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Mo Wonderboy

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Given by the PPV discussions and RAW discussions in here, spoiler tags aren't that big an issue in this thread. I've certainly learned to stay away.

Those are on live. If you come on here after a live show a see a "spoiler" then you can't blame anyone. Generally I just stay away from here until I've watched it.

I hate when people fail to use spoiler tags when discussing iMPACT, just bacause it airs in the US beofre it does here.

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I think anything that's not been on TV yet should be spoiler tagged, if it's live on TV like RAW & PPV's then it's fair game

Stupid me for not realising that I guess ! I have no idea when NXT comes on over here.

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NXT gets shown on Tuesday nights, in the states. I use spoilers on stuff which I deem spoiler-ish. Someone getting booed on a show doesn't merit it, I certainly don't think so. I usually use em for impact though.

Edited by forehead7
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I can see why TNA and NXT would be exempt from that though, given that they are shown in the UK after the US. It's different for RAW, PPV and Smackdown which are shown either 1) at the same time or 2) before the US.

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Tbh, I thought NXT was shown here on Tuesday nights as well. I've never had the intention of watching it live or whatever and so have always just downloaded it on the Wednesday and had no idea it wasn't shown here.

If anyone cares and actually notices which 'rookie' it is that's missing from my own list then I apologise but I doubt it'd come as much of a surprise to anyone anyway after last week's performance by said 'rookie'.

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Dragon Gate Infinity 160

I'm gonna start watching all of the 2010 Dragon Gate I can get my hands on in the lead up to the big UK shows coming up in September which look amazing. There's a six man tag on this show. Win. Feel like doing a full PBP. Ain't done one in ages and since I'm working through The Bash 2009 at the moment, I'm sort of in that groove anyways.

Naoki Tanisaki © vs. K-Ness - Open the Brave Gate Championship ( ** )

YAMATO, Dragon Kid and Shingo vs. CIMA, Gamma and Masaaki Mochizuki ( *** )

Naoki Tanisaki © vs. K-Ness - Open the Brave Gate Championship

I've only seen Tanisaki once, but he impressed me greatly in that one showing. I don't think I've seen K-Ness before. He's a skinny guy in a mask. Same as much of the Dragon Gate roster then ! This is a pretty big match. I don't understand Japanese but this is a long running fued. Both men exchange waistlocks and Tanisaki gets the better of that exchange. Tanisaki then goes to the arm and Ness with the takedown. Tanisaki goes to the legs and then to a Chinlock and then a Headlock. Back to the Chinlock. Jawbreaker to get out of that from Ness, but Tanisaki goes right back to the Chinlock. Ness tries other desperate attempts to escape and these fail. Elbow to the back of the head and then another from Tanisaki. Forearms from Tanisaki. Knee to the stomach and then another. Ness catches one and lands a Dragon Screw. Tanisaki tries to get into the ropes, but Ness slams the knee of Tanisaki into the canvas. Kicks to the leg from Ness. Ness then stretches the leg of Tanisaki around the middle rope. Dropkicks to the knee from Ness and Tanisaki tries desperately to stay up but fails. Dragon Screw and Tanisaki gets to the apron. He gets no rest from Ness though who lands a Dragon Screw across the middle rope and then he kicks away at the leg. Into the ropes and a running Dropkick to the knee from Ness. Snapmare and then Ness continues the work on the leg. FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK FROM NESS !!! Tanisaki tries to roll the pressure onto Ness, but Ness rolls though. Tanisaki gets into the bottom rope. Ness stands on the knee of Tanisaki and then stomps on him. Tanisaki is almost whipped into the ropes, but he crumbles because of his leg. Slap from Ness and then Tanisaki blocks an Irish Whip. Tanisaki runs into a boot but then lands an Inverted Bulldog and the small audience gets behind him. Tanisaki onto the apron and then a knee to the head. He jumps off the top into a Dropkick. Cross Legged Suplex from Tanisaki. Kick to the head from Ness. MICHINOKU DRIVER FROM NESS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Both men with exchanges on the ground. Octopus Stretch from Tanisaki. Tanisaki takes that to the ground and adds an Arm Bar, but Ness gets into the bottom rope at that point. DOUBLE KNEE BREAKER FROM NESS !!! Knee to the head from Tanisaki, but he's hurt and Ness manages to hit an Enziguri. Ness misses a shot. BACKSLIDE FROM TANISAKI INTO THE KNEE !!! Amazingly he doesn't take advantage of that. RUNNING KNEE TO THE HEAD FROM TANISAKI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! PINFALL EXCHANGE LEADS TO A SUNSET FLIP FROM NESS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! CROSS ARM CROSSFACE FROM NESS !!! Tanisaki gets into the bottom rope. CRADLE TOMBSTONE FROM TANISAKI !!! Forearms from both men and then Ness kicks away at the leg. JIG N TONIC FROM TANISAKI !!! THE KNEE IS HURT !!! BASEMENT KICK AND A ROUNDHOUSE FROM NESS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! RICCOLA BOMB FROM NESS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! MORE KICKS TO THE HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! CROSS ARM FISHERMAN'S BUSTER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This was all over the place. What was with the "now I'll sell, now I won't" bullshit from Tanisaki ? His selling was like death only for him to hit knee strikes about 30 seconds later. He then remembers the injury at the most convinient of times. It did help that the knee work from K-Ness had an end game though. To take the main offense of Tanisaki away. There was also a decent finishing stretch. This was a messy match which had no idea where it was going most of the time though. **

