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Mo Wonderboy

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What's the deal with the numbers ?

I don't think it looks that bad to be honest. A bit on the dark side. And naw, I'm naw a racist.

The dates he won his Heavyweght titles maybe? I have no idea how many times he's won the title right enough.

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What's the deal with the numbers ?

I don't think it looks that bad to be honest. A bit on the dark side. And naw, I'm naw a racist.

The date of birth of his kids, it's not too bad I guess must've hurt like hell to get that done in one session

Edit: turns out all his kids initials are AJ too

Edited by RussellV1
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Was that you at the Everton game at Broadwood wearing that top. I did wonder.

No I've not got it, whoever it was is a legend in my book though. I saw someone with a Megadeth t-shirt at the Cowden game and thought that was cool but wrestling tees are above that.

I always wear my Clyde top at games.

Numbers are probably his children's birthdate.

Wikipedia confirms it "the couple have three sons, Ajay Covell Jones (born May 3, 2005), Avery Jones (born February 14, 2007)[4][106] and Albey Jones (born September 15, 2009)"

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The dates he won his Heavyweght titles maybe? I have no idea how many times he's won the title right enough.

He's a three time champ I think but the dates don't quite match up to that. Well, three time NWA and one time TNA champ.

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Inspired by the chat earlier on I've decided to fire up the DVD player and watch some of the PPVs from 2000.

Starting off with No Way Out ... bit of a mixed bag so far with Mark Henry vs Viscera being an obvious lowlight. Still plenty of good stuff to come, though.

Edited by The Naitch
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Assorted ROH Stuff

Guess who gets featued heavily ? Anyroads, loads of awesome looking stuff here. Including an unexpectedly classic match between two shitters.

Adam Pearce © vs. Brent Albright - NWA World Heavyweight Championship - ROH Death Before Dishonor VI ( ****3/4 )

Austin Aries © vs. Bryan Danielson - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH The Final Countdown Tour : Chicago ( ****1/4 )

Nigel McGuinness vs. Bryan Danielson - ROH Survival of the Fittest 2007 ( ***1/2 )

Paul London vs. "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson, 2/3 Falls Match - ROH The Epic Encounter ( ****1/2 )

KENTA © vs. Low Ki - GHC Jr. Heavyweight Championship - ROH Final Battle 2005 ( ****1/4 )

Nigel McGuinness © vs. KENTA - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH 7th Anniversary Show ( ***1/2 )

Nigel McGuinness © vs. Bryan Danielson - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH 6th Anniversary Show ( ****1/2 )

Adam Pearce © vs. Brent Albright - NWA World Heavyweight Championship - ROH Death Before Dishonor VI

This match recieved rave reviews at the time, but it's Albright vs. Pearce. It HAS to be shit. How can these two guys have a great match ? The audience are a little jakked for Albright here. Lockup and they break. Lockup and a Headlock from Albright. Albright into the ropes and he charges down Pearce twice. Hagadorn sweeps Albright and he goes out, but Pearce goes out and we go back into the ring. Backfist from Albright. Pearce does a bit of stalling and then gets back into the ring. Waistlock from Pearce and then he gets an Arm Bar. Albright escapes and gets poked in the eye. Headlock Takedown but Albright doesn't stay down. Some more reversals leads to a Backslide from Albright and then a slap. Into the corner and boots and right hands from Albright. Albright comes out of the corner with a Clothesline and then he lands some jabs. I dunno, but this feels kinda good. Pearce runs the throat of Albright into the top rope. The audience gets WAY behind Albright. Pearce then bites the head. Headbutt from Pearce. Albright is now busted open. Pearce works over Albright. Right hands to the top of the head from Pearce. Albright comes back with right hands, but a Dropkick to the knee from Pearce ends that. Knee Drop from Pearce. Albright sent to the outside. Pearce works on Albright on the floor. The referee comes out to admonish Pearce as he doesn't want it to end on a count out. He actually shouted "THIS ISN'T ENDING ON A COUNT OUT !!!". CATAPULT INTO THE RINGPOST FROM ALBRIGHT !!! Audience LOVES that. Albright gets the timekeeper's table ready. Albright breaks the referee's count. Why is he counting if he doesn't want it to end that way ? Sweeney into the ring with a chair. RODERICK STRONG RUNS IN WITH THE SICK KICK ON SWEENEY !!! ALBRIGHT MANS UP !!! RIGHT HANDS !!! GET FUCKING IN THERE !!! Back Body Drop on Pearce. Right hands to the cut of Pearce. 6-1-KNEE !!! BUTTERFLY KNEES ... COUNTERED TO THE FIGURE FOUR FROM PEARCE !!! PEARCE INTO THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! What's going on here ?!?! This is amazing ! The fans are NUCLEAR for Albright. Albright runs into a Clothesline for a two count. PILEDRIVER COUNTER FROM ALBRIGHT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Powerslam from Albright gets a two count. Crowd are FURIOUS at the ref for not counting faster. This is brilliant ! :lol: HUGE right hand from Pearce. Back Drop Suplex and then he heads for the top rope. BIG SPLASH OFF THE TOP FROM PEARCE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! STF FROM PEARCE !!! MADNESS !!! ALBRIGHT GETS IT INTO THE CROWBAR !!! Pearce into the ropes. PEARCE SENDS ALBRIGHT OFF THE TOP ROPE THROUGH THE RINGSIDE TABLE !!! HOLY SHIT !!! ALBRIGHT BEATS THE COUNT !!! THIS AUDIENCE IS FUCKING NUKED !!! PILEDRIVER FROM PEARCE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTTTTTTTTT !!! WHOA !!! WHOA !!! YAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSS !!! :lol::D This is fucking terrific ! Right hands from Pearce. HALF NELSON SUPLEX ON PEARCE FROM ALBRIGHT !!! HE'S BACK IN IT !!! WHAT A FUCKING EPIC !!! ANOTHER HALF NELSON SUPLEX !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT ?!?!?! WHIT ?!?!?! SHIT !!! This fight continues and Albright and Pearce exchange right hands. ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES FROM ALBRIGHT !!! THE MANHATTAN IS RUMBLING !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! WHAT ?!?!?!?!?! PEARCE IS MADE OF FUCKING LEAD !!! Albright heads for the top rope. SMALL PACKAGE WHEN HE GETS DOWN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE FUCKING CROWBAR !!! PEARCE TAPS !!! THE PLACE GOES FUCKING BANANAS !!! WHAT A FUCKING MATCH !!!

