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Mo Wonderboy

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Assorted ROH and a Legendary Lucha Match

Right, the reason there is the lucha match here is because of the foray into lucha I had with the USA show, which was dull and boring and contrived, and to be honest, I don't want to ever watch it again. The match I'll be reviewing first in this set is a Lucha classic supposedly.

Eddie Guerrero and Art Barr vs. Octagon and El Hijo Del Santo, 2/3 Falls Hair vs. Masks Match - AAA When Worlds Collide 1994 ( ****1/4 )

Nigel McGuinness © vs. Bryan Danielson vs. Claudio Castagnoli vs. Bryan Danielson - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH Death Before Dishonor VI ( ****1/2 )

Bryan Danielson vs. El Generico - ROH Proving Ground 2009 Night Two ( *** )

Matt Sydal and Davey Richards vs. Jay and Mark Briscoe - ROH Anarchy in the UK ( ****1/4 )

Bryan Danielson © vs. Lance Storm - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH Better Than Our Best ( **** )

Homicide vs. Bryan Danielson, Steel Cage Match - ROH The Final Showdown ( ***1/2 )

Eddie Guerrero and Art Barr vs. Octagon and El Hijo Del Santo, 2/3 Falls Hair vs. Masks Match - AAA When Worlds Collide 1994

Fall One : Eddie and Santo start the match. Takedown from Santo and the two men grapple. To the feet and Eddie goes to the arm. Eddie then wrestles rings around Santo and gets a Chinlock and the audience don't like that. Santo with a Snapmare and Eddie sent to the floor. Barr gets into the ring with Octagon. Octagon reminds me of The Great Sasuke. LOVELY Hiptoss and an Arm Drag from Octagon. Senton Splash misses for Barr after a sweep. Dropkick from Octagon but Eddie attacks from behind and then Eddie with an Exploder Suplex. DOOMSDAY RANA FROM BARR AND EDDIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Octagon is set on the top rope. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX !!! FROG SPLASH FROM BARR !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! So they have both members pinned and win the fall.

Fall Two : The bell rings for the second fall. Santo and Eddie are going to get this fall going. Fallaway Slam and Eddie rolls through for a two count. Vertical Suplex gets a two count for Eddie. Octagon is tagged into the match. Eddie gets onto his knees with his hands behind his back and then he pokes the eyes, and Barr is back in the ring. Dropkick nicely done from Barr. Another Dropkick follows that and then Barr does some jumping jacks. Body Slam/Slingshot Senton combo from Barr and Eddie. Santo comes into the ring to save his partner and they turn it around. FLYING ELBOW DROP ON BARR !!! Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors. Double Dropkicks and Eddie and Barr to the floor. STEREO SUICIDE DIVES FROM THE BABYFACES !!! Back into the ring and Eddie gets dropped and both men up. SUPER RANA FROM EDDIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Octagon needs to be pinned now. Double Facebuster from Octagon. ALLEYOOP RANA ON EDDIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP INTO THE SEATED KOJI CLUTCH !!! BARR TAPS !!! AWESOME FALL ENDING !!!

Fall Three : Before this gets going Blue Panther gets the audience into this one. Santo is going to start the match with Eddie. Camel Clutch from Eddie. Octagon with a BRUTAL kick to the head to break that. Camel Clutch then from Santo and Barr comes into the ring. BASEMENT SUPERKICK !!! Barr now in there with Santo. SMALL PACKAGE FROM SANTO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... EDDIE SAVES !!! STF from Barr and then Octagon bides his time and then kicks Barr and lands some brutal kicks to the stomach. Barr into the ropes and a Double Back Elbow. Suplex from Santo and in comes Eddie to make a save. Eddie with the Gory Special on Octagon and Santo in the ring and lands a Knee Lift. Interesting escape there. Body Slam from Eddie and then he heads for the top rope. SANTO WITH A SUPER ELECTRIC CHAIR DROP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... BARR SAVES !!! Octagon is sent to the floor with a Dropkick. STEREO SUICIDE DIVES FROM EDDIE AND BARR !!! Into the ring after some clipping. Santo pins Eddie. WHAT THE f**k HAPPENED ?!?! Octagon has been taken out of the match though by the dives. Eddie and Santo now in the ring. LIGER BOMB FROM EDDIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Santo is now set on the top rope. SUPER BELLY 2 BELLY SUPLEX FROM EDDIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! SUPER RANA FROM EDDIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! DRAGON SUPLEX FROM EDDIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! VICTORY ROLL FROM SANTO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! IT'S OVER !!!

This is a strange little match. This suffered from being far too sloppy at times and amazingly, it was mostly down to Eddie Guerrero. The drama in the final fall was brilliant as both teams realised that they couldn't even allow for an elimination and therefore broke anything and everything even if there wasn't a chance of the match ending. The second fall was all over the place. It was as if they didn't even want to do it. Far too many faults to be near to a classic, but it's good. ****1/4

Nigel McGuinness © vs. Bryan Danielson vs. Claudio Castagnoli vs. Bryan Danielson - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH Death Before Dishonor VI

So Nigel comes up against three of his biggest challengers for his title. Nigel gets to the apron and grabs a tag rope leaving us with Claudio and Danielson to start this match. Danielson gets the audience behind him. Lockup and Danielson goes behind and then we have some reversals. We have a stalemate between the two men. They then lock hands. Danielson with a cracking escape and he takes down Claudio and has the legs and Claudio gets into the bottom rope. Lockup and a Headlock from Danielson. Nigel tags into the ring and lands a Clothesline on Danielson. Dropkick sends Nigel to the floor. Claudio and Black into the ring. BLACK WITH A SOMERSAULT PLANCHA ONTO DANIELSON !!! CLAUDIO WITH A SUICIDE DIVE ON NIGEL !!! Nigel comes in with a cheap shot on Black, being the legal man. European Uppercut from Nigel. Back Body Drop from Black. Nigel tags out and then in comes Danielson. Into the corner and Danielson lands some kicks to the chest. Shades of KENTA ! Nigel tags himself in and gets his shots in at Black as well. Black tries a fight back and Nigel tags out again. School Boy gets a two count for Claudio on Black. Chinlock with a grabbed arm from Claudio. Black with a big Knee Drop after he escapes from the move and then into the corner they go. Right hands from Black. Nigel tags himself into the ring again and he lands a Dropkick for a two count. Claudio comes off the ropes with a Springboard European Uppercut and Nigel tags in Danielson given the oppertunity. Claudio and Danielson lock hands and Danielson gets bridged back. Claudio tries and fails to take down Danielson. European Uppercuts from both men now. Spin Kick in the corner from Danielson to end that and then he chokes Claudio over the top rope and tags Black in, who lands a Second Buckle Neck Snap for a two count. Nigel tags himself in to face Claudio. Back Body Drop on Claudio and then Nigel knocks Danielson off the apron. Kick to the back from Nigel and then he knocks Black off of the apron. Claudio fights back and then Nigel tries to tag out and Danielson jumps off of the apron and Claudio unloads with European Uppercuts. Nigel into the ropes and he runs into the Spinning X-Factor and that gets a two count. ALPAMARE WATERSLIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Nigel backs into the corner. Black then runs in and Dropkicks Claudio to the floor. Danielson comes in with a Top Rope Dropkick on Nigel and I'm not following anymore ! Nigel to the floor. German Suplex misses from Claudio. Sunset Flip from Claudio gets a two count. Torture Rack Backbreaker from Claudio. BRUTAL DDT ON BLACK FROM NIGEL !!! RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM DANIELSON TO NIGEL !!! Everyone is brawling. Back Drop Suplex on Claudio. Nigel heads over to Black. TOWER OF LONDON ... BLOCKED WITH THE RUNNING KICK !!! CATTLE MUTILATION FROM DANIELSON !!! BLACK WITH THE CROSS BODY ON BLACK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! MMA ELBOWS FROM DANIELSON !!! CLAUDIO TAKES DANIELSON OUT OF THAT !!! LIONSAULT FROM BLACK !!! THIS IS MADNESS !!! GOD'S LAST GIFT ... countered. Claudio runs into a boot. Springboard Enziguri from Claudio. TRIANGLE CHOKE ON CLAUDIO FROM DANIELSON !!! Claudio gets into the ropes. BIG LARIAT FROM NIGEL TO BLACK IN THE CORNER !!! Black ends up on the floor. We're left with Danielson and Nigel now. JAWBREAKER ... missed. Lariat gets a two count for Nigel. Big Running Clothesline sends Nigel to the floor. Baseball Slide sends Nigel into the audience. SPRINGBOARD SOMERSAULT PLANCHA INTO THE CROWD ONTO NIGEL !!! Claudio into the ring where Danielson waits. DANIELSON JUMPS RIGHT INTO THE BIG SWING !!! DANIELSON COUNTERS TO THE VICTORY ROLL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Battle of the European Uppercuts now. FLAPJACK EUROPEAN ... COUNTERED TO A SMALL PACKAGE !!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD !!! :o :o :o ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! WHAT AN AMAZING COUNTER !!!

