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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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I like that avatar forehead, good to see another Cole Miner on PnB.

Aye whatever, take a red dot just for mentioning Cole's name!

Anyway Hero of the Day's discussion topic of the week;

Could Sting have reached the same level of stardom as Austin had the Starrcade match ended correctly?

This is 97 we are talking here, when Austin was the biggest face in the WWF and Sting the biggest face in WCW. Bearing in mind Sting made WCW almost unwatchable in 97, he was getting the biggest reactions without even competing in a match.

Whereas Austin on the other hand, was the arguably the biggest star in the company and hadn't even touched the world title picture yet.

My question is, had Stings won cleanly over Hogan and continued to fight off the nWo and would it have killed some of the momentum Austin had at that time?

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Ignoring the fact that he shouldn't be there at all if he is 'fired', they shouldn't have played his music at the end. It just gives it a terrible feel given that he's supposed to be 'fired'.

I like what they did with Nexus walking out though. Can't wait for next week.

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What's the point in the Cean/Nexus 'feud'? It's just Cena battering them all the time. How incredibly shit and boring.

It IS ridiculously one sided. I think it's more down to all of the stuff going on with the Nexus in the sideplot which is making the whole thing interesting at the moment.

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Match of the Year possibles for 2010

Decided to go through the PPVs and look out the matches and see how good they are. I did a PBP on Survivor Series so I'm pretty much done with that. Got others though. I'll be doing all of the WWE stuff first and then onto the TNA stuff.

CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio, Pledge vs. Hair Match - WWE Over the Limit 2010( ****1/4 )

Chris Jericho and The Miz vs. The Hart Dynasty - WWE Over the Limit 2010 ( ***3/4 )

Batista vs. John Cena, I Quit Match - WWE Over the Limit 2010 ( DUD )

Drew McIntyre vs. Kofi Kingston - WWE Fatal 4 Way 2010 ( ***1/2 )

Chris Jericho vs. Evan Bourne - WWE Fatal 4 Way 2010 ( ***3/4 )

CM Punk vs. Jack Swagger vs. The Big Show vs. Rey Mysterio - WWE Fatal 4 Way 2010 ( **** )

Sheamus vs. Edge vs. John Cena vs. Randy Orton - WWE Fatal 4 Way 2010 ( *** )

CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio, Pledge vs. Hair Match - WWE Over the Limit 2010

Punk asks Rey to get it over with and then kicks him in the stomach and works over him. Knees to the stomach and headbutts and then kicks in the corner. Rey comes back with right hands. Punk escapes and lands a knee in the back and then more of the same. Kick to the face, but then Rey is sent over the top rope and to the floor. PESCADO FROM PUNK ... MISSES !!! Head Scissor Takedown sends Punk face first into the railing. Kick to the arm and then Rey with more right hands next to the barber's chair. Back into the ring they go. Rey with the Slingshot Head Scissor Takedown. 619 ... Punk with a kick to the stomach. REY GETS LAUNCHED HEAD FIRST INTO THE BARBER'S CHAIR !!! CM Punk is busted open and the referee is now working on the cut. Rey's arm appears to be injured as well. Rey battles to his feet and the fans get behind him. Rey gets back into the ring. "Boring !" chant breaks out as a result of that. Punk goes mental on Rey. He is NOT happy at being busted open. Rey gets LAUNCHED into the barrier. Snap Suplex on the floor and Punk clearly doesn't like to bleed. Back into the ring. Slingshot Senton gets a two count for Punk. Head Scissors from Punk. Rey manages to battle his way out of that. Wheelbarrow Sunset Flip gets a two count for Rey, and then he runs into a Clothesline and that gets a two count. Punk then with pledges and he clubs away at Rey and that gets a two count. Knees to the stomach from Punk and then then Rey into the corner. Punk runs into a boot. CODE RED FROM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Punk and Rey kick each other. Springboard Cross Body gets a two count. Rey with a shot to the gut. Springboard Seated Senton. Rolling Seated Senton and that gets a two count. Kick to the face from Rey. Punk then comes back with right hands. Alleyoop from Punk. High Knee from Punk but then Rey avoids a Bulldog. 619 ... INTO WELCOME TO CHICAGO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! GTS FROM PUNK ... COUNTERED TO A RANA ... COUNTERED TO THE BUCKLE BOMB !!! Punk now heads for the second buckle. SECOND ROPE BULLDOG FROM PUNK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Forearms from Punk and then a spin kick. KICK TO THE HEAD FROM PUNK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! MOONSAULT ... INTO THE GTS ... INTO THE 619 FROM REY !!! SPRINGBOARD SPLASH ... MISSES !!! CRUCIFIX OUT OF NOWHERE FROM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

