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Mo Wonderboy

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dixie needs to think what the root of all these problems are, who is making such gash storylines and constant heel/face changes and who is wanting to bring in over paid WCW trash.


Diego Maradonna?

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There was one point on RAW last night which I liked. The Great Khali in the ring with Nexus and Michael Cole said "this isn't gonna be pretty" and I couldn't help but think "well that IS some amount of ugly in there".

I also like how Michael Cole is now saying "and I quote ..." a lot on commentary as well now.

And he only occasinally he wears his reading glasses throughout the night it is rather tedious.

Edited by gav-ffc
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"Vintage Lawler!"

The Nexus theme tune sucks so badly. They are built up as the unstoppable force wreaking havoc and for everyone to fear. But their theme tune makes them sound like a gay love clan. I would have expected their theme to be way more powerful and sinister.

Khali - pissed off and ready to punish Edge, challenges him to a match. Face of focus, determination, anger and like a monster. Then his theme tune plays and out he comes waving his hand in the air and smiling away like nothing's happened.

Of course it was a rubbish RAW..... no Santino this week!

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Khali - pissed off and ready to punish Edge, challenges him to a match. Face of focus, determination, anger and like a monster. Then his theme tune plays and out he comes waving his hand in the air and smiling away like nothing's happened.

That wasn't even the most annoying thing about the big lump either - in the final segment when Edge speared him he was up about 5 seconds later walking about as though nothing had happened!

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why don't WWE fire Khali? he is an awful wrestler, he can't even job right for f**k sake laugh.gif

they must only be keeping him for the indian market or because they think that the people want to see a giant.

Cena's little speaches at the start of each raw are getting worse, you can tell he is saying what an awful writer has scripted him to say word for word, his nicknames for "jerichos team" were truely cringeworthy. I've no idea why they don't make Jericho a face, yes he plays the heel very well, but in my opinion he has tons more natural charisma about him than cena could ever hope for.

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Free the WWE 7.

Old joke, seemed approprite, sorry.

I fell asleep during RAW and skipped a lot when I was awake.

They need to get some of the RAW talent over to Smackdown soon, whether it is some of Nexus or some of the others. Some of the shite on Smackdown are getting too much airtime. like McIntyre, and some on the RAW roster are not getting enough. Di Biase would be challenging for the title on Smackdown by now, instead of feuding with mid carders on RAW.

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why don't WWE fire Khali? he is an awful wrestler, he can't even job right for f**k sake laugh.gif

they must only be keeping him for the indian market or because they think that the people want to see a giant.

People do want to see a giant if it's done right. History has shown that to be the case. Khali is a lost cause thanks to the idiots that book WWE though so he's probably better off fired.

That said, he IS a star in India, so they might keep him around for that.

Is "drones" a new name from Jericho for the fans or has he used it before ? I quite like it.

That wasn't even the most annoying thing about the big lump either - in the final segment when Edge speared him he was up about 5 seconds later walking about as though nothing had happened!

Aye. If this was when Khali had just started you could have forgiven it, but Khali has been put down by worse. It must have been the most pointless Spear ever.

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Assorted ROH Stuff #4

A couple more of the memorable matches in this selection. Once again, Danielson seems to feature quite a bit. Certainly not complaining about how much Danielson I've been watching.

Austin Aries and Jack Evans vs. Bryan Danielson and Samoa Joe - ROH Third Anniversary Night Two ( **3/4 )

Bryan Danielson vs. Nigel McGuinness - ROH World Championship and Pure Championship Unification Match - ROH Unified ( ****3/4 )

Bryan Danielson © vs. Chris Hero - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH Hell Freezes Over ( ****1/4 )

The Young Bucks vs. The Briscoes - ROH Glory By Honor VIII ( ***3/4 )

The American Wolves © vs. El Generico and Kevin Steen, Ladder War - ROH Glory By Honor VIII ( ****1/2 )

Alex Shelley and Jimmy Rave vs. Bryan Danielson and Delirious - ROH Dragon Gate Challenge ( ***1/2 )

Bryan Danielson vs. Nigel McGuinness - ROH World Championship and Pure Championship - ROH Weekend of Champions Night Two ( ****1/2 )

Do Fixer vs. Blood Generation - ROH Supercard of Honor ( ***** )

Davey Richards vs. KENTA - ROH Fight of the Century ( ***3/4 )

Jimmy Jacobs vs. Tyler Black, Steel Cage Match - ROH Violent Tendencies ( **** )

Nigel McGuinness © vs. Kevin Steen vs. Go Shiozaki vs. El Generico - ROH World Championship - The French Connection ( ***1/2 )

Austin Aries and Jack Evans vs. Bryan Danielson and Samoa Joe - ROH Third Anniversary Night Two

This is build up for Aries vs. Joe for the third night of these shows. Aries defeated Joe to end his amazing title run at ROH Final Battle 2004. Danielson is sporting his ridiculous lumberjack beard. The opening stages of this match with Jack Evans are brilliant. This match features one of the craziest double teams I've ever seen as Daniels bends Evans back in a horrible way and Joe adds a kick to the head. When the match got going properly it never really picked up momentum and then they badly blew the big spot. Basically, the match wasn't as good as the sum of it's parts. **3/4