Right, so Claudio Castagnoli is eliminated from the match now. The fans tell Claudio to "get the f**k out". CLAUDIO WITH A BICYCLE KICK TO THE HEAD !!! RICCOLA BOMB !!! Claudio then lands right hands on Danielson and the referee wants people down to the ring to stop this. Claudio brings a chair into the ring. HE PILLMANIZES THE HEAD OF DANIELSON !!! Nigel looks down at Danielson as the referee is in the ring. The guys finally get Claudio into the back. NIGEL ADDS A BRUTAL LARIAT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Black and Nigel are now getting this going. Springboard Clothesline from Black and the audience are WELL behind him. Running Forearm. Black onto the apron. Slingshot Spinning Heel Kick and then a Neckbreaker gets a two count for Black. Black heads for the top rope. FROG SPLASH FROM BLACK ... MISSES !!! Marufuji is watching. TOWER OF LONDON ... that gets blocked, so Nigel heads up with him. Headbutts from Black. FROG SPLASH CONNECTS FOR BLACK !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Hammerlock Divorce Court gets a two count for Nigel. SHORT ARM LARIAT FROM NIGEL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Black set on top. TOWER OF LONDON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Forearms exchanged. Nigel runs into a Dropkick. JAWBREAKER COUNTERED INTO A BUCKLE BOMB !!! WHOA !!! F-5 !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Black runs into a boot and then heads for the top rope. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX RIGHT INTO THE PEROXYSM FROM BLACK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! BASEMENT SUPERKICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Jawbreaker from Nigel. BIG LARIAT FROM NIGEL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Kick to the head. JAWBREAKER ... COUNTERED TO GOD'S LAST GIFT FROM BLACK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTT !!! PHOENIX SPLASH FROM BLACK ... MISSES !!! LARIAT DROPS BLACK ON HIS HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTT !!! AUDIENCE GOES MENTAL !!! Now set in the corner and Nigel sets Black. TOWER OF LONDON !!! RUNNING EUROPEAN !!! LARIAT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTT !!! TYLER BLACK REFUSES TO STAY DOWN !!! Kick Lariat combo. SECOND ROPE LARIAT FROM NIGEL ... DUCKED !!! HIGH KICK !!! BLACK SPRINGBOARDS INTO A LARIAT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOOOOOUUUUUTTTTTTT !!! WHOA !!! WHOA !!! LONDON DUNGEON FROM NIGEL !!! BLACK COUNTERS IT TO A SMALL PACKAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! BRUTAL LARIATS FROM NIGEL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!

f**k me. Right. The first moments of the match are a bit tedious, although it IS fun to see Nigel McGuinness being fucked over by his opponents. The end of the first fall is absolute madness though but loses points because they forget all about the legal man. The second elimination is also a bit disappointing, but it sets up the Claudio major heel turn. As for that final elimination, it made Tyler Black look like an absolute hero, with him taking every single thing that Nigel had to offer and refusing to stay down. At the same time, Nigel McGuinness looks like the world class champ that he is by finishing Black in good fashion. This is a brilliant match. ****1/2

Bryan Danielson vs. El Generico - ROH Proving Ground 2009 Night Two

Generico hugs Danielson in lieu of shaking his hand. The audience wants Danielson to hug Generico. Danielson seems a bit tempted but decides against it. Generico is really disappointed that he never got a hug. The fans now want Danielson to say he's sorry. Generico leans against the ropes and agrees. This is already the most bizarre PBP I've done in a long time. We finally get a big hug to a HUUUUUUGE pop. "That was awesome" chant comes up and to be honest, yeah, it truly was. Lockup and Generico backs away from that and shouts "OLE !". Lockup and into the corner they go. We have a clean break from there. Lockup and Danielson then goes to the arm. Generico with a bit of flipping about and then he falls about after that. Danielson with the takedown and he goes to the leg. Danielson then goes to the Indian Deathlock but Generico gets to the bottom rope before real damage can be done. Lockup and then the Arm Ringer from Generico. Danielson with the escape to the Dropkick and then he shouts "OLE !". They lockup and a Headlock Takedown and Side Headlock is countered to the Head Scissors from Generico. Danielson bridges out and then goes back to the legs and goes for the Indian Deathlock again and this time gets it. Danielson then turns it into a pin for a two count. They lock hands and into the corner they go and Generico avoids a Monkey Flip. Generico tries to hold down Danielson. Danielson eventually turns out but both men with Monkey Flips but Generico lands on his feet but lands badly on his knee. Mexican Surfboard from Danielson is avoided when Generico finds the bottom rope. Lockup and Generico with a forearm. He isn't happy with the mocking and then he lands another. European Uppercut and now Danielson is annoyed. Arm Drags from Generico and a Drop Toe Hold. Generico then takes to mocking Danielson with a Mexican Surfboard. He doesn't connect and Danielson then gets one of his own. Danielson stomps the knees into the canvas and then a running kick to the chest gets a two count for Danielson. Some stupid comedy, and Danielson gets annoyed and locks in a sick move before going to the Cross Armbreaker. Danielson then goes to the arm and locks in a BRUTAL Wristlock. Hammerlock follows that for Danielson. To the feet they go and Generico into the ropes and he lands a Dropkick. Right hands to the head from Generico. Danielson pushes him into the middle of the ring but runs into a Leg Lariat. Generico runs into a knee in the stomach and then Danielson with a kick to the back and then slaps to the face. Danielson then twists at the wrist of Generico. Stomp to the elbow from Danielson. European Uppercuts and Generico doesn't go down. Danielson runs into an elbow. Springboard Cross Body from Generico to get back into the match. Back Body Drop from Generico and then Danielson is sent to the floor. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA OVER THE TOP ROPE FROM GENERICO !!! Back into the ring they go. BIG SPLASH OFF THE TOP FROM GENERICO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Danielson over the top rope. He comes in. Release German Suplex from Danielson and that gets a two count. European Uppercut from Danielson. Rana from Generico and that Danielson rolls through for a two count. Pinfall attempts. Generico with a Sunset Flip reversal for a two count. TRIANGLE CHOKE FROM DANIELSON !!! Generico counters to get a two count. Danielson with the Running Forearm. YAKUZA KICK FROM GENERICO !!! A SECOND ONE !!! Danielson set on the top rope. Danielson drops behind and then sets Generico on the Tree of Woe. Baseball Slide Dropkick from Danielson. SUPER BACK DROP SUPLEX FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! MMA ELBOWS FROM DANIELSON !!! CATTLE MUTILATION FROM DANIELSON !!! GENERICO REACHES THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! Bison Smith gets Dropkicked off of the apron. SUICIDE DIVE ONTO SMITH FROM DANIELSON !!! He heads for the top rope. HUGE KICK TO THE FACE !!! BRAINBUSTAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH FROM GENERICO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Everything about this match was a disappointment. From the comedy stuff in the middle of the match, to the crappy ending where they pussy'd out of giving Generico a proper win. Danielson was far too dominant in this match considering that Generico had already had many big high profile matches before this point. This was a special 1st time in ROH match and that alone should have meant it should have been booked as a cracker. It wasn't. ***