YAMATO, Dragon Kid and Shingo vs. CIMA, Gamma and Masaaki Mochizuki

Lockup and against the ropes they go and Shingo slaps MM. Kick to the chest from MM and then he gets sent into the ropes. They collide in the middle of the ring a few times and then try for some kicks and they both miss. We have a stalemate from there. Dragon and Gamma want into the ring. Kick to the chest and a right hand from Gamma and then Dragon into the ropes and he gets charged down. Dragon tries to slide under Gamma, and Gamma just spits in his face. Wheelbarrow Arm Drag from Dragon and then Gamma kicks him and spits in his face again. Dragon into the ropes and he runs into a boot. Gamma spits in Dragon's hands and Dragon wipes it in the face of Gamma. In come CIMA and YAMATO. They brawl against the ropes. CIMA then with a Headlock. CIMA into the ropes and he charges down YAMATO. YAMATO then attacks him from behind and gets a Headlock of his own. YAMATO and CIMA both run into Dropkicks. YAMATO with a stomp and then a Chinlock. Head into the boot from YAMATO and then Shingo comes into the ring. Snapmare and then a Neck Twist from Shingo. He stomps on the chest of CIMA and gets a two count from that and then YAMATO comes into the ring and throws his weight around. CIMA into the corner and then into the ropes where the YAMATO/Shingo do lots of teaming and Dragon Kid feels a bit left out. Dragon with the Swinging Kick around Shingo and that gets broken up. Dragon blames YAMATO. Gamma then attacks from behind. In comes MM. Snapmare from MM and then a kick to the back. Body Slam from MM. Another Body Slam gets a two count for MM and then he goes to a Modified Cross Armbreaker. Dragon Kid finds the bottom rope. Right hands and chops from MM. Gamma drops a Double Axe Handle across the back and then Gamma with a Dropkick of his own. Shoulder Charge to the back from Gamma and then a knee to the stomach. Flapjack X-Factor gets a two count for CIMA. CIMA and Gamma with double teaming and then a Double Back Drop Suplex gets a two count. SUPER BOMB FROM CIMA ... COUNTERED TO A RANA !!! Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors and in comes Shingo. MM and Shingo exchange kicks and charges and Shingo gets the better of that exchange. MM with kicks to the arm and then Shingo runs into the Fujiwara Armbar. YAMATO comes in and breaks that and in comes Gamma. SPEAR FROM YAMATO !!! He runs into a boot. Gamma with right hands and left hands and then a Superkick from Gamma. SLEEPER HOLD FROM YAMATO !!! Gamma breaks that with a low blow and in comes CIMA. YAMATO runs into a Dropkick. BACKSTABBER FROM CIMA !!! Brutal low blow from MM and then a Double Running Kick. CRUCIFIX BOMB ON CIMA ONTO YAMATO FROM GAMMA !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! YAMATO took quite the beating there. CIMA heads for the top rope and gets stopped by Shingo. CIMA is on the shoulders of YAMATO. SUPER RANA OFF OF THE SHOULDERS OF YAMATO !!! ALLEYOOP FROM SHINGO !!! BRAINBUSTER FROM YAMATO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... GAMMA SAVES !!! Dragon looks for the Ultra Rana but misses. SCHWEIN FROM GAMMA !!! SHINING WIZARD FROM MM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! BRAINBUSTER FROM MM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... SAVED !!! In come YAMATO and Shingo. MM with kicks. YAMATO over the top rope. RUNNING DVD FROM SHINGO !!! PUMPING BOMBER FROM SHINGO !!! SITOUT BURNING HAMMER !!! ULTRA RANA FROM DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... TOZAWA JUMPS ON THE APRON FROM KAMIKAZE !!! BRUTAL LARIAT ON DRAGON !!! CRUCIFIX BOMB ON CIMA FROM DRAGON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! KENDO STICK OVER THE HEAD FROM TOZAWA TO DRAGON KID !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was NOT your standard Dragon Gate six man there. Much of the match was built on Dragon Kid and his frail relationship with his Kamikaze partners, especially with it going into overload at the end. YAMATO in particular looked like he wanted no part of Dragon Kid. There was still some of the really good trademarks from it, but it fell below the usual standard. ***

Meh. Not the best action I've seen from Dragon Gate.

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Taz says on Impact: "Beer Money's got the lead in the series in my opinion" No shit Taz. Not really something that can be debated.


Fortune's segment was good. Can't wait to see where they go with them. Global Championship being re-named the Television Title, better name, eventhough it's a blatent steal from ECW.

They should get the New Fuckin' Show in and make him win that title and let him hold it for ages.

The MCMG/Beer Money match was, unsurprisingly, great. Crowd went wild after the Sabin crossbody from the top of the cage. Obviously the Guns won it but the finish was a bit pish. Storm accidently hits Roode with the beer bottle. I don't see what the problem is with just having won of the teams win legit. Not as if you'd ever think that either team couldn't win it by themselves. At least they didn't use the ref bump again.

Abyss/Dreamer match was alright.

Totally didn't see Raven turning on him though. Licking his face was a nice, crazy Raven touch.

Edited by forehead7
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WWE The Bash 2009

Been a while since I've been in the mood to do a PBP again, but I am which means it's time to get back to the recent WWE shows. This match does have one match that I can't wait to see again but there's a couple which have me thinking "oh f**k". Main event of Wrestlemania 24 getting a rematch ? No thanks.

Tommy Dreamer vs. Christian vs. Jack Swagger vs. Finlay vs. Mark Henry - Scramble Match - ECW Championship ( *** )

Chris Jericho © vs. Rey Mysterio, Title vs. Mask Match - WWE Intercontinental Championship ( ****3/4 )

The Great Khali vs. Dolph Ziggler, No DQ Match ( *1/2 )

Primo and Carlito © vs. Legacy vs. Edge and Chris Jericho - Unified Tag Team Championships ( **1/2 )

Melina © vs. Michelle McCool - WWE Women's Championship ( **1/4 )

CM Punk © vs. Jeff Hardy - World Heavyweight Championship ( **1/2 )

The Miz vs. John Cena ( * )

Randy Orton © vs. Triple H, Three Stages of Hell Match - WWE Championship

Tommy Dreamer vs. Christian vs. Jack Swagger vs. Finlay vs. Mark Henry - Scramble Match - ECW Championship

I don't think I've seen a bad scramble match to date. That includes this one, the ones in 2008 and there was one when SWA did a show at the Kelvin Hall which was a belter as well. This one has Tommy Dreamer in it though, so there's a first time for everything. Swagger and Christian get the match going and Christian into the ropes. Takedown is countered by Christian who is thrown into the corner. He comes out with right hands. Swagger eventually gets his big takedown and that gets a two count from that. Seated Abdominal Stretch from Swagger. Into the corner and Swagger sets Christian on the top rope. Christian kicks away and misses a Tornado DDT but gets the Sleeper Hold. Charge into the corner to counter that and then another takedown from Swagger. Right hands in the corner from Swagger and then Christian is set on top again. Missile Dropkick off the top from Christian gets a two count and the next man comes in. That next man is Finlay. He takes out Swagger and Christian early. Rolling Samoan Drop on Swagger and then a stomp to the head. Christian looks for a Small Package and that doesn't end well. Finlay with the Body Drop and that gets a two count for Finlay. Into the corner goes Christian and Finlay runs into a boot and Christian lands the Leaping European Uppercut for a two count. Christian into the ropes and gets sweeped. Finlay then with a Baseball Slide and everyone to the floor. Thumb to the eye and a School Boy means Swagger is the guy holding the gold.

Christian with a Sunset Flip and that gets a two count. The doctor at ringside checks the injured eye of Finlay. Christian avoids a move and then a Suplex and lands a Reverse DDT. ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Swagger and then down comes Tommy Dreamer. Dreamer gets the advantage in the match and lands a Bulldog on Swagger. SKY HIGH ON CHRISTIAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Neckbreaker on Swagger and then he sets Christian in the Tree of Woe and lands the ECW Dropkick. Swagger avoids a DDT and then throws Dreamer into Christian. Everyone ends up on the floor and there isn't much that the referee can do. Back into the ring and Finlay sends Swagger into the ringpost. CELTIC CROSS FROM FINLAY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Right, so Finlay is the champ. Running Back Elbow from Dreamer and then Christian just tosses him to the canvas and heads for the top rope. Swagger with a Clothesline on Dreamer and then to the top rope go Swagger and Christian. Mark Henry hits the ring. TOWER OF DOOM SPOT RIGHT INTO DREAMER !!! AWESOME SPOT !!! We have five minutes. Gorilla Press Slam sends Christian to the floor and then a Headbutt on Finlay. WORLD'S STRONGEST SLAM ON DREAMER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That is not good news for the rest of them. Everyone heads for Henry and the fans boo as the action is hardly great. Small Package gets a two count for Christian. Christian is sent chest first into the buckles. SUICIDE DIVE FROM FINLAY TO SWAGGER !!! Dreamer comes off of the apron with a Cannonball. SPRINGBOARD PLANCHA FROM CHRISTIAN TO DREAMER !!! Henry is now in the ring and he is heading for the top rope. Chop Block from Swagger. VADER BOMB FROM SWAGGER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Jack Swagger with a Vader Bomb to pin Mark Henry ? That is some horrific booking right there. MARK HENRY WITH THE GUILLOTINE SLIDE ON SWAGGER !!! That is just brutal. Henry gets sent into the steps. KILLSWITCH ON SWAGGER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... DREAMER MAKES THE SAVE !!! DREAMER DDT ON CHRISTIAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