Bryan Danielson vs. Nigel McGuinness - ROH World Championship and Pure Championship Unification Match - ROH Unified

ROH wanted these belts unified but the Pure rules meant that a cheap ending could mean the titles stay where they are, so they made a must-have-a-winner match. They made the rules so as there was absolutely no way to not unify the belts. It took place in Liverpool meaning the fans were WAY into McGuinness. Danielson says he's "better than The Beatles" and he'd be right. The match was already very good, but they they turned it up a few million notches for the final stretch. I have to take marks away for Nigel's idiotic head bouncing off of the ring post. Angle and Austin were able to create that same amount of drama with none of that needless dangerous shit. The drama being turned up led to Nigel becoming a HUUUUUGE underdog crowd favourite and the mental just kept coming. The huge negative point aside, this is an absolute classic. ****3/4

Bryan Danielson © vs. Chris Hero - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH Hell Freezes Over

This was a huge indy dream match that nobody thought would ever happen in ROH but it did. Hero came as a representitive of CZW and therefore was HATED. Danielson was the blue eyed ROH champ at this point. It's weird seeing a match from this title reign where Danielson is the babyface. It's also great to see that Chris Hero is every bit the weasel that he was in CZW on his best Iron Man Title days. This match was a very good technical and submissions based match and unlike other matches of this sort, both of these guys managed to make this match feel like the main event that it was. Another good point is that Hero is a cheating weasel of a c**t right to the last, even when the aggression is going up and the big finishes are on. The audience bought Hero as a legitimate contender thanks to the CZW fued which also helped. This was a good addition to the ROH/CZW fued. ****1/4

The Young Bucks vs. The Briscoes - ROH Glory By Honor VIII

This is apparently the third match that these two teams have had. I'd assume one was on HDNet because I'm certain this is only the second match that they have had on a main ROH show. Mark Briscoe's injury problems over the last few years seems to have slowed him down, but it doesn't mean it's a bad thing. On the contrary, it's forced The Briscoes to indulge in some of the more traditional tactics which makes for some good fun. Both teams came up with some belting counters to some of the trademark moves, and then modifying some of their own moves to make sure that they don't get countered. It's all about the psychology folks. It's a cracking mini-sprint tag match. ***3/4

The American Wolves © vs. El Generico and Kevin Steen, Ladder War - ROH Glory By Honor VIII

I've already reviewed this match on here, but it was good so I'm watching it again. Eddie Edwards came into the match with a badly injured arm which had quite a lot of people worried about how good this match would actually be. Edwards brought his absolute A game and took part in some pretty sick shit, as did the other three men in the match. Anyone who has seen a brawl involving Steen and Generico knows that these two guys are willing to take some of the most vile bumps imaginable and this match was no different. This match features the best Powerbomb ever, as Generico hits a HUUUUGE Sunset Bomb off of a ladder through a table. That spot doesn't get old. Kevin Steen wins mentalist of 2009 for his mammoth bump to a ladder/table contraption. It's a different match from the first one. The first Ladder War was about innovation and making the crowd pop. This one was about brutality and felt more like the war it was supposed to be. ****1/2

Alex Shelley and Jimmy Rave vs. Bryan Danielson and Delirious - ROH Dragon Gate Challenge

"He says he has gold in his hair to represent the Embassy going after gold. But they don't have any gold. He just has stupid looking hair."

I didn't even realise that Delirious was a part of this fued. Danielson has beaten both Shelley and Rave in singles competition and has said that he can beat them in tag team partner, even with a goof as his partner. Ah right, that explains Delirious being in there. Delirious sings The Final Countdown when he's locking up with Shelley. Jimmy Rave had become one of the most hated guys in ROH at this point, so the heat when he's in the ring is fun, and the crowd seem to genuinely LOVE it when he's getting his ass kicked. Danielson seemed to have some deal in tag matches like this where it'd be based more on fun than actually a serious wrestling match. The Embassy make things serious when they get Danielson on his own and from that point onwards the match is really good. Probably just about right for a midcard tag match. ***1/2

Bryan Danielson vs. Nigel McGuinness - ROH World Championship and Pure Championship - ROH Weekend of Champions Night Two

Kinda weird that this match is coming after the Unified match on my "To Watch" list, but there you are. This is basically the match that started the fued good and proper. It's always recieved some amazing praise so I look forward to seeing what this has to offer. Some absolute top quality submission and technical wrestling from both men at the start of this match as they seem much more determined to make this an exhibition of the pure title style. Some cracking use of the pure rules early as Nigel lures Danielson into using a closed fist in front of the referee twice, meaning that Danielson uses a rope break. One more closed fist and it's a DQ. See ? Strange moment as Nigel hits a Suplex to the floor on Danielson and appears to be the one who takes the worse bump. Everyone should have seen the ending of this match coming. With the pure rules as they are, this match was set up from the very beginning to have a cheap ending so I'm not going to get hung up about it. I can see why everyone loved this match. ****1/2