Matt Sydal and Davey Richards vs. Jay and Mark Briscoe - ROH Anarchy in the UK

We open the match with Mark and Richards in the ring. Lockup and a Headlock and then the Arm Ringer from Richards. Hammerlock from Mark and he gets taken down. More reversals from both men. Mark starts to take the control of the match. Crucifix from Richards gets a two count. Richards takes down Mark and works on the wrist. Arm Ringer from Mark and then Richards kicks his way out of that. Sydal is now tagged into the match. Lockup and Sydal goes behind. Nice takedown and we have a reversal exchange leading to a stalemate. Jay is now in the ring. Into the corner and we have a clean break. Sydal gets a two count quickly. Lockup and a takedown from Jay. Nice takedown to the Ankle Lock from Sydal and then Jay finds the bottom rope. Richards comes in and gets a Side Headlock. Sydal then tagged back into the ring. Arm Ringer from Sydal and then Jay escapes and gets a Headlock. Jay charges down Sydal and then lands a Rana. Head Scissor Takedown from Sydal and Richards is back in. Chops and then a BRUTAL kick from Richards. Snap Suplex from Richards gets a two count. Mark finally tagged back into the match and he gets the Headlock Takedown and Side Headlock. He gets a Front Facelock next. Roll into the corner and in comes Sydal. Sydal then comes in with a Slingshot Double Stomp. Kicks to the stomach from Sydal and then a good Standing Dropkick. Richards tagged back into the ring. Body Slam and then a Snap Leg Drop gets a two count for Richards. Choke with the boot from Mark. Back Drop Suplex from Mark and in comes Jay. Back Elbow from Jay gets a one count. Jay chokes Richards over the middle rope. Dropkick from Jay and then Mark comes in with a Double Stomp of his own and Sydal isn't happy. Sydal tries to come in which allows The Briscoes to take cheap shots behind the back of the referee. Forearms from Mark. Shoulder Blocks from Mark and then he runs into a boot. Richards with a big Clothesline out of the corner and back in comes Sydal. Sydal kicks the crap out of Mark. Fisherman Suplex gets a two count for Sydal and then a grounded Abdominal Stretch. Seated Abdominal Stretch follows that and then he mocks the Briscoes. Crucifx follows that for a two count. Richards tagged back in. Back Elbow from Richards and then a Snapmare and a Chinlock. Spinning Heel Kick for Mark and then in comes Jay. Leaping Fameasser from Jay gets a two count. Big kicks from Richards, but Jay wins that exchange. Jay with a Snapmare and then a Dragon Sleeper. Richards finds the ropes. In comes Mark. STO from Richards and back in comes Sydal. Hurricane Kick from Sydal. High Knee on Mark and a Clothesline gets a two count. Powerslam from Richards and a Leg Drop from Sydal gets a two count. Dropkick from Sydal. Sydal sets Mark in the corner and Jay stops a Super Rana. BRUTAL KNEE TO THE BACK OF SYDAL !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! MASSIVE BIEL FROM THE BRISCOES !!! Snapmare out of the corner and a kick to the back from Jay. Double Tackle from The Briscoes. Mark taunts the ref into the ring and that allows The Briscoes to get cheap shots in. Kicks to the stomach and forearms from Jay and then a kick to the face. Back into the ring comes Mark. HUGE DOUBLE FLAPJACK FROM THE BRISCOES !!! That gets a two count. Tornado DDT is stopped. LEAPING RANA OFF THE TOP FROM SYDAL !!! Richards tagged back in and he lands chops on Mark. He kicks Jay off of the apron. Richards to the top and a Missile Dropkick. Running Forearm ... RIGHT TO A SPINNING SUICIDE DIVE ONTO JAY ON THE FLOOR !!! Richards to the ropes. Kicks to the chest and a Spin Kick. GERMAN SUPLEX FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Richards runs into a sweep, but he ends up getting sent over the railing. The Briscoes go over and fight with Davey. Sydal up top. MOONSAULT OVER THE RAILING ONTO THE BRISCOES FROM SYDAL !!! Into the ring comes Sydal. Mark into the ropes. Drop Toe Hold/Gutbuster. STANDING SHOOTING STAR PRESS OFF THE BACK OF MARK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Backbreaker from Richards. STANDING MOONSAULT ... HITS THE KNEES !!! CRUCIFIX NECKBREAKER FROM THE BRISCOES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! CUT THROAT DRIVER ... blocked. JIG N TONIC FROM SYDAL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... JAY SAVES !!! Enziguri from Sydal. GORILLA PRESS INTO THE DEATH VALLEY DRIVER FROM JAY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... SAVE !!! SAITO SUPLEX ON JAY !!! Kicks to the chest from Richards. Backbreaker from Jay. MARK ADDS THE KNEE DROP TO THAT !!! Mark into the ring and he tries an Exploder Suplex. EXPLODER SUPLEX ON SYDAL !!! HANDSPRING ROUNDHOUSE KICK FROM RICHARDS !!! DOUBLE LARIAT AND DOWN GO BOTH JAY AND RICHARDS !!! GREAT EXCHANGE !!! All four men in the ring now. Richards ends up on the floor as does Mark. YAKUZA KICK SENDS DOWN SYDAL !!! JAY WITH THE BIG SPLASH ... HITS KNEES !!! RICHARDS COMES IN AND LANDS A GUTBUSTER !!! POWERBOMB SPINNING HEEL KICK FROM SYDAL AND RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... SAVED !!! Jay is set on the top rope. BACKFLIP SUPER BELLY 2 BELLY FROM SYDAL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... SAVED !!! Hart Attack is saved. SCREWDRIVER ON SYDAL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... SAVED !!! SPIKE JAY DRILLER TAKES OUT RICHARDS !!! DOOMSDAY DEVICE ON SYDAL ... CONTERED WITH THE ROLLUP FROM SYDAL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! CUT THROAT LEG DROP FROM THE BRISCOES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This match was a bit too mental for me at times. Too much action and too much shit to keep up with especially when there isn't much of real note ? That being said, the final stretch went on for ages and most of it was good, but you don't have uber realistic nearfalls mixed in with some minor ones so much. ****1/4

Bryan Danielson © vs. Lance Storm - ROH World Heavyweight Championship - ROH Better Than Our Best

