with the Headlock. Sent into the ropes and he charges down Quack. "OO !!!". CIMA lets up Quack and he gets people chanting for him. This audience is split 50:50 here. They lock hands and Quack begins to work on the arm. CIMA with some flipping and stuff and he goes to the Hammerlock. Takedown into the Chinlock from CIMA. Quack with a nice reversal and then he bridges CIMA back. CIMA ends up on his back and then he bridges with an Overhead Wristlock and CIMA is forced to go into the ropes. Quack gets the better of the early exchanges. Lockup and Quack with the takedown and he works the legs of CIMA. CIMA then stretches Quack in something of an airplane stance, but Quack gets his submission back. CIMA then works the leg of Quack. He turns Quack onto his shoulders and gets a two count and we're getting lots of nice stuff from these guys but it isn't really going anywhere at the moment. Lockup and into the ropes. CIMA with a takedown. Quack into the ropes. Fireman Slam and then CIMA ties up Quack and locks in a hell of a submission. That will sure get the attention of the fans. He gets a two count from that and the fans liked that. Quack with a takedown and then he goes to the legs. Quack works the arm. CIMA with a bit of flipping and then he has an arm of his own and works it. Quack with some dancing around the ring and then he escapes and then does a lot of moving and an Arm Drag. CIMA sets Quack on the top rope. Arm Drag from Quack from there. Lockup and Quack goes behind and gets a Full Nelson and then takes CIMA down to his knees and stretches the arms. CIMA then gets into the ropes. Quack then locks in a modified Abdominal Stretch. CIMA manages to get into the ropes. Quack is absolutely schooling CIMA at the moment. He works the leg of CIMA again. He rolls through and works another painful looking submission. This is all getting a little old now. Quack pulls CIMA into the middle of the ring and then locks in the Half Crab. Elbow Drops on the leg from Quack and then another Half Crab. Quack then locks in the Leg Grapevine. CIMA gets to his feet but Quack with the Dragon Screw and then another submission. f**k sake. CIMA gets into the ropes again. This has been going on for something like 10 minutes. Is there really any need for that. Quack then with more work on the legs. He puts in something that resembles a Figure Four Leglock. Butterfly Suplex from Quack and the fans like that and he heads for the top rope. CIMA catches him and throws him off. LUNGBLOWER FROM CIMA !!! Hopefully that will turn the match on it's head. Kick to the leg from CIMA and then another kick to the leg. CIMA into the corner and he gets over Quack. Slam from CIMA and then a Slingshot Double Stomp and that gets a two count. CIMA charges and he runs into a boot. Rolling Palm Strike from CIMA. ICONOCLASM ... countered. Victory Roll from Quack. REVERSE CLOVERLEAF FROM QUACK !!! That is a move which he has no doubt been setting up for right from the word go. To be honest, I kinda forgot that was one of his finishers. CIMA gets into the ropes much to the delight of the crowd. Quack over CIMA. Crucifix Pin from Quack gets a two count. Both men with reversals. JAPANESE ROLL UP FROM CIMA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! DOUBLE STOMP TO THE FUCKING FACE FROM CIMA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! All this match needs now is to really pick up and we're onto a winner here. Quack into the ropes and he ducks a Clothesline. SPRINGBOARD BUTT BUMP !!! HERE IT COMES ... REVERSE SAMOAN DROP INTO THE CRUCIFIX FROM QUACK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! QUACKENDRIVER FROM QUACK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Of course, the #2 version is the real killer, but you don't kick out of that move often. Quack into the ropes. Enziguri from CIMA. SCHWEIN FROM CIMA ... countered. SCHWEIN FROM CIMA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOOUUUUTTTT !!! WHAT THE f**k ?!?! The fans chant "This is awesome". Reversal exchange from both men now. ELEVATED HALF CRAB FROM CIMA !!! Quack gets into the ropes. CIMA sets Quack on the top rope and then goes up to meet him. SUPERKICK FROM CIMA !!! Uh oh ... CIMA HITS THE COAST TO COAST DROPKICK ON QUACK !!! CIMA WITH THE TOP ROPE DOUBLE KNEES TO THE FACE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEE !!!

I do think that the Quackenbush exhibition went on for a bit long. Especially in a country and in front of an audience that have seen it over and over and over again. Other than that though, this was a cracking effort. CIMA did seem to be in a bit of a minimalist mood, not even breaking out a quarter of what he normally does, but Quack was the master and commander of the match so that worked fine. ****1/4

Ryo Saito, Genki Horiguchi and Emil Sitoci vs. BxB Hulk, Naruki Doi and Zack Sabre Jr.

