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Mo Wonderboy

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Incase DomDom looks at this and his PPV hasn't downloaded yet...

Kazarian vs Angle and Styles vs Lethal were the only good matches at the Slammiversary PPV, the main event showed why TNA will never make it big as the match was a total joke. :lol:

The match was simply not given enough time since it's meant to be the ending to one of TNA's key PPV's of the year. Additionally I think RVD is over-rated and doesn't deserve to be champion, maybe if he didn't pose about ten times everytime he's in the ring then the matches might improve while old man Jarrett getting involved in the main event is hilarious. I would rather Styles was champion, his matches were a hell of a lot more entertaining.

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Incase DomDom looks at this and his PPV hasn't downloaded yet...

Kazarian vs Angle and Styles vs Lethal were the only good matches at the Slammiversary PPV, the main event showed why TNA will never make it big as the match was a total joke. laugh.gif

The match was simply not given enough time since it's meant to be the ending to one of TNA's key PPV's of the year. Additionally I think RVD is over-rated and doesn't deserve to be champion, maybe if he didn't pose about ten times everytime he's in the ring then the matches might improve while old man Jarrett getting involved in the main event is hilarious. I would rather Styles was champion, his matches were a hell of a lot more entertaining.

I thought Williams/Kendrick was pretty good too.

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I think it's a mix of legit ( Danielson has been sacked ) and work ( the plan IS to bring him back, and they're setting it up ).

Yeah seems like it. Interested in where they will go with the NXT storyline.

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TNA Slammiversary 2010

The card for this PPV looked a bit stacked. TOO stacked. Too many matches. We'll see how it turned out though.

Kazarian vs. Kurt Angle ( ****1/4 )

Douglas Williams © vs. Brian Kendrick - TNA X Division Championship ( *** )

Madison Rayne © vs. Roxxi - TNA Knockouts Championship ( **1/4 )

Jesse Neal vs. Brother Ray ( DUD )

Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez ( ** )

Desmond Wolfe vs. Abyss, Monster's Ball Match ( ***1/4 )

AJ Styles vs. Jay Lethal ( **** )

Beer Money Inc. vs. The Extreme Enigmatic Assholes ( ***3/4 )

Rob Van Dam © vs. Sting - TNA World Heavyweight Championship ( DUD )

Kazarian vs. Kurt Angle

Lockup and a Headlock from Angle and the takedown from there. Hot as hell crowd for this. Arm Drag and another from Kaz and then he taunts. Lockup and Angle goes to the Arm Ringer. Kaz flips out and reverses. Side Arm Bar from Kaz and Angle escapes with relative ease. Kaz kips up and gets a Headlock. Kaz into the ropes and he runs into a charge from Angle. Angle misses a charge and Kaz with a nice Springboard Dropkick. ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES FROM ANGLE !!! Kaz escapes a third with a low blow and the referee isn't happy with that. He calls for the DQ and Angle wants the ref to give Kaz a chance. Kaz charges and unloads with rights and lefts. Kaz then sends Angle to the floor. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA FROM KAZ !!! He gets onto the ramp and is very proud of himself. Slingshot Leg Drop into the ring gets a two count for Kaz and then he locks in the Front Facelock. Angle manages a fight out and then Kaz into the ropes. Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker from Angle. Angle into the corner and Kaz hits him with a Clothesline to stop his momentum. Front Facelock from Kaz. Angle manages to fight out of the move and then ducks a shot. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM ANGLE !!! Kaz was dropped right on his head there. Right hand exchange get the "Boo ! Yeah !" treatment and then Angle with Clotheslines. Back Body Drop sends Kaz across the ring. Angle runs into a boot. Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Angle gets a two count. ANGLE SLAM ... countered. Swinging Neckbreaker gets a two count for Kaz. POWERBOMB FROM ANGLE !!! INTO THE ANGLE LOCK !!! Dropkick from Kaz out of nowhere gets a two count. Kaz heads for the top rope now. POP UP BELLY 2 BELLY SUPLEX FROM ANGLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Reversals ... INTO THE ANGLE LOCK FROM ANGLE !!! Kaz kicks his way out. Kaz onto the apron. SLINGSHOT DDT FROM KAZ !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES FROM ANGLE !!! ANGLE SLAM ... countered. MAXIMO EXPLOSION FROM KAZ !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Right hands from Angle and then a rake to the eye from Kaz. Clothesline from Kaz gets a two count. ANGLE SLAM FROM ANGLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! POWERBOMB AND FEET ON THE ROPES FROM KAZ !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! ANGLE LOCK FROM ANGLE !!! HE ADDS THE GRAPEVINE !!! KAZ TAPS !!!

