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WWE Breaking Point 2009

This was a submission based PPV, which doesn't sound THAT good a concept on paper untill you remember that there's I Quit Matches in there too. Although not quite the "breaking new ground" idea that WWE liked to push it as.

Chris Jericho and The Big Show © vs. MVP and Mark Henry - Unified WWE Tag Team Championships ( **3/4 )

Kofi Kingston © vs. The Miz - WWE United States Championship ( ***1/2 )

DX vs. Legacy, Submissions Count Anywhere Match ( **** )

Kane vs. The Great Khali, Singapore Cane Match ( DUD )

Christian © vs. William Regal - ECW Championship ( **3/4 )

Randy Orton © vs. John Cena, I Quit Match - WWE Championship ( **** )

CM Punk © vs. The Undertaker, Submissions Match - World Heavyweight Championship ( ** )

Chris Jericho and The Big Show © vs. MVP and Mark Henry - Unified WWE Tag Team Championships

The commentators tried to make us believe that MVP and Henry had a chance here, but really, did anyone really give these guys a shot in hell of getting anything from this match. MVP just misses a kick and Jericho goes to the floor as he wasn't happy with what just happened. Boo fucking hoo anyone ? Lockup and into the corner they go. We have a clean break from that and Jericho is getting annoyed. Right hands from MVP and then a Hiptoss. Nice takedown and Jericho kicks out. Jericho runs into the wrong corner where he gets hit with a right hand. Shoulder Blocks from MVP and then Jericho comes back with right hands. MVP sends Jericho into the ropes and gets a Drop Toe Hold and a Swinging Neckbreaker and that gets a two count. Into the corner where Henry is waiting for the tag and Henry wants nothing to do with him. Show into the ring. Show gets into the stance and then they lockup. They break that rather easily. Henry shows his muscles and gets booed. Show unloads with rights and lefts and the fans like that. Show jumps into Henry and gets caught. Right hands in the corner from Henry. Avalanche in the corner from Henry and then a Body Slam attempt, but Jericho makes sure he doesn't get it and that gets a two count for Show. Kicks in the corner from Show and then Jericho gets some cheap shots in there behind the back of the referee. Shot across the back from Show and then in comes Jericho with a right hand. Henry pushes Jericho out of the corner and Jericho then lands some more rights and lefts. He gets a cheap shot to MVP and then Show back into the ring. Shot to the gut from Show and then Henry into the ropes and both men Clothesline each other. In comes MVP and he lands a Belly 2 Belly Suplex and then Jericho backs into the corner. Clothesline from MVP. Knee 2 Face from MVP. BALLIN' ELBOW DROP FROM MVP !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! WALLS OF JERICHO ... countered. MVP with a forearm and then Jericho into the ropes. Show with the blind tag. SPEAR FROM SHOW TO MVP !!! Front Facelock from Show and then he clubs down MVP and in comes Jericho. The fans get behind MVP and he makes a comeback. Small Package gets a two count for MVP and then he lands a Clothesline. Jericho with an Elbow Drop to the back before MVP can be tagged into the match. Kicks in the corner from Jericho. MVP into the ropes and he avoids a Hiptoss. DDT FROM MVP !!! Henry comes into the ring and lands some headbutts and stuff. Jericho gets caught in mid air. Military Slam. BIG SPLASH FROM HENRY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... SHOW SAVES !!! Henry knocks Show to the floor. Big shot gets a two count as Jericho gets a foot on the ropes. Kick to the face from Jericho. CODEBREAKER ... blocked and Henry stops it. THE BIG RIGHT HAND FROM SHOW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This was the usual good solid tag team match from Show and Jericho, who had really found their niche in WWE with this stuff, making the tag team titles in WWE seem like a massive deal. Mark Henry also did a great job of looking like a monster when he was in there. **3/4

Kofi Kingston © vs. The Miz - WWE United States Championship

Lockup and into the corner. Lockup and then into the corner they go again. Kick to the side from The Miz coming out. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock from Miz. Kingston gets to his feet and then fights his way out. Miz charges down Kingston and then hits the ropes. Miz looks for the Finale and gets countered. Big kick to the side is a reciept, and then right hands in the corner. More kicks to the side get a two count for Kingston. Jawbreaker from Miz. Snap Suplex from Miz. Cross Body off the ropes and then another from Kingston. Dropkick when Miz tries to throw him to the floor and that gets a two count. Kingston onto the apron and then he heads for the top rope where he gets stopped and Miz with a kick to the back. He then chokes with the boot. Catapult into the bottom rope from Miz and that gets a one count. Knee in the back and then a Crossface Chickenwing, not exactly well done from Miz. Kingston then lands right hands and jumps right into a boot and that gets a two count. Right hand gets another two count for Miz. He locks in another Crossface Chickenwing. Flapjack from Miz after Kingston attempts an escape and that gets a two count. Miz then chokes Kingston over the bottom rope. Right hands to the stomach and then Miz gets sent to the floor. Kingston onto the apron where Miz sweeps him. Two count for Miz there. Knees in the corner and then right hands and left hands. Miz then lands his Clothesline in the corner and heads for the top rope. Double Axe Handle off the top from Miz and that gets a two count. Shades of Randy Savage. Running knee to the head from Miz and then he lands some more knees. Kingston sends Miz face first into the middle buckle. Kick to the stomach from Miz. Kicks to the side from Miz again. Kofi then comes back with kicks of his own. The fans loving this. TROUBLE IN PARADISE ... blocked. SOS FROM KINGSTON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Kingston into the ropes. MIZ COMBO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Miz charges into a boot. Clothesline coming off the ropes from Kingston. BOOM DROP ... HITS THE KNEES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! We now have a pinfall exchange between the two men. Russian Legsweep from Kingston. BOOM DROP FROM KOFI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! HIGH CROSS BODY ... MIZ ROLLS THROUGH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Hot Shot from Miz. SCHOOL BOY FROM MIZ AND HE HAS THE TIGHTS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Knee Lift misses. TROUBLE IN PARADISE FROM KOFI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a damn fine match from these guys here. Didn't expect it to be as good as it was as it didn't really get much in the way of build from WWE, but they got loads of time and they made it count. ***1/2