That was a really good match. Definately better than the load of mediocrity that I could remember it being before anyways. The problem with CM Punk being busted open didn't help with the flow at all, but Punk did well coming away from that, exploding on Rey, and the match really just built from there. A really good effort. ****1/4

Chris Jericho and The Miz vs. The Hart Dynasty - WWE Over the Limit 2010

Kick to the stomach from Miz and then he lays a beating on Kidd. Knee to the back from Miz and then Kidd drops behind. Snapmare and then a series of kicks from Kidd. In comes Smith. Double Stalling Vertical Suplex from the Dynasty. That gets a two count. Kick to the stomach sends Miz to the floor and then Jericho is sent to the floor. Kidd then gets slammed down on top of Miz and Jericho. Back into the ring and we get a two count. Front Facelock from Kidd and Miz forces him into the corner and in comes Jericho. "Y2J" chant breaks out. Back Body Drop gets avoided and Kidd lands a Spin Kick. In comes Smith. Drop Toe Hold and then a Leg Drop from the Dynasty gets a two count. Jericho into the corner and Smith runs into a boot. Missile Dropkick off the second buckle from Jericho and then he sends Smith to the floor where Miz gets a cheap shot in. The fans aren't happy with that. Back Drop Suplex from Jericho and that gets a two count. Half Nelson from Jericho. Smith then fights out of the move. Jericho runs into a Sidewalk Slam and that gives Smith a chance. Miz stops the tag being made and then lands some stomps on Smith and lands some right hands. Kick to the face from Miz and that gets a two count. Chinlock from Miz. Smith now battles his way out of the move and drops Miz backwards. In comes Kidd and Jericho to a lukewarm reaction. Kidd with a series of Dropkicks and then he finishes with a Running Dropkick. Slingshot into an Inverted Victory Roll gets a two count. WALLS OF JERICHO !!! Kidd finds the bottom rope. He's now on the apron and he kicks Jericho in the face. Springboard ... RIGHT INTO THE CODEBREAKER ON KIDD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Kidd with a kick to the head. Smith now tagged back into the match and he sends Miz over the top rope. Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Smith. Smith runs into an elbow, but Jericho runs into a Powerslam and that gets a two count. JERICHO GETS A SMALL PACKAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Natalya with a sweep behind the back of the referee. THE RUNNING POWERSLAM FROM SMITH !!! ONE! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Blind tag made. REALITY CHECK FROM MIZ !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Stomp to the stomach. THE SHARPSHOOTER ... COUNTERED TO A SMALL PACKAGE BY SMITH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! SKULL CRUSHING FINALE ... blocked. MIZ HAS THE TIGHTS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Miz lands his clothesline. SMITH CATCHES HIM !!! THE HART ATTACK FROM THE DYNASTY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

The build to that final stretch was fine, but it was really uninspired stuff and they managed to turn what was a hot crowd into a lukewarm crowd, so I had to mark down for that one. It was good though. ***3/4