That was absolutely utterly spellbinding stuff. I cannot remember being so emotionally involved in an ROH match ever. I was SCREAMING for Albright to get the win and when he did I lept in the air. As for the match, just a glorious battle here. They went out there and completely surpassed every expectation and provided what must be an all time ROH highlight as far as pure drama goes. ****3/4

Austin Aries © vs. Bryan Danielson - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH The Final Countdown Tour : Chicago

Bryan Danielson's farewell tour sees him, like Paul London and CM Punk before him, get a shot at the championship before heading off into the sunset. After the previous guys losing and winning their shots, this one was fairly unpredictable. These two guys have faced off about 100 times, and the end result is usually that they have a cracker. The fans tell Aries he's gonna get his head kicked in. They shake hands. Lockup and Aries goes behind and takes down Aries and gets a Head Scissors and Aries escapes quickly. Lockup and Aries goes behind and takes down Danielson. Danielson with a quick reversal and Aries heads for the floor. Aries gets back into the ring. They lock hands and we have a Test of Strength. Danielson bridges Aries back and then he powers back up and does the same to Danielson. Aries tries to knee Danielson down and can't. Monkey Flips from both men and they hold onto the Test of Strength. Danielson sent into the ropes and then a pair of Arm Drags and an Arm Bar from Aries. Arm Ringer from Aries. Danielson rolls through but then gets taken down to the canvas. Danielson with an escape to a Dropkick. European Uppercut and then a Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock from Danielson. Danielson picks Aries up and tries for the Airplane Spin and then Aries escapes and goes to the Mexican Surfboard, but that gets reversed. Danielson into the ropes and he charges down Aries. LOVELY Drop Toe Hold bringing Aries down to the canvas and then the Mexican Surfboard from Danielson. Danielson then adds a Chinlock to this. He then starts ripping at the face and the referee wants a break. Headbutt from Danielson and then the Arm Breaker from Danielson. He stomps on the elbow of Aries. Aries tries to make a comeback, but Danielson takes down Aries and works on the arms. Danielson gets a nearfall from that. Man, that looked painful. Backed into the corner and Aries with a cheap shot. Forearm from Aries and then Danielson with European Uppercuts. Aries gets set on the top rope. Aries sends Danielson off the top rope to the floor. Double Axe Handle off the top rope to the floor from Aries. Shades of Randy Savage ! Aries with an chop and then back into the ring. Slingshot Senton from Aries and that gets a two count. Forearms from both men. Danielson gets the better of that, but then Aries lands a Dropkick to get a two count. Aries then locks in the Stump Puller. That gets a two count for Aries. Chris Hero is on commentary. Face Rake with the boots from Aries and then he kicks the back for a two count. Choke with the boot from Aries and then he continues this. Aries : "I have till five referee !". Aries with a Slingshot Forearm and then the fight heads for the floor where Aries lands some knees. Back into the ring they go again and that gets a two count for Aries. The fans have a duelling chant. Punches to the stomach and then a double axe handle from Aries. Danielson flips over Aries and then lands a big Clothesline. Kicks to the side from Danielson and then a knee to the stomach. Kick to the back from Danielson. Danielson with a European Uppercut and then into the corner goes Aries. Running Forearm and then the Judo DDT. Danielson heads for the top rope. FLYING HEADBUTT FROM DANIELSON ... avoided. Danielson jumps off the top rope anyways and goes right into a Dropkick from Aries. Shinbreaker/Back Drop Driver combo is avoided by Danielson and he lands a Flying Knee for a two count. Cattle Mutilation attempt is blocked by Aries and he sends Danielson to the floor. THE HEAT SEEKING MISSILE ... RIGHT INTO A KNEE FROM DANIELSON !!! Both men are battling on the apron now. IED ON THE APRON FROM ARIES !!! Back into the ring they go and that gets a two count. Danielson is set on the top rope now. SUPERPLEX ... blocked by Danielson. Aries sent into the middle of the ring. Sunset Flip off the top gets a two count. Backslide gets a two count. German Suplex attempt is blocked. Danielson sends Aries to the floor to counter a Waistlock. Baseball Slide sends Aries into the front row. HUUUUGE SPRINGBOARD PLANCHA OFF THE TOP ROPE FROM DANIELSON TO ARIES IN THE CROWD !!! Back to the ringside area they go and then into the ring. Danielson heads for the top rope again. Top Rope Dropkick from Danielson and the audience is fired up. Danielson into the ropes and the Flying Knee gets a two count. CATTLE MUTILATION FROM DANIELSON !!! Aries bridges out of the move. LAST CHANCERY FROM ARIES !!! DANIELSON COUNTERS TO THE MMA ELBOWS !!! ARIES COUNTERS WITH THE KNEES TO THE HEAD !!! ELBOWS FROM DANIELSON AGAIN !!! CATTLE MUTILATION FROM DANIELSON ... COUNTERED TO A PIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Both men now exchange chops. "Boo ! Yeah !". Forearms from Aries and he misses a Discus Lariat. They collide in the middle of the ring with a Cross Body Block each. IED ... RIGHT INTO A KICK IN THE FACE FROM DANIELSON !!! WHOA !!! Danielson now sets Aries on the top rope. TOP ROPE BACK DROP SUPLEX FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! THE HEAD KICKS FROM DANIELSON INTO THE TRIANGLE CHOKE !!! ARIES GETS TO THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! REGAL PLEX ... Aries fights out. Shin Breaker/Back Drop Suplex combo from Aries. IED !!! BRAINBUSTER FROM ARIES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Aries heads for the top rope. 450 SPLASH ... RIGHT INTO THE TRIANGLE CHOKE FROM DANIELSON !!! WOW !!! Aries escapes. KICK TO THE HEAD FROM ARIES !!! BRAINBUSTER ... COUNTERED TO THE SMALL PACKAGE FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! ROARING ELBOW ... countered. KICK TO THE HEAD !!! IED !!! Aries now has Danielson set on the top. SUPER BRAINBUSTER FROM ARIES !!! THE LAST CHANCERY FROM ARIES !!! DANIELSON IS OUT !!! IT'S OVER !!!