DX vs. Legacy, Submissions Count Anywhere Match

No tags in this match so all four men in action at the same time. Rhodes sends HBK to the ropes and gets nailed with a Flying Forearm. Rhodes to the floor. Knee 2 Face on Dibiase and then a chop block from HBK. Rhodes back in and he suffers the same fate. Legacy gets the hell out of there. Rhodes gets chopped down by HBK, while Dibiase gets his knees dropped on the ECW announce table. Head first into the table goes Dibiase. HBK and Rhodes head into the crowd. Head first into the steps goes HHH from Dibiase. Dibiase gets into the crowd to help Rhodes but HHH isn't far behind. All four men are now heading up the steps. HBK WITH A GUILLOTINE CHOKE OVER THE RAILING ON THE STEPS ON DIBIASE !!! That's cool as f**k stuff. HHH and Rhodes are doing battle up near the merch area and the audience are loving this. Mounted punches. Dibiase comes out of nowhere and blindsides HHH. HBK turns up to help his partner. STEREO FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCKS FROM DX !!! "You screwed Bret !" chant from the guys up at the merch area. Legacy manage to kick their way out of that while the fans sing "Ole !" at them. That is awesome. Rhodes then chokes HBK with his boot, prompting the referee to ask him if he quits. HBK makes a comeback on the steps. Where are HHH and Dibiase ? HHH is at the top of the steps taunting actually, and also giving Dibiase a bit of a beating. DX have Front Facelocks on the Legacy team, but that doesn't last long and the battle heads back down the steps. HBK and Dibiase get sent back to the ringside area. Rhodes goes after HBK. HHH now has a chair and he rams it into the chest of Rhodes. SHARPSHOOTER INSIDE AN OPEN CHAIR FROM HHH AND HBK ADDS A CAMEL CLUTCH !!! Dibiase comes and breaks the move and attacks HHH and then sends him face first into the railing. He then sends HHH into the steps. Back into the ring they go. Right hands from Dibiase. Spinebuster from HHH to Dibiase. CRIPPLER CROSSFACE FROM HHH TO DIBIASE !!! Rhodes comes in and breaks and then sends HBK over the top, but he skins the cat. HBK sends Rhodes over the top rope. GORY SPECIAL ON THE FLOOR FROM RHODES !!! Rhodes gets sent into the steps from HHH and then he heads back into the ring to deal with Dibiase once again. HHH then stomps on the head of Dibiase. HBK chops away at Rhodes on the floor while that goes on. HBK and Rhodes then battle around the ramp area. Hiptoss into a box from HBK and then Rhodes with a fight back. This part of the brawl heads back up the steps and they do battle. RHODES PUSHES HBK OFF OF THE STANDS !!! HHH gets back there and helps HBK out and then does battle with Rhodes on the ramp. Dibiase gets in on the act though. Back Body Drop on the steel from HHH to Dibiase. Rhodes and HHH then head for the backstage area. Rhodes then gets sent into the boxes back there and HHH with some right hands. Dibiase then attacks HHH from behind and lands a few right hands. The Legacy beat down continues. HBK must be stirring as the audience are cheering. MILLION DOLLAR DREAM FROM DIBIASE !!! HHH sends Dibiase into a big pillar. SPINEBUSTER THROUGH A CATERING TABLE FROM HHH TO DIBIASE !!! CRIPPLER CROSSFACE ON RHODES !!! Dibiase ends up breaking that. RHODES WITH A BRUTAL CHAIR SHOT TO THE HEAD OF HHH !!! Rhodes and Dibiase then head for the rampway. HBK got back there to help and gets taken back to the ramp. Body Slam on the ramp from Dibiase to HBK and then they drag HBK to the ring. Back into the ring they go and the audience is getting behind HBK as much as they can at the moment. Right hand from Rhodes and then he gets in the face of HBK. Right hand from Dibiase and Legacy appear to be taking much pleasure from this beating. Rhodes runs into a boot and then HBK walks right into a Body Slam. Dibiase misses an Elbow Drop and gets taken out of the ring. ANKLE LOCK FROM RHODES TO HBK !!! Dibiase comes in to help, and HBK manages to fight back again. Dibiase sent over the top rope. SWEET CHIN MUSIC FROM HBK TO RHODES !!! FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK FROM HBK TO RHODES !!! Dibiase comes in and breaks the hold. Rhodes gets sent into the ringpost. HBK manages to kick Rhodes off of the top rope and then land a Back Body Drop on Rhodes. Rhodes then crotches HBK on th ringpost when HBK looks like he's coming back into it. FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK AROUND THE RINGPOST FROM RHODES !!! DIBIASE LOCKS IN THE MILLION DOLLAR DREAM !!! HHH IS ON THE RAMP !!! HBK TAPS !!!

When the match started to head into the divide and conquer tactics of Legacy, this was all good. The crowd brawling would have been better if there was more feeling to it, but it just felt like the crowd brawling that you used to see in almost every late 90s Austin style main event. It wasn't great then and it isn't great now. But then Legacy started to look like a million yet again, as the Legacy had their plan and stuck with it. DX hardly got anything from that point onwards and that was as decisive a defeat as HBK or HHH have ever had. ****

Kane vs. The Great Khali, Singapore Cane Match

Surely with some weapons available to them, this should be better than their Summerslam match. Khali beats down Kane in the corner and the audience have no patience for this. Open Hand Slap from Khali. Kane has a cane, as does Khali. Khali overpowers Kane and just swings the cane at him. Kane heads for the floor and Khali follows. Dropkick to the knee from Kane and then he lands singapore cane shots to the body of Khali. Into the ring they go. Cane to the back of Khali and then again and that takes Khali down to one knee. Khali grabs Kane around the throat but gets caned some more. Kane then with a Dropkick to the face and that gets a two count. "Boring" chant starts and I can't argue with that. Khali pushes his way out of an Arm Bar and lands some more cane shots. HEAD CHOP FROM KHALI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! VICE GRIP FROM KHALI !!! Kane breaks that with cane shots. TOP ROPE CANE SHOT FROM KANE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Khali's translator comes in and helps Khali. Kane chokes him down. ANOTHER HEAD CHOP FROM KHALI !!! Neckbreaker around the top rope from Kane. CHOKESLAM FROM KANE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Who thought this rematch was a good idea ? Another god awful match between the two men. DUD