Batista vs. John Cena, I Quit Match - WWE Over the Limit 2010

Memory of this match tells me that it is a load of pish, but it's Batista vs. Cena so I'm willing to give them another go. Batista asks Cena if he wants to quit right away. Of course, that would have been a waste of a main event PPV match, so of course Cena says no. Cena crowns Batista with the mic and it heads for the floor. Cena now has a chair and he tries to take Batista's head off. Batista lands a big Clothesline and then lands Shoulder Charges in the corner. Batista then lands an elbow strike on the apron to the head of Cena. Right hands from Batista and then a Snapmare and a boot to the head. Head first into the top buckle goes Cena and then Batista continues his beating. Right hands from Batista. Batista then drops the throat of Cena over the middle rope. Cena then comes back with right hands and then he gets sent into the ropes and Batista lands a Back Elbow. Cena then gets launched into the ringpost. Cena is on the apron and he gets charged to the floor. Cena then gets sent into the barrier and then back into the ring. Batista now lands a Suplex on Cena. Cena then sent into the buckles and Batista misses a charge. Shoulder Blocks from Cena. THE PROTOBOMB FROM CENA !!! THE FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE !!! ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT FROM CENA ... blocked. Cena charges and then Batista uses the ref as a shield. SPEAR FROM BATISTA !!! RINGS OF SATURN FROM BATISTA !!! Cena manages to power out. CENA WITH THE STF !!! This is gonna head into the major over booking soon. Batista finds the bottom rope and that doesn't do him any good. Batista is now completely unconscious and he can't quit as a result. John Cena now has a bottle of water and the plan is pretty obvious. He revives Batista and he doesn't quit. CENA RUNS RIGHT INTO THE SPINEBUSTER FROM BATISTA !!! THE BATISTA BOMB FROM BATISTA !!! Batista goes out and clears the spanish announce table. Batista then goes to the English announce table. Cena now on the announce table with Batista. Both men do battle. RUNNING POWERSLAM THROUGH THE SPANISH ANNOUNCE TABLE FROM BATISTA TO CENA !!! John Cena still won't quit and Batista is wondering what he has to do. Cena now gets sent over the barrier and now the fight is heading into the crowd. They are brawling through the crowd. They then brawl up through the tiers. Batista and Cena are now doing battle on a platform. Cena avoids a Batista Bomb and then tries to send Batista off of the platform. He does and sends him down on top of a bunch of guys. Back to the ramp they go and Cena now with right hands. Chair to the gut of Cena and then he smacks Cena in the back with the chair and then does the same again. Repeated chair shots from Batista as he is determined to get Cena to quit. Batista tries to reverse a car into Cena. Cena gets out of the way. ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ONTO THE CAR BONNET !!! That isn't enough to make Batista quit. Attitude Adjustment off of the car is avoided when Batista quits. CENA SENDS HIM THROUGH THE STAGE ANYWAYS !!!

There's a whole host of problems with this match. Why can't these two guys manage to counter each other's finishers in a match like this when they can do it any other time ? Why is Cena some sort of hero here and fighting against the odds yet he dominates most of the match ? What's the need for the stupid overbooking ? Just a HUGE load of problems which make this such a shit match. DUD

Drew McIntyre vs. Kofi Kingston - WWE Fatal 4 Way 2010

There's something pleasing about there being a match involving Drew being looked at again. I remember this one being overbooked, but also good fun. I love how Mr. McMahon gets a mixed reaction. There's obviously a lot of respect for the man. Kofi goes after Drew and lands a pissload of kicks. Arm Ringer and then more kicks. Right hands from Drew and then he just shoves down Kofi and stomps him in the face. Kofi comes back with rights and lefts. Kofi ducks a right hand and lands a Monkey Flip and a Dropkick and then sends Drew to the floor. KOFI WITH THE SUICIDE DIVE !!! Back into the ring and Drew runs to the floor. Kofi goes to the apron and Drew sweeps him on there. Back into the ring and then Drew sends Kofi into the ringpost and gets a two count from that. Drew then stomps on the arm of Kofi and then heads for the floor and then lands some clubbing blows on Kofi. Kofi then comes back into the match and sends Drew into the ringpost, but then Drew sends the arm into the ringpost. Arm Bar from Drew and the fans get behind Kofi. Arm Drag from Kofi to escape and then he gets under Drew, but Drew comes back with a big Shoulder Charge. Stomp to the chest from Drew and then he stomps to the back of the head. Kofi with another comeback, so Drew lays a big beating in the corner. Arm Ringer Takedown from Drew and then he goes to the Overhead Wristlock. Kofi battles back to his feet, only to get slammed onto the back of his head. Knee Drop on the arm and then another stomp to the back of the head. Drew is over-reliant on the stomps and stuff. Arm Bar again from Drew. Kofi makes a comeback and then hits the ropes. Big kick to the shoulder Double Knee Arm Breaker from Drew and that gets a two count. Into the corner and Drew lands his series of Clotheslines in there. Drew gets in the face and lands a Short Arm Clothesline ... COUNTERED INTO A DOUBLE ARM DDT FROM KOFI !!! Kicks to the side and then right hands from Kofi. Drew sends him into the ropes and lands some chops. Standing Dropkick from Kofi and then he lands his clothesline. Crucifix from Kofi gets a two count. Springboard Cross Body gets a two count for Kofi. Neckbreaker over the knee gets a two count for Drew. Kofi drops behind and lands the Russian Legsweep. BOOM DROP FROM KOFI !!! TROUBLE IN PARADISE ... avoided. Kofi onto the apron and he gets a nearfall when countering a Body Slam. Big Boot from Drew. The fans begin to get behind Kofi Kingston. FUTURE SHOCK DDT ... Kofi manages to battle out. Drew into the corner. SPRINGBOARD SWINGING DDT FROM KOFI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... FOOT ON THE ROPES !!! Kofi now makes the charge and lands his punches in the corner. RUNNING POWERBOMB FROM DREW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! SOS FROM KOFI !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Drew sends Kofi into the middle buckle. Kofi now has a Head Scissors and we now have a ref bump. Kofi is on the ringpost and then he gets sent into the ringpost. THE FUTURE SHOCK DDT !!! Drew wants Teddy Long to make the cover and throws him into the ring. The audience aren't liking this it all. ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... TEDDY DOESN'T MAKE THE COUNT !!! Drew looks LIVID. Teddy Long shakes his head, basically saying "I can't do this !" drawing a massive "Teddy !" chant from the audience. Teddy Long begs off. Drew McIntyre warns Teddy Long to count. MATT HARDY HITS THE RING !!! TWIST OF FATE ON DREW !!! TROUBLE IN PARADISE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

