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Mo Wonderboy

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If it's in the Olympics then I'm gonna call it a sport. It's also in the "All Other Sports" section here 8)

As I said previously, the competition is in the execution of moves. AJ has been hitting moves perfectly, now he's in about the Championship contenders. Tomko has fucked up moves, now he has to wrestle Orlando Jordan.

There is a massive difference between Olympic wrestling and professional wrestling. Professional wrestling, for example, has predetermined winners. Hence, it's not a sport.

There is much more to wrestling than simply doing a move well. The Great Khali can't even do a proper move and is an ex-World Champion, so that kinda pumps that theory.

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There is a massive difference between Olympic wrestling and professional wrestling. Professional wrestling, for example, has predetermined winners. Hence, it's not a sport.

There is much more to wrestling than simply doing a move well. The Great Khali can't even do a proper move and is an ex-World Champion, so that kinda pumps that theory.

I did also say that they're exceptions to that rule, Sting and John Cena are two that I mentioned. You don't mess with the Great Khali though, he has killed someone :ph34r:

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Attended ICW last night since it's not too far away! Here's a small personal review i posted on UKFF....

everything on the show was fantastic right from the get go.

Liking the Noam Dar/Rob Cage stuff. Rob Cage looked like he gave himself an injury during the Highlander beatdown. Hope it's not a bad one.

Kid Fite & Andy Wild had a class wee match. Really digging the Kid Fite stuff with his trainees. Hope to see some more of the SPWA guys getting involved in singles matches with him.

Gold Label were all over the place. really good to see them being pushed as a unit ALA The Horsemen, kinda like the way they get involvd in each others matches and always watch each others backs. Lightning's promo with Jester was pretty good, seemed quite heartfelt actually when he talking about deatmatches etc. The match itself aswell was quite good, wee bit of everything and loved the way the match was basically built around the barbed wire bat.

What an i say about the 4 way? Scottish MOTY so far and it's gonna be very very hard to top. The atmosphere in the hall made it 10 times better. BT Gunn is so over with the ICW crowd, it's amazing. Mossy was brilliant. would love to see him wreck some more people lol.

So i guess we have the next show's main event....BT Gunn vs Red Lightning for the ICW title. with Gunn pretty much the top face and Lightning arguably the top heel at the moment, i am looking very forward to this match and the next show as a whole.

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That main event was unreal. Absolutely unreal. My own UKFF review.

Noam Dar vs. Johnny Starr

Here's a problem with an ICW crowd. They need to have something to actually care about to actually get into a match. Nothing here for them. It's a shame that there wasn't a more heated crowd because the match was really, really good. They did a cracking job of building Starr's Lionsault as a legit finisher when before it's been used as a transitional move. People need a reason to care about Absolution at the moment. If they did the Highlander angle BEFORE this match, it might have been a bit wilder.

William Grange vs. Tricky Dicky Divers

It was a pretty good match, as you'd expect from two tag team partners. The Grange 4 Champ campaign has really hit the skids in this one, although that was more to do with the SWA guys being in full voice than anything else. Laura makes for a cracking annoying heel manager.

Lionheart vs. Chris Renfrew

Renfrew is great fun in ICW. This match brought it's fair share of madness before the bell and it continued through the match. Not really a match, more of an angle than anything else. I want to see these two guys do a proper match somewhere down the line.

Red Lightning vs. Jester

Not a bad match at all. Seemed to tail off a bit in the second half though after the first half had some insanity. I have to say I'm delighted that I'm not seeing these two guys in a deathmatch. As soon as they said it was "booked", I thought "I don't want to see Lightning in a deathmatch". He also now gets the title shot that I wanted to see him get last night, so all sorts of win here.

Kid Fite vs. Andy Wild

More SPWA guys getting a shot against Kid Fite here, except this time, we actually see a victory ! Huzzah ! I've never seen Andy Wild as a babyface before, but the guy has an odd charm about him, and I reckon he was better here in his babyface guise than I've ever seen him. Another pretty good match.

Brad Valentino vs. Rob Cage

Apparently Cage was hurt going into this so they couldn't do much. What they did do worked though. Incredibly entertaining comedy match.