Christian © vs. William Regal - ECW Championship

Kozlov and Big Zeke are sent to the back. Christian goes for the Killswitch right away again like Summerslam, but that doesn't work. Christian with the Arm Ringer and Regal with an escape, but Christian gets a Hammerlock. Christian with a Sunset Flip for a two count and then Regal into the ropes. Christian with a Dropkick and that gets a two count. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock from Christian. Christian into the ropes and he gets sent to the apron. He comes back in by going to the top rope and hitting a Cross Body Block for a two count. Into the corner and Christian with right hands. Christian tries for a Tornado DDT, but then simply gets pushed off of the top rope. Regal with a kick to the face and then back into the ring and he gets a two count. Japanese Stranglehold from Regal. Christian escapes and gets a Monkey Flip but they have their hands locked. Regal kips up and then a forearm. HALF NELSON SUPLEX FROM REGAL !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Regal with forearms to the face of Christian. Mexican Surfboard coming from Regal and then he adds a Dragon Sleeper to that. Christian fights into a corner and gets a Springboard Sunset Flip and then rolls through. RUNNING KNEE TO THE FACE FROM REGAL !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Full Nelson from Regal. Right hands from Christian, but he runs right into the Exploder Suplex and that gets a two count. Regal with shots in the corner. Christian set on the top rope and he fights back. TORNADO DDT FROM CHRISTIAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Christian runs right into a hard Forearm and that gets a two count. Big right hands from Christian. THE KILLSWITCH ... stopped. REGAL PLEX FROM REGAL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Christian attempts a fight back again. Christian with a leaping European Uppercut. Elbow Drop from Christian and then a Body Slam. Running Basement Elbow Strike gets a two count for Christian. Missile Dropkick from the second buckle and then he jumps over Regal and heads for the top rope. He misses a Dropkick from there. Cannonball Senton from Regal and that gets a two count. Flurry in the corner, but Regal runs into a boot. KILLSWITCH ... stopped. KILLSWITCH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Awfully awkward stuff as always from William Regal. That guy has no idea how to have a match at length in WWE against someone not named Chris Benoit. It was up to Christian's comebacks and flurries to save this match and it did more than that as he looked terrific here. **3/4

Segment involving John Morrison, Dolph Ziggler and Pat Patterson follows that. Couldn't give a f**k.

Randy Orton © vs. John Cena, I Quit Match - WWE Championship

If anyone interferes on behalf of the champion in this match, he will be stripped of the title. Long staredown leads to Cena taking control of the match and then he lands a Belly 2 Belly Suplex. Orton into the corner and Cena lands a Release Fisherman Suplex early. Right hand from Cena and then he gets sent to the ropes and he misses a big Charge. Cena on the apron and Orton charges and sends him into the RAW announce table. Orton then readies the Smackdown table. MONITOR TO THE HEAD FROM ORTON !!! Back into the ring they go. HANGING DDT FROM ORTON !!! Orton now brings a chair into the equation. RKO INTO THE CHAIR ... stopped. Cena comes back with Shoulder Charges. PROTOBOMB FROM CENA !!! FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE FROM CENA !!! Orton gets onto the apron and then he does the Neck Snap over the top rope. Back into the ring goes Orton. THE PUNT ... misses. STF FROM CENA ... stopped. Orton gets to the floor and Cena is on the chase. Cena gets sent into the steps. Orton picks up the steps. STEPS TO THE HEAD FROM ORTON !!! Orton now has the head of Cena on the bottom part of the steps. STOMP TO THE HEAD OF CENA ON THERE !!! Another stomp to the head. Orton throws a wee bag into the ring while Cena is getting into the ring. Orton now has a pair of handcuffs and he has Cena cuffed to the top rope. Orton then lands some right hands on Cena. Knee Drops from Orton. Cena battles to his feet. MICROPHONE TO THE HEAD FROM ORTON !!! Orton then uncuffs Cena. Orton then handcuffs the hands together and has Cena hung up on the top rope. Orton then goes with body shots. Orton won't let Cena pass out. Cena spits on Orton. Orton now has a singapore cane and continues his work on the ribs. He then chokes Orton with the cane. LOW BLOW FROM CENA !!! Cena pulls himself off of the ringpost but he's not uncuffed yet. CHAIR TO THE HEAD FROM ORTON OUT OF NOWHERE !!! Cena is now cuffed to the bottom buckle. CHAIR TO THE BACK FROM ORTON !!! Chair to the head misses again. Back Body Drop on the floor. Cena gets the key and escapes from the cuffs. Cena handcuffs himself to the challenger and Cena goes nuts with right hands. Back into the ring they go and Cena goes mental with stomps. Back Drop Suplex and then more right hands from Cena. Cena then picks up Orton. ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ... COUNTERED TO THE RKO FROM ORTON !!! Orton is going for the key to the cuffs and Cena catches him. STF WITH THE CUFFS !!! IT'S DONE !!!

Some of the stuff went on for far too long. The stuff with the cuffs especially. The match was the usual epic Cena brawl on PPV though. That guy just knows how to put together an intense and brutal brawl. ****

CM Punk © vs. The Undertaker, Submissions Match - World Heavyweight Championship

Taker goes for the lockup and Punk heads right for the floor. I suppose that's one way to do things. Punk gets back in and uses speed to stay away from Taker and then lands some kicks and forearms in the corner. Taker grabs Punk and throws him over the top rope. Punk runs back into the ring and then clubs away again. Clothesline from Taker and then a right hand. Taker with a right hand and then more of the same. The fans are liking this mauling at the moment. Right hands and kicks to the stomach and then Punk sent back to the floor. Punk with elbows to the stomach and then he tries to ram Taker into the post. Knee Lift from Taker. Punk almost gets whipped THROUGH the barrier. Taker then misses a big knee against the railing. Running knee to the head from Punk and then a series of stomps. Punk gets a chair. CHAIR TO THE HEAD FROM PUNK !!! Taker gets into the ring and then Punk follows. High Knee in the corner and then the Bulldog is blocked. Arm Ringer and Shoulder Blocks from Taker. OLD SCHOOL ... Punk crotches Taker on the top rope and then lands some right hands. Headbutt sends Punk into the middle of the ring, but he comes back with a running kick. SUPERPLEX FROM PUNK !!! Punk with kicks to the body but then Taker comes back with right hands. Getting into a striking match with Taker is never a good idea. Snake Eyes and then the Big Boot from Taker and then the Leg Drop. CHOKESLAM ... Punk with a kick to the head. PUNK WALKS RIGHT INTO THE HELL'S GATE !!! PUNK TAPS !!! Teddy Long says that the move was banned by Vickie Guerrero and the match must continue. Taker looks at the camera man and asks "what was that ?". That's awesome. Punk runs into a Big Boot. LAST RIDE ... Punk goes behind. ANACONDA VICE !!! BELL RINGS !!!