Danielson gets the announcer to say "... and too good to wrestle in front of all of these p***ks !" during his intro. Lockup and they break. Arm Ringer from Danielson and then Storm reverses and goes to the arm. Danielson rolls through but Storm takes him down. Danielson tries his escape into a Dropkick but misses and Storm gives him the finger. Lockup and Danielson goes behind but Storm avoids and goes to the Wristlock. Arm Ringer from Danielson. Snapmare from Storm, but Danielson escapes right away and goes to the Hammerlock. Fireman's Carry into an Arm Bar from Storm. Into the corner and Danielson slaps Storm in the face in lieu of a clean break. Lockup and Storm with the Waistlock Takedown and then Front Facelock. Danielson tries to drive him into the corner, and we have a break in the corner, and Storm slaps him in the face. Storm with the leg takedown and then Danielson manages to make an escape, but Storm keeps control of the match, going to the Hammerlock and then grabs the other arm and turns Danielson into a cover. Two count from that and Storm holds onto the Hammerlock. Danielson drops out of it and then lands the Dropkick. Snapmare and then a Knee Drop from Danielson and that gets a two count. Front Facelock from Danielson. Storm with a forearm and then he lands a big Dropkick and Danielson heads for the floor. Danielson wants the referee to check his tooth when he gets onto the apron. They lock hands and we now have a test of strength going. Storm powers down Danielson and forces a bridge. Storm escapes a Monkey Flip with a cartwheel. "You've Still Got It !" chant comes from the audience. Well, that's annoying, but Storm likes it, so there you are. Danielson with the Waistlock Takedown and then a Front Facelock. Knees to the head and then Danielson shouts "Who's Got It Now ?!?!". Storm counters to a cover for a two count, but Danielson get back to a Front Facelock quickly. Danielson with a chop and then a European Uppercut. Storm into the ropes and a Back Elbow from Danielson gets a two count. Danielson then slaps Storm and then rakes the face with his boot. Back Elbow comes from Storm after that though. Delayed Vertical Suplex from Storm follows that. That gets a two count for the challenger and then a Chinlock. Danielson forces the match into the corner and lands some Shoulder Blocks and then a chop and a Headbutt. Danielson chokes with the boot after that. "I have 'till five referee !". Storm sends Danielson into the corner. THE MAPLE LEAF CRAB !!! Danielson gets to the ropes quickly, but the audience was on it's feet there. Danielson gets to the floor. Storm goes out and lands some forearms and chops. Storm then sends Danielson into the railing and back into the ring. Clothesline in the corner from Storm and that gets a two count. Into the corner where Storm lands more chops. Storm into the corner and Danielson runs into an elbow. Storm to the middle rope and Danielson sends him to the floor with a Forearm. Danielson with some payback chops and then he sends Storm into the railing and lands more chops and then a European Uppercut and then Danielson taunts the crowd. Back into the ring they go. Two count comes from all of that. Knees to the back and then he hits the ropes and lands a Knee Drop. Camel Clutch with a knee in the back from Danielson. Danielson gets a Clothesline for a two count. Modified Surfboard from Danielson as he works over the back of Storm. Storm tries to escape and can't but then lands a Mule Kick. European Uppercut but Storm fires back. Both men trade shots and Danielson gets the better of that. Danielson then rips at the face. Backbreaker from Danielson and then he turns over Storm. Mexican Surfboard from Danielson and then he opts to just stomp the knees into the canvas. This time Danielson decides to go with the proper Mexican Surfboard. He then adds the Chinlock to that. Storm manages to fight free, so Danielson rips at the face. Kick to the back from Danielson. Kick to the face and Storm is getting a little annoyed by this. Danielson then slaps Storm and Storm makes a comeback. Danielson then goes to the eyes. Leg Lariat from Storm out of nowhere and that might be enough to bring him back into the match. Leg Drop gets a two count for Storm. Danielson gets a Suplex for a two count. Storm gets to his feet from a submission and against the ropes. Storm into the ropes. He hits an Enziguri and that might get him back into the match. Forearms from Storm and then Danielson into the ropes and a Back Elbow from Storm. Leg Lariat from Storm gets a two count. Tiger Driver gets a two count for Storm but it's slightly botched. Powerslam gets another two count for Storm. Danielson goes under the legs. POWERBOMB INTO THE JACKNIFE PIN FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Bow and Arrow Hold from Danielson. Storm frees himself but that just makes time for Danielson to land a knee in the back. He goes for a Regal Plex and Storm blocks. He also blocks the Crossface Chickenwing. SUPERKICK FROM STORM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Danielson placed on the top by Storm. Sunset Bomb is blocked by Storm. SUPER BACK DROP SUPLEX FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! CROSSFACE CHICKENWING !!! Storm finds the bottom rope. Danielson to the top rope. FLYING HEADBUTT ... MISSES !!! CRADLE PILEDRIVER FROM STORM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! THE MAPLE LEAF CRAB FROM STORM !!! DANIELSON TURNS IT OVER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! SUPERKICK FROM STORM ... caught. ROARING ELBOW !!! THE REGAL PLEX FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! CATTLE MUTILATION FROM DANIELSON ... ROLLED OVER FROM STORM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! TIGER SUPLEX FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... INTO THE CATTLE MUTILATION !!! STORM TAPS !!!

This match shows the difference between a deliberately paced match and a slow as f**k match. This one was incredibly well done like many of the more modern Lance Storm matches. Good story early as Storm had clearly done his homework on Danielson and was able to counter most of what he did but as the match went on and he became more and more tired, Danielson was able to go back and do the moves that he was trying for earlier. The entire story made the final stretch seem out of place but it was dramatic, so who cares ? It was a really good match. ****

Homicide vs. Bryan Danielson, Steel Cage Match - ROH The Final Showdown

This was the last match of a violent best of five series which seen them take part in some pretty crazy brawls. Homicide attacks Danielson on the aisle and he uses the fork instantly, going to the head of Danielson. Danielson gets sent into the railing and he's already busted open. Homicide goes to work with more right hands outside the cage. He then rakes at the head of Danielson with the fork. Danielson sent into the railing again. Homicide showing some complete domination here. Homicide throws the fork into the cage and then sends Danielson in. The fans cheer that. Homicide : "Shut the f**k up !". Homicide rakes the head of Danielson into the cage. Homicide gets the fork again and rakes the head. Danielson then gets sent face first into the cage and Homicide then taunts the fans. Chair to the head of Danielson. Danielson tries to come back with chops. We have a chop fest and then Homicide gets thrown face first into the cage. Danielson gets a chair and throws it at the head of Homicide. Danielson now has the fork. He takes it to the head of Homicide. Danielson then sends Homicide into the cage like a battering ram a couple of times. European Uppercuts from Danielson. Butterfly Suplex from Danielson and that gets a two count and then he rakes at the head. Danielson then has two chairs facing each other. HOMICIDE WITH A SUPLEX THROUGH A CHAIR !!! Chair across the back of Danielson and then Homicide sets the chair in the corner of the ring. Catapult sends Danielson into the cage. Kick to the head from Homicide and then he slaps away at Danielson. Danielson then fights back and lands a bunch of knees. Running Back Elbow from Danielson and then he lands a Running Elbow. Running chair to the head of Homicide. Mexican Surfboard from Danielson. He then adds a Dragon Sleeper to that. Judo DDT from Danielson and then he heads for the top rope. Homicide stops him and heads up to meet him. Homicide and Danielson brawl on the top rope. TOP ROPE ACE CRUSHER FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! LARIAT ... misses. REGAL PLEX FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Homicide then heads for the top rope after a cheap shot. Homicide tries to escape the cage and Danielson stops him from doing so. Homicide then bites at the thumb of Danielson. Homicide gets tossed into the middle of the ring and Danielson then heads to the top of the cage. DIVING HEADBUTT OFF THE TOP OF THE CAGE FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! KICKOUT !!! WHAT ?!?! AIRPLANE SPIN ... blocked. PILEDRIVER FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Homicide tries to get out of the cage again and Danielson stops him. SUPER BACK DROP SUPLEX FROM DANIELSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Low blow from Homicide. LARIAT FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Homicide then has brass knux. BRASS KNUX ... MISS !!! ROARING ELBOW FROM DANIELSON !!! THE AIRPLANE SPIN FROM DANIELSON !!! WHAT IN THE NAME OF f**k !!! HE'S GONE ON FOR TWO MINUTES !!! NO SIGN OF STOPPING !!! :lol: He is slowing badly though. ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This match really does show the insane mean streak that Danielson would show during his run as the ROH champ. The match was a bit of a mess. It was a good hate filled brawl, but they just had blood for the sake of having blood, which is rare in ROH. Also, why the hell have a Flying Headbutt only for both men to just get up a minute later to act as if the spot never happened ? Wasting things like that is what means this match doesn't go among the best in ROH. ***1/2

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ROH Death Before Dishonor VIII

This is ROH on iPPV. Some big matches on this show. This show got some rave reviews.