Very slick match from these two guys, and the execution and timing for the most part was very good. That said, towards the end of the match, it seemed to fall apart a little, and that might have been down to the time given. Kaz is pretty reliable in the way that Daniels was untill about five years ago. Add that to the fact that Angle's finisher killing tendencies weren't too bad here, and you have a belting opener. ****1/4

Douglas Williams © vs. Brian Kendrick - TNA X Division Championship

Kendrick has the majority of the audience backing in this one. Lockup and an Arm Ringer from Williams. Kendrick with a nice escape and then Williams gets into the ropes before damage can be done. They lock hands and Williams is in control of that. "You're a w****r" chant at Williams. Kendrick then goes to the Fujiwara Armbar and then Williams gets into the ropes again. Lockup and Williams with the Waistlock Takedown and he now has a Front Facelock. Kendrick with the escape and he gets backed into the corner. Kendrick then charges into a boot. Williams now works on the leg of Kendrick, rolls through and then gets kicked off. Kendrick with a submission of his own. Williams kicks Kendrick to the floor. Kendrick with forearms but he misses a charge and hits the railing. BACK DROP SUPLEX ON THE FLOOR FROM WILLIAMS !!! Williams with a forearm and then he breaks the count and sends Kendrick back into the ring. Camel Clutch from Williams and he adds some ripping the face to that tactic. Forearm exchange and Williams then hits a Samoan Drop and that gets a two count. Backbreaker from Williams and then he locks in the Bow and Arrow Hold. Kendrick counters to a pinfall for a two count and Williams wasn't happy with that. Cravat from Williams and then he grounds Kendrick with that. Kendrick onto the apron where Williams catches him. Williams misses a charge and ends up on the floor. SUICIDE DIVE FROM KENDRICK !!! Into the ring and Kendrick with the Missile Dropkick gets a two count. Running Forearm and an Enziguri from Kendrick. Leaping Kick from Kendrick gets a two count. Leaping Side Kick gets a two count again for Kendrick. Low blow from Williams and then a Clothesline. European Uppercuts from Williams and then a two count. Pinfall exchange from both men. Forearms from Kendrick. High Knee in the corner and a Snap Suplex from Williams. Gutwrench Suplex from Williams. Exploder Suplex gets a two count. Kendrick comes back with forearms and kicks. Williams fights back. LEAPING DDT OFF THE SECOND ROPE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

I love the way Williams just gets into the ropes any time he's in trouble, even when he knows he can escape using his skills. Some really nice spots, although it didn't seem to get into second gear, but given the opener, that was probably the instructions given to them. As it is, it's a good match. ***

Madison Rayne © vs. Roxxi - TNA Knockouts Championship

Roxxi does her best Willow Rosenberg impression when Madison challenges her to put her career on the line. Madison lays out Roxxi with the microphone for a two count. Roxxi comes back and gets sent into the ropes. Clothesline from Roxxi and then a Spinning Elbow for a two count. Roxxi then to the second rope, but Rayne drops her onto her face. That gets a two count and Roxxi is badly busted open. Arm Bar from Rayne. Roxxi into the ropes and she ducks a kick. Enziguri knocks down Rayne ! Yakuza Kick from Rayne and then a T-Bone Suplex. EXPLODER BOMB FROM ROXXI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! CRADLE DDT FROM ROXXI ... Rayne ends up on the floor because of that. NECKBREAKER ACROSS THE KNEE FROM RAYNE BACK IN THE RING !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