So that has Dreamer as the champion. REVERSE DDT FROM FINLAY TO DREAMER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Everyone is making saves to make sure they are getting a shot, but Dreamer lands his DDT on Henry. Christian attacks Dreamer. Sunset Flip and that fails and the match ends with Dreamer as the champion.

This is the usual good fun scramble match. They didn't play it like a major match which was a good idea as it was only the opening match on the show. The ending always seemed like a forgone conclusion, given that on ECW they always went on about Dreamer making a career out of being the underdog and overcoming the odds. That brings the match down a few notches. It's fun though. ***

Chris Jericho © vs. Rey Mysterio, Title vs. Mask Match - WWE Intercontinental Championship

These two guys had all sorts of awesome matches during this fued, even extending to cracking matches on RAW and Smackdown. Lockup and Jericho goes behind and Rey with forearms. Headlock from Jericho. Jericho : "Come on 619 !". Jericho's shouting at opponents always amuses. He charges down Rey and he seems very proud of himself. Kick to the stomach and then Rey into the corner but Jericho runs into a boot. Leaping Rana and Jericho heads for the floor. WHEELBARROW TOSS SENDS REY INTO THE BARRIER !!! Back into the ring and Jericho sends Rey throat first into the bottom rope with a Catapult. Suplex from Jericho and that gets a two count and then he locks in a Crossface Chickenwing. Rey gets set on the top rope and Jericho goes up and hits some right hands. Rey fights Jericho down and then lands the Seated Senton but runs right into the Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker and that gets a two count. Into the corner and Jericho chokes Rey with a boot. Basement Dropkick sends Rey to the floor. Rey avoids a Suplex and lands some right hands. Jericho into the ropes but he comes back out with a kick and then a Dropkick to the face and that gets a two count. Double Arm Submission from Jericho. Rey escapes and then sends Jericho to the floor. Rey heads for the top rope. SEATED SENTON OFF THE TOP ROPE TO THE FLOOR ON JERICHO !!! Back into the ring and a Springboard Cross Body gets a two count for Rey. Rey into the corner and he gets over Jericho and gets a Drop Toe Hold. DOUBLE SPRINGBOARD ARABIAN PRESS FROM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Jericho into the ropes and he lands a kick. Moonsault Press countered into a Running Powerslam by Jericho and that gets a two count. Headbutts and right hands in the corner from Jericho. Jericho then runs into the ringpost as Rey moves. MOONSAULT PRESS FROM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! WALLS OF JERICHO OUT OF NOWHERE !!! Rey with punches to the leg to try and make time to get to the ropes and it works. Hey, nice escape ! Jericho onto the apron and Rey with a Dropkick to the leg. Rey runs right into a Clothesline. Jericho heads for the top rope and Rey stops him up there. SUPER RANA ... COUNTERED INTO A SUPER BOMB FROM JERICHO !!! FEET ON THE ROPES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE LIONSAULT ... MISSES !!! RANA FROM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! 619 ... INTO THE SWINGING BACKBREAKER ... COUNTERED TO A DDT FROM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! That was a superb exchange there. Kicks to the leg from Rey. REY SPRINGBOARDS RIGHT INTO THE CODEBREAKER FROM JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Into the corner and Jericho sets Rey on the top rope. Headbutt from Jericho and then another. SUPER RANA ... COUNTERED !!! REY WITH THE 619 !!! WEST COAST POP ... COUNTERED INTO THE WALLS OF JERICHO !!! REY ESCAPES ... INTO A PINFALL FROM JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Pinfall exchange and Jericho unmasks Rey. HE HAS ANOTHER ONE !!! 619 !!! SPRINGBOARD SPLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! WHAT A FUCKING MATCH !!!

Phew. That was incredible and every bit as good as I can remember it being. The match didn't have the tight psychology of the last couple of matches but what it did have was the one thing that I always look for. Familiarity. Both guys knew what each other wanted to do and it led to some absolutely brilliant reversal sequences as well as both guys doing new moves. It also led to the downfall of Jericho when he tried to fly when what he was doing wasn't working. A superb match. ****3/4

The Great Khali vs. Dolph Ziggler, No DQ Match

JR wonders why Khali's interpreter has to be at ringside. Vince McMahon won't be happy with obvious flaws being pointed out ! Ziggler ducks a right hand and lands kicks to the leg. That doesn't last long and Ziggler gets tossed around the ring. Open Hand Slap and down goes Ziggler. Dropkick to the knee from Ziggler and then some right hands. Khali throws Ziggler over the top rope. Short Arm Clothesline on the floor from Khali. Open Hand Slap then against the ringpost. Open Hand Slap smacks the ringpost. Ziggler uses the apron and lands a Dropkick off of it. Open Hand Slap sends Khali back into the ring. "It's like being hit with a skillet !". Poor guy being able to use it as a comparison point. :( Leg is snapped over the top rope from Ziggler and then he gets a chair. Chair shots to the leg and then a chop block. Ziggler beats away at Khali. Ziggler tries a Front Facelock. Stupid, stupid person. Khali escapes and then Kane decides this is good time to hit the ring. Ziggler with a chair shot to the leg and then he heads for the floor. Chair shots from Kane to the head of Khali. This gives Ziggler the win.