Come to think of it, that ending was pretty good. I don't see why they had to have CM Punk tap out before they did it, but there you are. The match wasn't terrible before that point, but it wasn't very good either. The Undertaker was clearly not that fit at this point and that led to his matches being very pedestrian no matter who he faced. **

Could have been much much worse when you look at the card for this, and it actually turned out to be a really solid PPV from start to finish.

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Randy Orton © vs. John Cena, I Quit Match - WWE Championship

The Ironman match after this was the first time I'd really enjoyed a John Cena match. I was always a hater before that match but since then I've watched older Cena matches and grown to like him but yet still hate him at the same time :lol:

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Just watching NXT for pretty much the first time this season.

Kaval just finished a rap by saying he is Total Nonstop Action and Striker, Cole and Matthews all reacted like 'What the f**k did he just say!'

Wonder if he'll get away with that.

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The Ironman match after this was the first time I'd really enjoyed a John Cena match. I was always a hater before that match but since then I've watched older Cena matches and grown to like him but yet still hate him at the same time

He's a weird one. I love watching him in the ring as he's got that ability to pull a big match out, but his character is fucking terrible. I hate it. His promos are cringeworthy most of the time and his comedy ... well, it isn't funny.

Kaval just finished a rap by saying he is Total Nonstop Action and Striker, Cole and Matthews all reacted like 'What the f**k did he just say!'

Wonder if he'll get away with that.

I reckon he'll get a slap on the wrist and a "be more careful" warning.

WWE Hell in a Cell 2009

If there's one match type PPV that I disagree with, it's this one. This type of match should only ever be used to payoff a MASSIVE fued and should never have one month where it can happen. That said, the card for this one isn't bad at all.

CM Punk © vs. The Undertaker, Hell in a Cell Match - World Heavyweight Championship ( **1/2 )

John Morrison © vs. Dolph Ziggler - WWE Intercontinental Championship ( ** )

Mickie James © vs. Alicia Fox - WWE Diva's Championship ( *1/2 )

Chris Jericho and The Big Show © vs. Rey Mysterio and Batista - Unified WWE Tag Team Championships ( ****1/4 )

John Cena © vs. Randy Orton, Hell in a Cell Match - WWE Championship ( *** )

R-Truth vs. Drew McIntyre ( *3/4 )

Kofi Kingston © vs. Jack Swagger vs. The Miz - WWE United States Championship ( **1/2 )

DX vs. Legacy, Hell in a Cell Match ( ****1/2 )

CM Punk © vs. The Undertaker, Hell in a Cell Match - World Heavyweight Championship

So this fued draws to a close. Match starts with Punk landing right hands and then thinking better of it and running away. He doesn't run fast enough, which must mean he is as slow as a week in the jail and he gets whipped into the cell and then rammed face first into it. Right hands from Taker. Punk tries to block but gets sent face first into the cage yet again. Taker then kicks Punk into a NASTY bump against the cell. Punk kicks the steps into the knees of Taker and then works on the leg. Taker tries to grab a leg to stop the beating, but that doesn't work very well for him. Taker kicks Punk back into the steel before he can ram his leg into the Figure Four. Punk lands the High Knee on the apron. PUNK GETS THROWN FACE FIRST INTO THE CAGE FROM THE APRON !!! That looked NASTY. Punk is draped over the apron and Taker hits the Leg Drop. Punk kicks Taker into the cage. SUICIDE DIVE FROM PUNK AGAINST THE CELL !!! That has to be a bit of a nasty move to do in such an environment. I'm finding myself saying nasty a lot. That's a good thing in such a match. Headbutts and right hands from both men back in the ring. HUGE right hand knocks down Punk and more of the same. Punk into the corner and then the Snake Eyes is countered. Punk runs right into the Big Boot anyways. Leg Drop gets a two count to complete the attempted combo. CHOKESLAM ... kicks from Punk to get away from that. GO 2 SLEEP ... countered. Chop block from Punk. CM Punk brings a chair into the match. RUNNING CHAIR SHOT TO THE HEAD FROM PUNK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Big Knee from Punk. LAST RIDE AND A BIG 'UN FROM TAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! He TOSSED Punk on that one there. Taker then goes to the top rope. OLD SCHOOL ... Punk pulls Taker right into a knee in the face and that gets a two count. Big Boot sends the chair into the face of Punk. CHOKESLAM FROM TAKER !!! THE TOMBSTONE FROM TAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

It felt just a little bit too decisive at the end for me. It was as if the WWE were determined to make CM Punk look as weak as possible during this fued. This match was not bad. It felt more like a Smackdown TV main event with a couple of cell bumps thrown in. There was certainly some stuff held back from both men. It was a good wee match though. **1/2