How did I know Roxxi would bleed in this match ? And why did Madison Rayne not go after this very obvious focal point ? It was a nifty little match. Kept short to hide the limitations of both ladies. **1/4

Jesse Neal vs. Brother Ray

What happened to Rhino being the mentor of Neal ? Did they finally realise that Rhino was absolutely shite ? Ray gets a cheap shot when he makes Neal think he likes him. Ray tells Devon to get back. Devon is NOT impressed. Big kick to the face of Neal. Ray goes to work on Neal. Neal comes back, but one right hand is enough to floor him again. Open Hand Slap and that is just vicious. Ray is sizing up Neal and then lands more right hands. Elbow Drop from Ray. Neal attempts a fight back but that doesn't exactly end well for him. Tree of Woe. HANGING NECKBREAKER FROM RAY !!! Brutal hand slap across the chest. Right hands from Neal. Neal into the ropes and he hits a Clothesline but Ray doesn't move. Belly 2 Belly Suplex gets a two count for Neal. BUBBA BOMB FROM RAY !!! Slap to the back just for good measure. TOMMY DREAMER IS HEADING DOWN THE STEPS OF THE IMPACT ZONE !!! He is evidently not happy with what he is seeing in the ring at the moment. Ray is distracted. Neal jumps into a right hand. SECOND ROPE SENTON SPLASH ... MISSES !!! SPEAR FROM NEAL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

What the f**k is this ?!?! Jesse Neal is made to look like absolute shit, as well as an arsehole, and when the only way they can redeem this is to give him a clean win, he gets an incredibly cheap win. f**k off. DUD

Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez

Hernandez wants nothing to do with the neck injury nonsense that Morgan seems to be spouting. Kicks to the chest and face when they get into the ring. Choke over the middle rope from Hernandez and then he chokes Morgan with a t-shirt. Hernandez continues a brutal beating into the corner. Hernandez sits the referee on the top rope and has words withgim. Morgan then begs off. Morgan with a cheap shot and to the floor they go. Discus Clothesline from Morgan. Hernandez is sent into the ringpost by Morgan two times. A third time and Hernandez ends up on the floor and Morgan wants him to be counted out. Kicks and stomps near the ropes from Morgan when he gets back in. Morgan with the Rapid Fire Elbows. Avalanche in the corner and then the Sidewalk Slam gets a two count. Hernandez hits an Avalanche of his own and then hits a Big Clothesline. The Pounce from Hernandez. Choke with a t-shirt from Hernandez and then a second time. Hernandez then throws the referee down and we have a DQ.

The match was perfectly fine while it lasted. The ending makes sense from a booking standpoint, as Hernandez wasn't in control enough to show his anger at any point, so it didn't come from out of nowhere. Makes you wanna see more without leaving you short changed. **

Desmond Wolfe vs. Abyss, Monster's Ball Match

Anyone complaining about the booking in WWE, wants to take a look at Abyss right now which surpasses even the most stupid booking of ANY promotion recently. Right hands from Abyss and Wolfe into the ropes. He runs into a Big Boot. Abyss then gets a chair. Wolfe kicks the chair into his face. Chair is wedged between the top and middle buckles. Wolfe tries a jump over, and ends up just eating a Sidewalk Slam and that gets a two count. Abyss goes under the ring and pulls out a barbed wire board and the fans are happy with that. That's set in the corner. European Uppercuts from Wolfe. Wolfe gets sent face first into the chair. Abyss gets a trashcan only to be smashed over the head with it. Wolfe has a stuffed toy wrapped in barbed wire. Avalanche from Abyss but he hurt himself with that too. He got Wolfe as well, so it's all good. Abyss then gives the teddy bear to Chelsea. Abyss brings out the bag and we know what's coming now. Oh wait, no we don't. Broken glass is what is coming. Wolfe sees this and runs. :lol: Wolfe : "I didn't sign up for this !". Umm ... yes you did you fucking idiot. Abyss chases Wolfe around the ring and then gets tricked into a kendo stick shot and they brawl up the aisle at the side of the ramp. To the back of the Zone they go. They battle onto the commentary platform. ABYSS WITH A CHOKESLAM THROUGH THE PLATFORM !!! Into the ring they go and that gets a two count obviously. Abyss now lays the barbed wire board in the middle of the ring. Wolfe is then set on the top rope. SUNSET BOMB OFF THE TOP INTO THE BARBED WIRE BOARD FROM WOLFE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! KENDO STICK SHOTS TO THE HEAD !!! SHOCK TREATMENT FROM ABYSS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Wolfe now has the kendo stick. KENDO STICK SHOT SENDS ABYSS FACE FIRST INTO THE BROKEN GLASS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Wolfe wants the purse. The purse doesn't have the knux though. CHELSEA TOSSES THE KNUX TO ABYSS !!! BLACK HOLE SLAM FROM ABYSS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a fun wee garbage match. It started like just some entertaining WWE style brawl, but then they went and upped the ante with some great brutality. Can't complain too much about this at all. ***1/4