It wasn't a clean win, but do you wonder why Khali isn't a big star after this ? I'll always argue that he should be, but WWE are idiots. Ziggler was impressive here as he came across as a resourseful fucker who can take a shot and come back for more. *1/2

Primo and Carlito © vs. Legacy vs. Edge and Chris Jericho - Unified Tag Team Championships

Edge and Jericho found their way into this match since Teddy Long wanted to find a way to make an impact and this is how he's going to do so. Legacy and the Colons dump the new team out of the ring and we start with Carlito and Dibiase. Lockup and a right hand from Carlito and then lefts. Into the corner and Carlito flips over Dibiase and then a Clothesline. Primo into the ring and he gets a two count. Jawbreaker from Dibiase and Jericho tags himself in, but Rhodes does the exact same to Jericho and Dibiase back into the ring. Primo with left hands and then kicks and a sweep and a Leg Drop gets a two count. Fans chant "We Want Christian". Leapfrog/Dropkick combo from the Colons and that gets a two count. Sleeper Hold from Carlito. Primo back into the ring and then Dibiase with an Arm Drag and then he gets a cheap shot at Carlito as the other four men seem to be wanting to keep the action between them and taking Edge and Jericho out of the equation. Edge : "Let us in !". I'm sure they'll get right on that. Stomp to the chest from Carlito and then Rhodes with a knee in the back. Primo with a fightback and then Edge tags into the match. SPEAR ... misses and Dibiase tags himself in and once again Edge and Jericho have no place in the match. Edge is LIVID. Primo avoids a Body Slam and gets a School Boy for a two count. In comes Rhodes with a nice Standing Dropkick. Must have learned that one from the likes of Orton and Holly ! Rhodes locks in the Neck Crank while Jericho asks for a tag and the fans want to see Edge or Jericho in the match. Primo gets a Victory Roll in the middle of all of that for a two count. Fans : "Edge and Christian !" Jericho : "Stop living in the past jackasses !!". The rest of the audience laugh at the poor sods that just got shouted at. Gory Special from Rhodes and Edge comes in to break. Dibiase into the ring and he lands some right hands on Primo. Kick to the chest from Primo. Dibiase gets launched over the top rope. Rhodes helps his partner into the ring and then in comes Carlito and Rhodes. Left hands from Carlito. Knee Lift from Carlito and a Clothesline. Edge and Jericho keep looking for them tags. :lol: Dibiase breaks a pin attempt and then Primo with a Dropkick. CODEBREAKER SENDS PRIMO TO THE FLOOR FROM JERICHO !!! Edge tags himself in. BACKSTABBER !!! SPEAR FROM EDGE TO CARLITO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

I loved the stuff with Edge and Jericho being stuck powerless on the apron for pretty much the entire match while the other teams, knowing the threat that was posed by the two men, kept the match in the other side of the ring, almost like a pact. It didn't work though and the experience of the mega-team came through with some really sneaky tactics. **1/2

Melina © vs. Michelle McCool - WWE Women's Championship

Lockup and shots from Cool. Melina with a back elbow and then right hands. Melina runs into a choke. Spinebuster attempt countered by Melina and then she lands a Forearm. Back Body Drop and a Clothesline from Melina. She lands a Neckbreaker for a two count. Dropkick to the knee from Cool and then she drops some elbows on the leg. That gets a two count. I think you're supposed to go for a submission when you work the leg, not the pinfall. Anyroads, Cool sends Melina into the corner, but she can't stand or run. Cool stretches the leg around the bottom rope and then around the middle rope. Cool then rams the leg off of the apron a couple of times. Cool then kicks the steps into the leg. Into the ring and we get a two count from that. Spinning Gutbuster from Cool and then Cool stetches Melina pretty badly. Cool misses a running kick to the leg and Melina now beats on Cool in the corner and lands a Double Knee Drop, but with the bad knee, and Cool comes out with a chop block. Elbows from Melina and then a Head Scissors and a kick to the head. Cool blocks a kick to the head. FAITH BREAKER ... countered into the Rana. Roundhouse Kick from Melina and that gets a two count. Melina gets set on the top rope. Leaping Swinging X-Factor from Melina. CODE RED ... blocked. Kick to the head from Cool and that gets a two count. FAITH BREAKER FROM COOL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

They got a good amount of time to do something with this match and they used it quite well. Melina is way under-rated. McCool isn't horrible which meant that Melina could work around what limits she had by bumping like a maniac and selling the leg like it was broken. **1/4

CM Punk © vs. Jeff Hardy - World Heavyweight Championship

It was around this time that CM Punk's more arrogant and mean streak was slowly but surely finding it's way to the surface. Certain fueds make elevate wrestlers properly and it was the Jeff Hardy fued that did it for CM Punk. Strong mixed reaction for Punk as he gets introduced. Lockup and into the corner they go. Punk has some words for Punk. Lockup and a Headlock from Hardy and Punk gets one of his own. Punk into the ropes and he charges down Hardy. Waistlock reversals now from both men and Punk gets a Hammerlock. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock from Hardy. Hardy into the ropes but he manages to hold onto the Headlock. Punk with a Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock of his own. Punk into the ropes and he charges down Hardy. Punk looks for the Go 2 Sleep and Hardy counters. Twist of Fate and then Punk escapes, but he is sent over the top to the floor. PESCADO FROM HARDY !!! Punk is against the barrier. POETRY IN MOTION WITH THE STEPS ... HITS NOTHING BUT BARRIER !!! Hardy beats the count back in and Punk gets a two count. Kicks to the back from Punk. Head Scissors from Punk. Punk lets it go and gets a two count. I HATE when people put a submission on and then let it go. Backbreaker from Punk and that gets another two count for the champ. Another Head Scissors from Punk. Hardy gets into the bottom rope. At least Punk actually held onto the move this time. Body Slam and then he heads to the middle buckle. Leg Drop misses it's target. Punk misses a charge. WHISPER IN THE WIND FROM HARDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Hardy into the ropes and he lands some Clotheslines. Inverted Bulldog. Manhattan Drop and then he lands the Low Leg Drop and then the Seated Dropkick gets a two count. Sitdown Front Suplex from Hardy and then he heads for the top rope. Punk rolls to the floor so Hardy catches him out there with a Clothesline. Dropkick sends Punk into the corner. Swinging Dropkick in the corner but Punk catches him. Hardy escapes. BRUTAL KICK TO THE HEAD !!! High Knee and a Bulldog from Punk and that gets a two count. Kicks to the legs and body from Punk. TWIST OF FATE OUT OF NOWHERE FROM HARDY !!! SWANTON BOMB ... MISSES !!! Punk simply sits up to escape that one. Awesome. GTS ... SMALL PACKAGE FROM HARDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Kick to the head from Punk. TWIST OF FATE FROM HARDY !!! SWANTON BOMB FROM HARDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... FOOT UNDER THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! The audience is NOT happy with that. TWIST OF FATE ... COUNTERED TO THE GTS ... Hardy goes to the eye with an elbow and Punk says he's hurt. PUNK LAYS OUT THE REFEREE !!! DQ !!!

This match was all about CM Punk's character more than anything else. The entire match played out like a heel turn for CM Punk, as he got more and more cocky, and he showed some aggressive attitude when Hardy got lucky with a few nearfalls. He then decided to take the cheap way out by feigning injury and then laying out the referee saying that it wasn't deliberate. Not a great match but that was never the point. **1/2

The Miz vs. John Cena

Miz runs into an Arm Drag and then Cena stomps on the arm. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock from Cena. Cena into the ropes and Miz gets charged down again. Miz with a leapfrog, but Cena hits the breaks and gets another Headlock. Into the corner they go. Headlock from Miz. Miz into the ropes and a Hiptoss from Cena and then into the ropes. He kicks Cena and Cena just shakes his head. Cena then chases Miz and runs right into stomps and right hands. Neck Snap over the top rope and a good portion of the audience liked that. Right hands and a kick from Miz and he's not happy with the referee getting involved. Miz Clothesline in the corner and then he heads for the top rope. Double Axe Handle across the back of the head and that gets a two count. Snap Suplex from Miz and that gets a two count. Kick to the head and then he sends Cena into the corner and hits a Clothesline and that gets a two count. Knees to the back and then a Basement Dropkick sends Cena to the floor. Miz goes to the floor to meet him and sends him back into the ring for a two count. Left hands from Miz and then Cena comes back with rights and lefts. Miz sends Cena into the ropes and he lands the Flying Shoulder Block. PROTOBOMB FROM CENA !!! FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE FROM CENA !!! ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT !!! STF FROM CENA !!! MIZ TAPS !!!

