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Mo Wonderboy

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See this Michael McGillicutty character? Why the fck are they calling him that? They keep referring to his father and grandfather, with no explanation as to why he has a different last name. huh.gif I'd have thought it would be easier for him to get over under the already known name - like Orton, DiBiase and Rhodes... and any other c**t.

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Thought the NXT stuff on Raw was excellent. The rest was pish, especially the guest host nonsense.

To be fair, it was meant to be based mainly on the NXT guys (btw I don't think the N armband is actually for NXT, I reckon they'll come up with some name for the stable as it kinda takes away from the NXT season 2 guys I think).

Miz winning the US championship was a bit of a surprise considering it was K-Kwiks hometown, he'll lose it again at F4W which is probably a good thing. And if Bourne is going to be getting a big push they had to fit him in somewhere and a match with Jericho wasn't exactly the worst thing they could've done.

FWIW, I thought the guest host stuff was pretty good. I certainly laughed a few times and the Big Show is absolute fantastic when he's just being himself.

Isn't that pretty much the whole show? Therefore, I'd say it was actually a good episode of RAW.

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Rumour on the Undertaker angle:

There was at least some discussion this past week about having the NXT Rookies be the ones responsible for The Undertaker being in a vegetative state.

However, word this weekend was that they are planning a Kane vs. Undertaker casket match for SummerSlam, instead of Taker vs. Jack Swagger for the World Heavyweight Title.

If WWE goes with the idea that Kane attacked Undertaker and they stick with the casket match at SummerSlam, Taker will work that feud before moving on to the World Heavyweight Title picture.

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To be fair, it was meant to be based mainly on the NXT guys (btw I don't think the N armband is actually for NXT, I reckon they'll come up with some name for the stable as it kinda takes away from the NXT season 2 guys I think).

Miz winning the US championship was a bit of a surprise considering it was K-Kwiks hometown, he'll lose it again at F4W which is probably a good thing. And if Bourne is going to be getting a big push they had to fit him in somewhere and a match with Jericho wasn't exactly the worst thing they could've done.

FWIW, I thought the guest host stuff was pretty good. I certainly laughed a few times and the Big Show is absolute fantastic when he's just being himself.

Isn't that pretty much the whole show? Therefore, I'd say it was actually a good episode of RAW.

Classic Big Show reaction to Kane's pyro mishap.


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WWE Wrestlemania

I've lost all of my ratings ! Not to worry. I'm going to watch as many PPVs from as many promotions as I can from each promotion, starting with the obvious starting point. WWE. And where better to start with WWE than from the very first PPV ? There's gonna be some shit missing unfortunately, but I'll try and fill in blanks wherever possible.

The Executioner vs. Tito Santana ( * )

King Kong Bundy vs. SD Jones ( N/A )

Matt Borne vs. Ricky Steamboat ( *1/4 )

Brutus Beefcake vs. David Sammartino ( 1/2* )

Greg "The Hammer" Valentine © vs. Junkyard Dog - WWE Intercontinental Championship ( ** )

The US Express © vs. Nikolai Volkoff and The Iron Sheik - WWE World Tag Team Championships ( **1/2 )

Big John Studd vs. Andre the Giant, $15,000 vs. Andre's Career Bodyslam Challenge ( -** )

Lelaini Kai © vs. Wendi Richter - WWE Women's Championship ( ** )

Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff vs. Hulk Hogan and Mr. T ( **3/4 )

Mean Gene does the national anthem. Commentary from Gorilla and Ventura.