Kevin Steen vs. El Generico ( ***3/4 )

Cheech and Cloudy vs. Rhett Titus and Kenny King ( * )

Austin Aries vs. Delirious ( * )

Toronto Gauntlet Match ( **1/2 )

Kenny Omega vs. Christopher Daniels ( ****1/4 )

The Kings of Wrestling © vs. The Briscoes, No DQ Match - ROH World Tag Team Championships ( ****1/4 )

Tyler Black © vs. Davey Richards - ROH World Heavyweight Championship ( ****1/2 )

Cheech and Cloudy are supposed to open the show with someone, but El Generico wants a match with Kevin Steen right now. Steve Corino comes out and says it's not gonna happen. Kevin Steen wants it though.

Kevin Steen vs. El Generico

Both men unload with forearms right from the bell and this place is HOT ! Steen with a chop and he hits the ropes and gets sent over the top. HUUUUUUGE SOMERSAULT PLANCHA FROM GENERICO !!! NUCLEAR !!! Steen gets sent into the railing. "OLE !". Chops from Generico. Right hands to the head from Generico and then he sends Steen into the railing. Into the ring and Generico to the top rope. High Cross Body and that gets a two count. Forearms from Generico and then an Open Hand Slap. Steen and Generico continue to brawl. Right hands from Generico and then some kicks in the corner. Steen then comes back with chops and forearms. Steen tries a Flapjack and Generico gets a Dropkick. Steen doesn't want to engage and holds onto the bottom rope. He then tricks Generico into a neck snap over the top rope. Steen runs into a Leg Lariat though. SWINGING DDT ... COUNTERED TO A BACKBREAKER FROM STEEN !!! SENTON SPLASH ACROSS THE BACK OF THE CRAWLING GENERICO !!! Steen and Generico then with right hands. Superkick from Steen and that puts an end to the attempted fight back from Generico. Steen then chokes Generico over the bottom rope. Generico tries to come back and Steen slaps him. Forearm knocks down Generico in the corner. Cannonball in the corner from Steen. Steen is enjoying this right now. HUGE forearm knocks down Generico. Generico then attempts a fight back and gets some right hands. Steen sends Generico into the ropes. Clotheslines from Generico. Steen with a chop. Clothesline from Generico. YAKUZA KICK ... Generico runs into an elbow. MICHINOKU DRIVER FROM GENERICO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Steen crotches Generico and then both men onto the apron. BACK BODY DROP ON THE APRON FROM GENERICO !!! THE SUICIDE DDT THROUGH THE ROPES IN THE CORNER !!! I LOVE THAT MOVE !!! Into the ring and Generico to the top. SUPERFLY SPLASH FROM GENERICO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! CRADLE BREAKER FROM STEEN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! THE SHARPSHOOTER ... Generico manages to fight away from that. HUUUUUGE SITOUT POWERBOMB !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Steen then slaps Generico. Generico slaps back and this isn't going to end well for one of these guys. Steen with forearms and he beats down Generico. Superkick sends Generico in. YAKUZA KICK !!! HALF AND HALF SUPLEX FROM GENERICO !!! LARIAT FROM STEEN !!! BOTH MEN DOWN !!! Steen heads for the top rope. MOONSAULT FROM STEEN ... MISSES !!! GENERICO WITH THE SHARPSHOOTER !!! Steen finds the bottom rope. Both men battle for big moves. PACKAGE PILEDRIVER FROM STEEN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTT !!! Steen can't believe what just happened there. Steen heads for the top rope now. SWANTON BOMB FROM STEEN ... HITS THE KNEES !!! YAKUZA KICK AND THEN THEN ANOTHER FROM GENERICO !!! We have a ref bump. SPANNER TO THE HEAD FROM STEEN !!! SUPER FISHERMAN'S BUSTER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This was a very physical match. El Generico looked brilliant as the plucky underdog who just kept on coming and coming and Kevin Steen in the end had to go with some drastic measures to keep him down. The match got off to a mad start, which is never a good idea if you can't follow it up, because it means that the audience will be lost for a good portion of the match. I thought this was good though. ***3/4

Cheech and Cloudy vs. Rhett Titus and Kenny King

So this was supposed to be the opener ? King and Cloudy get this match going. King with a Clothesline in the corner. Into the corner and in comes Titus. Cheech with a blind tag and then Cheech comes in. Double Arm Drag from Cheech and then Titus and King are sent to the floor. Stereo Suicide Dives don't get hit as Titus and King move, so Cheech throws Cloudy onto them. Into the ring with Titus and Cheech. Cheech with a Back Drop Suplex and that gets a two count. Into the corner and in comes Cloudy. Nice double teaming from Up In Smoke gets a two count. King tags himself in. Atomic Drop into a Spinebuster gets a two count for King. In comes Titus with some right hands and then King is tagged back in. Quick tags between the heels. Titus runs into boots. Top Rope Dropkick from Cloudy, but then King knocks Cheech off of the apron so as he can't tag out. Body Slam from King and then a Springboard Leg Drop. King then locks in the Chinlock. Cheech is eventually tagged into the match and he lands a Dropkick. Running Back Elbow from Cheech. Cheech to the top rope and he cartwheels over. Facewash Dropkick and then the Double Knees from Cloudy. La Magistral gets a two count for Cheech. Shoulder Block from Cheech and then he lands a Fisherman Suplex for a two count. DOUBLE 619 ... stopped by Kenny King who then comes in. Kick series from the Express gets a two count. POWERBOMB BLOCKBUSTER FROM KING AND TITUS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Cheech makes a comeback. In comes Cloudy. SWINGING DDT FROM CLOUDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Enziguri/Superkick combo from Cheech and Cloudy. 619/DROPKICK COMBO !!! DOUBLE KNEES FROM KING !!! SWINGING BACKBREAKER AND THE ONE NIGHT STAND FROM KING AND TITUS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This was a whole lot of nothing right here. The final result was never in any doubt and there was some major botching going on here. *

