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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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I can;t believe the way they have rehashed the Dreamer/Raven feud with Raven shouting the odds about Beulah and how she was once with him. I could go and pick any old ECW video from 95/96 and he was saying the exact same stuff. Beulah hasn't been involved in wrestling since around 1998.

Still looking forward to it tonight. Should be fun.

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I can;t believe the way they have rehashed the Dreamer/Raven feud with Raven shouting the odds about Beulah and how she was once with him. I could go and pick any old ECW video from 95/96 and he was saying the exact same stuff. Beulah hasn't been involved in wrestling since around 1998.

Still looking forward to it tonight. Should be fun.

What else were they gonna use since she is Dreamer's wife and mother of his children. I did like how he was still talking and doing his taunt when Dreamer was swinging at him. Even if he, and Foley, fucked up their lines a bit.

New Jack is expected to be there in some form.

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What channel is this shown on?

I've watched TNA about twice in my life but gather this is strictly ECW tonight? Is that right?

That is correct. It is not broadcast live in the UK unfortunately so the next several hours on here will likely be spent exchanging shite quality streams that die after about 10 minutes.

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Streams are dire. I'll just dl it tomorrow or wait til its shown here, assuming it will be at some point eventually.

Been pish so far.

Got an excellent steam on Justin.tv but (to quote Joey Styles) oh my god this is a special type of awful. Its like watching a car crash, I just cant switch it off. So much filler between horrible matches. Its an embarrasment. I kinda feel bad for the TNA guys who are getting treated like crap by the company and who are going to have to pick up the pieces after this debacle.

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I thought it was pretty good. :huh:

The opener, Scorpio/CW, Raven/Dreamer, Dudleys/Chair Swingin' Freaks and Van Dam/Sabu, all good matches.

Only things I really didn't like were New Jack hugging The Dudleys(after talking shit on them online and in shoot interviews for the longest time), the random Raven lackey, Tenay and Taz selling the Sandman/Justin Credible angle short by not going into their history, and there not being any Rhino table spots in the 3 way.

The production was a bit weird. They darkened the arena apart from blue lights, which made it look like they were wrestling in an aquarium.

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TNA HardCORE Justice

The talent roster and the fact that most matches, even now the main event, are unannounced means that I'm VERY intrigued by this PPV. Incase people are waiting to see it, I'm NOT gonna have a matchlist on the outside of the spoilers meaning that I'm also gonna not bother with the PBP. Just a kinda in depth summary.

Tazz heads for the ramp to introduce the PPV. His job seems to basically be to get the audience to believe that they are gonna see an awesome PPV. I guess that's part of the battle. "Beat me if you can. Survive if I let you."

The FBI vs. Kid Kash, Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger

Six man tag team action. I'm actually quite excited about this stuff. FBI get a huge pop. FBI are represented by Smothers, Guido and Mamaluke with Big Sal at ringside. What's with the weird lighting ? Looks like they're wrestling in a night club. Diamond looks like UK regular, Dave Mastiff/Moralez. We get a dance off which I really should have seen coming. Kash does one of his fucking awesome dives to the floor. As far as openers go, this is about as much as you can ask for as it was just filled with all sorts of fun and after a while, it did eventually feel like an ECW match. ***

We get the main event given to us. Rob Van Dam vs. Sabu at the end of the night. No complaints from me on that count.

CW Anderson vs. Too Cold Scorpio

Since when was Anderson a good technical wrestler ? He'd work on the arm and then finish with a Spinebuster. He was shite. Thankfully he decides to steer clear of pretending that he was a technical wrestler here, and just has a bit of a hard hitting match with Scorpio which, while it's not amazing, does the job of not losing the audience at any point. Better than I was expecting. **1/2

Justin Credible vs. Stevie Richards

I'm not using any TNA given names here. Richards has the bWo with him. The fans aren't going along with the TNA given names either clearly. Credible lands a rather awesome Slingshot Splash during this one. I love when guys do moves like that from the ring to the floor to a laid out opponent. Not quite as cool as the KENTA stomp but it's good enough. This match just felt like a bunch of moves, but most of the moves are fun and the match kept me interested. I wouldn't even go as far as to say the match was good, but hey, it keeps the PPV in "not shit" territory. **

After the match, The Sandman turns up with a cane when Credible tries to get involved. Russian Legsweep from Sandman. BRUTAL CANE SHOT TO THE HEAD !!! Sandman now has both of them and the fans want him to use them both. He doesn't though.