The Executioner vs. Tito Santana

Executioner botches a promo right off the bat. Clearly gonna be a good night for him. Lockup and a Headlock from Executioner. Back Body Drop and a Dropkick from Santana and Executioner ends up on the floor. He gets onto the apron where he taunts the fans. Might be better to wait untill you're any good to do that. Headlock from Santana. Executioner tries to escape and that doesn't end too well. Shot to the leg from Executioner, but Santana just slams his face into the canvas. Executioner kicks the leg and then hits a Headbutt. Santana into the ropes and a knee to the stomach from Executioner. Stomp to the stomach and then to the leg. He locks in a submission. Santana gets a two count from a reversal. Santana comes back with kicks and right hands. Executioner backs off. Kicks in the corner from Santana and the fans like that ! Back Body Drop to counter a Piledriver from Executioner. Body Slam from Executioner and then he heads for the top rope. Santana slams him into the middle of the ring. Big Splash from Santana hits nothing but knees. Executioner puts the leg over the bottom rope, but Santana sends him over the top rope. Santana sends Executioner back into the ring. FLYING FOREARM FROM SANTANA !!! FIGURE FOUR LEG LOCK FROM SANTANA !!! IT'S OVER !!!

They actually botched the ending there as they wouldn't ring the bell. The match was a decent little opener, as they had the backstory with the injured leg of Santana to get the fans worried, while the timing wasn't bad and made you think Executioner had a chance. Too short to be anything memorable. *

King Kong Bundy vs. SD Jones

Jones hits the ropes and runs into a Bearhug and then Bundy runs him into the corner. Avalanche in the corner. BIG SPLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Next. N/A

Matt Borne vs. Ricky Steamboat

Steamboat is wearing short trunks which looks weird. Lockup and Borne into the ropes. Steamboat goes for the chop and hits. Snapmare and then a Chinlock. Headlock from Steamboat. Steamboat gets over Borne and then locks in the Headlock again. The same thing happens and the second time, Steamboat hits an Atomic Drop and then another Headlock. Borne escapes and then hits forearms and chops. Steamboat into the corner. He catches Borne and kicks him and then hits a Flying Karate Chop and then another normal one. Headlock again from Steamboat. Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Borne and suddenly Steamboat is back out of favour. Suplex nicely done from Borne and that gets a one count. Steamboat comes back with chops again. Back Drop Suplex from Steamboat. Swinging Neckbreaker nicely done from Steamboat and then a Knee Drop. That gets a two count. Double Chop from Steamboat and then he heads for the top rope. HIGH CROSS BODY FROM STEAMBOAT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

I don't think the Headlock stuff makes sense in such a short match. They did that for half of the match and then did a bunch of nothing because they didn't have the time to do anything that made sense after that. Still not bad, but not very good either and again, way short. *1/4

Brutus Beefcake vs. David Sammartino

Lockup and into the corner with David and Beefcake is proud of himself. You only threw the guy into the corner. Calm down kid. Lockup and Beefcake decides to sidestep that and do a wee bit of dancing. Lockup and then a Drop Toe Hold from David and Beefcake backs into the corner. Not so cool now are ye ? Beefcake with the Waistlock and then a takedown from Beefcake and some reversals lead to Beefcake getting to the floor. Back in, and David goes to the Front Facelock. Beefcake isn't happy with the referee. Lockup and David goes to the arm and has an Arm Ringer. Beefcake goes to the hair and then lands a Body Slam, but David holds onto the arm and Brutus is not sure what to do. Knee Drop on the arm from David. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock from Beefcake and he finally has some control in this match. David gets to his feet and sends him to the ropes, but Beefcake with a Shoulder Block. Hiptoss from Beefcake but gets kicked off. Drop Toe Hold from David and then he works on the legs of Beefcake. David continues to work on the leg. FIGURE FOUR ... blocked. David sweeps down Beefcake and locks the leg up. Beefcake rakes the eyes and then into the ropes and a Back Body Drop from Beefcake and then a Fist Drop. Another Fist Drop from Beefcake. Body Slam from Beefcake and this is not going well for Sammartino. Beefcake with an elbow strike and then a big Irish Whip. Beefcake with a set of knees in the corner and then a forearm. David comes back with a Back Body Drop. Beefcake into the ropes and a kick. Knee Lift from David. Suplex from David and that gets a two count. Beefcake with a Headbutt and then he sends David to the floor where Valiant slams David. Bruno and Valiant into the ring and the match goes mental. Everyone in the ring and the match is called a no contest.

