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Mo Wonderboy

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Trent Acid has died aged 29.

I quite liked the guy, and I appear to be in the minority with this opinion. Loved his series of matches with Homicide and had a great match with PAC in Liverpool.

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Trent Acid has died aged 29.

I quite liked the guy, and I appear to be in the minority with this opinion. Loved his series of matches with Homicide and had a great match with PAC in Liverpool.


Any word on the cause of death yet? I don't want to start speculating, but didn;t he get busted for heroin a few years ago?.....They're getting younger and younger. Sad news man.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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There isn't any news on the cause of death yet, but the speculation does seem to be going the way of an overdose.

WWE Wrestlemania II

This is the one with the loads of different venues. Was actually a bit of a mess of a PPV when I watched it before, but it does have four key matches which makes me look forward to it a little. It has been a while since I seen it.

"The Magnificent" Don Muraco vs. "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff ( *1/4 )

"Macho Man" Randy Savage © vs. George "The Animal" Steele - WWE Intercontinental Championship ( * )

George Wells vs. Jake "The Snake" Roberts ( DUD )

Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. Mr. T - Boxing Match ( DUD )

Fabulous Moolah © vs. Velvet McIntyre - WWE Womens Championship ( N/A )

Nikolai Volkoff vs. Corporal Kirchner - Flag Match ( N/A )

Battle Royal ( DUD )

The Dream Team © vs. The British Bulldogs - WWE World Tag Team Championships ( ***1/2 )

Hercules Hernandez vs. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat ( **1/2 )

"Adorable" Adrian Adonis vs. Uncle Elmer ( DUD )

The Funk Brothers vs. Tito Santana and Junkyard Dog ( ** )

Hulk Hogan © vs. King Kong Bundy, Steel Cage Match - WWE World Heavyweight Championship ( **1/2 )

"The Magnificent" Don Muraco vs. "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff

Strange that Orndorff became a babyface for this match. Lockup and we have a break. Lockup and a Headlock from Orndorff. Body Slam from Muraco, but Orndorff kicks Muraco away and then lands a Body Slam. Orndorff then gets into racism mode. Lockup and into the corner they go and Muraco with a knee and then an elbow. Muraco into the corner and a Back Body Drop. Drop Toe Hold into the Arm Bar from Orndorff. Muraco tries to escape but this doesn't end well. Orndorff stands on the face of Muraco and then continues the work on the arm. Muraco gets flipped over when he tries to send Orndorff to the ropes. Arm Ringer is kept on by Orndorff. Muraco comes back into the match with a Samoan Drop out of nowhere. Right hand from Muraco. Head first into the top buckle and then Orndorff comes back with elbow strikes. Right hands from Orndorff and then both men go over the top rope and the brawl heads to the floor. Muraco gets sent into the ringpost and the referee calls for the bell.

I suppose the match was not bad while it lasted, but it seemed like they were building a decent little match, and then all of a sudden they got completely cut short by a crappy ending. *1/4

"Macho Man" Randy Savage © vs. George "The Animal" Steele - WWE Intercontinental Championship

Steele does a bit of chasing and Savage gets out of the ring. Steele chases Savage from the ring a second time. Savage wants to use a chair. Might not be the best idea ! Steele decides to follow this time and eventually catches the champ and bites into the leg of Savage. Unorthodox doesn't begin to sum that up. Steele then with a double hand choke and he drops Savage into the middle of the ring. Steele is distracted, and Savage ties him up in the ropes and stomps away on him. High Cross Body gets a two count for Savage. Man, that looked nasty. Right hands from Steele and Savage is backed into the corner, and then Steele sends Savage to the floor. Savage goes under the ring. He comes out the other side and attacks from behind, so Steele starts biting the arm of Savage. Savage slaps Steele with a bunch of flowers, but Steele catches it and sends Savage face first into the top buckle and then rubs the flowers into the face. Savage into the corner and then Steele starts eating the turnbuckles. Savage attacks from behind and Steele rakes the eyes. This is madness. He tries to shove the buckle padding down the throat of Savage, and Savage gets out of the ring. Savage runs away and Steele is on the charge. Steele then goes over to Elizabeth, and Savage catches Steele with a Double Axe Handle. Body Slam from Savage and he heads for the top rope. FLYING ELBOW DROP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Steele now has a hand full of face and just throws Savage into the corner. Savage has the feet on the ropes and gets the three count.

This match was all over the place. Steele's offence is fun, but the problem is that you just can't take the match seriously and ultimately you don't give Steele a chance in hell of winning the match. *

George Wells vs. Jake "The Snake" Roberts

Roberts into the ropes and a Back Body Drop from Wells. Roberts is in trouble. Wells sent to the floor. Back into the ring and Roberts into the ropes and he jumps over Wells, but Wells hits a Shoulder Charge. Roberts wants a time out and Wells continues to go on the offensive. Body Slam from Wells. Wells then chops down Roberts. Knee Lift from Wells and Roberts does his oversell to zero reaction. Powerslam from Wells gets a two count. Roberts with a poke to the eye. Roberts heads for the floor and baits Wells into a Knee Lift. DDT FROM ROBERTS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Basically an extended squash. Roberts got two moves in. It wasn't a very entertaining squash either. The fans didn't appear to know what to react to. Only when the snake was brought out at the end does the audience wake up. DUD

Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. Mr. T - Boxing Match

They go face to face before the fight starts. I'm not gonna bother doing the PBP on this match. It's basically all clinching with Piper taking cheap shots. There isn't much else of note going on here. Mr T wins via DQ because Piper used a Body Slam. This was absolutely terrible. DUD

