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Mo Wonderboy

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What did that have to do with your original question ?

Did you realise that angle wasn't the only thing going on in WCW at the time ?

Thats what WCW was based on. The whole show basically revovled around WCW vs NWO, that's like watching WWF at that time and hating the Austin vs Corporation angle

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Bit disappointed to see that Kendricks and London vs Young Bucks only got a 3.25. Not had time to watch it as I'm supposed to be doing uni work but you're reviews are usually pretty astute. Maybe it would be different if it was at something like Slammiversary for the Tag Titles.

This is undoubtably petty, but it annoys me. Every time you mention his name you get it wrong. It Kendrick, with no S! Not Kendricks! Brian Kendrick.

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Thats what WCW was based on. The whole show basically revovled around WCW vs NWO, that's like watching WWF at that time and hating the Austin vs Corporation angle

The TV and Cruiser titles were always the highlights though, and not to mention Chris Jericho being awesome in 1998, Dean Malenko being awesome EVERY week and decent PPVs.

The wrestling in WCW around that time were much better than the fueds.

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Impact was alright.

Even thought it was kind of predictable, Jarrett turning his apology into a further rant. Sabu hitting RVD with something that was meant for one of Beer Money, Anderson getting the ladder out and being assaulted by Fourtune. But there was still something drawing about it.

I hope I don't need to see that Angelina Love storyline much, looks to be shite.

This episode just highlighted that Doug Williams shouldn't be in Fourtune. The scene where they're standing in the back, Beer Money, AJ and Kaz make fun of their opponents and Flair has to drink the Smirnoff Ice was the reason. He didn't say a word, neither did Matt Morgan but Morgan was at least in the "cirlcle". Williams looked like he was on the outside, looking in. To say he looked out of place was an understatement.

This Robbie E guy looks shite. He fucked up the head scissors, what I would assume would be a basic wrestling move, and he flips too late. Why are they pushing this clown? Letting him beat Amazing Red, who is decent enough to be getting a push. And letting Homicide leave. I know I must sound like a broken record but jesus f**k. Just when I thought the X-division could become good again after having to suffer Williams be the title holder for what seems like years.

Tazz should be replaced, not sure whether he's heel or face. Seems both atm. Or trying to be heel with his opinions but he's just not got the patter for it. I was liking Tenay's rant at Double J. Seems to me that there's some friction between Tazz and Tenay aswell.

Eric Bischoff, on the other hand, definitely has the patter to be a heel and I think he's doing his job pretty well as I'm really hating him just now. Hardy aswell.

Not liking how they're going about "injurying" the big time players. That Angle and Anderson both in slings and Anderson should be worse since he got beat down with the injury.

/rant and

Edited by forehead7
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"This Robbie E guy looks shite. He fucked up the head scissors, what I would assume would be a basic wrestling move, and he flips too late. Why are they pushing this clown? Letting him beat Amazing Red, who is decent enough to be getting a push."

I assume he's getting pushed because of his look. He has bags of charisma too which helps. His execution of moves wasn't too bad. It was his bumping that was awful, but as I said, he's a work in progress. I don't see why they felt the need to throw him onto Impact if he wasn't ready though.

As for the injuries, I'm loving it. Fortune and Immortal now joining forces, and the top babyfaces are hurt, or they're a stable close to cracking. It's almost perfect. Add to that Samoa Joe just not giving a f**k about anything and The Pope not sure what the hell is going on and you're left thinking "what next ?!?!". It's intriguing.

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Maybe to capitilise on any popularity that Jersey Shore has, I don't know if it's popular or not so it's a wild guess

There was a point, after Abyss had interfered in the Pope/AJ match when Bischoff came out, Bischoff looked displeased that Abyss had interfered and Abyss looked unhappy at AJ, he did give him a spank but maybe it was how he was acting. At that moment I though Abyss might turn.

For the Fourtune/Immortal group to disband, either AJ will turn face or Flair will double cross Hogan. The latter being the poorer of the choices as only Abyss and Jeff Hardy can actually pull out decent matches from Immortal if push came to shove.

You're right, it is intriguing. Before BFG, it was pretty obvious what was gonna happen, with the exception of Hardy turning and winning the title. But now it's anyone's guess.

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Finally got round to watching the last weeks wrestling. Just finished with RAW and the stuff between Cena and The Nexus is phenomenal. After Cena and Barrett squaring up last week I didn't think they would be able to give those kind of performances again but they did. Barrett really is superb at the role he is playing.

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Goldust is up there with him though. You have no idea how delighted I am to see him getting pushed so hard.

Same here ... it would be phenomenally good for the push to continue right through to at least Wrestlemania - it's been a LONG time since he had his name in lights at the big one.

Edited by The Naitch
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Yeah, Barrett is the MVP in WWE at the moment. Goldust is up there with him though. You have no idea how delighted I am to see him getting pushed so hard.

On first read of this post, I was confused. Then I realised that you were not comparing Barrett to Montel Vontavious Porter!

Anyway, here's Alberto Del Rio (sporting exceptionally shit headgear) getting his totties from Mirko Cro Cop;


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Just watched the last part of impact, as MOTD was reaching the more boring shit. I think that Hardy botched the chair shot. Anderson was holding his head, facing down and kicking into the mat. Is that not standard practice when someone fucks up a move on ye?

It was surely a botch. Chair shots to the back of the head cause you to go mental and kill your wife and bairn.

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Dont know what to take from this. In another interview with Dana White, the interviewer mentions that apparently WWE want Lesnar back to face Taker at Mania next year to which Dana basically says I doubt it. I doubt it would just be a publicity stunt by WWE because I doubt they'd want video's everywhere of their main guy completely out of gimmick/character.

I really think WWE should use tonight to bring back the 2000-2003 Undertaker and do it in the reverse way that they did it at Survivor Series 2003. It would rejuvenate him and his gimmick.
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