This match went on for too long which, considering that the match wasn't actually that long, is a pretty damning indictment on both guys. The fans were into David because Bruno is his dad, and Beefcake did a not bad job of getting the crowd involved with his cockiness. So I'll give SOME credit, but on the whole, this match simply wasn't very good. 1/2*

Greg "The Hammer" Valentine © vs. Junkyard Dog - WWE Intercontinental Championship

Valentine backs into the corner to avoid getting hit. Valentine seems to be trying to psych out the Dog. PSYCH~~~!!! Lockup and Dog goes to the arm with an Arm Ringer. Dog into the ropes and he catches a boot. Right hand from Dog sends down Valentine. The referee warns him about a closed fist, but even Ventura doesn't seem to know what happened there. Valentine is backed in the corner a second time and then Valentine with a knee to the stomach, an Elbow Strike and then he misses a Falling Forearm. Dog with the Crawling Headbutts, and Valentine gets the hell out of there. Back in, and Valentine gets away from the test of strength and has an Arm Riner. Forearm from Valentine and then he hits the ropes and clubs on the back. He drops an elbow on the leg and now we go to school ! Valentine with the Leg Snap. Valentine tries for a Half Crab, but Dog is too strong, so Valentine settles for slamming the leg into the canvas. Stomp to the back from Valentine. Falling Headbutt to the stomach from Valentine. FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK ... Dog manages to kick Valentine away. Dog tries to keep his leg away, and hits some right hands to do so. Down goes Valentine, and then Headbutts from Dog. Suddenly we forget about the injuries. Which is going to be annoying when we come to the end. Dog tries to deal with Jimmy Hart. Valentine ends up doing it for him. Dog with more right hands and the fans are LOVING this and Dog goes mental. VALENTINE GETS THE PIN WITH THE FEET ON THE ROPES !!! The referee is going to win the match for JYD, but no title change.

The ending of the match worked in sending the crowd into an absolute frenzy. I guess I can forgive the selling of the leg as they didn't have the time to make a big deal out of it. They did enough to make the Figure Four a threat while making JYD look like he could genuinely win the title. This was fun. **

The US Express © vs. Nikolai Volkoff and The Iron Sheik - WWE World Tag Team Championships

I wish they would shut that fucking bell up. The Express are Mike Rotundo and Barry Windham. How awesome would this match be with loads of time ? Of course, they're probably gonna get raped for time, but hey, I signed up for this shit. Sheik and Mike are gonna get this match started. Sheik goes to work with a Headlock and then he charges down Mike. Hiptoss and down goes the Sheik. Dropkick from Mike and then a Body Slam. Right hand from Windham, and then a Headlock Takedown and Side Headlock from Mike. Windham comes into the ring with an Elbow Strike and then he hits a Leg Drop to the stomach. Backed into the ropes and then Sheik tags out and in comes Volkoff. Dropkick from Sheik to Volkoff by mistake. Sheik apologizes and Volkoff accepts. We now have Windham and Volkoff. Windham tags out though, and Mike lands a Back Elbow and then an Elbow Drop for a two count. Arm Ringer from Mike and then another. In comes Windham again with a shot to the arm from the top rope and then the Arm Ringer again and good quick tags from the champs. Against the ropes and then Mike gets thrown into the boot of Sheik, and then he comes into the ring. Mike into the ropes and a Back Body Drop. Running Elbow Drop from Sheik gets a two count. Gutwrench Suplex gets another two count for Sheik. Mike avoids a Suplex and manages to hit one of his own. Quick tag out from Sheik to Volkoff and that stops the tag from Rotundo. Snake Eyes over the top rope and then Volkoff goes to work. Mike manages to escape to a Hammerlock, but Volkoff has him against the ropes and then goes to work. Sunset Flip from Mike gets a two count for Rotunda and that made Volkoff angry. Kitchen Sink Knee from Volkoff and then in comes Sheik. Abdominal Stretch from Sheik and this seems to be worrying the audience. Mike escapes with a Hiptoss but he misses an Elbow Drop. Hot tag and in comes Windham. He's a house on fire. Dropkick from Windham and then right hands. BULLDOG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... SHEIK SAVES !!! Mike comes into the ring with a Dropkick. Right hands from Windham to Volkoff. SHEIK WITH THE CANE TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD OF WINDHAM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was great fun ! It was just constant action from start to finish. The US Express had awesome chemistry together. Sheik and Volkoff ? Not quite, but they brought some top quality heeldom. **1/2