This match was technically terrific, but it was almost the polar opposite of the last match I watched when it came to reactions and heat. They have wrestled so many times over the years, and this match was like a showcase of what these guys can do, rather than an attempt at a fresh and brilliant match. This is what stops it heading into the category of truly amazing. It's still worthy of a good rating though. ****1/4

Nigel McGuinness vs. Bryan Danielson - ROH Survival of the Fittest 2007

This is a rather odd looking wee venue. They lock hands and then they break. Against the ropes they go and we have a clean break. Nigel rolls through and gets the hand of Danielson. Nigel with a takedown and Danielson with a good escape to the Dropkick. Danielson goes behind and then Nigel takes him down and goes back to the Wristlock. Danielson manages to escape from that and he locks in a Dragon Sleeper. Nigel with an escape and he goes to the legs. Danielson with the escape and then he says "No ropes needed !". Niiiice. Lockup and a Headlock from Nigel. Nigel into the ropes and he charges down Danielson. Nigel then has some words for Danielson. Lockup and Nigel with the takedown. He works on the knee of Danielson, but Danielson with a takedown and he works on the leg himself. Nigel decides to try and kick his way out of trouble and ends up going to the Cross Armbreaker, and Danielson gets into the bottom rope. The fans don't like that as he used the ropes to escape the move. Danielson goes to the legs and then adds a Facelock to that. Right across the nose of Nigel there. Nigel uses the bottom rope to escape from the move. Danielson seems quite happy with the way that this is going. Danielson with a BRUTAL kick to the back of the leg and then he brings Nigel to the ropes and drops his weight on the leg of Nigel. Danielson continues to do damage to the leg of Nigel. Nigel tries to come back with a chop and Danielson catches him with a European Uppercut. Running Butt Drop to the leg of Nigel. Ouch ! Leg Snap from Danielson. He is definately zeroing in on that leg. Danielson then stretches the leg around the middle rope and then lands a hard kick to it. Another kick to the leg from Danielson. Running Dropkick to the knee from Danielson and the audience are right into this. Nigel attempts a fight back and lands a European Uppercut and then an Arm Ringer Drop. He slams the arm into the canvas and then lands a kick to the back. Leg Drop on the arm and then he has some sort of Arm Scissors in. Short Arm Scissors and then he locks a submission. Nigel then has both arms stretched behind his back. Nigel breaks that and goes to the Hammerlock and then locks the arm with the legs. Danielson tries to fight off Nigel, but Nigel grabs the arm and stretches it in VILE fashion. Half Crab then follows that from Danielson and Nigel gets into the ropes quickly. Danielson works the legs and then goes with the Bow and Arrow Hold. Danielson drops his weight on the leg of Nigel again. Muta Lock then follows that for Danielson. Nigel escapes and locks in a submission on the arms that he had earlier. What's with all the screaming selling from the two guys in this match ? It's distracting, and not in a good way. Danielson with a takedown and Nigel with a kick to the head. Danielson with a kick to the back, almost out of anger more than anything else. Kicks to the chest from Danielson. Takedown and then the Figure Four Leglock from Danielson. Slap to the face while he has that, so Nigel hits back. That isn't enough to break the hold, but he does manage to annoy Danielson somewhat. Probably not the best idea there Nige'. Nigel reverses the pressure and Danielson gets into the bottom rope. Kicks to the leg from Danielson and then they exchange uppercuts. Nigel gets the better of that. Running European Uppercut. Northern Lariat from Nigel gets a two count. Danielson gets set on the top rope. TOWER OF LONDON ... COUNTERED TO CATTLE MUTILATION ... countered to the Hammerlock Divorce Court for a two count. Danielson goes to the Half Crab. Judo DDT from Danielson and we know what surely will be coming next. THE FLYING HEADBUTT FROM DANIELSON ... RIGHT INTO THE BOOT OF NIGEL !!! Danielson gets a Leg Grapevine, but Nigel escapes and lands a Back Drop Suplex. Danielson runs into the headstand Mule Kick. Nigel runs into a boot and then Danielson lands the Flying Kick. European Uppercuts from both men. CATTLE MUTILATION !!! Nigel gets into the bottom rope. SUPER BACK DROP SUPLEX FROM DANIELSON ... Nigel blocks. TOWER OF LONDON ... the bell rings.

This match was awfully two sided, almost to a fault. It wasn't untill the final portion of the match that the injuries were properly sold. They were working on the leg and the arm of each other right from word go and they appeared to forget about the work for the majority of it. I don't think they wanted to steal the show since it was the last match before the Survival match, so that makes sense. There is lots to like about this match. Especially the desperation when they realise that there isn't long to go. ***1/2

Paul London vs. "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson, 2/3 Falls Match - ROH The Epic Encounter