That was a massive disappointment. The Miz was making a bit of a star of himself on RAW with his promos and this was an oppertunity to capitalize. I'm not suggesting that Cena should have lost the match, but The Miz should have given Cena a PPV caliber match instead of just being involved in an extended squash match. It was basically treated as a heat killer for The Miz, but he was so good after this point that it didn't matter. *

Randy Orton © vs. Triple H, Three Stages of Hell Match - WWE Championship

Fall One : This match is going to be a nightmare to get through, but f**k it, I'm hardcore. I'll tough it out. HHH gets the match going with a beatdown in the corner and the referee tells HHH to knock it off. Orton into the corner and HHH runs into a boot. Orton to the floor where HHH pulls him face first into the ringpost. Suplex from HHH in the ring and that gets a two count. Orton into the ropes and he kicks HHH and then he walks into a boot. Orton then with a pair of chop blocks and they go to the injured leg of HHH. Orton then rams the knee of HHH into the ringpost. HHH comes back with a right hand, so Orton puts the leg over the middle rope and lands a series of right hands. Kicks to the leg from Orton again. Knee Drop to the leg from Orton. RKO ... missed. Spinebuster from HHH. Orton Backbreaker and HHH falls to the floor. Orton tries to keep HHH on the floor. CHAIR TO THE HEAD FROM HHH !!! DQ !!!

Fall Two : CHAIR TO THE HEAD AGAIN !!! It's 1-0 to Orton. Chair shots across the back and this is some major brutality between these two guys. The referee is having a go at HHH. "What is wrong with you ?". I dunno. Maybe his father in law, wife, brother in law have all been seriously injured by Randy Orton. PEDIGREE ON THE FLOOR FROM HHH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Fall Three : Why could this match not just be a stretcher match ? It seemed like that was the only real way out of the match anyways. HHH puts Orton on the stretcher and then pushes him towards the finish line. They get to the top of the ramp and Orton gets off and kicks the stretcher into the knee of HHH. Appears he was playing possum. The stretcher nails HHH in the back of the head on the way down the ramp. HHH tries to fight back, but Orton drops him balls first on the barrier and then kicks him into the front row, much to the amsuement of the fans. We now have some crowd brawling going on. Head first into the electrical equipment goes HHH and then some right hands from Orton. HHH and Orton do battle through the crowd and end up back at the ringside area. More right hands there too. Orton takes the protective covering off of some of the barrier and sends HHH into it. He then smacks HHH over the back with the hard end. Back Drop Suplex on the railing. HHH is sent into the steps. The steps are now sent into the ring and Orton gets sent into them face first with a Drop Toe Hold. STEPS TO THE HEAD OF ORTON !!! HHH then drags Orton to the floor and puts him on the stretcher. HHH is now pushing the stretcher towards the finishing line. Orton is stirring and he manages to make a fight back. HHH brawl on the stretcher while it runs down the ramp and crashes into the barrier. HANGING DDT OFF OF THE STRETCHER ONTO THE RAMP !!! THE PUNT ... misses. PEDIGREE ... countered to a Back Body Drop onto the stretcher. HHH is getting pushed up the ramp. They get to the top but HHH gets off of the stretcher just in time. RKO ... blocked. PEDIGREE ON THE STAGE FROM HHH !!! That has to be the end surely. Cody Rhodes runs out and saves Randy Orton. Rhodes gets whipped into the entrance setup. Dibiase then appears and Legacy with a beatdown. HHH with a fightback. HHH then unloads with sledgehammer shots. Low blow from Orton. ORTON WINS !!!

Not as boring as the Wrestlemania main event thanks to the No DQ rules of the last two falls, but this was still boring. There was no drama to the match as these two have seemingly lost the chemistry that they had when they battled for the title when Orton had it as a heel. Can't fault them for effort though and they seemed determined to get through any shortcoming through effort alone, but they didn't have enough. **1/2

The show got off to a good start with an entertaining scramble and then a contender for Match of 2010, but then it just crumbled and stumbled towards it's conclusion from there.

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WWE Night of Champions 2009

I can always remember this one as being the CM Punk show. I can't for the life of me remember if there was anything else on this show that was worth noting that didn't have CM Punk in it. Right away I'm met with an awesome theme tune to open the show, so hey, can only go downhill from here. Oh, and this show features a godly bit of commentary that has stuck in my mind ever since because it reminded me of the Heyman/JR combo.

Grisham : "Since when does Maria like bad boys ?"

JR : "Do I look like People magazine ? Why would I care ?"


Maryse also got bitched by The Miz later on. Everyone's a winner !

Chris Jericho and The Big Show © vs. Legacy - Unified Tag Team Championships ( **1/2 )

Tommy Dreamer © vs. Christian - ECW Championship ( **3/4 )

Kofi Kingston © vs. Jack Swagger vs. Carlito vs. The Miz vs. Primo vs. MVP, Six Pack Challenge - WWE United States Championship ( **1/2 )

Michelle McCool © vs. Melina - WWE Women's Championship ( ** )

Randy Orton © vs. John Cena vs. Triple H, WWE Championship ( ***3/4 )

Maryse © vs. Mickie James - WWE Diva's Championship ( DUD )

Rey Mysterio © vs. Dolph Ziggler - WWE Intercontinental Championship ( * )

CM Punk © vs. Jeff Hardy - World Heavyweight Championship ( ****1/4 )