Once again, we get to see the full entrance for him. Genki doesn't come into this match in a very good mood. Saito is going to open the match with Zack. Saito gives everyone the finger and tags Genki into the match. Hulk wants a piece of Genki so Sabre tags out. Genki then spits at the audience. Eeeewwww. Some stuff from Hulk and Genki gets a Head Scissors. Hulk goes for the Side Headlock and Genki gets out rather easily. Genki with a takedown and then he works the leg. Hulk then rolls through and works a leg of his own. Genki gets into the ropes with the help of Saito. They lock hands and Genki goes to the arm. Hulk with some flipping and flopping and Genki with the same. Hulk with a cartwheel escape and then Hulk with a takedown and into the ropes. Arm Drag from Hulk and then a Dropkick. Genki backs into the corner and back in comes Saito and in comes Doi. Would be nice to see these two guys square off actually. Both men lock hands and Saito clearly has the advantage in the strength department. Doi rolls through and that gives him the advantage. Headlock from Doi and he's sent into the ropes. Both men collide several times. This is giving me a headache. Doi wins that exchange. Arm Ringer from Doi and in comes Sabre who's loved by the audience. Sabre works over the arm of Saito. Arm Ringer from Zack. "Zack Sabre ... Oh Oh Oh !". The heels work over Zack in the corner and then Saito chokes with the boot. The fans chant "f**k you Genki !". Emil comes into the match. Snapmare and then a knee in the back and then an Arm Bar. What was the point of the knee in the back ? Sabre comes back with a Stepover and then an Arm Bar. Genki distracts the ref and then comes in and breaks the move. Genki has a duelling chant with the audience. Sabre with some nice work. Wheelbarrow Takeover from Emil. LOVELY Arm Drag into the Arm Bar from Emil. Emil works on the arm and drops a knee on it. In comes Genki again. Suplex is blocked by Sabre and then a Bearhug from Genki. Sabre is going for the tag and he manages to tag out, but the referee hasn't seen it. He allows it though. Double Hiptoss from Hulk and Doi. Standing Corkscrew Moonsault from Hulk and Saito comes in and breaks that. Kneeling Abdominal Stretch from Hulk. Into the corner they go with Hulk and in comes Saito with a Back Elbow and then another. Emil with some choking in there. Hiptoss and then Saito works on the arm, but also manages to cheat a little with the referee distracted. Headbutts to the back from Saito. Chop exchange. Hulk with Forearms, but he runs into a NASTY Back Elbow. Saito picks up Hulk. Emil to the second rope and a shot to the back. Backbreaker from Emil and then he stretches Hulk over the back. Sabre tries to come in and break but the referee stops him, and Genki takes this chance to hit Hulk with a crate and that gets a two count. Snapmare from Genki, and a Double Stomp from Saito. Genki then with shots to Sabre and Doi. Hulk to the ropes. Knee 2 Face/Drop Toe Hold/Dropkick combo from Saito and Genki gets a two count. Very nicely done there. Into the corner they go and Hulk is set nasty on the top rope and Saito unloads with stomps. Saito then just spits in the face of Hulk in that position and that just isn't very pleasant at all. SWINGING DDT OFF THE SECOND ROPE FROM GENKI !!! ONE ! TWO ! DOI SAVES !!! Half Crab from Genki. Saito comes in with a Cross Arm Camel Clutch. Emil adds a Dropkick to that. The fans then chant "f**k Real Hazard !" and Genki and Saito REALLY don't like that. Hulk attempts a comeback. STANDING MOONSAULT/DROPKICK COMBO FROM HULK TO REAL HAZARD !!! SABRE IS IN !!! Running Dropkick to Emil. BRIDGING BUTTERFLY SUPLEX FROM SABRE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Kick to the stomach. SPRINGBOARD ENZIGURI FROM SABRE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! MOONSAULT PRESS FROM EMIL !!! Zack misses a right hand. Slap from Sabre. MINORU SPECIAL FROM SABRE !!! Saito comes in and makes the save and in comes Doi to meet him. Chop exchange from them. Saito runs into a boot. POWERBOMB FROM DOI TO SAITO !!! This match is kicking off. Fisherman Suplex from Saito and he rolls and hits another one. Doi stops a third and hits a Suplex and that gets a two count. Saito into the corner. Hulk onto the apron. Running High Knee. SPRINGBOARD SPINNING HEEL KICK FROM HULK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Sabre gets sweeped by Genki and a Dropkick from Saito off the ropes. JACKNIFE PIN OUT OF A POWERBOMB FROM EMIL TO SABRE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! BIG SPLASH FROM EMIL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... DOI SAVES !!! Genki and Hulk in the ring. Spin Kick misses. STANDING MOONSAULT ... HITS KNEES !!! MOUSE FROM HULK !!! RUNNING KNEE RIGHT TO A SUICIDE DIVE ONTO REAL HAZARD !!! DOI 5s !!! SLIDING KICK FROM DOI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a good fun match. Felt more like an orthodox style six man tag most of the way thanks to the heel tactics and heat segments and hot tags and stuff, but that wasn't to the detriment of the match. As always, Real Hazard were all sorts of fun and Genki Horiguchi especially is always a delight to watch. It did eventually break down into the Dragon Gate style, but not too much as to not take away from what they had done before. A good solid six man match. ***1/2

I have to see this.

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