Fall One : This is what I'm talking about ! Danielson was sort of getting better by this point. He was always good, but the character started to shine through. As for the match itself, it's known as one of the early ROH classics. This is the first time I've seen it in years. The fans are behind the action early. They lockup and that was brutal. They lock hands and they go against the ropes. London gets a Head Scissors while they hold hands. Danielson looks for a Boston Crab but London gets away and that's a stalemate. Waistlock from London and Danielson goes to the arm and then gets a Head Scissors. London gets into the ropes where Danielson decides to chop him. Both men fake slaps and then Danielson fakes a handshake and there's some major league mind games. London seems to appreciate Danielson's efforts. Hammerlock from Danielson. London goes to the apron to escape from that. Lockup again and London goes to the Arm Ringer. Dragon to the apron and he wraps the arm around the middle rope and then lands a Dropkick. That is a really cool escape there. Drop Toe Hold from Danielson and then he goes to the Camel Clutch. Danielson then goes to the Front Facelock. Cravat then follows that from Danielson. London escapes and gets the Full Nelson and Danielson gets into the ropes. Lockup yet again and a Headlock from London and then the Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock. Danielson tries to get a pin to reverse and sends London into the ropes. Shoulder Charge and then a Headlock from London again. Nice Headlock Takedown using the buckles from London. London then uses the ropes in the same way and he really is causing some bother with those Headlocks. Danielson with a Head Scissors to escape from the Headlock. London manages to escape but then Danielson kicks him in the head and Danielson is getting a wee bit annoyed. Headlock from London again and Danielson takes him down to one knee. Danielson gets a Headlock of his own and then he gets sent to the ropes. London kips up. Belly 2 Belly Suplex from London gets a two count and then he goes back to the Headlock. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock from Danielson. London tries to use the buckles again, and Danielson lands a Backbreaker and a beauty ! Kicks from Danielson as London is against the corner. Danielson and London now with chops. They then exchange strikes, which ends with Danielson landing a Headbutt. Kicks to the chest from Danielson. London into the ropes and he lands a Double Axe Handle to the chest of London. That gets a two count. Seated Abdominal Stretch from Danielson. Danielson then lands a couple more strikes. Danielson unleashes a load of strikes and that gets a two count. London is persistant, and Danielson kicks him down. Headbutt from Danielson and then a HARD European Uppercut. Small Package gets a two count for Danielson. Danielson and London the battle with strikes. BIG forearm knocks down Danielson and then a brutal kick to the head from both men. Back Drop Suplex from Danielson. Into the corner and London attempts a fightback again. Abdominal Stretch from Danielson again, but London tries to block. He can't though and the move is locked. There's a duelling chant in the hall. The difference between this and most is that these fans clearly REALLY care about it. European Uppercut sends London to the floor. The audience settle for an "ROH" chant. London blocks a Suplex back into the ring, but he doesn't for long. That gets a two count. 15 minutes into the match now. Danielson runs into a boot and then another. BIG Clothesline smacks Danielson right on the nose. :lol: Brilliant. Kicks to the chest from London. Springboard Sunset Flip gets a two count for London. Danielson now looks for a Boston Crab. London skins the cat. Head Scissors sends Danielson to the floor. Kick to the back of the head from London. Danielson into the ring. Danielson sends London to the floor. SUICIDE DIVE FROM DANIELSON TO LONDON !!! Back into the ring they go and the battle continues. Judo DDT from Danielson and then he heads for the top rope. FLYING HEADBUTT FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! ROARING ELBOW ... COUNTERED TO THE BACKSLIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! London into the