Chris Jericho and The Big Show © vs. Legacy - Unified Tag Team Championships

Normally heel vs. heel matches can be a bit of a chore, but the audience for this one decided pretty heavily that The Big Show and Chris Jericho were the fan favourites. I'm not sure what that says about Legacy to be honest. Show and Rhodes are gonna get this match started. Show goes for the big slap and Rhodes gets out of the corner. He can't avoid the second slap though and then a right hand to the stomach. HUUUGE Hiptoss from Show and Rhodes gets out of the ring. Throat snap over the top rope from Rhodes and in comes Dibiase and he hits some right hands but he runs right into a Shoulder Tackle. Into the corner where Show works the body. Jericho gets whipped into Dibiase. Dibiase into the ropes and he runs right into a Back Elbow from Jericho. Jericho sends Dibiase face first into the boot of Show. Show then with a right hand to the stomach. Headbutt from Show. Show drops Jericho on Dibiase with a Gorilla Press Slam and that gets a two count. It was slightly botched and that gets the boos of the crowd. Rhodes is tagged into the match and he gets an Arm Ringer. Rhodes is whipped into an elbow to the back from Show. Kick to the stomach from Jericho. Dibiase pulls the top rope down and Jericho goes over the top rope. Rhodes goes out and sends Jericho into the apron and then into the ring they go. Dibiase back into the ring and he stomps on the stomach as does Rhodes. Rhodes back into the ring. High/Low from Legacy and that gets a two count. Right hand from Rhodes and then elbow to the back of the head from Rhodes. Jericho into the corner hard, and this is when the audience gets right behind Jericho. Cravat from Rhodes. Normally it's just the smarks, but this audience is clearly right behind Jericho here. Jericho with a big right hand. Dibiase tags back into the match. Into the corner goes Jericho and Rhodes misses a charge. Forearms from both Rhodes and Jericho here. Jericho runs into a boot. MOONSAULT PRESS FROM RHODES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! That was beautiful. Enziguri from Jericho. Powerslam from Dibiase and that gets a two count. Kick to the face from Dibiase and that gets a two count. WALLS OF JERICHO ATTEMPT FROM JERICHO ... Dibiase manages to escape. DREAM STREET ... Jericho escapes. WALLS OF JERICHO FROM JERICHO IS IN !!! Rhodes manages to distract the Show, who in turn distracts the ref, which allows Rhodes to get into the ring. DDT FROM RHODES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Right hands from Jericho. Show made the blind tag. DOUBLE CHOKESLAM ... Rhodes and Dibiase. SPEAR FROM SHOW TO DIBIASE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... RHODES MAKES THE SAVE !!! Show sends Rhodes out, but he skins the cat. Dropkick to the back and a kick to the knee. CODEBREAKER ON DIBIASE !!! COLOSSAL CLUTCH FROM SHOW !!! TAP OUT !!!

Legacy are awesome at the cut the ring in half tactics, and give it a real feeling of hopelessness for the guys they are facing and I think that is what eventually had the fans really begging for Jericho. It was down to Legacy being that damn good at their job. When The Big Show comes into the match he just completely obliterates the opposition. They'd make an awesome babyface tag team actually. **1/2

Following that match, Josh Matthews is backstage with the World Heavyweight Champion, CM Punk. CM Punk goes on to cut an absolutely sensational promo about being straight edge, with the basic premise being "Just Say Yes" to a straight edge lifestyle. It's probably better than the best promos the guy cut in ROH and a real PPV highlight.

Tommy Dreamer © vs. Christian - ECW Championship

"Listen to the ovation from the WWE universe !"

f**k up Striker. Nobody in that arena gives a shit about Tommy Dreamer outside some fat geeks that thinks he's still relevant 10 years after he was last relevant. Lockup and into the corner. Both men slap each other. Dreamer into the ropes and he charges down Christian. Arm Ringer Takedown from both men and Christian gets the advantage from that. Christian into the ropes and under Dreamer and he lands a Spinning Heel Kick for a two count. Christian into the corner and he lands a kick. Dreamer catches his swinging kick though and hits a Neckbreaker and that gets a two count. Right hands from Christian and then a Leaping European Uppercut. Dreamer to the apron. Christian runs into a shoulder block and then Dreamer tries to Suplex him to the floor. Christian slides under neath him and then runs into the ring and lands a big Baseball Slide. SPRINGBOARD PLANCHA FROM CHRISTIAN ... MISSES !!! Dreamer with the Cannonball off of the apron. Back into the ring they go. That gets a two count. Running Powerslam from Dreamer and that gets a two count. Right hand from Christian and then he sweeps Dreamer off of the middle buckle. Snapmare and then a kick to the back from Christian. Dreamer makes a comeback but then Christian goes for the Killswitch. He avoids a Back Drop Suplex and puts in the Sleeper Hold, so Dreamer just drops Christian backwards. Sleeper Hold from Christian again. Dreamer sends both men crashing over the top rope. Back into the ring and Christian heads for the top rope and jumps into a right hand. Christian into the ropes and he runs into a Flapjack and that gets a two count. Christian now set on the top rope and he's put in the Tree of Woe. Tree of Woe Dropkick from Dreamer. DREAMER DDT ... countered. Sky High from Dreamer gets a two count. Reverse DDT from Christian gets a two count. Missile Dropkick off of the second buckle from Christian and then tries a top rope one. THE TEXAS CLOVERLEAF FROM DREAMER !!! Christian rolls out of the move and lands a couple of right hands. Catapult sends Christian face first into the top rope. Sunset Flip from Christian and then we have a pinfall exchange. Dreamer misses a charge and catches the swinging kick in the face. Missile Dropkick off the top rope from Christian. KILLSWITCH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This match actually felt like it was going somewhere pretty good when they suddenly decided to cut the legs right off of it. Both guys were exchanging bombs big time right through the match and with an extra five minutes of build, could have been another terrific Christian ECW match. **3/4

Kofi Kingston © vs. Jack Swagger vs. Carlito vs. The Miz vs. Primo vs. MVP, Six Pack Challenge - WWE United States Championship

The Miz gets a STRONG reaction coming out for this. Rather amusing that Primo gets absolutely zero reaction. Everyone has a mammoth brawl to get this one going. One fall to a finish and everyone is legal. Neckbreaker on Primo gets a two count for Miz. Carlito into the ropes and he springboards right into a Back Elbow from Kofi and then in comes Swagger to help Miz beat down Primo. Primo tries a fight back. Headbutt on Miz and then left hands to Swagger. Swagger runs into an elbow and then a Leaping Rana from Primo to Swagger. Springboard Cross Body gets a two count for Primp. Needless cartwheel from Primo and he lands a Dropkick on Miz. Kip Up Rana from Kofi to Primo. DOCTOR BOMB FROM SWAGGER TO PRIMO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... CARLITO !!! Carlito tries that spring again and gets sent over the top rope. Belly 2 Belly Suplex from MVP to Swagger. MVP then gets launched into the railing. Miz and Kofi are doing interesting stuff in the ring but apparently not interesting enough to watch. SPRINGBOARD SOMERSAULT PLANCHA FROM CARLITO TO MVP !!! Kofi and Swagger in the ring. Missile Dropkick off the top from Kofi. BOOM DROP FROM KOFI !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Clothesline from Miz. He then lands his Clothesline in the corner on Swagger and goes to the top and gets stopped by Primo. TOWER OF DOOM SPOT WITH SWAGGER POWERBOMBING PRIMO, MIZ AND KOFI !!! Carlito with a Dropkick on Kofi and that gets a two count. Neck Snap over the top rope from MVP to Carlito. Right hands from MVP to Miz but that doesn't end well. Carlito and Primo collide in the middle of the ring with a Cross Body Block. Swagger misses a charge. Big Takedown from Swagger. Miz is dumped over the top rope. We're left with Kofi and Carlito in the ring now. Loads of pinfalls between Carlito, Kofi and Primo and then Swagger comes back into the match. Swagger with a Double Clothesline. Knee 2 Face from MVP. THE BALLIN' ELBOW DROP !!! Miz now into the ring. PLAYMAKER/SKULL CRUSHING FINALE COMBO !!! MIZ COVERS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... CARLITO MAKES THE SAVE !!! BACKSTABBER ON PRIMO !!! TROUBLE IN PARADISE ON CARLITO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