John Morrison © vs. Dolph Ziggler - WWE Intercontinental Championship

Morrison goes for the leg early and then takes down Ziggler and gets a Waistlock. Ziggler gets a nice rollup but Morrison escapes quickly. Suplex fake and Ziggler with a takedown and a Front Facelock. Hammerlock from Morrison and Ziggler gets into the ropes to escape from this exchange. Ziggler takes down Morrison, but again JoMo takes the control with a School Boy and again Ziggler uses the ropes. Kick to the stomach and a right hand and this audience really doesn't care. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock from Ziggler. Ziggler charges Morrison down and then hits the ropes and runs right into a Dropkick and that gets a two count. Nice Breakdance Leg Drop from Morrison and that gets a two count. Chinlock from Morrison. Ziggler escapes and gets a shot to the head for a two count and then locks in the Chinlock. He then goes to the Cravat. He grounds Morrison with another Chinlock. Headlock from Ziggler and then the takedown and the Side Headlock. This has gone on far too long if you ask me ! Morrison escapes and then lands a Springboard Cross Body and gets a two count. Dropkick sends Ziggler into the buckles. STARSHIP PAIN ... MISSES !!! That gets a two count for the challenger. Major hang time on the Elbow Drop from Ziggler and that gets a two count. Dropkick gets the same result for the challenger. Another Chinlock from Ziggler but he then inverts it and bridges. Morrison comes back with rights and lefts, but Ziggler with a knee and then he sends Morrison to the ropes. European Uppercut from Morrison but he runs into a Powerslam and that gets a two count. Running Neck Snap from Ziggler. Kick to the back from Ziggler again. Ziggler then chokes Morrison using the bottom rope. Stinger Splash from Ziggler and that gets a two count. Ziggler then chokes Morrison. Body Slam from Ziggler and that gets a two count. Fireman's Carry and then Ziggler wants Morrison on his feet. Another Fireman's Carry and that gets a two count. TILT-A-WHIRL DDT FROM MORRISON !!! Right hands from both men. Morrison gets the advantage of the match and then lands a big right hand and a Clothesline. Dropkick from Morrison. SHOOTING STAR PRESS FROM MORRISON !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Ziggler rolls up Morrison and holds the ropes and the referee spots it. SCHOOL BOY FROM MORRISON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Morrison runs right to the Sunset Flip. BAREBACK FROM ZIGGLER !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Ziggler then sets Morrison on the top rope. Morrison knocks Ziggler into the middle of the ring. Morrison almost drops into a Dropkick, but he lands a Catapult and gets a two count. FLYING CHUCK ... misses. GERMAN SUPLEX FROM ZIGGLER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! RUNNING FAMEASSER FROM ZIGGLER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Ziggler runs into a boot. STARSHIP PAIN FROM MORRISON ... stopped. ZIGGLER DROPS MORRISON RIGHT ON HIS HEAD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! "This Is Awesome" chant from the audience. This is NOT awesome. ZIG ZAG ... MISSES !!! BIG RUNNING KNEE FROM MORRISON !!! STARSHIP PAIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

My god this is dull. Mainly thanks to Dolph Ziggler being as green as the green green grass and having next to no offense for his beatdown section of the match, having to rely on far too much chinlockery to get through. The final stretch was decent enough, but not worth getting to. **

Mickie James © vs. Alicia Fox - WWE Diva's Championship

Lockup and then they break. Lockup again and Fox goes to the arm of James. Mickie gets sweeped down for a one count. Do they HAVE to take so long between moves here ? Mickie into the ropes and she gets a Monkey Flip and then a forearm. Mickie into the ropes and she slides under. Snapmare and then a Running Dropkick to a seated Fox gets a two count. Neckbreaker nicely done from James and then she heads for the top rope, but Fox sweeps her back down to the canvas, which the crowd cares not a jot about. Tough crowd. Camel Clutch with a knee in the back from Fox. Fox then just goes to the hair and the referee breaks. James comes back with forearms and then she runs into the Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker. "Fox !". Fuck off Fox. Body Scissors from Fox. Kick to the head from Fox as well and James comes back with forearms. Clothesline from James and another. Fox runs into an elbow and then a Head Scissor into a Rana. James to the top rope and the Thesz Press off the top gets a one count. DDT ... Fox charges Mickie in. Northern Lights Suplex gets a two count for Fox. Scissor Kick misses. DDT FUCKING BREAKS FOX !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Crowd totally shat on this which is a bit harsh as it wasn't a horrible match by any means, but that last match probably killed them. The action was short and they kept it all busy and that ending was just horrific. *1/2

Chris Jericho and The Big Show © vs. Rey Mysterio and Batista - Unified WWE Tag Team Championships

Jericho and Rey to get this going. Lots of backstory in this little mini-match. Forearms and headbutts and then kicks from Jericho. Rey into the ropes and he lands a Wheelbarrow Arm Drag and then a Monkey Flip. Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors. 619 is countered, but a Springboard Moonsault Press gets a two count. Batista is tagged into the match to a series of cheers. Shoulder Block from Batista. Jericho into the corner and an Avalanche from Batista. Right hands and then a choke with the boot. Shoulder Charges in the corner from Batista and back in comes Rey. Rey whipped into a Dropkick on Jericho and that gets a two count. Kick to the head and that one hit. Two count comes from that and back in comes Batista. Shot to the arm from Batista. Kick to the face from Jericho and then he runs into a Back Elbow. Suplex from Batista and that gets a two count. Rey heads for the top rope and goes on the shoulders. REY WITH A BIG SPLASH OFF OF THE SHOULDERS OF BATISTA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Jericho runs into his corner and tags in The Big Show. Rey wants himself some of Show. The fans have a lot of respect for that. Big kicks to the leg from Rey. Show with a big choke and then a headbutt and then he walks across Rey. Big right hand to the gut from Show. Show lifts Rey onto the top rope and then slaps him to the floor and the fans LOVE that. Batista goes out to the floor to really get behind his tag team partner. Show lifts Rey in with one hand, but Rey fights back but runs right into a Big Boot. Show slides Rey into the corner and tags out and gets a cheer from the audience as he leaves. Jericho raises an arm when he gets into the ring. Catapult into the middle rope from Jericho. That gets a two count, and Jericho decides to wear down Rey with a Full Nelson. Rey makes a comeback and then sent into the corner. Enziguri from Rey and he has a chance at a tag here, but Jericho is in position and he's tempted. 619 misses as Jericho lured Rey into a forearm. Jericho gets set on the top rope. Jericho tries to rip the mask off of Rey and gets knocked off the top. Seated Senton off the top rope and Rey tags out and in comes Batista to massive boos. Batista knocks Show off the apron. BOSSMAN SLAM ON JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Jericho into the ropes and he jumps into a Running Powerslam attempt. That misses, but the Spear doesn't and Batista signals for the end. Batista sends Jericho into Show. SPINEBUSTER ON JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Show grabs the foot of Batista. CODEBREAKER FROM JERICHO OUT OF NOWHERE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Jericho now tags out of the match and in comes The Big Show. Show now unloads with stomps to the chest and stands on the face of Batista. Leg Drop misses from Show. Batista unloads with right hands. HE RUNS RIGHT INTO THE CHOKESLAM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... REY SAVES !!! Jericho is NOT happy with that. Jericho tags in and unloads with right hands on Batista. "Y2J" chants and Jericho asks for more. LIONSAULT ... MISSES !!! Both men going for tags and they both get 'em and Rey with a Dropkick to the knee. Rey slides to the apron. Seated Senton ... Alleyoop ... miss. SPRINGBOARD LEAPING DDT FROM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Show charges and ends up on the floor. 619 ... HITS SHOW !!! JERICHO SENT ONTO SHOW AND BATISTA HITS A SPEAR SENDING BOTH MEN DOWN !!! This is a terrific match, it has to be said. Show gets back into the ring and Rey onto the apron. Springboard Dropkick. 619 ... SPRINGBOARD ... RIGHT INTO THE RIGHT HAND FROM SHOW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Well f**k me, that was brilliant. The Big Show looked absolutely amazing in this match. He spent most of the time in there and his mauling at times of Rey was amazing, and it was his initial big move that woke the crowd from the slumber that the last two matches put them in. Credit to Rey as well who also did the majority of work for his team. It made me wanna see that match. They also stuck to the formula fairly rigidly and when four good wrestlers do that, you're ALWAYS gonna get a good match as the formula is foolproof. ****1/4