Fabulous Moolah © vs. Velvet McIntyre - WWE Womens Championship

Hair mares from Moolah and then a Clothesline knocks down Velvet. Velvet gets over Moolah and then hits a pair of Dropkicks. Back Elbow and a Body Slam from Velvet. BODY SPLASH OFF THE ROPES ... MISSES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Next. N/A

Nikolai Volkoff vs. Corporal Kirchner - Flag Match

This PPV is really beginning to be a chore at the moment. Volkoff controls early and sends Kirchner to the floor. He then sends him face first into the ringpost and then bites Kirchner. Volkoff gets into the ring to break the count and then drags Kirchner into the ring and hits right hands. Kirchner comes back with right hands of his own. Kirchner has been busted open. Right hands from Kirchner. CANE TO THE HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! KIRCHNER WINS !!!

Another short match, too short to rate, but at least it wasn't shit. N/A

Battle Royal

One of them famous matches in the Wrestlemania history. I have to say tough, I hate battle royals so I won't be doing a PBP for it. Too much like hard work I'm afraid ! As is always the case for matches like this, there's too many people in the ring and they just get in each other's ways. The fans seem to love the happenings in the ring though, so the match certainly did it's job. Andre the Giant was really absolutely terrible. His strikes look terrible, and he can hardly move. All in all, this is just another in the long line of shit battle royals. DUD

The Dream Team © vs. The British Bulldogs - WWE World Tag Team Championships

I needed this match to be on badly after the streaming pile of pish that had come before it. Ozzy Osbourne is in the corner of the Bulldogs, and he seems to be quite excited about this. He's probably wasted though. Should be noted that the Bulldogs also have Lou Albano in their corner. Smith and Valentine open the match and Smith throws down Valentine. Elbow Strike from Valentine, but Smith comes back with a right hand. Valentine backs into the corner and then takes down Smith. He misses an Elbow Drop, and then Smith with the Arm Ringer. Smith into the ropes and a Hiptoss from Valentine, but he misses a Falling Chop, and in comes Kid to replace Smith. Quick tagging from the Bulldogs here. Kid into the ropes and he charges down Valentine at some speed ! Snap Suplex and an Elbow Drop from Kid and in comes Smith. Valentine blocks a Suplex and then eventually gets hit with the Delayed Vertical Suplex for a two count. Valentine backs into the corner and then out of the ring. Smith and Valentine are cautious and then Valentine with forearms. Valentine into the corner, but then he lands a Knee 2 Face. Falling Headbutt from Valentine and in comes Beefcake. Arm Ringer from Beefcake. Gorilla Press Slam from Smith to escape and in comes Kid. Beefcake runs right into a chop. That gets a two count. Small Package gets a two count. Head slammed into the boot and in comes Smith. Fisherman Suplex from Smith and that gets a two count. Valentine heads for the top rope and then he comes down on Smith. Suplex from Valentine and that gets a two count. Valentine drops an elbow on the face of Smith and then locks in the Chinlock. Kid tags back in and comes in with right hands. Kid with chops and then Shoulder Blocks in the corner. Down goes Valentine. Kid then throws Valentine down and that gets a two count. In comes Smith. Quick tags again. Double Shoulder Charge from the Bulldogs gets a two count. Beefcake comes in to help his tag team partner and this allows Valentine to get control. Sunset Flip from Kid gets a two count. Backbreaker from Kid gets a two count as Beefcake comes in to break the count. Knee Drop from Kid and that gets a two count again. Right hand from Kid and then a forearm from Valentine. PILEDRIVER FROM VALENTNE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Valentine jumps right into a low blow. Valentine to the top rope and he gets thrown into the middle of the ring. Smith and Beefcake either the ring. ROCKET LAUNCHER ... Valentine heads for the floor and then baits Kid into an attack. SMITH WITH THE RUNNING POWERSLAM ON VALENTINE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Suplex from Smith and that gets a two count. Smith gets launched into the ringpost. Beefcake into the ring with a shot. Beefcake then drops Smith's weight right onto his arm. Ouch. Valentine comes into the ring and a Shoulder Breaker gets a two count. Valentine gets rammed into Kid's head and that does it. Whit ?!?!

That was a godsend compared to some of the matches we've seen so far. It was a good two sided match, but it seemed to end awfully suddenly. Right out of nowhere. It's a minor gripe about a really good match though. ***1/2

Hercules Hernandez vs. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat

Hercules attacks with a big knee right away. Elbow Strikes from Hercules and then face first into the top buckle goes Steamboat. Steamboat gets under Hercules and then hits a big chop. Lovely Arm Drags from Steamboat and then the Arm Bar. Steamboat continues to work the arm, but then Hercules sends him to the ropes and Steamboat hits a Superkick. Arm Drag and the Arm Bar from Steamboat. Overhead Wristlock from Steamboat and then Hercules with a pair of shots to the face. Steamboat into a chop and then Hercules into the ropes and he runs into the Back Elbow. Arm Bar again from Steamboat and then a BRUTAL Clothesline from Hercules. Wow. That's a game changer right there. Knee Strikes to the back of the head from Hercules. Steamboat into the ropes and then he gets dropped over the top rope with the Snake Eyes. Steamboat comes back with chops, but he can't hit a Body Slam and Hercules gets a two count because of that. Right hand from Hercules. Head first into the top buckle again. Back Elbow from Hercules and then the Elbow Drop and another. That gets a two count. Steamboat comes back into the match with chops. He misses a third and Hercules hits him in the face with a Clothesline and that gets a two count. Gorilla Press Slam from Hercules. A second Gorilla Press Slam from Hercules. Hercules then heads for the top rope. TOP ROPE BODY SPLASH ... HITS THE KNEES !!! Steamboat then heads for the top rope. HIGH CROSS BODY FROM STEAMBOAT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Hercules was great here, looking like an absolute killer, although I think it helped that Steamboat brought his A game with his selling of the beating he was getting. The match was going along fine and made Hercules look like a beast, and made Steamboat look resourceful. Job done. **1/2