Spike Dudley vs. Al Snow vs. Rhino

How can the night have DQs ? The Hard Justice show is normally No DQ anyways, so why when they do the ECW show is it not ? Anyways, this is a good fun three way dance with Spike willing to bump like a lunatic and the other two guys just out there throwing each other around like a rag doll. Good fun. **3/4

Axl Rotten and Balls Mahoney vs. The Dudley Boys

The Dudley Boys have Joel Gertner with them and they are wearing the old school Dudley gear. This match is gonna be a No DQ match, which is fine by me. I suppose nothing could have saved this match as it was absolutely terrible. There was the fun of the lightsabre duel though. 1/2*

After the match The Gangstas hit the ring. New Jack is here. You know what ? That guy was absolutely terrible, but there weren't many guys that were much more fun than this guy. There is then something of an extreme reunion between everyone in the ring, including Balls and Rotten. I wanted to see New Jack put the hurting on someone.

Raven vs. Tommy Dreamer

Mick Foley is the special referee for this one. Because of the intensity of this match alone, this made for some pretty good watching. I have no idea how they did it or how they STILL do it, but they give their matches a real sense of hatred even when they aren't going at each other full throttle, which at this stage in their careers, is pretty handy. I think if any other pair of guys had put this match together, I'd have been thinking that it wasn't very good, but you have two guys in there who wrestle like they have nothing but hatred for each other and as such. The overbooking at the end was also absolutely amazing. I'm probably over-rating this match, but I absolutely adored it. ****1/2

Rob Van Dam vs. Sabu

Sabu looks pure weird with a bald head, I have to say. He looked good in his last run with ECW. Good that this is a non-title match since if it WAS a title match, the result would have been pretty obvious. They have a water break at one point and then decide to bring out tables. That was a nice touch. I didn't expect these two guys to do the familiarity thing, but there was a couple of rather cool spots early. This felt like an old RVD match, with it basically being spot-spot-spot with nothing really putting the moves together. It was okay though. **1/4

This didn't feel like a TNA show, but the problem was that the show didn't feel like an ECW show. There was one match which surpassed my expectations heavily. The rest wasn't terrible and there was some fun, but on the whole, it wasn't that good.

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Shane Douglas was terrific back in the day, but surely from his TNA days, everyone must be able to tell that he is absolutely worthless as a wrestler.

Tracy Smothers is a joke of an individual and had the worst match I've ever seen live.

I can at least take Douglas playing a part in the show in some capacity because of how important he was to ECW, but Smothers ?

I remember watching an episode of Heat where Smothers and 2 other nobodys defeated the Mean Street Posse which was part of the storyline that the Posse never won a match together. I remember Smothers going mental as well as Kevin Kelly on commentary, that ugly hermathradite (sp?).

Hassan was a brilliant, edgy character. Probably too edgy for his time. His promos as mentioned above, had me nodding in agreement on more than one occasion. What he said was on more than one occasion true, yet the Redneck American audiences hated the absolute hell out of him. It was a masterstroke as well having Daivari there speaking in Persian (even though US audiences thought it was Arabic, but still generated major heat) as he was the lynchpin for the heavy heat to start.

The WWE made a major arse of it by killing off the character after the London bombings, simply because of bad-timing. He could and would have been absolutely massive.

Edited to add: Simply fantastic promo here from the next show following the Undertaker incident. You get the feeling that there is more than a hint of shoot here as he knows he's finished through no fault of his own. The American audience really show themselves up here as a small-minded lot as it was obvious the guy was talking from the heart.

That promo is absolutely excellent, I've never seen that before I don't think.

I used to despise Hassan back in the day, but now have come to realise that it was only because the guy played the character so well. The heat he drew was unreal especially when Davairi started speaking in a different language.

How was Hassan supposed to beat the Undertaker and then Batista at Summerslam? My guess would be Undertakers gets himself disqualified and then Davairi and another superstar helps Hassan at Summerslam?

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