Austin Aries vs. Delirious

Aries slaps Delirious. MIST FROM DELIRIOUS !!! He sends the face of Aries into the top buckle. He then chokes Aries with a streamer. Delirious then chokes Aries and slams him down. Cobra Clutch attempt from Delirious, and then Aries escapes. Elbow to the back of the head from Aries and then he gets sent into the top rope and a Northern Lariat from Delirious. Delirious stops Aries from landing a Brainbuster on the referee and the match heads for the floor. Aries sends Delirious into the railing. Aries throws a bottle of water into Delirious and then he drops Delirious throat first on the railing. Aries then breaks the count of the referee and heads for the top rope. Double Axe Handle off the top but Aries hits nothing but railing. Delirious sends Aries into the railing. Back into the ring they go and Delirious gets the audience behind him and heads for the top rope. Aries crotches him up there. Neckbreaker over the middle rope from Aries. Slingshot Splash to the floor from Aries and then back into the ring they go. Kick to the chest from Aries and then he chokes Delirious in the corner. Aries then chokes Delirious in the corner. Delirious then comes back into the match. Hot Shot from Aries gets a two count. Slam and then the Head Scissors from Aries. Into the corner again and Aries works over Delirious and then he gets in the face of the referee. Delirious into the corner and Aries runs into boots. Aries puts Delirious on the top rope. Delirious bites the diddies of Aries, but that doesn't do much good. A headbutt is more successful. He jumps over Aries. Headbutt to the stomach from Delirious. COBRA CLUTCH SUPLEX FROM DELIRIOUS !!! Delirious runs into a BRUTAL Clothesline from Aries. Delirious comes back into the match. Fireman's Carry Slam and then a pair of Senton Splashes from Delirious. Basement Novacaine and then the Cobra Clutch. Aries sends Delirious to the floor. HEAT SEEKING MISSILE ... DELIRIOUS MOVES OUT OF THE WAY !!! Into the ring. King and Titus head for the ring and the referee calls it.

Jesus, this thing was all over the place. Crappy ending. Which I can normally forgive in a grudge match, but apart from the start where Delirious acted like his mother had been murdered there was no good coming from this match. *

Toronto Gauntlet Match

Opening the match will be Tyson Dux and Eddie Edwards. Tyson has a cracking look about him. They lockup and into the corner they go. Lockup and a Waistlock from Edwards and Dux with a takedown and he gets a Head Scissors. Eddie bridges away and gets a Side Headlock. Dux takes down Eddie and he kips up and goes to the arm. Snapmare and a Chinlock from Eddie. Dux with an escape to a Headlock. Arm Drag from Dux and then from Eddie and then they repeat that and we have a stalemate between the two men. They lock hands again and Eddie kicks the stomach and lands a couple of chops. Dux comes back with chops of his own. Back Body Drop from Dux and then he lands a pair of forearms. Headbutt from Eddie and then a running kick to the head. Eddie blocks a Suplex and Dux heads behind. Dux boxes the ears. CAPTURE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM DUX !!! OUCH !!! Dux sent to the floor. EDDIE WITH THE SUICIDE DIVE !!! Kick to the face next to the railing from Eddie. Eddie to the top rope and he misses a stomp. ACHILLES LOCK FROM EDWARDS !!! Dux finds the ropes. Kick in the corner from Eddie and then a Snapmare and a Chinlock and then a Camel Clutch. Dux then comes back with chops and left hands. Forearms and then a shot from Eddie. Eddie runs into a boot. Dux runs into a boot and then another but then Eddie runs into forearms. Back Drop Suplex from Dux. Running Elbow from Dux gets a two count. Front Suplex. BASEMENT DDT FROM DUX !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! BRUTAL LARIAT FROM EDDIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Dux is now set on the top rope. SUNSET BOMB FROM DUX !!! BRUTAL LARIAT FROM DUX !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Enziguri from Eddie. BACKPACK STUNNER ... blocked. LEAPING CODEBREAKER FROM EDDIE INTO THE ACHILLES LOCK !!! DUX FINDS THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! SMALL PACKAGE FROM DUX !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Eddie Edwards has been eliminated.

Shawn Daivari hits the ring to go after Dux. Elbow Drops to the leg from Shawn. Knee Drop to the knee from Shawn. Daivari is working on the leg and then he stomps on Dux and then gets kicked to the floor. Nana behind the back of the referee works on the knee of Dux. Leg DDT from Daivari. FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK FROM DAIVARI !!! Daivari uses Nana to get leverage, and the referee breaks the hold. Daivari drops his weight on the leg of Dux, but then gets kicked over the top rope. Daivari to the top rope and then he goes up to meet him. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX FROM DUX !!! Enziguri from Dux. RELEASE REGAL PLEX !!! LARIAT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Hanging Swinging Neckbreaker gets a two count as Nana puts the foot on the bottom rope. Dux with a right hand on Nana. Daivari gets a cheap pin. Tyson Dux has been eliminated.

Colt Cabana is the next man in the match. Daivari gets cheap shots in with the help of the Embassy. Back Elbow from Daivari. BILLY GOAT'S CURSE !!! DAIVARI TAPS !!! Shawn Daivari has been eliminated.

Steve Corino is the next man in the match and there is some bad blood between these two guys. Corino into the ropes and he charges down Cabana and then acts like he is the bees knees. Jabs from Cabana. Bionic Elbow from Cabana and then an Atomic Drop. Knee into the stomach from Corino and then an Arm Ringer. BILLY GOAT'S CURSE ON CORINO !!! Corino finds the ropes and heads for the floor. CABANA WITH A PESCADO !!! Right hands from Cabana as well as some right hands with the audience. That's the sort of crowd interaction that makes Cabana such a fan favourite. Back into the ring they go. Low blow behind the back of the referee. LARIAT FROM CORINO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Right hands to the face of Corino. Cabana comes back with right hands. Cabana comes back with right hands. Corino with a thumb to the eye. Corino then works on the eyes of Cabana. Short Arm Clothesline from Corino. ETERNAL DREAM ... COUNTERED TO THE CRUCIFIX !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! Steve Corino eliminated.

Roderick Strong is the final guy. Steve Corino goes nuts on Cabana. SICK BOOT FROM STRONG TO CABANA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Strong then wants Corino out of the ring. Right hands and stomps from Strong and then a choke with the boot. Dropkick from Strong and that gets a two count. Camel Clutch from Strong and then he rips at the face of Cabana. Suplex from Strong and that gets a two count. Strong with chops but Cabana with a big slap and then chops of his own. Elbow Strikes and then a Headlock from Cabana. Wind Up Right from Cabana. Right hand from Cabana. Enziguri from Strong. LIONSAULT PRESS FROM CABANA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Strong appears to be hurt. BOOK TO THE HEAD BEHIND THE REF'S BACK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!! STRONG WINS !!!

This was an enjoyable gauntlet. Too many times, the story of the previous section of the gauntlet doesn't go into the next part, but in this one every part flowed nicely with the next. There were a couple of points where the match went a little long for my taste. Any match which has Steve Corino for a length of time is too long. This was an okay match. **1/2