AJ Styles vs. Jay Lethal

The bell rings and Styles looks pretty fucking annoyed ! Lockup and into the corner they go. Slap from Lethal and Styles gets the hell out of Dodge. Split crowd and a Headlock from Styles. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock is quickly countered. Styles escapes nicely to a sort of Dragon Sleeper and then back to the Headlock. Dropkick to the knee from Styles, but Lethal comes back with right hands and then a chop. Styles gets under Lethal and gets a chop of his own. Styles avoids a Monkey Flip but not the Hiptoss/Dropkick combo. Snap Suplex from Lethal and that gets a two count. Right hands from Lethal and then a chop. Head first into the top buckle and then a Backbreaker gets a two count. Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors from Lethal and Styles to the floor. Suicide Dive misses and then Styles to the apron, and he gets swept and lands face first on the apron. Ric Flair gets in the face of Lethal and then back into the ring they go. Choke in the corner from Styles, but Lethal comes back with more big chops. Lethal onto the top rope crotched. Chops from Styles there. Lethal chops back so Styles with a nice kick and that gets a two count. Styles with a Knee Drop. Shoulder Blocks in the corner from Lethal. Lethal then comes back with more chops and then he slaps Styles right in the face. Elbow strike misses and a LOVELY Dropkick from Lethal gets a two count. BACK DROP DRIVER FROM STYLES !!! Is there any need for that as a transitional move ? Lethal gets sent to the floor and then AJ distracts the ref. Flair chokes Lethal with his coat. Back into the ring they go. Chinlock from Styles and Lethal comes back into the match. Lethal into the ropes. Handspring Back Elbow from Lethal and that brings him back into the match properly. Front Facelock from Styles to try and slow it down. Lethal with the Manhattan Drop to escape and then Forearm Strikes. Right hand from Lethal. Styles runs into a boot. Leaping Leg Lariat from Lethal. MOONSAULT PRESS FROM LETHAL !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Corner Dropkick. LETHAL COMBINATION FROM LETHAL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! STYLES WITH THE CRADLE BREAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! DISCUS LARIAT ... ELEVATED NECKBREAKER FROM LETHAL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Styles takes down Lethal. FIGURE FOUR LEG LOCK FROM STYLES !!! BRAINBUSTER FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! STYLES CLASH ... Lethal countered. DRAGON SUPLEX !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... STYLES FOOT UNDER THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! FIGURE FOUR LEG LOCK FROM LETHAL !!! Styles gets into the bottom rope. Backbreaker from Lethal. FLYING ELBOW DROP FROM LETHAL ... MISSES !!! PELE KICK FROM STYLES !!! Styles slips and hits the top buckle face first because he had an injured knee. NORTHERN LIGHTS TO COUNTER A SPRING !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

A pleasant little win for Lethal there, and he wasn't made to look at all bad either. He went out and had a good two sided match with an established main eventer. Not sure if such a clean win was needed really. The match wasn't quite as good as the opening match, but like that one, the timing and execution was absolutely magnificent. Well played. ****