It was a fun match. Drew is far too reliable on the stomping. Especially when he has Kofi's injured arm to focus on, and Drew can usually be quite inventive when it comes to finding ways to work on a body part. Not as overbooked as I remember, but it's still as fun as I remember. Not going to make it onto my MOTY list though. ***1/2

Chris Jericho vs. Evan Bourne - WWE Fatal 4 Way 2010

Chris Jericho is massively popular when he cuts his promo for this match. Of course, that might have something to do with him having another barrel of bland to face. Not to say that Evan Bourne isn't an incredibly exciting wrestler of course. They shove each other and then lockup. Knee to the stomach and then a Clothesline from Jericho in the corner. Jericho has some words for Evan. "Come on shooting star !" :) Bourne into the ropes and he lands a Running Rana and then a Sliding Dropkick and that gets a two count. Kick to the head from Bourne and then he hits the ropes and runs into a Clothesline and that gets a two count. More right hands in the corner for Bourne and Jericho chokes him with the boot. Jericho misses a charge and winds up on the floor. TOP ROPE PLANCHA FROM SYDAL !!! Back into the ring we go. Kick to the chest from Jericho. Springboard Dropkick sends Bourne to the floor and that changes the momentum. Bourne is struggling on the floor and Jericho goes out to pick him up. Kick to the stomach from Jericho. Kicks to the chest from Jericho and then more right hands, but Bourne comes back with kicks. He runs right into the Dropkick and that gets a two count. Snapmare from Jericho and then he kicks the back of Bourne. He then locks in that Chinlock when trapping the arm. He usually does a Half Nelson but that works. Bourne now battles back into the match and Jericho with a Suplex attempt. Bourne comes back with kicks. Spinning Heel Kick from Bourne. Running Back Elbow from Boure and then the Running Sliding Dropkick gets a two count. Bourne now comes back with more kicks. GERMAN SUPLEX FROM JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! You don't see that move even nearly enough. More right hands from Jericho and then he slaps at Bourne. Jericho into the corner and he lands an elbow. LEAPING SUPER RANA FROM BOURNE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Double Knees from Bourne ... JERICHO ROLLS THROUGH TO THE WALLS OF JERICHO !!! Bourne is fighting for his life here ! Bourne eventually finds the bottom rope to a very mixed reaction. Jericho then charges Bourne off of the apron and into the announce table. Jericho is measuring Bourne up, but Bourne sends him into the steps and then heads for the top rope. DOUBLE KNEES OFF THE TOP FROM BOURNE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Double Underhook Backbreaker from Jericho and that gets a two count. LIONSAULT FROM JERICHO ...MISSES !!! SHOOTING STAR PRESS FROM BOURNE ... MISSES !!! CODEBREAKER FROM JERICHO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Jericho with right hands. Jericho misses a charge. SCHOOL BOY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! WALLS OF JERICHO ... BOURNE COUNTERS INTO THE DDT !!! SHOOTING STAR PRESS FROM BOURNE ... stopped. Jericho goes up and tries for the Superplex. Knocked down. AIR BOURNE ... Jericho once again stops him from coming down with the move. Bourne drops him again. AIR BOURNE TO THE BACK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

I remembered this being much better. There's just something really ridiculous about watching Bourne at times. At other times he can be so fluent and his matches are amazing. At worst he's still really good, but is all over the place and he was here. Jericho was brilliant here and managed to keep Bourne in the game as it were. ***3/4