I see that WWE were trying to have Kofi Kingston as some guy fighting against the odds, but the problem is that he was never booked as such. There were five guys in the match with him and they didn't ever team against him. Infact, he just sneaked in at the end of this one under the nose of everyone and stole the pin. The match had loads of action but there was too much "nothing" going on at times. **1/2

Michelle McCool © vs. Melina - WWE Women's Championship

Cool attacks before the bell on the entrance. Spear from Melina and this looks like it might be a wee bit physical. Arm Drag and an Arm Bar from Melina. Elbows to the face from Melina and then Cool into the corner. Spinning Heel Kick and then loads of kicks to the face. Cool tries to get out of the path of Melina and then a Dropkick from Melina. Forearm from Melina and she hits the ropes. Tilt-a-Whirl into a Roundhouse Kick from Melina. She tries to drop her weight across the back of the head of Cool. RUNNING KNEE TO THE HEAD FROM MCCOOL !!! Back into the ring and that gets a two count. Half Crab from Cool. Cool lets go and sends Melina to the floor again. Cool misses a big kick. Both women onto the railing now. DDT ON THE BARRIER FROM MCCOOL !!! FUCKING HELL !!! Melina onto the apron and Cool misses a Baseball Slide. Head Scissors on the floor from Melina and then she kicks Cool down. Leaping Swinging X-Factor off of the apron from Melina. Back into the ring they go. Huge kick from Cool changes the momentum of the match yet again. Drop Toe Hold from Melina and then she lands knees to the back of the head. Into the corner. Melina hits her brutal double knees in there. Spinning Heel Kick and that gets a two count for Melina. Belly 2 Belly Suplex gets a two count for Cool. Melina with a Flying Thesz Press but Cool reverses for the three count.

This was a very physical match between these two ladies. They just went out there and flung badass moves out there and made their usual moves look like death. No complaints. **

Randy Orton © vs. John Cena vs. Triple H, WWE Championship

These three guys had a decent enough triple threat match. If they can at least even that they'll be doing well here. Orton weasels his way out of the ring right off the bat. He doesn't want any of that shit. HHH and Cena head for the floor and decide to corner Orton. Orton runs into the ring and he is followed in there by Cena and HHH. HHH with right hands on Orton and he sends the champ to the ropes. Orton heads for the floor and Cena catches him with a Clothesline. Back into the ring goes Orton and HHH beats him down in the corner. HHH into the corner and Orton runs into a boot and Cena nails a Bulldog. Right hands from Cena and HHH. Orton rolls to the floor again. Cena decides to be the one going on the chase while HHH sort of just slowly makes his way back there. Right hands on the aisle from HHH. Back into the ring they go. Orton then sends Cena flying off of the apron into HHH. Into the ring they go. Orton with right hands on Cena. Rake to the face with the boot from Orton to Cena. The fans get right behind Cena here. Right hands from Orton and then he stomps on the hand. HHH tries to get back into the match and Orton kicks him out of the ring. Cena into the ropes and he charges down Orton with Shoulder Charges. PROTOBOMB FROM CENA !!! THE FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE !!! ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ... HHH hits the ring and stops that from happening and sends Cena into the ringpost. Orton with a Clothesline to HHH and that gets a two count. Stomps in the corner from Orton and then he chokes with the boot. Standing Dropkick from Orton gets a two count. HHH fights out of a Chinlock and then we have an exchange of right hands. Powerslam from Orton. RKO ... blocked. HHH with a DDT. Cena to the top rope now and he takes both men down with the Fameasser. Of course, he only got Orton. Why did WWE think that was a good idea for a spot ? Right hands from Cena to Orton. Orton Backbreaker on Cena. PEDIGREE ... HHH is sent over the top rope to the floor. HANGING DDT FROM ORTON TO BOTH CENA AND HHH ... Cena and HHH send Orton over the top rope to the floor. We now have Cena and HHH facing off. HHH and Cena now exchange big right hands to massive "Boo ! Yeah !" reactions. HHH gets the better of the exchange. Flying Shoulder Blocks from Cena to take control of the match but he then runs into the High Knee. Knee 2 Face from HHH and then he runs into a Flipping Ace Crusher from Cena. ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ... countered. Series of counters. Spinebuster from HHH ends that exchange. PEDIGREE FROM HHH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... ORTON PULLS HHH OUT !!! HHH gets whipped into the steps and then Orton readies the Smackdown announce table for some action. Head first into the RAW announce table and then the Smackdown one. Onto the Smackdown one they go. Cena gets involved in this and then sends Orton into the front row. STF ON THE ANNOUNCE TABLE FROM CENA !!! Orton then breaks the move. Orton and Cena into the ring and there's another exchange of right hands. Orton with a kick to the face. Orton is now looking at Cena with a far away look. RKO ... blocked. HHH is still out on the announce table. Orton is set on the top rope. HHH into the ring. HHH is catapulted into Orton when he tries a move. STF FROM CENA !!! ORTON WITH THE PUNT ... CENA SAVES HHH !!! CENA WITH A SCHOOL BOY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Clothesline from Orton to Cena. The crowd went NUCLEAR there. Orton has his sights set on both men. Why does he not just go for the Punt again ? Orton just stomps away at both men. Knee Drop from Orton and then a stomp to the back of the head. Knee Drop from HHH across the back of the leg of Orton and Cena with a Protobomb again. Five Knuckle Shuffle again and HHH pulls down the top rope sending Cena tumbling over. SHARPSHOOTER FROM HHH TO ORTON !!! CENA ADDS A CRIPPLER CROSSFACE ... ORTON TAPS !!! The problem is that both HHH and Cena had the move and the referee doesn't call it. Legacy hit the ring at that point. Orton doesn't know what part of the body to sell so chooses to just writhe in pain. Good call. RKO FROM ORTON TO CENA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

A lot of people didn't like that tap out with the referee doing nothing, but you've got to think, what SHOULD a referee do there. The referee might well have made the right call, although he could have gone down the Breakdown road. I remember watching that at the time and thinking "poor fucker" about the referee. The match was built like an epic and worked on many levels, but the spots to eliminate one man so as the other two could face off were quite weak, and the ending was too goofy. Good stuff here though. ***3/4

The Miz and Maryse have this weirdly awesome backstage segment. "You butchered it, just like you butcher the English language every time you open your mouth." :lol: That is fucking brilliant.