John Cena © vs. Randy Orton, Hell in a Cell Match - WWE Championship

Lockup and Cena unloads with rights and lefts. Orton to the floor and he wants a way out. Cena follows and Orton baited him in it seems. Knee Drop to the back of the head. HUGE "Cena Sucks" chant breaks out. Rake with the boot and another right hand from Orton. Orton then clubs away at Cena. Kick to the chest from Orton. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment. Orton escapes and lands a big Powerslam and that gets a two count. Cena and Orton exchange right hands and then Cena lands his big Shoulder Block, but misses a second and ends up on the apron. "RKO" chant comes up. Orton charges Cena into the cell from the apron. Stomps to the stomach using the cell from Orton. Orton then pushes the face of Cena into the cell. Cena then unloads with right hands on the floor and charges the back of Orton into the wall of the cell a couple of times. Orton counters a throw, and he sends Cena into the steps. Orton then exposes the lower part of the steps. Orton then stomps on the head on the steps of Cena. Orton now has the steps and throws them into the ring. Orton now has the steps set in the ring and he waits for Cena to get to the ring apron. HANGING DDT ON THE STEPS ... Cena manages to counter that and he sends Orton over the top rope to the floor. Cena goes to throw the steps at Orton but misses. Cena seems a little bit pissed, but Orton lands the Orton Backbreaker before he can do anything about it. That gets a two count. Cena battles to his feet in the corner. Orton runs right into a boot. Shoudler Tackles from Cena and NOW he's ready. PROTOBOMB FROM CENA !!! FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE FROM CENA !!! ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ... Orton to the apron and then he does the Neck Snap over the top rope. HANGING DDT FROM ORTON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Orton has his eyes on the champion. RKO ... misses. ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT FROM CENA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOOUUUUTTTTTT !!! Cena then sets Orton on the top rope. Electric Chair Drop from Orton. Cole says "Inside Hell in a Cell !" as if that makes the move more painful or something. Anyways that gets a two count. Cena is on the apron. Head first into the top buckle goes Cena and then Orton lifts him onto the top rope. Cena drops Orton in the middle of the ring. TOP ROPE FAMEASSER ... MISSES !!! Orton now has a steel chair in the ring. CHAIR TO THE NECK FROM ORTON !!! He then rams a second shot to the stomach. ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! He should have gone for the cover after the first shot to be honest. Knee Drop misses and lands right on the chair. STF FROM CENA !!! Orton finds the bottom rope, but falls count anywhere in the cell so that doesn't count for anything. Orton sends Cena into the referee. STF AGAIN FROM CENA !!! The referee is down though and there's a tap. Obviously. Cena gets the referee back into the ring. RKO FROM ORTON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOOUUUTTTTTTT !!! Cena is tied up in the ropes and then Orton with the Chinlock in there and this is going to end in Cena being unconscious. THE PUNT FROM ORTON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

The pacing of this match was all over the place at times. The first MASSIVE nearfall was half way through the match. So you should follow that with more big 'uns or big action and they did neither, just going to what they were doing before. It was a well built match though aside from a few moments which seemed greatly out of place. ***

R-Truth vs. Drew McIntyre

This was before Truth was any real sort of deal so the fans don't care here. Headlock from Drew and then a Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock. HEADLOCKERY~~!!! The fans chant "Boring !" right away. Whit ? Dropkick from Truth and then a couple of right hands. Splits/Leg Lariat combo from Truth and then a Hiptoss. That gets a two count. Kicks to the stomach and then right hands. Kicks and punches then from Drew. The referee breaks them up and Truth wants some more of him. Kick to the head from Drew and then he unloads with right hands and he seems annoyed by something. Into the corner and Drew with repeated Clotheslines. The fans chant "boring" again. Short Arm Clothesline and that gets a two count. Cravat of sorts from Drew. Truth and Drew then unload with right hands. They collide in the middle of the ring with Cross Body Blocks. Truth catches a kick and then lands some right hands and then a Clothesline. Bicycle Kick from Truth and that gets a two count. SCISSOR KICK ... ducked. Future Shock DDT countered and Truth gets a Jacknife Pin for a two count. FUTURE SHOCK DDT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

It wasn't terrible. It was basically a showcase match on PPV for Drew McIntyre and he didn't look terrible. *3/4