"Adorable" Adrian Adonis vs. Uncle Elmer

Adonis is an absolute state. This match isn't going to be the most pleasant viewing experience, I can tell already. Elmer with a right hand and then Adonis is sent upside down into the corner. Right hand from Elmer and he falls. Adonis heads to the floor and he goes back into a right hand, and Adonis hits the ringpost after that. Adonis onto the apron and Elmer rips the dress and then sends Adonis back into the ring. Elmer than ties up Adonis and hits right hands. Adonis takes the remains of his dress off and then a right hand from Elmer. Elmer with the Avalanche in the corner. LEG DROP FROM ELMER ... MISSES !!! Adonis then heads for the top rope. TOP ROPE SPLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was absolutely horrific. Uncle Elmer might be one of the worst wrestlers to ever grace a WWE ring. DUD

The Funk Brothers vs. Tito Santana and Junkyard Dog

Hoss and Dog open the match. Hoss gets thrown into Terry. Body Slams for both of the Funks. In comes Santana and he sends Terry to the floor. Dog is on his own and in comes Hoss to meet him. Terry wants some of Santana. Lockup and into the ropes they go. Funk with chops to Santana. Terry into the ropes and then Santana sends him over the top rope. Pair of Dropkicks on Hoss and both members of the Funks are on the floor. Dog is gonna be in there with Terry now. Big right hands from Dog. Terry into the corner and Dog with slamming of the head into the top buckle. Headbutt from Dog and that gets a two count. Santana comes in to deal with Hoss. Terry gets sent over the top rope and to the floor. Hoss back into the ring to deal with Dog and a Headlock. Santana comes into the ring and has a Headlock. European Uppercuts from Hoss and now he gets sent into the ropes. FLYING FOREARM FROM SANTANA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... TERRY SAVES !!! Santana drags Hoss into the ring. Criss cross. Terry gets a cheap shot in at the back on Santana. Santana then gets sent to the floor where Jimmy Hart gets in a couple of kicks. Terry then lands a Suplex on Santana and that gets a two count. Suplex from Santana and there's the receipt. Hoss back into the match and he lands the Butterfly Suplex and that gets a two count. Santana makes a comeback and tries to tag the JYD in, but he can't do it. Double Clothesline from the Funks. Leg Drop from Terry and that gets a two count. Santana does a lot of shifting about and tags in the Dog. Noggin Knocker on the Funks. Clothesline knocks down Terry and then Hoss to the floor. Headbutt from Terry, but he gets sent over the top rope with a Back Body Drop. Headbutts from Dog to Hoss. DOG BODY SLAMS TERRY ONTO THE TIMEKEEPER'S TABLE !!! Terry and Dog get back into the ring. Dog grabs Hart and knocks him down with a right hand. Santana into the ring. Small Package gets a two count. FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK ON HOSS FROM SANTANA !!! TERRY WITH THE MEGAPHONE SHOT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That wasn't a terrible tag team match. Amazingly enough, the match was at it's best when it was JYD that was in there and not Tito Santana. Hoss Funk wasn't all that great either. **

Hulk Hogan © vs. King Kong Bundy, Steel Cage Match - WWE World Heavyweight Championship

Hogan has the ribs taped. Lockup and they exchange right hands and Hogan gets the better of that. Hogan also hits some chops. BIG BOOT !!! Bundy tries for the door and Hogan makes sure that doesn't end well. Right hands from Hogan and then more chops. Clothesline in the corner from Hogan. Bundy into the ropes and an Elbow Strike. Hogan tries to slam the head into the cage, but Bundy manages to block and then works on the ribs. Elbow Strike to the back of the head from Bundy and then a stomp to the back. More kicks to the ribs from Bundy and then a Body Slam. Bundy then stands on the head of Hogan. Bundy is going for the door, but Hogan stops him and then Hogan has his ribs slammed into the cage. Bundy goes for the door again and Hogan desperately holds on. Bundy starts taking the tape off of Hogan. Bundy then chokes Hogan with the tape. Bundy then tapes Hogan to the second rope and then goes for the door again. Hogan gets free and stops Bundy and goes to the eyes of Bundy. Hogan then comes back with right hands and then Bundy into the corner and a Running Back Elbow from Hogan. More right hands from Hogan and then Bundy into the ropes. Hogan then sends Bundy face first into the cage. Bundy is now busted open. Right hands to the cut of Bundy. Rake to the eyes of Bundy and then a Back Rake. Yass ! Bundy then gets sent face first into the cage again. Hogan then chokes Bundy on the top rope. Right hands from Hogan and then the Body Slam is stopped. Hogan is on his feet and he chokes Bundy with the tape. Bundy stops a right hand and then a rake to the eyes from Bundy. AVALANCHE IN THE CORNER !!! THE BODY SPLASH FROM BUNDY !!! Bundy is heading for the door, and Hogan has the foot of Bundy. Bundy gets back up and he clubs away on Hogan. AVALANCHE ... Hogan just stands there though. POWERSLAM FROM HOGAN !!! LEG DROP FROM HOGAN !!! Hogan is half way up the cage, but Bundy is up. He gets sent back into the middle of the ring. Hogan is now over the top and that is that.