Big John Studd vs. Andre the Giant, $15,000 vs. Andre's Career Bodyslam Challenge

Studd actually sounds an awful lot like Ted Dibiase. Studd starts fast, but Andre comes back with chops and then a big Headbutt, and Studd gets the hell out of there. Andre waits patiently for the Studd to get into the ring. Andre stalks Studd into the corner and chokes him there. The referee isn't doing anything about it. Shot to the stomach from Andre. Right hands from Andre. Andre then squashes Studd in the corner with his arse and then lands another right hand. Studd goes for the slam and that doesn't work. Andre comes back with a chop. Bearhug from Andre. This match better end sometime soon. Studd attempts to fight his way out of the move. Andre clubs on the back of Studd and this is absolutely dire. Chinlock from Andre. This turns into a Headlock. Into the ropes to break and Andre breaks with a right hand. Headbutt from Andre. Studd into the ropes and Andre catches a boot. Right hand from Andre and then a kick to the side. Kick to the ass. Andre then works on the arm of Studd. This is absolutely horrific. BODY SLAM FROM ANDRE !!! THANK f**k !!!

I had to stop watching this match three times in order to get through it. That's how bad this match was. This is the first time in a long time when I have felt the need to hand out a negative rating. -**

Lelaini Kai © vs. Wendi Richter - WWE Women's Championship

Kai has Moolah in her corner. Richter has Cyndi Lauper in her corner. Lockup and against the ropes they go. They both have the hair and then Richter hits a big right hand. Shen then has a nice Snapmare but gets kicked off by Kai. Arm Drag and then an Overhead Wristlock from Kai, but nicely countered into the Hammerlock from Richter. Richter then sends Kai around the ring and keeps the move held on. Hammerlock Takedown for a second time. Kai with a takedown and then a Snapmare gets a two count. Arm Ringer from Kai. She uses the hair to take down Richter. Arm Ringer again from Kai and the same thing happens again. Why does the referee not just break the hold ? Richter comes back into the match with right hands. This match feels like a 5* classic compared to that last one. Kai with another Snapmare and then she simply just pulls at the hair. Richter then with an elbow to try and come back into the match, so Kai chooses to choke Richter. Richter breaks this with a Body Scissors. You know, this has been the best pure wrestling on the show. Richter uses Kai's on neck strength to get to her feet and gets a Small Package for a two count. Niiiiice. Kick to the stomach from Kai and then a Hair Snapmare and she just pulls at the hair again. Into the corner, but Kai runs into boots. That gets a two count. Richter goes close to the ropes, so Moolah gets involved, and Lauper helps her woman out. Richter into the ropes and a kick to the stomach from Kai. Richter comes back with some right hands. FIREMAN'S CARRY SLAM FROM RICHTER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Richter runs into a boot and Kai goes to work with stomps. That gets a two count. Backbreaker gets a two count as well. Body Slam and then Kai heads for the top rope. HIGH CROSS BODY ... COUNTERED BY RICHTER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Lets give these two ladies their dues, they know how to wrestle. They came out with some great chain wrestling in the first half, with Richter in particular doing all sorts of cool stuff through the match. Again, raped for time, but again, it's fun stuff. **

Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff vs. Hulk Hogan and Mr. T

This is your main event of the evening. The audience is going absolutely batshit crazy for the babyface team as you might expect. Muhammad Ali is the ringside enforcer. Hogan is gonna start the match with Orndorff. Piper actually wants into the match so they decide to switch. Mr. T wants to be tagged into the match to get his hands on Piper. T comes into the match. They go face to face and Piper slaps T. T just slaps back and this happens twice. Piper goes behind with a Waistlock Takedown. T tries to escape but Piper keeps control on the mat. T escapes nicely and Piper didn't seem to like that. T is raging actually ! His face is priceless. T shoves Piper off and he wants the cheers of the crowd. Earn those cheers dude ! Fireman's Carry from T and then he slams down Piper. Piper charges T into the corner and the match completely breaks down. Snuka to the top rope but he thinks better of it. Ali then chases everyone out of the ring. The heels decide that they have been out there long enough and head for the back. Pat Patterson is the referee for the match btw. Hogan doesn't want the count to continue and the heels decide to give up at that point and head back for the ring. The heels into the ring and we have the double Noggin Knocker. w00t ! Piper into the corner and a Clothesline from Hogan. Orndorff into the ring. Atomic Drop on Piper. Hogan then pounds the head of Piper off of the canvas. Rake to the eyes from Hogan. Back into the ring comes T. Piper into the ropes and a Double Clothesline. Body Slam on Piper and a Hiptoss on Orndorff. Another Slam for Piper and then a Headbutt on Piper. Hogan tagged back into the match. Right hands from Hogan. Piper into the ropes. BIG BOOT !!! Piper gets sent over the top by that one. Orndorff then sends Hogan to the floor with a Clothesline. Chair to the back of Hogan. Plenty of chaos to go around in this one. Piper and Hogan are now in the ring and Piper rakes the eyes. Orndorff then gets the cheap shots in. T tries to help his partner, but the heels use this chance to double team Hogan. Double Atomic Drop and then a Knee Drop from Orndorff. Muhammad Ali is in there trying to keep the heels under control. Suplex from Orndorff. Stomp to the back from Orndorff and then in comes Piper. Right hand from Piper and then another. Knee Lift from Piper and that gets a two count. Elbow to the head from Orndorff gets a two count. Backbreaker and a beauty from Orndorff. He heads for the top rope. ELBOW DROP OFF THE TOP ... MISSES !!! HOT TAG !!! MR T IS A HOUSE ON FIRE !!! He goes to work on Orndorff and Piper attacks from behind and the heels now put the boots to T and the heels have control again. T tries to escape the mat wrestling of Orndorff, but Orndorff manages to stick with him. Bob Orton onto the apron. Front Facelock from Piper in among all of the shenanigans. Hogan tagged back in and we have the Double Noggin Knocker. Back Drop Suplex from Orndorff and once again the momentum switches. Piper then comes into the ring. Orton into the ring, but Snuka stops him from being able to do anything. T stops a shot. CAST TO ORNDORFF !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

It won't be remembered as a mat classic or anything, but that wasn't the point. The match was absolutely mental. The main thing of note was that Mr. T didn't look out of place in the ring. It was good fun from start to finish. **3/4

Not much to be had here. I suppose from a historical point of view this PPV is worth getting, but don't expect anything great from it. The whole idea was still a work in progress. Thumbs in the middle, leaning down.

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What's the point of revealing that on a radio show ? What sort of a fucking moron is RVD ?

A huge one. At least when Hogan did it about him it was with an air of subtlety. I think he's done it to generate some sort of buzz but it will probably have adverse, anti-climatic effects. Either way, TNA are really going out of their way to f**k things up for themselves laugh.gif

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Source: F4Wonline.com, The Wrestling Globe Newsletter

It's being reported that at a recent autograph signing, WWE Diva Michelle McCool was seen wearing a large diamond ring on her ring finger. It's been known for quite sometime that McCool and The Undertaker have been in a relationship for a few years now, so the ring might indicate that the couple are now engaged.

Isn't The Undertaker married? Why is she bouncing on that old freak's knob and not mine? Surely this is a mistake?

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