Kenny Omega vs. Christopher Daniels

Lockup and Omega goes to the arm of Daniels. Daniels gets to the Headlock and he manages to hold onto it. Daniels gets the Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock. Omega gets out with the Head Scissors, but Daniels goes right back to the Side Headlock. Omega into the ropes and he charges down Daniels. Nice sweep from Daniels and he gets a Headlock. Omega goes to the Overhead Wristlock and then he takes down Daniels and works on the wrist. Nice Takedown from Omega and he continues to work on the arm. Chop from Omega and then Daniels goes for the STO. Both men with counters and we have a stalemate from that. Daniels charges down Omega and then hits the ropes. Daniels cartwheels away from Omega and then lands an Arm Drag and then a Back Body Drop. Flying Back Elbow from Omega and then he picks up Daniels in the corner. Daniels into the ropes and he hits the breaks and sends Omega onto the apron. He heads to the top rope and hits a big Cross Body for a one count. Daniels takes down and then gets sent to the floor and the fans want to see something. Daniels stops the Bermuda Triangle. Kick to the back of the head from Daniels. HANGING NECKBREAKER ON THE APRON FROM DANIELS !!! Into the ring they go and Omega into the ropes and a big Clothesline from Daniels gets a two count. Neck Twist from Daniels. Knee Drop to the back of the head from Daniels and then he goes to some sort of Half Nelson. Omega runs right into a Dropkick from Daniels. Running Forearm to the back of the head and then a Back Drop Suplex and that gets a two count. Final Cut from Daniels and that gets a two count. Kick to the back of the head from Daniels and then a Snap Suplex. ARABIAN PRESS RIGHT INTO THE CROSSFACE FROM DANIELS !!! Omega finds the bottom rope. Daniels heads for the top and Omega stops him there. Super Back Body Drop puts a stop to a Super Angels Wings. Polish Hammers from Omega. Both men get around each other. Rocker Dropper gets a two count for Omega. Omega onto the apron. SPRINGBOARD MISSILE DROPKICK TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! That looked brutal. Daniels escapes. NOVACAINE INTO THE KOJI CLUTCH FROM DANIELS !!! Daniels sets Omega on the top rope. FALL FROM GRACE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Running Neckbreaker from Daniels gets a two count. Spin Kick misses from Omega. ANGEL'S WINGS ... caught. AIR RAID CRASH FROM OMEGA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Enziguri from Omega. STO from Daniels. BEST MOONSAULT EVER ... misses. Rana from Omega. POLE SHIFT FROM OMEGA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! EX HADOUKEN ... COUNTERED TO THE ANGEL'S WINGS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTT !!! WHOA !!! The fans, and me, thought that was over for sure. Spin Kick. SNAP DRAGON SUPLEX FROM OMEGA !!! EX HADOUKEN FROM OMEGA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTT !!! CROYT'S WRATH ... countered. Clotheslines from both men. Palm Strike from Daniels. STO ... BEST MOONSAULT EVER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a cracking match there from these two guys. Omega has a LOT of charisma about him to overcome any short comings he has. Daniels was in control of this and he managed to look as smooth and as good as he ever has. Once again in ROH, Daniels seems to be motivated right into this. ****1/4

The Kings of Wrestling © vs. The Briscoes, No DQ Match - ROH World Tag Team Championships

The Briscoes hit the ring and the crowd goes nuclear. Mark whips Claudio with one of the belts. Hero is sent to the floor. JAY WITH AN INSANE OVER THE TOP PLANCHA ONTO THE KINGS OF WRESTLING !!! Claudio gets sent into the ringpost. Into the ring go the Briscoes and Hero. Double Tackle from The Briscoes. Right hands from Mark and then he chokes Hero with the boot. Suplex from Mark and then some right hands. Claudio is busted open. Hero into the ropes and a Back Elbow from Jay. Double Stomp then from Jay. How can you have tag rules in a No DQ match ? Jay then knocks Claudio off of the apron. Into the ring comes Mark. Exploder Suplex from Mark when he gets into the ring. The Briscoes chase Shane Hagadorn around ringside. Cross Body off the top from Mark to Hero and now everyone is in the ring. Double Flapjack on Claudio. Back Body Drop on Hero and a Double Superkick on Claudio. One kick from Jay, but Hero stops Mark from hitting his kick and sends him to the floor. Jay kicks Hero off of the apron. Jay gets sent to the floor. Hero with a right hand on Mark. Mark is busted open. Crossface Chickenwing when Mark gets back into the ring. Head into the boot goes Mark and then Claudio back into the ring. Claudio chokes with the boot and then there's another tag bringing in Hero. HUUUGE DOUBLE POWERBOMB FROM THE KINGS !!! That gets a one count. Hero with a chop on Mark and then into the corner they go. Shot to the head from Claudio and then a Snapmare and an Arm Bar. The referee is checking on Mark who is losing a crazy amount of blood at the moment. BICYCLE KICK CATCHES HERO FROM CLAUDIO !!! BIG KICK TO CLAUDIO !!! HOT TAG !!! In comes Jay as the preverbial house on fire. Dropkick on Hero. DEATH VALLEY DRIVER FROM JAY !!! Head first into the top buckle goes Hero 30 times, and that is enough to bust him open. Hagadorn is on the apron and he gets kicked right off. HERO THROWS JAY RIGHT INTO A CHAIR SHOT TO THE HEAD FROM HAGADORN !!! Big Lariat from Claudio to Mark. Right hands to the head from Claudio. Hero then chokes Jay against the ringpost while Mark tries his best to fight back against Claudio. Suplex on Mark and now Jay is tied up and that allows the Kings of Wrestling to take control. Elbow to the back of the head gets a two count for Hero. DOOMSDAY EUROPEAN FROM THE KINGS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! YAKUZA KICK FROM HERO !!! BICYCLE KICK/CRAVAT COMBO FROM THE KINGS !!! LARIAT FROM CLAUDIO !!! Jay is released but he's out. ROARING ELBOW FROM HERO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! STRETCH PLUM FROM HERO !!! JAY SPRAYS CLAUDIO WITH A FIRE EXTINGUISHER !!! HERO GETS THE SAME !!! Novacaine from Jay. YAKUZA KICK ON HERO !!! Mark brings a table out. Mark brings hubcaps into the match. HUBCAP TO THE HEAD OF CLAUDIO !!! Table is now set in the corner. Claudio is set on the table in the corner. Hero rolls up Claudio. CRUCIFIX NECKBREAKER FROM THE BRISCOES !!! Claudio avoids the Double Biel. DOUBLE TACKLE SENDS CLAUDIO THROUGH THE TABLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Man, that was CLOSE ! Hagadorn gets onto the apron and that distracts the challengers. DOOMSDAY DEVICE ON SHANE HAGADORN !!! MARK WITH A PLANCHA OVER HIS BROTHER ONTO CLAUDIO !!! THE LOADED ROARING ELBOW FROM HERO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOOUUUUUTTTTTT !!! Hero gets thrown to the floor. ALPAMARE WATERSLIDE COUNTERED ... TO A SCHOOL BOY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUTT !!! BIG SWING FROM CLAUDIO INTO A LOADED BOOT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a brutal and bloody war there from these guys. They didn't go out and out with stupid spots and like the new Briscoes seem to be doing, they focuses more on hard hitting than anything else. ****1/4