This was the basic Hogan formula match, but to be fair to Hogan, it was a foolproof and entertaining formula. Bundy was booked to look like a beast in the build up and he brought the right amount of intensity to the match. Not a classic by any means but a surprisingly decent match. **1/2

There isn't half some amount of shite on this show ! The number of matches which are too short to be good or bad, or just plain shite matches is a bit much. It does have a standout match with the tag team title match, but I'd have to say that you really have to stay away from this.

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Several people in WWE are talking more and more about Chris Jericho leaving the company when his contract expires in September. Word is that Jericho asked officials for permission to try and become the host of ABC's Downfall game show and was given the OK. When Jericho was hired for the show, apparently Vince McMahon got mad and nobody can really explain why.

Jericho has been on somewhat of a losing streak lately and has been given less promo time. He was the only top star missing from RAW last week where the RAW superstars stood up against the NXT Rookies. It's always possible that all of this is part of a storyline where Jericho would align himself with the group but that's not confirmed.

Gutted if true.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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Given that the contract expires in September, I can see him still having one major say in something between now and then.

WWE Wrestlemania III

This was the biggest Wrestlemania yet, taking place in front of what WWE called over 90,000 people. There's been reports suggesting that the crowd wasn't that big, but really, it was still fucking huge.

"Cowboy" Bob Orton and Magnificent Muraco vs. The Can Am Connection ( ** )

Hercules vs. Billy Jack Haynes ( ** )

King Kong Bundy, Little Tokyo and Lord Littlebrook vs. Hillbilly Jim, Little Beaver and The Haiti Kid ( * )

"King" Harley Race vs. Junkyard Dog ( * )

The Dream Team vs. The Rougeau Brothers ( *3/4 )

"Adorable" Adrian Adonis vs. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, Hair vs. Hair Match ( *** )

The Hart Foundation and "Dangerous" Danny Davis vs. Tito Santana and The British Bulldogs ( **3/4 )

"The Natural" Butch Reed vs. Koko B Ware ( 1/2* )

"Macho Man" Randy Savage © vs. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat - WWE Intercontinental Championship ( ***** )

Honky Tonk Man vs. Jake "The Snake" Roberts ( DUD )

The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff vs. The Killer Bees ( DUD )

Hulk Hogan © vs. Andre the Giant - WWE World Heavyweight Championship ( ** )

"Cowboy" Bob Orton and Magnificent Muraco vs. The Can Am Connection

The Connection is the team of Rick Martel and Tom Zenk. There's a good array of talent in this match, it has to be said. Probably gonna be short as hell though. Bob Orton looks an awful lot like son Randy. We open with Zenk and Muraco and they lockup and break twice. Lockup and a Headlock from Zenk and he charges down Muraco. Lockup and into the corner they go and Muraco clubs on Zenk. Zenk with a Hiptoss and a Monkey Flip gets a two count for the Connection. Lockup and a Headlock. Tag is made and a Double Monkey Flip and Double Hiptoss from the Connection. Orton heads for the floor. Headlock from Orton and he charges down Zenk, but Zenk lands a Body Slam. Arm Drag as he's back in the ring and an Arm Bar. He does this a second time. Full Nelson from Orton is quickly reversed. Orton reversed and Orton hits his own partner and that gets a two count. In comes Martel again and he drops an elbow on the arm. Orton tries to go to his corner, but Martel is quick to make sure the tag doesn't happen. Arm Ringer from Zenk and then Muraco tags in, but eats a Body Slam. Arm Ringer again from Zenk, but then he runs right into the knee from Orton. Swinging Neckbreaker from Orton and then a Body Splash from Orton gets a two count. Both men collide in the middle of the ring. Hot tag and in comes Martel and Muraco. Muraco onto the apron and then they work on Orton. Double Dropkick takes down Muraco. HIGH CROSS BODY FROM THE CONNECTION !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

The Can Am Connection were coming out with all sorts of cool double teaming there, and the heels were happy to play ball. Rick Martel definately showed that he was a keeper and it's amazing he never went further in WWE than he eventually did. **

Hercules vs. Billy Jack Haynes

Staredown in the middle of the ring when the bell rings. Lockup and Billy manages to break the hold. Lockup again and they go into the corner. Hercules with the knee in the stomach and then a Knee Lift from Hercules. Hercules misses a charge and Billy with a choke and then a Gorilla Press Slam. Impressive. FULL NELSON ... Hercules gets into the ropes to break. Billy with more chops and then right hands. Hercules into the corner, but then he comes exploding out with that awesome Clothesline of his. Stomps to the head from Hercules. Back Body Drop from Hercules. Billy into the corner hard. They do this a second time. Hercules didn't add enough snap to make that move work. Nice Delayed Vertical Suplex from Hercules gets a two count. Billy comes back but he can't hit the Suplex because of the work on the back from Hercules. Hey, it's psychology ! Backbreaker continues the work. Right hands from Hercules. Gorilla Press Slam from Hercules. FULL NELSON FROM HERCULES !!! Billy is now out. The hand comes up at the third attempt and Billy is fighting back. Shot to the back of the head from Hercules. Double Clothesline and both men go down. Manhattan Drop from Billy when they get back up. Hercules into the ropes and a kick to the stomach. Clothesline from Billy. Leg Drop from Billy. Billy to the second rope. FULL NELSON FROM BILLY JACK HAYNES !!! Hercules gets into the ropes and then both men end up on the floor. FULL NELSON ON THE FLOOR FROM HAYNES !!! Double count out.