Kofi Kingston © vs. Jack Swagger vs. The Miz - WWE United States Championship

All three men exchange strikes to get this one going. Kofi lands his punches in the corner. Kicks to the stomach of both Miz and Jack and then Swagger knocks down Kofi from behind. Kick to the head from Miz and now the heels work over the champ. Kofi into the ropes and a Double Back Elbow from Miz and Swagger. Kofi attempts a fightback again. Double Suplex from the heels. That gets a two count as Swagger won't let Miz make the cover. Miz apologizes for making the cover. Kofi into the ropes and he comes out with a School Boy on Miz for a two count. Swagger beats on Kofi and then Miz joins in when he has gotten himself together. Kofi into the corner. Miz wants to Clothesline Kofi and then hits one on Swagger. I guess that's the truce done. Miz then lands his Clothesline on Kofi and heads for the top rope. Double Axe Handle on Swagger. Neckbreaker/Backbreaker combo from The Miz and then he goes to work on both men with stomps. Kofi onto the apron and then a shot to The Miz. Kofi to the top rope and Swagger stops him there. Swagger now has Miz. DOOMSDAY CROSS BODY FROM KOFI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! He tries a two count on Swagger, which is a fail because he didn't even take that bad a fall. Kofi with right hands and kicks. Hot Shot from Swagger and then a Belly 2 Belly on the champ gets a two count. Shoulder Charges in the corner and then Miz is set on the top rope and then in the Tree of Woe. He does push ups right in front of Miz. Miz avoids getting Swagger thrown into him. SUPER BACK DROP SUPLEX FROM KOFI TO MIZ !!! RUNNING VADER BOMB FROM SWAGGER TO MIZ !!! Kofi and Swagger then go at it. Clothesline from Kofi. BOOM DROP FROM KOFI TO SWAGGER !!! ONE ! TWO ! MIZ SAVES !!! Kofi sends Miz into the ropes but then gets thrown head first into the canvas. TROUBLE IN PARADISE CATCHES SWAGGER !!! SKULL CRUSHING FINALE FROM MIZ !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... FOOT ON THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! Clothesline knocks down Kofi. DOCTOR BOMB FROM SWAGGER TO MIZ !!! TROUBLE IN PARADISE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

The good thing about this match was that they didn't do much of the "keep one guy out" stuff. All three men were involved in the match pretty much the whole time. It made for a bit of a messy match but I'm not too fussed by that. **1/2

DX vs. Legacy, Hell in a Cell Match

Legacy attack DX before the match even gets going. The brawl heads around the cage between the four men now. Dibiase is Clotheslined over the RAW announce table and then he helps his partner. Face first into the Smackdown table goes Rhodes and then HBK readies the Smackdown announce table. MONITOR TO THE HEAD OF CODY !!! DOUBLE SUPLEX LANDS RHODES ON THE ANNOUNCE TABLE !!! Dibiase leaps over the RAW announce table and takes out HHH and attacks HBK as well. He sends HHH to the front row. Suplex sends HHH back to the ringside area. Rhodes then gets whipped into the railing. HHH and Dibiase now brawl into the crowd while Rhodes gets chopped over the barrier. All four men are now brawling into the crowd, but Rhodes and HBK don't last long there, and Rhodes gets hit with a Back Body Drop over the barrier. CHAIN TO THE LEG OF HBK !!! That's the chain that they use to lock the cell. CHAIN TO THE HEAD OF HHH !!! DOUBLE DDT ON THE RAMP FROM LEGACY TO HHH !!! CROSSROADS ON THE RAMP !!! Legacy seem to have really did what they set out to do and now have HBK and kick him right in the leg. Dibiase slams the door of the cell right into the leg of HBK. Rhodes then runs up the ramp to get something or other. Oh, he got the chain and he's now locking the cell and Legacy have HBK in there. HHH is out cold on the ramp but it doesn't matter anymore. Dibiase and Rhodes now have HBK in the ring and the match has begun officially. Legacy surround HBK letting him know what's about to happen. Dibiase's smile is particularly sadistic. HBK flies at Dibiase, but that doesn't last long. BRUTAL KICK TO THE HEAD FROM DIBIASE !!! HIGH/LOW FROM LEGACY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Rhodes with some hard right hands to the head and then Dibiase drops the knee on the canvas and then one more time as the fans chant for Triple H. Knee Breaker from Rhodes and then more of the same. Enziguri on Rhodes and Dibiase misses an Elbow Drop and HBK is fighting out of desperation. Rhodes heads for the floor and grabs the legs of HBK. He rams the knee right into the ringpost and the match is going south for HBK. HBK falls to the floor. HBK throws a chair at Rhodes, and Dibiase sends him face first into the cell. HHH now heads for the cell but doesn't realise yet that it's locked. Both Dibiase and Rhodes try for a Figure Four Leglock and HBK fights back out of desperation. Rhodes opts for a catapult and sends HBK face first into the cell. HBK climbs the cell and jumps onto Rhodes out of desperation. Dibiase comes out of nowhere and flattens HBK. Dibiase and Rhodes then taunt HHH. HHH looks around the cage for a way in. HBK sends Dibiase into Rhodes who flies into the wall of the cage. Manhattan Drop from HBK and then a chop. Flying Forearm from HBK. HHH then climbs the cell. SWEET CHIN MUSIC ON RHODES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... RHODES PULLS HBK TO THE FLOOR !!! CHAIR TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD !!! HHH is back on the floor and giving HBK encouragment. Rhodes with a big jumping stomp to the chest. HHH now has a steel chair and he tries to smash his way through the chain. Not gonna work pal. Dibiase on the other side tells HHH to hit him. RHODES WITH A POWERBOMB INTO THE WALL OF THE CELL !!! HHH then uses the chair to try and pry the door open. Another Powerbomb into the cage while that happens. HHH realises that the chair isn't gonna do anything. HHH looks at Legacy and then leaves. Dibiase seems particularly happy with that idea. Rhodes : "Your partner left you !". Big right hand from Rhodes and this beating is almost hard to watch at this point. Dibiase then charges HBK into the cell and the post time and time again. Back into the ring they go. Michael Cole does an amazing job of the sort of sickened over-reaction that people do from time to time when they see something they don't like. HBK attempts a fightback, but Dibiase lands a HUGE Clothesline and then wants the match to be finished now. DIBIASE DROPKICKS A CHAIR INTO THE HEAD OF HBK !!! Legacy are now mocking DX using the hand signal. Legacy then take HBK over to the corner and this is how they finished him at Breaking Point. HBK fights desperately. MILLION DOLLAR DREAM/FIGURE FOUR LEG LOCK IN THE CORNER COMBO !!! HHH HAS BOLT CUTTERS !!! DREAM STREET ON THE CHAIR AND HHH IS IN THE CELL !!! DIBIASE TO THE FLOOR !!! Right hands from HHH and then he lands the High Knee. Knee 2 Face on Dibiase. HHH now gets the chair and sets it in the ring. SPINEBUSTER ON THE CHAIR ON RHODES !!! PEDIGREE ... Dibiase attacks from behind, but HBK isn't out of this yet. Dibiase then gets sent to the floor. HBK and HHH head for the floor to deal with Dibiase and then stop the ref locking the door. HHH WITH A RIGHT HAND WITH THE CHAIN TO THE HEAD OF DIBIASE !!! PEDIGREE ON THE FLOOR FROM HHH !!! HBK then drags Dibiase outside the cage and then take the bolt cutters into the cell with them. HHH locks DX in the cell with Rhodes and this spells deep trouble for Rhodes. HBK heads for the top rope. ELBOW DROP TO A CHAIR WHICH IS WRAPPED AROUND THE HEAD OF RHODES !!! HHH then heads for the floor and goes under the ring and gets the sledgehammer. SWEET CHIN MUSIC/SLEDGEHAMMER SHOT FROM DX !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