corner he kicks Danielson and then lands a Spinning Heel Kick. Rollup gets a two count for London. London heads for the top rope and Danielson stops him. GERMAN SUPLEX FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Danielson sets London on the top rope. London fights off. DANIELSON WITH THE TOP ROPE BACK DROP SUPLEX ... COUNTERED TO THE CROSS BODY FROM LONDON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Fall Two : That was a cracking first fall which really sets the tone for the match. Danielson looks pretty pissed at that. London wants a handshake to start the fall. Danielson slaps and then forearms London. London comes back with right hands of his own. Running Forearm from London. SUPERKICK ... caught. SUPERKICK HITS THE MARK !!! London heads for the top rope. Danielson manages to stop him up there but London fights him off. Danielson is persistant though. London fights off again. Danielson dropkicks the knee and that leaves London hung over the top rope. Danielson goes after the leg of London. The referee has a hard time stopping Danielson from going after that. London gets kicked down. Danielson runs the knee of London into the corner and then dumps him to the floor. To the ring goes Danielson and then a Headbutt from Danielson. Chop on the floor from Danielson and then London attempts a fight back. That doesn't quite work. Back into the ring. Release German Suplex out of desperation from London. London with some right hands. To the outside they go again and London keeps the fight going. Danielson uses the veteran move of making London make the chase and catches him coming into the ring. Dragon Screw from Danielson and then he locks in the Half Crab. Danielson adds a knee to the back of the head and of course London taps out.

Fall Three : Enziguri from London, but Danielson is relentless. London with kicks to the head. The head injury might well be coming back to haunt Danielson here. More kicks to the head and Danielson is getting knocked senseless here. School Boy gets a two count for London. European Uppercut from Danielson and then London tries to fight back. Body Slam is blocked. LEG SWEEP DDT FROM LONDON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Body Slam fails as London's leg gives way. Danielson and London then exchange forearms. ROARING ELBOW FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! CATTLE MUTILATION FROM DANIELSON !!! London finds the bottom rope. Running Forearm. Victory Roll gets a two count for London. London slaps away at Danielson and that gets a two count. Enziguri from Danielson. Enziguri connects again. Danielson into the ropes. DRAGON SUPLEX !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Half Crab from Danielson. London into the bottom rope. Chops from Danielson and then into the corner and he lands some right hands. London has Danielson hooked. THE CROSS ARM KILLER POWERBOMB FROM LONDON !!! London heads for the top rope. Danielson stops him up there and sends him to the apron. Danielson now sets London on the top rope and beats away on him so as he doesn't come back. SUPER BACK DROP SUPLEX FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Half Crab from Danielson and he has it in the middle of the ring. London finds the bottom rope. Danielson mocks the London fans in the audience. London then gets set on the top rope again. London fights back and then lands some Headbutts. Danielson lands in the ring. Headbutts from Danielson. SUPER TORNADO DDT FROM LONDON !!! London heads for the apron and then he heads for the top rope. SHOOTING STAR PRESS FROM LONDON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

It's hard to put my finger on this really. This is more of a chess match than your average wrestling match. Someone called London "a spot monkey with brains" and you can't argue too much with that. His selling and storytelling ability are second to none for someone as flippy as him. He proved that time and time again in ROH. Danielson still didn't have the character, but he made up for it with an unreal ability to make you care purely about the moves he did and nothing else. I like that each fall was an extension of the other and none of the falls ended with an unrealistic finish. Maybe not a classic, but a super match. ****1/2