I don't think that finish one bit, but the match was good. They had some good psychology with the back of Haynes. The other good thing here is the offense of Hercules. While it made things look a bit odd, it was good that Hercules showed his strength by hardly putting any effort into his lifts and whips. It was another decent wee match. **

Post match, Hercules busts open Haynes with his chain and then locks in the Full Nelson.

King Kong Bundy, Little Tokyo and Lord Littlebrook vs. Hillbilly Jim, Little Beaver and The Haiti Kid

See, they have Little in their name because they're little ! HAHAHAHAHA !!! Haiti and Tokyo in the ring. In comes all of the midgets and then the babyface midgets do work on the legs. Atomic Drop on Tokyo from Haiti and then in comes Beaver. Front Facelock from Beaver. Right hand from Tokyo and then a cheap right hand. Tango and then in comes Lord. Into the corner they go and we have a clean break. Tokyo with some choking. Bundy is now tagged into the match and Beaver wants some of him, Dropkick from Beaver and then in comes Jim. Bundy clubs away on Jim and then into the ropes. Clothesline and down goes Bundy. Elbow Drop and then the midgets join in and Bundy throws them all off. Back Elbow from Bundy. Beaver comes in and breaks the hold. Bundy with an Avalanche to Jim. Bundy wants to murder Beaver. Bundy has Beaver. BODY SLAM ON BEAVER !!! ELBOW DROP ON THE BEAVER !!! DQ called.

The midget stuff was great fun. The battle between Bundy and Jim wasn't very good, but that wasn't the point of the match. The interaction between Beaver and Bundy was good too, untill it took it's nasty turn making Bundy into a monster heel. *

"King" Harley Race vs. Junkyard Dog

Lockup and against the ropes they go. Dog blocks a couple of shots but Heenan grabs him. Race takes advantage of the opening, but Dog comes back with more right hands and then a Headbutt. Headbutt to the stomach and then Dog is sent to the floor. Race then stomps down Dog. FALLING HEADBUTT OFF OF THE APRON ... MISSES !!! Race onto the apron and then Dog clubs him back into the ring. Neck Snap and Race ends up going over the top rope. Back onto the apron and then Dog brings Race in with a Body Slam. Abdominal Stretch from Dog. Race counters with the Hiptoss, and then the Falling Headbutt hits, but that gets no sold, and Race gets sent up and over. Back into the ring and then the Crawling Headbutts. Heenan with the distraction, and Race hits the Belly 2 Belly Suplex for the three count.

Too short to be anything other than "just there", but the match was decent enough while it lasted thanks to Harley Race bumping around like a mad man. Dog brought his A game too, so it wasn't too bad. *

The Rougeau Brothers vs. The Dream Team

For some reason, The Dream Team have Dino Bravo. We start with Raymond and a Hammerlock from Beefcake. Ray drops behind and hits an Atomic Drop and in comes Mountie. Double Dropkick to Beefcake and in comes Valentine. Knee to the stomach from Valentine and then right hands from both men. High Cross Body gets a two count for Ray. Flying Back Elbow from Mountie and that's another two count. Forearms from Mountie. Springboard Cross Body from Mountie and that one didn't end well. Valentine drops elbows on Mountie. Beefcake back into the match and he unloads with stomps and that gets a two count. In comes Valentine again. Double team Gorilla Press/Backbreaker combo from the Dream Team. FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK FROM VALENTINE TO MOUNTIE !!! Mountie gets into the ropes and then Valentine knocks Ray off of the apron. Back Body Drop from Mountie and then in comes Ray with right hands. Back Body Drop again. Sleeper Hold from Ray. Beefcake then hits his own partner. THE STAGE DIVE FROM THE ROUGEAUS !!! BRAVO WITH A CHEAP SHOT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Too short considering the guys in the match. The Rougeaus were ahead of their time definately. Infact, a lot of what they did even outside the finisher reminded me a lot of The Headbangers. Valentine as always was amazing. I love that guy the more I seen him. *3/4

"Adorable" Adrian Adonis vs. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, Hair vs. Hair Match

This was billed as Piper's retirement match, and the audience give him a standing ovation once he gets into the ring. A 90,000 nuclear atmosphere is something to behold. Lockup and bot men exchange. Piper then goes to work with his belt and he whips Adonis like a madman and then he has Jimmy Hart, but Adonis attacks from behind. Adonis then whips Piper with the belt. Piper then starts no selling and sends Adonis hard into the corner and to the floor. Piper then drags Adonis back into the ring and that brings Hart into the match too. Noggin Knocker and the fans LOVE that. Hart gets whipped into Adonis and both men end up on the floor, and so far this has been greatly entertaining. Back into the ring with Adonis and right hands from Piper. Hart heads to the top rope and he gets thrown into Adonis. Headlock from Piper, and then Hart sweeps Piper. Chest Rake from Adonis and then Piper into the ropes and a Clothesline from Adonis. Left hands from Adonis. Piper wants some more and Adonis with the Headbutt. To the floor they go and Piper is sent face first into the timekeeper's table. Hart gets in a cheap shot on the floor too. Left hands from Adonis. Piper challenges Adonis to come at him and Piper then lands a couple of right hands. Hart then sprays stuff in the eyes of Adonis. THE SLEEPER HOLD FROM ADONIS !!! Piper tries to roll out of the move. Piper charges Adonis into the corner and that isn't enough. Piper is going out by the looks of things. The arm didn't drop the third time and Adonis and Hart think they have won. Beefcake brings Piper back to life and he attacks from behind. SLEEPER HOLD FROM PIPER !!! IT'S OVER !!!