Maryse © vs. Mickie James - WWE Diva's Championship

Maryse ducks a right hand and then dances around in celebration and laughs at Mickie. Lockup and against the ropes. Mickie tries to chese Maryse and the referee stops that. Maryse taunts Mickie and she might be looking to force a DQ here. Kick to the stomach from Maryse and then forearms. Mickie into the ropes and she ducks a kick. Snapmare and then a Dropkick from Mickie and that gets a two count. Mickie into the corner and Maryse runs into a boot. Swinging Rana is blocked by Maryse but then Mickie jumps right into a kick to the head. Stomp to the side from Maryse and then she sends Mickie face first into the canvas. Knee to the head from Maryse and that gets a two count. Camel Clutch from Maryse. Mickie fights out of the move and then Maryse sends Mickie to the floor. Into the ring they go and Maryse heads under the ring and she has some hairspray. Spin Kick from Mickie and now she has the can. The referee takes it from her. Thesz Press on the floor from Mickie. Maryse gets charged into the apron and then into the ring they go. Mickie heads for the top rope. Thesz Press misses. Maryse gets a two count from that. Right hands from Maryse and then a Camel Clutch. Mickie battles out and then drops Maryse down. Mickie slams the face of Maryse down into the canvas and lands a running forearm. Neckbreaker from Mickie. Rana from Mickie. School Boy gets a one count for Maryse. DDT from Mickie and that gets a three.

This match is just a terrible chore to get through. It was as if they realised the audience didn't care so they decided they weren't going to care either. They looked fed up. DUD

Rey Mysterio © vs. Dolph Ziggler - WWE Intercontinental Championship

Ziggler has Maria at ringside. Good. More useless bints. All this show lacks is Jillian singing. Infact, that can be amusing. Lockup and into the corner where Ziggler with a wee bullying push. Ziggler's trunks are disgusting. Dropkick and that gets a two count. Rey with a go behind and he gets a School Boy for a two count. Headlock from Ziggler and then he charges down Rey. Chinlock then from Ziggler. It's at this point that JR busts out his People magazine quote. That is brilliant. Rey into the ropes and he hits a really shifty Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors and then he sends Ziggler into the corner. BUCKLE BOMB FROM ZIGGLER !!! That gets a two count for the challenger. Stomp to the back of the head. I like how they haven't took needless buckle bumps from that move, even in ROH, for yonks. Two count comes from an Irish Whip into the buckles and then Ziggler adds some more Chinlock. Rey with a Head Scissor sends Ziggler into the ringpost and that gives him an avenue back into the match. Springboard Seated Senton from Rey and then a Springboard Cross Body gets a two count. Both men now with counters and Ziggler is sent to the floor. Running Seated Senton from Rey. He heads for the top rope and Ziggler catches him. Rey into the ropes and into a kick. Rana sends Ziggler into the middle rope. 619 ... avoided. Ziggler bounces Rey to the floor under the bottom rope like everyone does. That gets a two count when they get back in the ring. Chinlock again from Ziggler. Full Nelson from Ziggler and then Rey escapes from that. Rey runs into a Powerslam and that gets a two count as the audience is being lost badly here. Sweat wipe Elbow Drop gets a two count for Ziggler. Forearms from Rey and then Ziggler goes back to the Full Nelson. Rey gets under Ziggler, but he goes back to the Full Nelson. We then have a pinfall exchange from the two men. Kick to the head from Rey and that gets a two count. Bareback from Ziggler gets a two count. Right hands from Ziggler in the corner. Rey into the corner and he gets a Drop Toe Hold. Rey onto the apron and to the top rope. He jumps right into a Dropkick and that gets a two count. Stomps to the back from Ziggler. Rey kicks Ziggler into the corner head over heels. Ziggler set on the top rope. SUPER GUTBUSTER FROM ZIGGLER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Shades of Dean Malenko there with that move. Body Slam is avoided by Rey. Enziguri sends Ziggler into the middle rope. 619 ... SPRINGBOARD SPLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

What was with Ziggler here ? He started with all fire and intensity and it was like it was sucked from him by that monster that was in that Buffy episode "Doublemeat Palace". He opted for Chinlocks and boredom from that point onwards. This was an awful placement for this match anyways, coming after a terrible match before it and being a placeholder before the main event. Bizarre placing, bizarre quality for a bizarrely poor match. *

CM Punk © vs. Jeff Hardy - World Heavyweight Championship

With the heel/face alignment firmly set between these two guys, they could finally go out and completely steal the show with a cracking match rather than the character building exercise that they had the last time out. They circle and then lockup and Punk with a kick to the leg. Kick to the leg again from Hardy. Lockup and a Headlock from Punk. Hammerlock from Punk and he does some good schooling of Hardy and he seems quite proud of himself. Headlock from Punk. Hardy with a fight back and then he sends Punk into the ropes and gets charged down. Hiptoss blocked and Punk tries for the GTS. Hardy tries for Twist of Fate but settles for a pair of Clotheslines. Shoulder Blocks in the corner from Hardy and then he gets whipped hard into the corner. Sunset Flip gets a two count for Punk and then he goes to a Chinlock. The fans are right into Hardy here. There's a small fanbase behind CM Punk here. Punk ducks a Cross Body and Hardy ends up on the floor. SUICIDE DIVE FROM PUNK ... MISSES !!! Into the ring and Hardy gets a two count. Neckbreaker from Hardy and then he heads for the top rope. Punk rolls to the floor. PLANCHA FROM HARDY ... HITS NOTHING BUT BARRIER !!! Hardy beats the count. Punk gets a two count. Kicks to the back from Punk. Hardy into the corner. Punk has Hardy's shoulders down and then he goes for the Bow and Arrow Hold. Hardy finds his way into a pinning predicament and gets a two count. Forearm to the back from Hardy and then another. Hardy gets set on the top rope. SITDOWN FRONT SUPLEX OFF OF THE MIDDLE BUCKLE FROM HARDY !!! Punk slaps Hardy and both men now unload on each other. Inverted Bulldog and a pair of Running Forearms. Manhattan Drop followed by the low and then Seated Dropkicks and that gets a two count. WHISPER IN THE WIND ... stopped by Punk. High Knee in the corner and then Punk misses a Bulldog. WHISPER IN THE WIND FROM HARDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Sitdown Front Suplex from Hardy and then he heads for the top rope. SWANTON BOMB FROM HARDY ... MISSES !!! WELCOME TO CHICAGO BACKBREAKER FROM PUNK !!! DRAGON CLUTCH FROM PUNK !!! Hardy fights his way into the bottom rope. Kicks from Punk. He misses the backfist. TWIST OF FATE FROM HARDY !!! SWANTON BOMB FROM HARDY ... HITS THE KNEES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Punk jumps into the shot. GTS FROM PUNK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! HOLY SHIT !!! Amazing that I've seen this match and STILL didn't see that one coming. Punk tries to leave with the gold and Hardy brings him back into the ring. TWIST OF FATE FROM HARDY !!! SWANTON BOMB !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

What a superb match this is, and it's a testament that they basically had the time left tagged on at the end of the show to fill, and they filled it with supremely confident fashion. Jeff Hardy's unorthodox style fits perfectly with Punk's strike based offense. This was the CM Punk show. His arrogance was there for all to see and he just did everything he could to look like a star. ****1/4

You know, this is a much more solid PPV than I remember it being. It has two terrific main events, and it also has the CM Punk promo of a lifetime on it. Most of the rest of the show is okay inoffensive stuff. Probably worth a pickup if you can see it at a decent price.

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