KENTA © vs. Low Ki - GHC Jr. Heavyweight Championship - ROH Final Battle 2005

Oh man. This match can't be anything other than awesome, can it ? Lockup and against the ropes they go. KENTA misses a kick. Lockup and into the corner they go. Ki with a Hanging Cross Armbreaker and he breaks it for the five count. They lock hands and KENTA goes behind. Takedown to the Head Scissors from Ki and KENTA rolls around and tries to escape but can't. He ends up doing so but lands right back in a Head Scissors. Arm Ringer from Ki. KENTA comes back with one of his own and a Hammerlock. Against the ropes they go and Ki with a big chop across the chest of KENTA. Lockup and a Headlock from Ki. Ki into the ropes and he charges down KENTA. Kicks to the chest from Ki. He runs right into a Back Elbow though and then KENTA with kicks to the chest of his own. Ki into the ropes and he runs right into a knee for a two count. Kick to the face from KENTA. These kicks are almost mocking and Ki doesn't look happy. Ki comes back with chops and slaps. They slap each other, but Ki ends that with a kick to the back of the head. That gets a two count. Chops from Ki. Elbows to the chest. Ki runs into a boot. KENTA with a Tornado DDT over the top rope. Hanging Sleeper from KENTA. KENTA heads for the top rope and lands a Clothesline from there for a one count. Snapmare and a kick to the back from KENTA. That gets a two count for the champ. More kicking to the chest and then Ki gets sent to the floor. Kick to the chest and then Ki gets sent into the railings. Head first into the ring apron goes Ki. Back into the ring and kicks to the chest from KENTA. KENTA then slingshots into the ring and gives Ki a wee backheel and that gets a two count. Forearms vs. chops. KENTA into the ropes. HE RUNS RIGHT INTO THE KOPPOU KICK FROM KI !!! Ki drops KENTA stomach first on the top rope and then punts him to the floor. KI WITH THE SPACEMAN PLANCHA ONTO KENTA !!! Back into the ring and we get a two count from that. Kicks to the face from Ki and then a European Uppercut. KENTA comes firing back with forearms and Ki lands an Enziguri. Body Slam gets a two count for Ki. Body Slam from Ki and then a kick to the back. Ki then with a Body Scissors. KENTA gets into the bottom rope. Into the corner where Ki lands some Shoulder Charges. KENTA comes back with a spin kick. Sunset Flip but Ki blocks that with a Double Stomp and that gets a two count. Ki with kicks to the chest. Ki runs KENTA into the railing. Ki with a chop and then back into the ring. That gets a two count. Drop Toe Hold sends KENTA onto the middle rope. DOUBLE STOMP OFF THE TOP TO THE BACK OF KENTA !!! Ki landed on the floor so when he gets back in the ring, only gets a two count. Ki runs into a boot. KENTA runs into an elbow and then Ki runs into a Powerslam. YAKUZA KICK IN THE CORNER FROM KENTA !!! Dropkick from KENTA. Kicks to the chest and then KENTA with the Springboard Dropkick and that gets a two count. Kicks to the chest from KENTA. Ki with a chop to the face so KENTA gets a Butterfly Suplex into the Cross Armbreaker. Ki into the bottom rope. Falcon Arrow gets a two count for KENTA. Ki now set on the top rope. Ki has KENTA in the Tree of Woe. TREE OF WOE DOUBLE STOMP FROM KI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Ki comes out with machine gun chops in the corner. Mongolian Chop from Ki and then he runs into a spin kick. KI LANDS THE TIDAL CRUSH OUT OF NOWHERE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! KAWADA KICKS !!! Ki to the top rope. KENTA LEAPS AND LANDS A TOP ROPE FALCON ARROW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! KENTA with slaps to the face and then they exchange slaps. The audience like this. Ki with a flurry and KENTA with a slap for a two count. BUSAIKU KNEE STRIKE ... COUNTERED TO THE KI KRUSHER FROM KI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! KENTA into the corner and Ki lands his cartwheel kick. KI KRUSHER ... COUNTERED TO THE TIGER SUPLEX FROM KENTA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Flurry from KENTA. JOHN WOO DROPKICK FROM KI !!! Ki heads for the top rope. THE WARRIOR'S WAY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Ki now has KENTA in the corner. PHOENIX SPLASH FROM KI ... MISSES !!! GO 2 SLEEP FROM KENTA !!! BUSAIKU KNEE STRIKE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This was a bit of a war. Kinda reminiscent of the match Ki had with Samoa Joe where the two of them just kicked the crap out of each other. What made this one better though is that this felt a lot more like a good ol' fashioned wrestling match as well. The match was just sick to watch at times. Especially the madness of Ki's stomps. ****1/4

Nigel McGuinness © vs. KENTA - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH 7th Anniversary Show

