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Mo Wonderboy

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WWE RAW 30/08/2010

Given that's it's a special episode of RAW, I'm willing to give it a full going over in the hope that something on here is worth watching. Sure enough, the main event looks good. If that ginger cunt looks as good as he did at Summerslam though, I'll be pissed.

Michael McGillicuty and Kofi Kingston vs. Kaval and Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz and Alex Riley ( ** )

LayCool vs. Melina and Eve Torres ( N/A )

John Morrison and R-Truth vs. Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre ( N/A )

Jack Swagger vs. Evan Bourne ( * )

The Nexus vs. Edge, Sheamus, John Cena, Randy Orton and Chris Jericho ( * )

We're going to open the show with a Bret Hart promo. I remember the days when that would be a good thing. He does a good job of talking up RAW though. "I was there for that very first show." You sound like you were there for David vs. Goliath as well old man. Kane heads for the ring. Kane continues his surprisingly good run on the mic with this. I think it's because he's reached normality. Kane with a MAJOR low blow, calling Bret "irreversibly damaged". :lol: Bret reminds Kane of his horrible record against The Undertaker. This angers Kane to the point of taking out Bret Hart. The Hart Dynasty hit the ring. Bret Hart still has the punches and then the lights go out when Kane tries another Chokeslam. He's in the ring looking at Kane, and for all intents and purposes, he is looking much better. Kane doesn't seem to chuffed with that and this crowd is HOT. Kane decides he's getting out of there. *bling bling* So the GM has decided that it'll be Bret Hart vs. The Undertaker. You know, even though you know the match can't happen, that has to get the goosebumps going for a split second.

Michael McGillicuty and Kofi Kingston vs. Kaval and Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz and Alex Riley

Indy dream team alert ! Christ. Michael Cole calls Kaval and Bryan "all internet, all the time". :lol: That's brilliant. We start with Kofi, Riley and Daniel. Right hands from Riley but he runs into a Dropkick. European Uppercut from Bryan. Forearms from Daniel and then kicks to the chest and the referee pulls him away. SOS FROM KOFI ON DANIEL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... RILEY SAVES !!! Falcon Arrow from Riley gets a two count. Knee to the stomach from Daniel and then Kofi with the Boom Drop and that gets a two count as Daniel comes in. Cross Body Block and both Kofi and Bryan collide in the middle of the ring. Kaval and Hennig into the ring. Kaval into the ropes. THE DRAGON CLUTCH ON HENNIG ... Riley saves. Right hands from Riley. Miz tags into the match. JOHN WOO DROPKICK FROM KAVAL TO RILEY !!! SCHOOL BOY FROM HENNIG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! KOPPOU KICK FROM KAVAL !!! To the top. WARRIOR'S WAY !!! SKULL CRUSHING FINALE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a cracking little match. Kaval looked brilliant as he just busted out all of his cool shit and then The Miz looked like the oppertunist that he is supposed to look like. Alex Riley definately has something about him. I bet they wish Riley was the leader of the Nexus group. **

Miz then crowns Daniel Bryan with the case. Just because he can.

LayCool vs. Melina and Eve Torres

I admit it. I've become a bit of a mark for LayCool. Pity that all changes when they wrestle. Cool is going to open the match with Melina. Forearms from Melina. Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Cool gets a two count. Into the ring comes Layla and she slams the face of Melina down. Hair toss from Layla and then Cool gets sent off the apron and a School Boy gets three for Melina. Ah.

Too short. No rating. N/A

Michelle McCool and Layla are pure bitching about the loss. They challenge Melina and say that one of them will face her. She accepts and says she wants a Lumberjack Match. Am I supposed to be excited about that ?

Backstage and the Nexus 5 are arguing. Wade Barrett says that they are not weaker. He says he's gonna win the title and he also says he's gonna have people talking forever.

Chris Jericho is backstage with Josh Matthews. GIVE 'IM A CODEBREAKER CHRIS !!! Chris Jericho says he's the only one who believes he's the best at what he does. He says if he doesn't win the title at Night of Champions, he's gone.

John Morrison and R-Truth vs. Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre

Rhodes and Truth get this going. Hiptoss from Truth and then he does the splits, so Rhodes knocks Morrison off the apron. Morrison comes in as does Drew. Into the corners go both men. The referee calls the match off.

Too short. No rating. N/A

The brawl continues and R-Truth and John Morrison get the better of that exchange.

Bret Hart vs. The Undertaker

I wonder how this one is gonna go. Ah ... there we are.

Wade Barrett heads for the ramp. "This match is not gonna happen". I could have told you that. Wade Barrett says he's gonna do something that nobody will forget and then goes after Taker on his own. Big Boot on Barrett and then he gets sent over the top rope and then the lights go out. Kane is now in the ring. Right hands from Kane and Taker. Kane gets the better of that. The light then goes out again. Kane is gone. Haha. The pack of Nexus head for the ring. They surround the ring. They start making their move and Taker does a good job. He has Barrett by the throat and then the lights go out again. Barrett has Taker. WASTELAND ON TAKER !!! Barrett now wants Gabriel on the top rope. 450 SPLASH ON TAKER !!! Taker tries to sit up, but it's not happening and he's still surrounded. Kane is quite happy with this turn of events.

Jack Swagger is here and he has the mic. Never a good idea. He says that he returns to RAW as a former World Champion. Swagger gets some of the sporting cheap heat before he says he's bringing Swagger back to Monday Night RAW.