This has to be one of the most satisfying matches as a fan that you're likely to see. Just the revenge in spades that Piper gets on Jimmy Hart as well as Adonis is great fun. This isn't a technical masterpiece, but to be fair, is that the point here ? ***

Post match Adonis gets his hair cut, and he's raging so he chances Piper around the ring and can't catch him. Roddy Piper gets his big sendoff at the end of the match and all is well.

The Hart Foundation and "Dangerous" Danny Davis vs. Tito Santana and The British Bulldogs

Danny Davis has been suspending for "life + 10 years" as a referee. Umm ... what ? Some serious potential in this match though. The dog, Matilda, gets the action going by chasing Jimmy Hart out of the ring. Not been a good night for Jimmy Hart so far ! Santana and Hart are now in the ring. Hart tries to get over Santana, and that doesn't work. Jesse Ventura heads off with Matilda. Anvil and Smith in the ring. Headlock from Smith and then he gets sent to the ropes. Hart tries to get involved, but Smith smacks em into each other and then in comes Dynamite Kid. In comes Santana and he locks in the Arm Bar. They're backed into the heel corner, where Santana ends up in a bit of bother. Anvil then sends Santana into his own corner where he tags out to Smith. Back Body Drop from Smith, but then he's distracted and that allows Anvil to get in there. Kid into the match to deal with Hart. He sends down Hart with the hair. Chest first whip from Kid to Hart. Hart gets a cheap shot in and then lands a series of right hands and forearms. Kid tries for his Snap Suplex but Anvil comes in and breaks it and then in comes Anvil. Anvil then with the Camel Clutch. Anvil then clubs across the chest. Backbreaker/Elbow Drop combo from the Hart Foundation and then Davis is now in the ring and he unloads with stomps and then tags right out to Hart. Right hands from Hart and then into the corner and Anvil is tagged in. Headbutt from Anvil. Kick to the stomach from Anvil. Headbutt from Hart and in come Davis with a swagger and then he hits a couple of kicks and tags in Bret. Right hand sends down Kid. SLINGSHOT SPLASH FROM DAVIS ... MISSES !!! In comes Santana and he unloads on Davis. Back Body Drop on Davis and he's going mental. FLYING FOREARM ON DAVIS !!! He then just unloads with right hands on Davis. FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK ... Anvil comes in and breaks the move. Smith comes in now and sends Davis and hits a Clothesline. TOMBSTONE FROM SMITH !!! Delayed Vertical Suplex from Smith. RUNNING POWERSLAM FROM SMITH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... ANVIL MAKES THE SAVE !!! FLYING FOREARM FROM SANTANA TO ANVIL !!! DAVIS SMACKS KID WITH THE MEGAPHONE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Feels like a bit of a cheat to set up the beating on Danny Davis for a year only to have him walk out of the match with the win. Santana and Davey Boy did hand out quite the beating I suppose. The match is a wee bit over-rated, probably because of who was involved in the match. Could have been much better, although it was naw bad. **3/4

"The Natural" Butch Reed vs. Koko B Ware

Oh dear. I don't really want to see this. Lockup and they go against the ropes. Reed misses a right hand and then moves out of the way of one. Lockup and backed into the ropes. Reed says that Ware was on the hair. Lockup and against the ropes and a right hand to the stomach and then to the head. Ware over Reed and then a Rollup is blocked. Dropkick sends Reed to the floor. Reed is backed into the ropes. Reed into the ropes and he clubs on the back of Ware. Shot to the face from Reed. Stomps to the back of Ware. Head first into the top buckle goes Reed and then a Hiptoss from Ware and then right hands. Dropkick gets a two count for Ware. Eye Rake from Reed. Small Package from Ware gets a two count. High Cross Body but Reed reverses and wins.

The match wasn't very good at all as you'd expect from these two guys. Reed was only really any good when he featured in Doom. 1/2*

"Macho Man" Randy Savage © vs. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat - WWE Intercontinental Championship