Beer Money Inc. vs. The Extreme Enigmatic Assholes

Lockup and that doesn't last for very long. Roode goes behind and we have some counters. Storm comes in and we have a Front Facelock. Hammerlock from Anderson and another quick tag and in comes Roode. Hardy comes into the ring. Lockup and a Headlock from Roode and then he's sent into the ropes and he charges down Hardy. Arm Ringer and into the ring comes Storm. Russian Legsweep from Storm and the faces have a bit of a discussion in the corner. Hardy clubs on Storm and then in comes Anderson. Double Back Elbow and then a Hardy double team and Double Leg Drop and this is going well. Right hand from Storm and that doesn't go well. Right hands from Anderson. Anderson into the ropes, but Roode pulls the top rope down and Anderson ends up on the floor, where Roode continues his work. Roode then works on the leg. Roode now has Anderson and Storm works on Anderson. I'd have thought that Beer Money would like Anderson, being assholes and stuff. Kick to the back of the head from Storm, but he runs right into the Clothesline from Anderson. Hot tag and in comes Hardy. Sitdown Front Suplex on Roode gets a two count. Anderson comes across to deal with Storm, but gets thrown to the floor. Right hand from Roode to Hardy. CATAPULT/DDT FROM BEER MONEY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Anderson pulls Storm to the floor. STUNNER FROM HARDY TO ROODE !!! SWANTON BOMB FROM HARDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... THE REF GETS PULLED TO THE FLOOR !!! The referee blames Anderson and Storm attacks from behind. Storm pulls Roode into the corner and then tags in. Right hand from Storm to Hardy. Into the corner and Hardy gets back into the match. Swinging Dropkick is stopped by Roode. WHEELBARROW CODEBREAKER ON HARDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! That referee is doing my fucking head in. HANGING DDT FROM STORM TO HARDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Roode back into the ring and he works on Hardy. Backbreaker and that gets a two count. In comes Storm and he gets another two count. Double Suplex from Beer Money. BEER ! MONEY ! SUCK !!! Body Slam from Storm and then a Small Package gets a two count. Clothesline from Storm and back in comes Roode. Front Facelock from Roode. Roode runs into an elbow. WHISPER IN THE WIND ... MISSES !!! TWIST OF FATE FROM HARDY !!! Anderson comes back. Beer Money stop the Roaring Samoan. ROLLING SAMOAN DROP ON ROODE !!! ONE ! TWO ! ROODE HITS HIS OWN PARNER !!! Kick from Hardy. SPRINGING SOMERSAULT PLANCHA OFF OF THE BACK OF ANDERSON ONTO STORM !!! MIC CHECK ... INTO THE SPINEBUSTER FROM ROODE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... HARDY SAVES !!! Storm comes into the ring. EYE OF THE STORM FROM STORM !!! Storm puts his hat on. Storm to the floor. MIC CHECK FROM ANDERSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Some more quality wrestling from this PPV. Is it just me, or are Beer Money actually getting better ? Some awesome quick tagging between the two guys. They played the formula tag down to a tee, which meant, with the guys involved, this match simply couldn't fail. ***3/4

Rob Van Dam © vs. Sting - TNA World Heavyweight Championship

RVD's music is absolutely horrific. Lockup and into the corner. Right hands and kicks from Sting and then onto the ramp they go. They brawl around ringside where Sting takes control of things. Sting gets sent into the wall and then a Spin Kick from RVD. Sting into the wall again. And again. Spinning Leg Drop over the railing from RVD and we're seeing the bad points of RVD all coming out here. Back Body Drop lands RVD over the railing onto the concrete and that looked pretty nasty ! RVD then gets sent into the railing. RVD then sent to the wall. Right hands from both men now. This match better get better. They brawl around the ringside area. Into the ring they go. Yass. Stomping from Sting. Stinger Splash to the back of RVD. The same to the front. That gets a two count. Chinlock from Sting and RVD gets the fans behind him. RVD comes back with right hands. Kick to the stomach and then RVD into the ropes. Spin Kick from RVD. Right hands from RVD. Jabs. Clothesline from RVD and then another. Right hands in the corner, but Sting fights off. Leaping Side Kick from RVD gets a two count. SPLIT LEGGED MOONSAULT FROM RVD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Cross Body Block takes the referee out. Sting now has the baseball bat. Bat to the head and then to the knee. Jeff Jarrett heads for the ring to deal with Sting. Bat to the stomach from JJ. BAT TO THE JAW OF STING !!! ROLLING THUNDER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! RVD misses the Monkey Flip. Roundhouse Kick. FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