Tyler Black © vs. Davey Richards - ROH World Heavyweight Championship

Black takes control in the early going and Richards has Black against the ropes and then both men slap each other. Richards with a Spin Kick and then we have some reversing leading to Black getting a Head Scissors. Richards tries to escape with a pin but decides to bridge out and works on the legs and gets a Camel Clutch. Black gets charged down. Richards with a rollup and then he gets a nice Modified Surfboard. He rolls that into a two count and then Black gets a Modified Surfboard of his own. A small band of fans chant "f**k You Tyler !". Richards with the Waistlock. Cornette has a go at Triple H saying he won titles because of who his wife is. Fucking pathetic. Richards with a Japanese Stranglehold which gets reversed and Black now has one of his own. Arm Drag and an Arm Bar from Richards. Black gets away but just falls to the same move again. Richards into the ropes and then Black misses two Dropkicks. He can't avoid the third one though. Body Slam from Black and then he stomps on the face. He then kicks the back and stomps the face and that gets a two count. Black onto the apron. BLACK SPRINGBOARDS RIGHT INTO THE DROPKICK FROM RICHARDS !!! He loses a tooth and goes mental on Black. Clothesline from Richards. Tequila Sunrise from Richards. Black gets into the bottom rope. Back Drop Suplex from Richards and that gets a two count. More brutal kicking to the back from Richards. Black wants some more of that though and he slaps Richards. Richards is annoyed by that and kicks away at the chest of Black in the corner and the audience likes that. Running Forearm and then a Spin Kick but then Richards runs right into the Enziguri. Good action so far here. Both men with some reversals. Black drops Richards over the top rope after an O'Connor role. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA OVER THE TOP ROPE FROM BLACK !!! Back into the ring they go and Black onto the apron. LOVELY Springboard Clothesline gets a two count for Black. Headbutt from Richards. Black runs into an elbow. PEROXYSM FROM BLACK !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Black heads for the top rope and Richards stops him up there. LEAP UP SUPER GERMAN ... BLACK LANDS ON HIS FEET !!! BIG BOOT !!! REVERSE RANA FROM BLACK !!! RUBIX CUBE FROM BLACK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! To the floor and then some right hands and chops from Black. Back into the ring they go and that gets a two count. Suplex from Black and that gets a two count for him. Chops vs. kicks from these guys now. Richards avoids a Suplex. Black charges onto the apron and gets kicked to the floor. TOPE CON HILO AND AN INSANE ONE FROM RICHARDS !!! Into the ring they go. Richards is now feeding on the support of the audience and now both men exchange strikes. Forearms from both men. HANDSPRING ROUNDHOUSE KICK FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Richards onto the apron. DRAGON SCREW OVER THE MIDDLE ROPE !!! Richards to the top rope. Top Rope Dropkick from Richards. Flurry of kicks and Black misses a German Suplex. POWERBOMB FROM RICHARDS !!! CLOVERLEAF FROM RICHARDS !!! Black reaches the ropes and the fans aren't happy with that. Body Slam and then Richards heads for the top rope. Black stops him up there though. Kick to the head from Black. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX AND THEN THE F-5 FROM BLACK !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Black now heads for the top rope. Richards stops him going up there. Richards demands that Black fights back and he does just that. PHOENIX SPLASH ... MISSES !!! Richards runs into a boot. ANKLE LOCK FROM RICHARDS !!! Pinfall sequence from these guys now. Spin Kick. Superkick from Black. PELE KICK ... COUNTERED INTO AN ANKLE LOCK WITH THE GRAPEVINE FROM RICHARDS !!! AWESOME COUNTER !!! BLACK REACHES THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! GERMAN SUPLEX FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Black blocks a Suplex. Black runs into a boot. SUPLEX SENDS BOTH MEN TO THE FLOOR !!! The brawl continues on the floor. YAKUZA KICK SENDS BLACK INTO THE FRONT ROW !!! Shane Hagadorn is now at ringside. Richards goes out to ringside and takes the chair off of Hagadorn and sends him to the back and the audience appreciate that. SUPERKICK SENDS THE CHAIR INTO THE FACE OF RICHARDS !!! That was a bit of a cheap shot. Richards fights out of a God's Last Gift and the fight heads onto the apron. PEROXYSM OFF OF THE APRON TO THE FLOOR FROM BLACK !!! RICHARDS BEATS THE COUNT !!! Richards and Black slap each other. SUPERKICK !!! GOD'S LAST GIFT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! BUCKLE BOMB FROM BLACK !!! SUPERKICK ... COUNTERED TO THE DRAGON SCREW AND THEN THE CLOVERLEAF !!! RICHARDS PULLS BLACK INTO THE MIDDLE OF THE RING !!! BLACK COUNTERS TO A SMALL PACKAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Black runs into a boot. Both men with kicks. Standing room only in the audience at this point. KAWADA KICKS FROM RICHARDS !!! FLURRIES FROM BLACK !!! SUPERKICK FROM BLACK !!! LARIAT FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! KAWADA KICKS !!! BUCKLE BOMB FROM RICHARDS !!! KICK TO THE HEAD FROM RICHARDS !!! DR DRIVER FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Richards is heading for the top rope. Both men battle up there now. BLACK DROPS A FUCKING TREE OF WOE DOUBLE STOMP TO THE FLOOR ON RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! BUCKLE BOMB FROM BLACK !!! SUPERKICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! ANOTHER SUPERKICK !!! WRIST CLUTCH GOD'S LAST GIFT FROM BLACK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

I badly wanted this to be the classic that everyone seems to be tipping it as, but no, it absolutely wasn't. It was an amazing match, but it looks like ROH gave these two guys too much time to work with. They'd work over some amazing sequences and then be lost for a couple of minutes untill they were ready to get going again. Could have been much much better. ****1/2

The last three matches make this worth a watch but a couple of matches didn't hit the heights that some claimed that they did. Generico/Steen was supposed to be awesome. It was really good, but nowhere near a potential showstealer. Richards/Black was supposed to be an early contender for match of the decade and it'll struggle to be in my top 5 matches of 2010. Still a good show though.

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Thought Hard(core) Justice was good.

Better post it in spoilers for those who haven't seen it, is it shown on Friday on the Xtreme Sports channel?

The Dudleys and Chair Swinging Freaks match was a bit pish tbh. Quite a few moves missed and more than once someone would f**k up a spot. Like Bubba, Axl was either front or back ddt-ing him and he fell down before Axl planted him.

Also have no clue about the copyright violations. During commentary they were saying ECW and Balls Mahoney but at time they were avoiding it, like the promos with the TNA stars they made sure to say stuff like the promotion in Phillie etc. PJ Polaco just sounds stupid, the crowd were certainly into it, for the most part.

Dreamer match was amazing, as soon as it started I was thinking " Why the hell would Dreamer's daughters be out when he is clearly gonna get busted open and beaten to shit." Surprised that Raven won that, given it was gonna be "The Final Showdown"

RVD Sabu match was alright. Have to agree with Dom though, a lot of spots one after another kinda deal. Sabu is still pretty crazy though, at 45 still flying around. I feel that RVD Jerry Lynn would've been better though, presuming Lynn is fit and all.

In an ideal world I would've had Lynn facing RVD and Terry Funk or Cactus Jack in some kind of barbed wire match with Sabu, something just "homicidal, genicidal...."

Edited by forehead7
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Go onto youtube and type in "wwe raw 9 8 10" and it comes up in parts.

I don't like how Kaval keeps getting beat by Harris' running senton splash thing. It's a bit like John Morrison's Starship Pain(?), quite often he over shoots it and barely catches him.

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Finally, Lucky Cannon has been eliminated, the guy was a total joke with his "i got lucky" act, the truth was that he was just a kiss ass who couldn't cut a decent promo and has to be one of the worst "characters" ever seen on WWE television.

Kaval is the most over superstar on NXT, the crowd loves him so he deserves a place in the final three. Riley is also deserving of a place as he is the best talker on the mic, good in the ring and is an entertaining superstar. I can't believe i'm saying this but Harris should make up the last spot as he has came along way from the start, he moves well for a guy his size while he can talk well and has impressed me over the last few weeks.

Watson has went off the boil ever since he tried to turn on MVP while i don't understand the hype about McGillicutty considering he has been bland throughout this series and has shown no personality.

Edited by Parscelona
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Tyler Black signing with WWE ? What do they see in him ? Terrific wrestler, but he has none of the other tools.

I watched Kaval in WWE for the first time. What he lacks in character, he makes up for in intensity. No wonder he's so over.

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Thoughts on the 7th member of team wwe this sunday?

Miz seems the likely choice, but given his personality on TV, it would magnify it more if he refuses.

Could also see a swerve, and Daniel Bryan/Brian Danielson beingh brought back, to face the nexus. It would also re-ignite the feud with the Miz, and would also cue more heel Cole commentary.

The also seem to be giving Bourne a mini push, but as good a worker as he is, with it being an elimination tag - he would be prime candidate to go first.

Wonder how the get Bret Hart out of the match, as I really do not want to see him humiliate himself by trying to be physical, when his body simply will not allow it.

Shows how strong Raw has been of late, when there is so much interest in a match that involves K Kwik!!!!!!

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