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Mo Wonderboy

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On the subject of RAW, it was certainly fun at times. How could you not love the Cutting Edge ? Daniel Bryan definately showed some good underdog qualities which will come in handy considering how he's being booked.

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I thought that too. It's gonna have to be a big win for Bryan, and winning that match would have been huge for him. I don't see why not to do that to be honest. Batista is on the way out by all accounts, and therefore wouldn't be hurt that much by a loss, especially a fluke loss, to Daniel Bryan.

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Hindsight tells you it was far too early for Waltman. I'm glad they didn't make the same mistake again.

His first win will be when he is even more over with the mainstream WWE fans on Raw in a few weeks, probably against The Miz. He is the only real reason to watch NXT at the moment.

It's fair to say Barrett and him will be the ones getting a good push from NXT over the coming months.

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Hindsight tells you it was far too early for Waltman. I'm glad they didn't make the same mistake again.

His first win will be when he is even more over with the mainstream WWE fans on Raw in a few weeks, probably against The Miz. He is the only real reason to watch NXT at the moment.

It's fair to say Barrett and him will be the ones getting a good push from NXT over the coming months.

I'd say you're being unfair on Barrett when you say that Bryan is the only real reason to watch NXT. There isn't anything about Barrett that I don't like.

The danger of waiting a few weeks to have that big win is that it MIGHT get to a point where the fans just stop caring.

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The only thing I don't like about Barrett at the moment is Jericho. I used to love him as a heel but recently I think they have made him a shite character.

I think that's why I would like to see a Miz/Jericho feud. Let Jericho lose this terrible persona he has at the moment and turn face again for a while, and push Miz a bit further up the ladder.

So yeah, I was a bit unfair on Barrett. He looks like he could make the big time no bother.

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I think that's why I would like to see a Miz/Jericho feud. Let Jericho lose this terrible persona he has at the moment and turn face again for a while, and push Miz a bit further up the ladder.

I think the plan probably is to have a Jericho - Miz fued, eventually. After they have a run as a tag team and Jericho eventually beats the crap out Miz, turning him face again.

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Okay ahead of the upcoming pro poll lets rank the rookies from 1-8 based on the same criteria that they are doing it on there (ie not really giving a f**k about what went on in 'bingo halls'.)

1. Wade Barrett (only one that didn't look like a knob jockey during the interview competition and he has came along well next to Jericho. Has the size and ability to be a somebody)

2. Daniel Bryan (Don't personally like the way he is being booked but his bouts are about the main thing to look forward to on NXT and his fans probably make up the majority of its (albeit shite) audience).

3. Justin Gabriel (I like this one. Looks a good athletic worker and doesn't look as generic as the rest).

4. David Otunga (A bit crap in the ring but he has character and didn't look out of place as Raw Guest Host)

5. Darren Young (Has came on a lot in recent weeks. Growing on me)

6. Heath Slater (They're trying with him but I just don't see it. Fairly uninteresting)

7. Skip Sheifield (A Steve Austin style vest and a daft catchprase does not a good superstar make)

8. Michael Tarver (I think its almost a given that he will be the first man eliminated. Has shown very little. Home time)

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My order of preference:

1. Wade Barrett

2. David Otunga

3. Darren Young

4. Justin Gabriel

5. Daniel Bryan

6. Skip Sheffield

7. Michael Tarver

8. Heath Slater

Slater is quite possibly the most detestable wrestler I have ever seen. Everything about him makes me want to hurt him very much. From his stupid ginger mullet to his vomit inducing accent. Although for some reason he has been given more big victories than the rest of the NXT roster.

I think if they are going to do a second series they need to do a revamp of the whole format, as in recent weeks NXT has been rotten. They are clealy on auto-pilot until the eliminations begin.

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His cameo was brilliant last night ... more Goldust please! biggrin.gif

What he said.

On the point of NXT, as far as I'm concerned Danielson has been one big let down on the show. If I was to rate the rookies he would be lucky to get second spot.

1) Wade Barrett. If he doesn't brought upto the roster then it's a fucking travesty. I don't want to get carried away, but during the promo challenge I thought he was incredible. When everyone else simply stood and listed flavours of chewing gum etc. he always found a way to turn it round and talk about himself. I've also been impresse by his in ring work too, although nothing special, hes pretty solid.

2) Jusin Gabriel. Aside from Bryan, he;s probably the best worker of the rest.

3) Daniel Bryan. Oviously has his talents but the have pretty much fucked him by the way they have booked him....hes looked shite so far.

4) Heath Slater. I dont know what it is but I actually like him.

5) David Otunga. Hes had the odd entertaining moment, thats about it.

6) Darren Young. Meh.

7) Skip Sheffeild. What a waste of Regal. They could have done something phenomenal by putting Bryan and Regal together.

8) Michael Tarver. Shite!

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I've been sitting at work all morning looking up old promos and documentaries. I feel its that time of month again where the wrestling thread is piled up with old Attitude Era videos.

heartbreaking stuff there.

Is that part of the wrestlemania the movie, which covered Angle/Lesnar and HBK/Jericho backstage also?

Anyone got any links to those segments?

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I'm watching CZW Best of the Best 9 and it features what might be the most horrific thing I have ever seen in a wrestling match. A guy called Drew Blood attempts a Moonsault over the top and lands on his head on the concrete. Evidently that's end of the match. Really unpleasant stuff.

EDIT : Seeing Egotistico Fantastico absolutely gutted after the match isn't nice to see either.

Edited by DomDom
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I'm watching CZW Best of the Best 9 and it features what might be the most horrific thing I have ever seen in a wrestling match. A guy called Drew Blood attempts a Moonsault over the top and lands on his head on the concrete. Evidently that's end of the match. Really unpleasant stuff.

EDIT : Seeing Egotistico Fantastico absolutely gutted after the match isn't nice to see either.


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Well, I've finished watching that show now. After Drew Blood doing that move, around 10 minutes later, someone tried the exact same thing. Moronic.

The show was great fun though. If you like big nearfalls, highflying and big moves, you'll love Best of the Best 9.

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Watching this episode of Friday night's Main Event on my jaunt through 1997 Raw is War episodes. It's about a month after Owen dropped austin on his neck, but they're doing thier out and out best to keep him on telly and keep his momentum up, as he's the most over thing in wrestling by this point.

And this is just a totally fantastic segment. Has me pishing myself.

Goes to show just how friggin good Austin was in his rise to legend.
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heartbreaking stuff there.

Is that part of the wrestlemania the movie, which covered Angle/Lesnar and HBK/Jericho backstage also?

Anyone got any links to those segments?

It's from the superb Mania of Wrestlemania film that was one of the extras on the WM 20 DVD. You should be able to find the whole film on this Youtube link.

I wish WWE did one of these for every Wrestlemania, although it destroys kayfabe more than just about anything the WWE has ever produced!

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