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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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This is a bit of a bugger. I didn't bother staying up for Raw last night, and now I go on ninjavideo to watch it and I find out the site has been closed down!

Anyone know of any places I can see it? My PC refuses to download large files for some reason, and I don't watch TV enough to justify getting Sky, so that rules those out. Any help is much appreciated!

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The reason people didn't think it would be him is that he was a shite heel before and there was no reason why he wouldn't be a shit heel again. Funnily enough that's how it turned out.

I always thought it was more to do with the fact that he hadn't even made it to TV as Rikishi Fatu when Austin got hit with the car. That's certainly why I never considered him at the time.

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This is the first bit of Raw I've seen since the Anonymous GM was put in place and from looking at it, it seems obvious to me that it will be Cole.

They have shifted his in the last couple of years from the wannabe 'street-talking' play-by-play commentator catering to the young hispanic audience beside Tazz on Smackdown (and failing badly at it), to a more natural role of a weasely type.

Even since the start of season one of NXT back some 20 odd weeks ago, it seems as if he's being groomed for the cowardly heel GM role. This would be perfect for Cole, as people want to hate him and if he does nothing else right, he does draw a lot of heat, which probably isn't great for your main play-by-play guy.

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Speaking of brilliant promo's:

This is a bit of a bugger. I didn't bother staying up for Raw last night, and now I go on ninjavideo to watch it and I find out the site has been closed down!

Anyone know of any places I can see it? My PC refuses to download large files for some reason, and I don't watch TV enough to justify getting Sky, so that rules those out. Any help is much appreciated!

Youtube. Type in 'WWE Raw Part' and sort by upload date.

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Speaking of brilliant promo's:

Youtube. Type in 'WWE Raw Part' and sort by upload date.

I really rate the one where Booker T calls Hulk Hogan a nigger but that has probably been posted on this thread several times. Its when he puts his head in his hands right after it like "f**k sake, I just called Hulk Hogan a nigger" that gets me every time.

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"The latest thing that has been banned in WWE by Vince McMahon is chops (Ric Flair style chest chops) not being allowed. This does not include the straight down chops performed by The Great Khali or the hand print chops by The Big Show.

The general feeling is that McMahon doesn't want people doing the chops as the reaction live among wrestling fans is to do the Ric Flair "Wooooo!" and it reminds people of Flair, something they obviously don't want given he is working for the opposition at the moment."

If this is true then Yoshi Tastu could be in trouble since he chopped Primo on Superstars recently

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"The latest thing that has been banned in WWE by Vince McMahon is chops (Ric Flair style chest chops) not being allowed. This does not include the straight down chops performed by The Great Khali or the hand print chops by The Big Show.

The general feeling is that McMahon doesn't want people doing the chops as the reaction live among wrestling fans is to do the Ric Flair "Wooooo!" and it reminds people of Flair, something they obviously don't want given he is working for the opposition at the moment."

If this is true then Yoshi Tastu could be in trouble since he chopped Primo on Superstars recently

Thank f**k Shawn Michaels retired when he did.

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This would explain Impact being decent recently.

As many of you have noticed Impact has improved. Dreamer is now apart of the creative team. Dreamer met Dixie months before joining TNA. Many have spoken of Heyman to TNA. That still is a very strong possibility at the moment. Thing is, if Heyman comes, Dreamer will still book. Heyman wants to spend his time in marketing. Dreamer has become Dixie's right hand man. Dreamer's the reason we see no Rob Terry, Orlando Jordan, and Rosie Lottalove on Impact. Dreamer said the only way he'll join TNA is if he was apart of creative. Dixie was very impressed with him. Bubba Ray also helps out in creative.

Dreamer wants to cut and add certain wrestlers. Most the guys he booked in WWE developmental, and ECW are excited about his new role. Dreamer's made it known he wants Daniels back in TNA. He also asked Hogan, and Sting to take an Undertaker type schedule. Dreamer is very well liked around the industry. He created atmosphere backstage where talent can make suggestions. Unlike Russo who hated talent bringing him different ideas. Dreamer isn't a fan of Anderson being a face at all. Dreamer also wants the X Division to have a more international feel about it.

Dreamer has singled out AAA stars Aerostar, Jack Evans, Extreme Tiger, and the Apache Sisters. He also wants Sarah Stock do her Dark Angel gimmick. Dreamer's a big fan of Alissa Flash(Cheerleader Mellisa) and wants to revamp the KO division. He has setup another tryout match for Ken Doane. He knows Doane very well from OVW and WWE. Dreamer put in good words for Jimmy Yang, Carlito, Mike Knox, and several indy stars. Dreamer is also taking suggestions from Raven.

Dreamer has convinced TNA to hold off on signing guys not ready. The idea is to try and create new stars by elevating personal feuds. The feeling he has TNA needs to give fans a reason to cheer for talent or hate them. Just recently he told Red to use his old ring gear again. Dreamer told Red his old gear was a better way to market his image. The shirtless look made him look plain in the eyes of most viewers. Red went back to his old gear on the house shows this past weekend. Dreamer wants to make Red a big star.

TNA will see the return of a few NJPW stars. Creative plans on trying to make the Guns, Red, Wolfe, and Pope bigger stars in the eyes of viewers. Many may look over the fact that Dreamer booked ECW. He also was a big part of OVW when Heyman booked. Dreamer from all accounts know what he's doing. The guys who he wants to see excel most is Joe and Abyss. He want to make sure those two become the standard bearers of TNA new direction. So in the coming weeks look for a more edgy in your face show. No matter who TNA hires rather it be Sullivan or Heyman. Dreamer will still have alot of say in the booking.

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I assume the Sullivan mentioned is Kevin, I hope Heyman comes instead. I cannot forgive Kevin Sullivan for murdering the Benoits, an unforgivable act.

Apart from the Anderson being face comment, which I like, I can't argue with anything that was said about Dreamer's creative skills and his plans. I'm glad Orlando Jordan has gtf, he's a arse bandit. I would love to see Daniels back in TNA.

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I assume the Sullivan mentioned is Kevin, I hope Heyman comes instead. I cannot forgive Kevin Sullivan for murdering the Benoits, an unforgivable act.

Apart from the Anderson being face comment, which I like, I can't argue with anything that was said about Dreamer's creative skills and his plans. I'm glad Orlando Jordan has gtf, he's a arse bandit. I would love to see Daniels back in TNA.

Can't flaw your logic there. :rolleyes:

I did find the character and storyline with Rob Terry stupid, though.

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Can't flaw your logic there. :rolleyes:

I did find the character and storyline with Rob Terry stupid, though.

He stole the gimick, well the homosexual part, from Chris Kanyon. It's also speculated/theorised that Kanyon killed himself because he stole it. Wouldn't surprise me since Kanyon was bi-polar.

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