What a horrible match that was. They just completely forgot what putting together a wrestling match actually entails. DUD

I can't complain about the quality of this PPV. Everything that looked good delivered and there was a lot of good looking stuff on the show. A contender for the best PPV of the year.

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Beer Money Inc. vs. The Extreme Enigmatic Assholes

Some more quality wrestling from this PPV. Is it just me, or are Beer Money actually getting better ? Some awesome quick tagging between the two guys. They played the formula tag down to a tee, which meant, with the guys involved, this match simply couldn't fail. ***3/4

Not really, Ive always rated them. As Ive said before, the tag division is the best thing going in TNA and Beer Money have been at the top of the tree for a long, long time.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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How can Bret seriously still refer to the WWE as WWF?

It looks like the scene is set for another invasion tonight with Orton and Sheamus in the firing line. They have to do something in the main event, surely?

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How can Bret seriously still refer to the WWE as WWF?

It looks like the scene is set for another invasion tonight with Orton and Sheamus in the firing line. They have to do something in the main event, surely?

Or do it right after I post that...

I like where they are going with this. Having Edge, Sheamus, Orton and Cena in the same ring fighting these guys off says something, but the younger audience will more than likely just be confused.

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Or do it right after I post that...

I like where they are going with this. Having Edge, Sheamus, Orton and Cena in the same ring fighting these guys off says something, but the younger audience will more than likely just be confused.

From a heel point of view I dont quite get it goin into Fatal 4 Way...it'll be interesting to see how the main event plays out.

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Having not watched Slammiversary, I think that the Guns are the best tag team going in TNA and should get the titles, if they are going to change hands. They should have gotten the Guns to use their title shot since Matt Morgan dropped out to fight Hernandez.

After seeing DomDom's ratings,

The Neal/Bubba-ray match isn't surprising. The whole storyline is gash, with the introduction of

Tommy Dreamer

then it makes it unlikely that the two Dudleys will start fighting each other. I want to see how the first bit plays out.

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What was the reason?

"There were 8 of us last week - you may remember Daniel Bryan. He felt differently than we did and showed some remorse for our actions last week .. therefore I can assure you, you won't be seeing him again!"

.. or something along those lines.

RAW was good last night, and the ending was very good again. It's like being back in the good old days of WWF!

All wrestlers (barring one mentioned on here as a possible leader!) were on the ramp for the main event to prevent another ambush - as they knew the NXT guys weren't finished after they had appeared twice on the show already. At the start Wade Barret cut a good promo, refusing to apologise. Bret Hart came out, the NXT guys demanded WWE contracts, Bret said 'no' and fired Wade from his contract. Later on, Cena comes to the ring, cuts a decent promo, and challenges the NXT guys as he knows what Bret had said ain't gonna stop them. They come from the crowd again, and as they jump the barricade Santino and Regal are out in the ring alongside Cena with lots of other wrestlers on their way, including Orton, Edge, and Sheamus with a steel pipe. If they wanted the NXT guys to look tough they probably shouldn't have had Santino in the middle of the ring beating down Slater! NXT guys are ran out of the arena with some comical running from Mark Henry who decided he was going to run in front of them despite it being him chasing them :lol: Then during the main event, the lights went out and we went to the titantron where the NXT guys had taken Bret Hart, dragged him into the back of a limo and ordered the driver to reverse and smash into various cars/walls/anything. Then gave him til Sunday to change his mind about them getting contracts!

The PPV Sunday certainly should be interesting!

Edited by garymcc1874
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