So much awesomeness in this match. Lets start with the greatness of the main bulk, which is Legacy taking control of the match with their "divide and conquer" ideas. Dibiase was particularly amazing in this match, with his constant mocking and facial expressions that ruled. What was even better was that this is exactly how DX won, except they're seasoned pros and they don't waste their time on the mocking when they can just get the match done. This is an absolutely astonishing match as far as storytelling goes, and it's only problem was how long it went. ****1/2

Most of the action was solid and there was two ****+ matches. The main event in particular is must-see stuff for people who like to see epic storytelling in their wrestling.

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WWE Hell in a Cell 2009

If there's one match type PPV that I disagree with, it's this one. This type of match should only ever be used to payoff a MASSIVE fued and should never have one month where it can happen. That said, the card for this one isn't bad at all.

CM Punk © vs. The Undertaker, Hell in a Cell Match - World Heavyweight Championship ( **1/2 )

John Morrison © vs. Dolph Ziggler - WWE Intercontinental Championship ( ** )

Mickie James © vs. Alicia Fox - WWE Diva's Championship ( *1/2 )

Chris Jericho and The Big Show © vs. Rey Mysterio and Batista - Unified WWE Tag Team Championships ( ****1/4 )

John Cena © vs. Randy Orton, Hell in a Cell Match - WWE Championship ( *** )

R-Truth vs. Drew McIntyre ( *3/4 )

Kofi Kingston © vs. Jack Swagger vs. The Miz - WWE United States Championship ( **1/2 )

DX vs. Legacy, Hell in a Cell Match ( ****1/2 )

Great review of a PPV I had completely forgotten about. I remember thinking prior to both Hell in a Cell and the submission PPV that the Legacy - DX matches would be shite and both proved me wrong.

Gonna go give this a watch.

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I'm sitting here bored and just thought of something drum up a bit of good ol' wrestling chat. Basically, one person names a wrestling personality from the past, present or future and the next person explains their feelings towards them. They can then name another person.

I'm not sure if this will catch on, but what the hell.

I'll go first.

Jerry Lawler

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He's settled into his role as a babyface announcer after a long time of being poor. He used to be a TERRIFIC commentator and is coming into his own again. As a wrestler, an UNREAL heel and if you ever get the chance to see his work in Memphis, go see it.

Owen Hart

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He's settled into his role as a babyface announcer after a long time of being poor. He used to be a TERRIFIC commentator and is coming into his own again. As a wrestler, an UNREAL heel and if you ever get the chance to see his work in Memphis, go see it.

Owen Hart

One of the guys who showed you don't have to be 6'5, 260 to wrestle along with Bret and Shawn. One of the most loyal guys I think I;ve ever seen in the businees as he pretty much portrayed any gimmick asked of him. To be honest I always prefered him to Bret for some reason. He had more charisma and was just as good a wrestler.

Davey Boy Smith

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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One of the guys who showed you don't have to be 6'5, 260 to wrestle along with Bret and Shawn. One of the most loyal guys I think I;ve ever seen in the businees as he pretty much portrayed any gimmick asked of him. To be honest I always prefered him to Bret for some reason. He had more charisma and was just as good a wrestler.

Davey Boy Smith

A good worker, who worked in probably one of the hottest matches of the 90s at Wembley, but just couldn't hold anyone's interest on the mic for long enough and that's probably why he was never given a serious push for the big one.

Sycho Sid (Vicious/Justice)

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WWE superstar and Nexus member Justin Gabriel was reportedly treated for a moderately bruised testicle following last Monday's installment of Raw.

The news doesn't come as a major surprise to fans who watched closely as the Nexus member hit his 450 splash on vanquished Nexus teammate Darren Young.

I bet that hurt ohmy.giflaugh.gif

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Sycho Sid was really charismatic. I mean really fucking charismatic. Not the best of wrestlers by any stretch but when you have the tools that he had, it really wasn't an issue. He looked like an absolute killer whenever he walked through the curtain and it's amazing that I'm such a fan of such a shit wrestler to this day.

Vince McMahon

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WWE superstar and Nexus member Justin Gabriel was reportedly treated for a moderately bruised testicle following last Monday's installment of Raw.

The news doesn't come as a major surprise to fans who watched closely as the Nexus member hit his 450 splash on vanquished Nexus teammate Darren Young.

I bet that hurt ohmy.giflaugh.gif

No wonder he was wincing more than usual when he hit that move on Monday. Ouch.

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I believe it was actually Mr America, not Captain America, as calling a character that would get them sued to f**k.

"There's one thing I'm not brother, and that brother, is Hulk Hogan brother!"

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A decent debut by Alberto Del Rio on Smackdown tonight, he's pretty much the mexican JBL

JBL is one of my favourite wrestlers of recent years. I would probably like Alberto Del Rio, if his nickname wasnt 'The Honest Man' :P

How have you seen the debut anyway?

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