Do Fixer vs. Blood Generation - ROH Supercard of Honor

This is the match which introduced a new base of fans to the Dragon Gate product. Much like the Michinoku Pro tag at ECW Barely Legal, this had six guys who were going out with a point to prove. Genki Horiguchi, Dragon Kid and Ryo Saito represent Do Fixer. CIMA, Naruki Doi and Masato Yoshino represent the Blood Generation team. The pace right from the very beginning of this match is something special and when you know that the pace is gonna pick up in the second half of the match, you realise that you might be in for a phenomenal match. The heat segment on Genki is really good because of the cracking triple team moves from Blood Generation. What also makes it good is that it showed that the Dragon Gate guys were willing to go with a strictly US style of tag team wrestling for this one, making the match much easier to digest for the audience. Watching this again, I still get goosebumps. It's definately the match to recommend for people who want to get into the Dragon Gate promotion. Huge moves and a pace that no other promotion can touch and to top it off. *****

Davey Richards vs. KENTA - ROH Fight of the Century

They'd go on and have a much better match at Supercard of Honor 2009. It was well documented by this point that KENTA was a huge influence on Davey Richards so it made sense to have this match. Richards at this point is a mere shadow of the absolutely phenomenal wrestler that we see from him now, although at this point he still was very good. As far as this match goes, it's sure hard hitting. There's only so much kicking you can watch though before you start to think "is that all these guys are gonna do ?" and they go on for too long doing the same stuff over and over again. The match is capable of being brilliant in stages and some of the striking exchanges do help to elevate it somewhat, but they seem to rely too much on this. KENTA is usually brilliant at timing how to do a match like this, but Richards hadn't quite evolved to the bag of awesome yet. ***3/4

Jimmy Jacobs vs. Tyler Black, Steel Cage Match - ROH Violent Tendencies

This was the ending of the fued between these two guys. Jacobs wears the jacket that he wore when he was being showered with Mark Briscoe's blood in the original Age of the Fall segment. This was the usual violent and bloody Jacobs brawl, and Black was more than a little game. The first half of the match was almost a standard wrestling match except they didn't waste any time going to the big trademark moves, meaning that we knew we had some madness ahead. There was a bunch of stuff that happened outside the cage and to be honest, it felt tacked on, although both men falling off of the cage to the floor was kinda cool. Jacobs' End Time when they got back in was brilliant and Black did everything in his power to break it but Black was determined. The match was really really good and the right way to end things between these two guys. ****

Nigel McGuinness © vs. Kevin Steen vs. Go Shiozaki vs. El Generico - ROH World Championship - The French Connection

All three guys have challenged McGuinness unsuccessfully in the past so they were all given the chance to redeem themselves in this match. I don't quite get WHY they were given this chance, but there you are. Kevin Steen is the early highlight of this match. He's just got so much charisma going for him. If he had a better look, he'd be a shoe-in for a spot in WWE as he can pretty much adapt to any style, but he looks ridiculous. Great moment when Go and Nigel try and force Generico and Steen to face off, and instead they attack both Nigel and Go and force Go into the match. Some pretty smart psychology here from McGuinness as he forms an alliance with Shiozaki so as he doesn't have to face the team of Steen and Generico of his own, going as far as to stop Go Shiozaki getting eliminated even though that'd mean one less man in the match. McGuinness had eyes on the bigger picture. The final stretch from Steen and McGuinness is disappointing. It's as if they decided just to do a bunch of trademark and finishing moves without any rhyme or reason. Up to that point it was a cracking main event. ***1/2

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Latest NXT Poll:

  1. Michael McGillicutty
  2. Kaval
  3. Alex Riley
  4. Percy Watson
  5. Lucky Cannon
  6. Husky Harris
  7. Eli Cottonwood, who is eliminated

Another one of the bad ones getting the boot. I'd have Harris at number 4 and move the rest down but as long as Cannon is the next to go then I don't mind.

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Latest NXT Poll:

  1. Michael McGillicutty
  2. Kaval
  3. Alex Riley
  4. Percy Watson
  5. Lucky Cannon
  6. Husky Harris
  7. Eli Cottonwood, who is eliminated

Another one of the bad ones getting the boot. I'd have Harris at number 4 and move the rest down but as long as Cannon is the next to go then I don't mind.

Percy Watson #4?blink.gif f**k sake. At least Cottonwood is gonebiggrin.gif. How the hell are Watson and Cannon above Harris?

For me it's now:

1) Kaval

2) Alex Riley

3) Michael McGillicutty

4) Husky Harris

5) Lucky Cannon

6) Percy Watson

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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Mines would be:

Husky Harris


Michael McGillicutty

Alex Riley

Lucky Cannon

Percy Watson

Unfortunately, they seem high on Percy Watson, and Lucky Cannon apparently has a huge following which could help him.

I don't really see why no one likes Husky Harris. I think he's potentially brilliant!

Edited by garymcc1874
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I've never watched NXT, am I really missing anything?

Raw and TNA is all the time I have for watching wrestling really, that being 4 hours a week with a 3 hour PPV every fortnight on average. Cut out Smackdown as it was going poor, but heard it's been getting better.

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