Nigel McGuinness' arms at this point were a complete mess and he was expected to drop the title at any point. What is it with KENTA wrestling people with bad arms ? Lockup and they go against the ropes. KENTA with a slap to the face. Nigel is raging at that. Lockup and against the ropes and Nigel misses a slap and KENTA hits another. Kick to the arm from KENTA. Headbutt and then another kick to the arm from KENTA. Nigel tries headbutts again. Running kick to the chest from KENTA takes down Nigel for a two count. Into the corner and KENTA with a kick to the stomach. Nigel charges and hits the ringpost shoulder first and this could be major trouble for the champ. Snapmare and another kick to the shoulder from KENTA and then he works on the arm. Stomps and kicks from KENTA. Nigel is just not backing down here. Nigel into the ropes and he runs into a Big Boot and that gets a two count. Kimura from KENTA. KENTA gets into the bottom rope. More kicks to the arm and then to the back. Front Suplex drops Nigel on the top rope. KENTA WITH A DOUBLE STOMP ... Nigel moves. TOWER OF LONDON OFF OF THE APRON FROM NIGEL !!! Into the ring they go and then Nigel gives the audience the finger. Even through the pain he's an asshole. Kick to the back from Nigel. He does this again and KENTA kicks the arm but Nigel is looking to man up here. Nigel with the Arm Ringer Takedown. Leg Drop to the arm and then an Arm Scissors from Nigel. KENTA battles out and slaps Nigel and Nigel comes back with Headbutts. Arm Suplex from Nigel and that gets a two count. KENTA fights back but runs into a Dropkick and that gets a two count. Nigel rips at the face of KENTA. Nigel with a nasty stretch and then he opts to just kick KENTA in the face. Forearms vs. headbutts. Clotheslines from KENTA and then a Suplex. KENTA heads to the top rope and he lands a Clothesline for a two count and then he goes to the Kimura. KENTA then goes back to the arm kicks. Kick to the back/Lariat combo from Nigel, but that hurt. Nigel sets KENTA on the top rope. KENTA avoids the Tower of London and lands a Big Boot and then a Powerslam. KENTA gets crotched on the top rope. Lariat misses. KENTA gets sent to the floor when he tries a springboard move. KENTA whipped into the railing and then Nigel charges and gets sent into the railing. YAKUZA KICK SENDS NIGEL INTO THE FRONT ROW !!! Nigel is now draped over the railing. KENTA WITH A DOUBLE STOMP ONTO NIGEL OFF THE TOP TO NIGEL ON THE RAILING !!! HOLY SHIT !!! Back into the ring and KENTA then lands a Springboard Dropkick. YAKUZA KICK !!! Brutal Dropkick to the face. Fisherman Buster gets a two count for KENTA. Flurry from KENTA. BUSAIKU KNEE STRIKE FROM KENTA !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Go 2 Sleep is countered. JAWBREAKER LARIAT ... countered. LONDON DUNGEON FROM NIGEL !!! TOWER OF LONDON FROM NIGEL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! TOWER OF LONDON AGAIN ... blocked. Sunset Bomb is countered. KENTA WITH THE LEAPING TOP ROPE FALCON ARROW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! GO 2 SLEEP ... countered. GERMAN SUPLEX FROM KENTA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Knee to the back of the head. Big Boot. GO 2 SLEEP FROM KENTA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... FOOT ON THE ROPES !!! WHHOOAAA !!! Nigel sets KENTA on the top. TOWER OF LONDON ONTO THE APRON FROM NIGEL !!! Both men back into the ring now. KENTA with the boot. GO 2 SLEEP ... blocked. GO 2 SLEEP FROM NIGEL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTTT !!! LONDON DUNGEON AGAIN FROM NIGEL !!! KENTA GETS THE VICTORY ROLL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! LONDON DUNGEON AGAIN !!! HE ADDS THE KNEES TO THE BACK !!! KENTA TAPS !!!

I don't want to be too critical of this match given that Nigel McGuinness was genuinely in a horrible state going into it. The problem was that he would throw headbutts instead of arm strikes and then suddenly throw suplexes and stuff and not look the slightest bit phased by it. Nigel McGuinness wasn't capable of bringing his A game into the match though and I think both guys did the best they could with the problems that they had. I'm willing to add points for the uber-dramatic final stretch. ***1/2

Nigel McGuinness © vs. Bryan Danielson - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH 6th Anniversary Show