Here it is. Widely regarded as one of the all time great matches in Wrestlemania history. Randy Savage is a curious tale. Even at his height as a heel, audiences abolutely loved Randy Savage. This would explain why he was such a popular champion, and would also explain the WWE needed to turn him heel a second time to finally get him hated. Ricky Steamboat always had absolutely immsense theme music. Lockup and we have a break. Lockup and Savage with a Waistlock and a quick reversal from Steamboat. Savage heas for the floor and pulls Elizabeth around the ring because she's too close to Steele. Steamboat into the ropes but he lands an Arm Drag. A second Arm Drag and then a Double Hand Choke and he drops Savage on the canvas and Savage heads for the floor. In comes Savage with a cheap shot and then he kicks the ribs. He then chokes Steamboat over the top rope and sends him back into the middle of the ring for a two count. Elbow Strike from Savage. Savage misses a charge. Arm Ringer from Steamboat and he lifts Savage. Steamboat then drops the arm over the top rope. Arm Ringer from Steamboat. Savage sends Steamboat into the ropes and lands a Back Elbow. He then sends Steamboat over the top rope. Steamboat onto the apron and an elbow strike to the throat from Savage. Savage then with a series of stomps to the back. Savage brings Steamboat back over the top rope with a Snapmare and then an Elbow Strike to the top of the head gets a two count, and then Savage drops a knee in the throat for a two count. Steamboat comes back into the match with right hands. Savage is now tied up in the ropes and Steamboat lands a series of right hands. Savage with a kick to the stomach. High Cross Body gets a two count and then the Arm Drag from Steamboat. Shoulder Blocks get two counts. Flying Knee Strike to the top of the back switches the momentum. Steamboat skins the cat, but Savage then sends him over the top rope. Savage with another Flying Knee Strike to send Steamboat over the table and into the front row. Steele takes Steamboat back to the ring and then Savage just sends him back over the top rope. DOUBLE AXE HANDLE OFF THE TOP ROPE TO STEAMBOAT ON THE FLOOR !!! Back into the ring and Savage to the top rope. Double Axe Handle comes down on Steamboat. Running Elbow Strike gets a two count. Macho Neck Snap and that gets a two count. Atomic Drop from Savage and that gets a two count. Suplex from Savage and that gets another two count. Rake to the eyes from Savage and then the Gutwrench Suplex gets a two count. Steamboat tries to make another comeback. Steamboat avoids an Atomic Drop and then chops and right hands from the challenger. Kick to the face from Savage. Back Body Drop sends Savage over the top rope. Head first into the apron and back into the ring goes Savage. Flying Chop off the top rope from Steamboat, but the foot is on the ropes. Almost everyone thinks that was the end. Chop gets another two count. Savage gets onto the apron and then more chops from Steamboat. Savage gets into the ring and a shoulder to Savage. Sunset Flip from Steamboat and that gets a two count. School Boy gets the same result. Jacknife Pin gets another two count. Small Pakage gets another two count. Body Slam from Steamboat and then the Slingshot sends Savage face first into the ringpost. SUNSET FLIP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Roll Up gets a two count for Savage. SAVAGE HAS THE TIGHTS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Steamboat gets sent into the ringpost. We now have a ref bump. Savage hits his trademark Clothesline but the referee is down. Savage now heading for the top rope. THE FLYING ELBOW DROP FROM SAVAGE !!! There's no referee to make the count though. Savage then gets the ringbell, but Steele manages to stop that from happening. Savage has the bell back and Steele sends Savage into the middle of the ring. Body Slam ... COUNTERED TO THE SMALL PACKAGE FROM STEAMBOAT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Savage is one who was infamous for building matches from start to finish in advance, but this match had all of the Steamboat trademarks. Both guys were constantly going for the victory from the first bell to the last, and there was the nice touches like Steamboat being able to shrug off the throat related offense and Steele finally getting his ultimate revenge on Savage. An absolute classic of a match. *****

Honky Tonk Man vs. Jake "The Snake" Roberts

Alice Cooper is in the corner of Roberts, and doesn't look to be even close to the idiocy of Ozzy Osbourne on the last show. Roberts attacks from behind and sends Honky into the ring. Jabs and a right hand from Roberts. Knee Lift from Roberts and Honky heads for the floor. Right hands from Roberts and then the jabs. Into the ring they go. Body Slam on the floor from Roberts. Back into the ring they go. Honky into the corner and Roberts runs right into a boot. Honky unloads with boots to the stomach. Right hands from Honky. Roberts ducks one and then lands the Short Arm Clothesline and that's the set up move. DDT ... Honky heads for the floor. Roberts attacks from behind and then goes for Jimmy Hart, but Honky sends him into the ringpost. Knee to the head from Honky and Cooper is trying to help Roberts back into the ring. Cooper looks none too pleased with what's going on. Honky brings Roberts back into the ring and a Body Slam. To the middle rope and a Knee Drop. Knees from Honky. Right hands from Honky. Roberts into the ropes and a Back Elbow from Honky. SHAKE RATTLE AND ROLL ... Back Body Drop to avoid it. Honky with punches in the corner. Manhattan Drop from Roberts to get back into the match. Right hands from Roberts. Honky then begs off. Back Body Drop from Roberts again. Right hand sends Honky onto the apron. DDT ... Hart grabs a foot. SCHOOL BOY FROM HONKY AND HE HOLDS THE ROPES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Honky Tonk Man really was an absolutely terrible wrestler. If he was asked to wrestle for more than a couple of minutes then he'd be exposed as terrible. This match was poor and we finally have a DUD match on this show. DUD

The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff vs. The Killer Bees

The Bees are "Jumpin" Jim Brunzell and B Brian Blair. Sheik and Volkoff attack from behind. Sheik and Volkoff into the corners and then the Bees take control of the match. Brian with an Atomic Drop and then the Tango. We now have Blair and Sheik, and Jim is back in the ring. Arm Ringer from Brunzell. Blair onto the middle rope and he comes off with a Double Axe Handle and we have quick tags between the Bees. Double Hiptoss from the Bees. Double Knee Neck Snap. Blair into the ropes and he hits a forearm. Arm Ringer from Blair. Brunzell back into the ring and the Dropkick gets a two count as Volkoff makes the save. There's loads of garbage in the ring from when Volkoff wa singing the USSR National Anthem. Brunzell into the ropes and a knee in the stomach. Sheik into the match and he sends Brunzell into the ropes and lands a Clothesline. Head first into the boot goes Brunzell and then in comes Volkoff. He jumps right into the Bearhug of Volkoff. Sheik tags in when Brunzell escapes. Powerslam from Sheik gets a two count. Suplex from the Sheik gets a two count. High Knee from Brunzell gets him out of trouble. Then a tag gets disallowed. Double Back Elbow and down goes Brunzell. CAMEL CLUTCH FROM SHEIK !!! 2x4 to the back and it's over.