Liam Thomson vs. Wolfgang vs. Johnny Moss vs. BT Gunn

I'd have to agree that this was probably the best match I've seen in Scotland this year, and considering what it's better than, it says a lot for just how good this match was. Johnny Moss made himself an ICW hero on this show. At the start of the match he had a band of followers on the front and back row of one section. When he left the hall, he had the entire hall standing, applauding and chanting his name. So the first section was the Mossy section, and when he went out, we had the inevitable handicap match, and then we had the great finish. BT Gunn was over like hell and was the right choice as we now get a good main event for the next show.



Rather than have a dip down from the awesome of the last show, ICW bettered it last night. It was going along just as good as last time before that main event. It didn't quite have the madness, but the stuff in the ring was consistant as hell and the promos were good enough.

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You don't mess with the Great Khali though, he has killed someone :ph34r:

Ummm, no he hasn't.

The lad who died was killed by a lack of proper medical evaluation by trainers at the wrestling school he and Khali attended. He'd taken a bad concussion a few hours before at a training camp and was told to carry on without any supervision or protective gear. Whether through neglect on his own part, or as a result of suffering the concussion he took either a back bodydrop or flapjack from Khali and simply didn't open his body out in time, landing on his head again.

As shit a wrestler as Khali is, there was nothing he could have done about it, the move wasn't botched on his part. The training school were found entirely at fault.

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I'm hoping for an Edge-Christian Ladder or TLC match. If that happens, I'll be happy. smile.gif

The first part I could see....the second part.....no chance. No way they will do a ladder or TLC now that thye have the TLC PPV.

I'd like to see Drew vs Orton, Punk vs Rey.....again.

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I'd say given that there's an MitB PPV and a TLC PPV that the chances of a Ladder Match on free TV are very slim and therefore it won't happen.

I also feel that the writers will have more of a say than the fans, and this fans choice malarky will be a lot of shit, but like all 3 hour RAWs, it'll be a good show.

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The documentary is very very good. The extras are also pretty awesome. I'd say it's one of that first batch of DVDs that WWE made which took them into "must-see" for almost every set they brought out since.

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Is anyone able to tell me if the Monday Night Wars DVD is worth a watch? Spied it going pretty cheap the day, I might pick it up.

I guess it depends what you already know about it...when I first watched it there was a whole bunch of stuff that I had no idea baout. I thought the documentary part was fantastic.

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Cheers, think I'll buy it. TBH I wasn't following things too closely at the time, I was huge on ECW and took the wars for granted, so there should be a lot that's new to me.

About Morrison, anyone else think he's fallen away a lot the last few years? Raven-esque, heel, ECW champ Morrison was the shit. On Smackdown, he was doing well, and looked for a while like he might make the main event scene... since moving to Raw, he's been undercard filler. <_<

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Is anyone able to tell me if the Monday Night Wars DVD is worth a watch? Spied it going pretty cheap the day, I might pick it up.

Fantastic DVD, well worth paying full price, so if your getting it cheap then definately go for it.

John Morrison is expected to return to RAW tonight.

:unsure: I didnt even notice he was gone. Where's he been?

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About Morrison, anyone else think he's fallen away a lot the last few years? Raven-esque, heel, ECW champ Morrison was the shit. On Smackdown, he was doing well, and looked for a while like he might make the main event scene... since moving to Raw, he's been undercard filler. dry.gif

To be honest, I've never really liked him that much. I mean as a gimmick, I think he's pretty good, but as a worker I'm not a fan. He has arguablly the shitest, most stupid, sloppy finisher in wrestling today.

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:unsure: I didnt even notice he was gone. Where's he been?

He's been injured, "several weeks" due to an ankle injury. According to wrestlinginc.

It happened in the house show in Ontario on May 16th, while wreslting Kozlov.

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To be honest, I've never really liked him that much. I mean as a gimmick, I think he's pretty good, but as a worker I'm not a fan. He has arguablly the shitest, most stupid, sloppy finisher in wrestling today.

The other problem with JoMo is that he does NOT have anything going for him as a babyface.

I think he's a very good wrestler, but I agree that his finisher is terrible. The kids love it for it's flashiness though.

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