So we rewind a year. Lockup and Nigel goes behind and Danielson tries to go for the arm. Nigel rolls through and tries for a leg. Danielson with the takedown and he has a Wristlock. Nigel with an Arm Ringer and Danielson with a nice escape and then a Dropkick to the knee. That was a nice variation on what he usually does from that position. They lock hands and Nigel with an escape, but that doesn't go well. Danielson goes to the legs of Nigel. Bow and Arrow Hold from Danielson. Nigel counters to a two count. Danielson now tries to force the arms of Nigel down. Japanese Stranglehold from Danielson and Nigel stands up and throws down Danielson and gets one of his own. Short Arm Lariat misses it's mark from Nigel. "USA" chant. Headlock from Nigel and then he gets sent to the ropes and charges down Danielson. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock from Nigel. Danielson gets a head scissors and he turns that into a Half Crab and McGuinness gets into the bottom rope. Danielson looks like he's feeling it at the moment. Another "USA" chant breaks out from the audience. The fans then shout "HOOOOOOOO !!!" in a further ode to Duggan. European Uppercut from Nigel and then another. He then stretches the arm around the top rope. Nigel with a headstand in the corner and Danielson sends him to the floor with a Dropkick. SUICIDE DIVE FROM DANIELSON !!! Back into the ring and Danielson heads for the top rope. Top Rope Dropkick from Danielson again. Back Drop Suplex from Danielson and Nigel heads to the apron and Nigel is nursing the back of his head. Danielson isn't happy with that. Fans chant "you're a bitch !" at Nigel. The referee tells Nigel that there isn't anything that he can do about it. Nigel smacks the referee and Danielson is PISSED. Austin Aries comes out and tells Nigel that he's gonna have to wrestle the match or he's gonna get a beating from the entire ROH locker room. Nigel is back in the ring and Danielson unloads with chops. The referee tells the audience that this match is getting restarted. Nigel lands the Kick/Lariat combo and the audience is NUCLEAR for Danielson. Nigel sends Danielson's shoulder into the top buckle and then into the ringpost. Arm Scissors from Nigel. Nigel slaps Danielson and then kicks the leg which is bandaged. Choke with the boot in the corner. European Uppercut from Nigel. Running European Uppercut. Nigel then rams the arm of Danielson into the ringpost. Arm Ringer Takedown from Nigel. Nigel with what looks like a kinda modified Cravat and then he works on the arm. Nigel then blows kisses at Danielson. European Uppercut from Nigel and then again, sending Danielson down to the canvas. BIG RUNNING KICK TO THE HEAD FROM DANIELSON !!! Knee to the stomach and Danielson appears to be staying away from the head. Running kick to the back from Danielson. Running kick to the back sends Nigel to the floor. Nigel sends Danielson to the floor with a Suplex. Nigel with European Uppercuts on the floor to come back into the match. Huge chop from Nigel. Nigel gets sent through railing. Danielson with a Back Body Drop sending Nigel into the crowd. DANIELSON WITH THE SPRINGBOARD SOMERSAULT PLANCHA INTO THE CROWD ONTO NIGEL !!! Back into the ring. TRIANGLE CHOKE FROM DANIELSON !!! Nigel escapes. LARIAT FROM NIGEL !!! That one caught Danielson flush. Fans chant "same old shit !". :lol: Danielson set on top. TOWER OF LONDON ... Danielson takes Nigel to the floor to counter that. SUICIDE DIVE ... right into a European Uppercut from Nigel. TOWER OF LONDON TO THE FLOOR OFF OF THE APRON !!! Nigel is busted open from somewhere. That gets a two count back in the ring. CATTLE MUTILATION FROM NIGEL !!! Danielson escapes from that. Big knee misses from Danielson and Nigel then rubs his balls along the top rope. LARIAT OFF OF THE SECOND ROPE FROM NIGEL !!! TOWER OF LONDON FROM NIGEL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! LONDON DUNGEON FROM NIGEL !!! DANIELSON REACHES THE ROPES !!! LONDON DUNGEON AGAIN ... COUNTERED TO A ROLLUP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! CHAOS THEORY FROM DANIELSON !!! Danielson and Nigel now exchange. Kick to the back and then Danielson sets Nigel on the top rope. TOP ROPE BACK DROP SUPLEX FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! CATTLE MUTILATION FROM DANIELSON !!! DANIELSON DOESN'T HIT THE ELBOWS !!! TIGER SUPLEX FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! ELBOWS TO THE BODY FROM DANIELSON !!! ELEVATED ARM BAR FROM DANIELSON !!! TRIANGLE CHOKE FROM DANIELSON !!! Shots to the body from Danielson when Nigel gets into the ropes. Headbutt from Nigel. The fans do NOT like that. Spin Kick from Danielson. BRUTAL Headbutt from Nigel and that was to the bad eye of Danielson. BIG LARIAT FROM NIGEL !!! THE MMA ELBOWS FROM NIGEL !!! LONDON DUNGEON FROM NIGEL !!! DANIELSON IS OUT !!!

All sorts of high drama in this match. Where to begin ? Danielson refusing to attack to attack the head for the entire match as Nigel claimed he was concussed. Even when Nigel was taking cheap shots and sucker punches and the easy road to retaining, Danielson didn't go after the head of Nigel, staying true to his word for the entire match and then Nigel goes and throws headbutts and goes after Danielson's dodgy eye. Then there was Nigel McGuinness' relationship with the fans, basically telling them to f**k off at every turn and the audience, who were split at the start of the match, REALLY hated McGuinness. It's an amazing match and a worthy addition to the fued between these two guys. ****1/2

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