This match was just terrible. An absolute mess of a match. DUD

Hulk Hogan © vs. Andre the Giant - WWE World Heavyweight Championship

Andre gets an absolute load of garbage thrown at him on the way to the ring. We then have the most famous staredown in the history of professional wrestling. Both men push each other and Hogan goes to work with right hands. Hogan tries for the Body Slam, but Andre falls on him for a two count. Andre then goes to work on Hogan. Front Facelock and Andre then clubs on the back of Hogan. Andre continues to club away on the back of Hogan and the fans are UBER pissed at the direction this match has taken. Knee 2 Face from Andre. Body Slam from Andre and he just dropped him with that one. Body Slam from Andre again. Andre then walks across the back of Hogan. Hogan into the corner and Andre is now having a look at the prone Hogan. He whips Hogan into the opposite corner. Shoulder Blocks in the corner from Andre. Headbutt then from Andre. Andre then chokes Hogan in the corner. Hogan with a shot and then he escapes under Andre and hits some right hands. Running right hands from Hogan. Chops from Hogan. Head first into the top buckle goes Andre. Andre is dazed but he's not out of it yet, and then Hogan runs right into a boot. Andre seems more frustrated and angry at this point than hurt. Andre then with chops of his own and then a Bearhug. Bobby Heenan is shouting for the referee to ring the bell. Hogan is doing all he can to escape this move. The fans are getting behind Hogan, and it almost works, but eventually Hogan begins to fade. Hogan suddenly comes back into the match though. Hogan comes back with right hands and then breaks the move. Andre is holding onto anything he can. Hogan into the ropes and he charges Andre. He does this a second time. He then runs right into the big chop from Andre. Big Boot and Hogan ends up on the floor. Andre goes out to meet him and hits a chop. Andre goes for the Headbutt, and Hogan moves causing Andre to hit the ringpost. Hogan then exposes the concrete below the matting. Back Body Drop lands Hogan on the concrete. Back into the ring they go and Hogan into the ropes and he avoids a boot. Clothesline and down goes Andre. Heenan can't believe it and Hogan now has some real belief as do the many fans in the stadium. BODY SLAM FROM HOGAN !!! THE LEG DROP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This match is all about the timing of Hogan's comebacks and how well he sold for the big man. Thankfully Andre was willing to hit harder than usual and also took a couple of nice bumps into the bargain to do his end the world of good. Is it a classic ? No. Andre is still ridiculously bad, but Hogan kept rigidly to his formula again, and that made for an entertaining wee match. **

This is definately a step up from previous Wrestlemanias. The only two really bad matches were between IC and World Title matches meaning that they were basically just a place holder. There was loads of history here, some right cracking sports entertainment moments and a classic match. There'd be much better to come from this PPV, but this was a good show.

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See this Michael McGillicutty character? Why the fck are they calling him that? They keep referring to his father and grandfather, with no explanation as to why he has a different last name. huh.gif I'd have thought it would be easier for him to get over under the already known name - like Orton, DiBiase and Rhodes... and any other c**t.

According to which ever one of the commentators said it on NXT, McGillicutty is his mother's maiden name. No idea where the Michael bit comes from. Maybe it's just for alliteration since his real name is Joe Hennig.

Quite liked NXT. Kaval/Low-Ki looks amazing and still has it, as far as I'm concerned. If WWE let him go again then they are even more stupid than previously thought.

Tna was alright. The Lethal/Flair bit was hilarious but at times it was uncomprehendable since they were just shouting "Wooooooooo!!". Glad to see Kazarian and Rob Terry out of the top 10 contenders and even more happy at Sting being pushed down to number five.

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After watching Smackdown, I ask myself: "Why do they keep doing face vs heel tag team matches involving the fatal four way main eventers?" Not just on Smackdown but they've been doing it on Raw aswell. It's more boring than when TNA kept doing six man tag matches for like 3 weeks running.

Maybe it's just the amount of weans in the crowd but I thought that Drew McIntyre came across very heel. I find his accent really annoying though. I like to see Scottish people in it but it seems like he's really putting it on, obviously he's from Ayr but his accent is stronger than Mark Henry.

Kane's stuff is also a wee bit boring. "There will be vengence!!!", I think I've heard that more times than the word "brother" outta Hogan's mouth!! :o

Also, forgot to give mention to James Storm's awesome beer scooter. Classic

Edited by forehead7
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Maybe it's just the amount of weans in the crowd but I thought that Drew McIntyre came across very heel. I find his accent really annoying though. I like to see Scottish people in it but it seems like he's really putting it on, obviously he's from Ayr but his accent is stronger than Mark Henry.



I'm quite looking forward to F4W actually. Both of the main championship matches should be good, and I hope there's a change of title in both, but I get the feeling Swagger will retain. If there's a change, hopefully it'll be Punk. Looking forward to see what happens with Bret Hart and the NXT guys, as well as what part Kane plays in the PPV. Drew v Kofi could be good but no doubt they'll end it with a Matt Hardy interference claiming "this isn't RAW or SD so he's not suspended" pish. Miz and R Truth - not too bad hopefully. There'll have to be other matches added to the card though surely. The divas match will take up about 5 mins max.

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Chris Jericho cutting a non-boring promo ? Are we back to the mid 2000s ?

Evan Bourne vs. Chris Jericho on PPV is a good idea. I remember the last time a Bourne singles match got time on PPV against Matt Hardy. That was fun.

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