Jack Swagger vs. Evan Bourne vs. Alberto Del Rio

Swagger gets going early. Into the corners goes Bourne. Swagger doesn't seem impressed with the challenge of Bourne so far and then suddenly, we have Alberto Del Rio. Swagger looks pretty peeved. Bourne into the corner while Del Rio's ring announcer gives it laldy. I love this guy's entrance. Swagger is still giving Bourne a beating while all of this is going on. Running Powerslam is countered and Bourne with a Spin Kick and then he heads for the top rope. AIR BOURNE ... MISSES !!! Chop Block. ANKLE LOCK !!! BOURNE TAPS !!!

That was a bit short, but fine while it lasted. *

Alberto Del Rio has a lot to say for himself. He says thanks to him, Rey isn't going to be there tonight. He seems well chuffed with what he did to Rey. :lol: He says he's going to recreate that magic moment. He goes into the ring and goes after Evan Bourne. Cross Armbreaker from Del Rio. An Ankle Lock AND a Cross Armbreaker. Tough night for Bourne. Mark Henry comes down and chases Del Rio away.

CM Punk and his cronies are heading for the ring. CM Punk gives The Rock a bit of a slagging and goes on to slag RAW, saying it promotes "poor family values". Want proof ? Two words for ya. Katie Vick. He is now going to show the worst acts on RAW by it's superstars. Triple H going to Randy Orton's house and kicking his arse is there. Edge and Cena battling in the streets and Edge getting thrown into the water. We then have trespassing and it's DX invading WCW. The last exhibit is Austin with the beer in 2007. CM Punk then does the old "bait and switch" with the fans. To be honest, I didn't believe for a second that he was going to show up. Absolutely smacked of the HBK/Hart scenario. CM Punk is gonna show a good clip this time and Show being Suplexed through the ring. The Big Show heads for the ring. CM Punk cuts Show big time. "You're not funny and nobody likes you." :lol: This is good. It breaks down and Show gives Gallows a beating and then sends him over the top rope.

Sheamus is going to be getting an interview on the ramp. Sheamus calls the fans "Plastic Paddys" and says that the only real Irishman in the city is him. He's probably right. He's basically pissed off about a bunch of stuff. Edge joins us. It sounds like he's joining the same "bad babyface" club that Randy Orton is part of.

The Nexus vs. Edge, Sheamus, John Cena, Randy Orton and Chris Jericho

We open the match with Jericho and Tarver in the ring. Too much stalling considering that there isn't long for this match. He then heads for the back.

So it's 5 on 4 and Edge is now in there and he pushes down the referee. He gets DQed and it's 5 on 3.

Cena into the ring and he's gonna take on Nexus. Cena goes with right hands and then into the corner. Bulldog from Cena. Right hands from Cena and then he doesn't tag in Orton and brings Sheamus into the ring. Sheamus with shots to Tarver. Clothesline from Sheamus and that gets a two count. In comes Slater and he gets knocked down too. Suplex from Sheamus. That gets another two count. Into the corner again where Sheamus lands some knees to the stomach. Elbow to the throat from Sheamus and the match heads to the floor and then back in. That gets a two count. In comes Otunga. Lockup and a Headlock from Otunga. Clothesline from Sheamus. Into the corner with him as well. Another Clothesline. Come on. Kicks in the corner from Sheamus. Hard Irish Whip and then right hands from Otunga. In comes Slater and he lays in stomps and Nexus are still all there. Gabriel now tagged into the match and he lands some right hands. In comes Wade and he kicks the stomach and lands some right hands. Modified Surfboard from Slater. Crucifix misses and Slater lands a Flying Forearm. This is boring as f**k. Right hands in the corner from Slater. Kick to the face from Gabriel. SLEEPER DROP FROM SLATER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!


In comes Wade and he lands some right hands. Cena then sent to the floor and Nexus go on the attack. Wade heads to the floor to get him now. Head first into the announcers table. Into the ring they go and we have a two count. Spin Kick to the face from Gabriel. Wade adds a cheeky right hand. Stinger Splash in the corner and that gets a two count. Otunga into the ring now and this match doesn't have long to go. Cena with a Suplex. Otunga stops the hot tag getting made. STF FROM CENA !!! OTUNGA TAPS !!! 450 SPLASH ON CENA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Randy Orton is now in there. RKO ON GABRIEL !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!



That was a bit better for Nexus than Summerslam was. The match wasn't as good and infact given how short it was, it was inexcusably boring. *

It was a busy show at least with lots going on, but most of it was completely non-descript.

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Might go to the Manchester Evening News Arena next time TNA/WWE/UFC come a calling, never seen a wrestling event in my life before, can see it being brilliant though, I think the difference between watching it on tv and seeing it live will be massive, I'll be marking out!

TNA are doing a show here in January

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That sounds rank! Perhaps they're trying to make something of the women's division seeing as they're unifying the titles? Most likely it will just a very thinly disguised 'Diva Search'.

Didn't realise that Haas and Benjamin were going to ROH. Hard to keep uo with things when you don't have a computer at home! Thought the common consensus was that they'd head to TNA to hook up with Angle?

Also, Kane is the leader of Nexus.

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What happened? I've only seen about 6 minutes of this seasons NXT.

Kaval wins. Celebrated. McGillicutty rants about how he's the future of WWE and to prepare for the "genesis of McGillicutty". Then the 5 eliminated rookies jump the barrier and attack Kaval, Riley comes back down and joins in, and McGillicutty helps. The Pros come and try to help Kaval and most of them end up in seperate brawls outside the ring with 2 rookies still beating on Kaval in the ring. Now the retarded part .. the rookies who are outside the ring get up and stand and watch, the pros on the outside get up and watch. The rookies finally jump back in the ring and help in the Kaval beatdown. The Pros? They've done enough and just stand and watch and then seemingly disappear. Why? No idea.

Edited by garymcc1874
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