CM Punk vs. Jack Swagger vs. The Big Show vs. Rey Mysterio - WWE Fatal 4 Way 2010

Jack Swagger was a joy to behold at times during his run with the gold. It's a shame that WWE didn't keep him in the main event scene for long after he lost the gold. All four men start pretty cautiously. Punk runs and attacks Rey and then Show comes over and helps out. Headbutts from Show. Slap to the chest of Swagger and then Punk jumps him from behind. Running Dropkick from Rey to the face of Punk. Punk keeps his Rey mask on. Head Scissors sends Punk over the top rope. Swagger gets sent over the top rope and we're left with Rey and Show. Rey starts laying in the beating. Big Boot misses and Rey continues to show the heart. Rey then heads for the floor to avoid the right hand of Show. Show lifts Rey into the ring with one hand and then launches him into Swagger. Big Boot gets a two count as Punk gets in to break it. The audience are into it now. Swagger gets slapped down and then Rey blocks a three count. SWINGING DDT FROM REY TO COUNTER THE SLAM FROM SHOW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! That was a PROPER kickout there. Kick to the head from Punk to Show and Swagger blocks the cover. VADER BOMB FROM SWAGGER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... REY SAVES !!! Rey and Punk now work over Swagger and then send Show to the floor. Swagger now explodes out of the corner with a Double Clothesline and that gets a two count. Brilliant action so far here. Rey is hard into the corner. Stomps to the legs of Rey from Swagger and now he lands a Belly 2 Belly Suplex and that gets a two count. Swagger now rubs the face of Rey into the mat. He then has the arms of Rey locked. Rey into the ropes and he kicks Swagger. Dropkick to the knee. Punk comes in with the Springboard Cross Body and that gets a two count. This is non-stop here. Swagger then gets sent to the floor. Punk with kicks and knees to Rey in the corner. Back Drop Backbreaker from Punk and that gets a two count. Swagger onto the apron and he gets taken back into the ring. Rights and lefts from Punk. Spin kick to the gut of Rey. High Knee to Swagger. Punk charges into Rey's boot. SWAGGER WITH A GERMAN SUPLEX ON BOTH REY AND PUNK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! The Big Show has been out of the match for ages. DOCTOR BOMB ... Punk is managing to block. Kick to the head from Punk. Rey with the Head Scissor Takedown. 619 ... Show catches him and drops him on the announce table. Show back into the ring with Clotheslines. HUUUUGE Back Body Drop on Punk. Avalanche in the corner and then a Double Clothesline and then audience are WELL behind Show now. Show heads for the floor to get someone. Punk sent back into the ring. Punk Dropkicks the steps. 619 AROUND THE RINGPOST TO THE HEAD OF SHOW !!! PUNK WITH A SPRINGBOARD PLANCHA ONTO SHOW !!! Springboard Seated Senton on Swagger. SPRINGBOARD CROSS BODY INTO THE BOOT OF SWAGGER !!! GTS FROM PUNK TO SWAGGER !!! The music of Kane then hits and he heads to the ring with a casket. He takes Punk out of the match. 619 !!! SPRINGBOARD SPLASH FROM REY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

I can't ever remember being THAT dismayed at an interference, but there was some real quality here before Kane came down. All four men were providing some real class at a hell of a pace. Credit to the four guys though and I won't penalise for the idiocy. ****

Sheamus vs. Edge vs. John Cena vs. Randy Orton - WWE Fatal 4 Way 2010

Jerry Lawler wants Cena to be his best friend. Aaaawwww. Anyways, Orton/Edge and Sheamus/Cena are the original pairings. Cena and Orton are now going face to face and the fans want to see some of this. Both guys soak in the nuclear atmosphere. Cena goes for Attitude Adjustment. Edge and Sheamus get involved again. Sheamus lays a beating on Cena. Into the corner and Sheamus then buries the shoulder into the gut of Cena. Edge comes in and helps Sheamus. Cena into the ropes and a Double Back Elbow from Sheamus and Edge. Cena hard into the corner. Edge looks out at the audience and this audience is fucking RABID. Sheamus with big right hands and then Edge lays in some of his own. Clothesline from Sheamus. Edge tries to steal a cover. Sheamus knocks down Edge down with a Clothesline. We see some of the RAW locker room which means you know some bad shit is going down. Edge with a Clothesline off of the middle buckle gets a two count. Right hand from Cena to Edge. Cena then gets launched over the top rope. Edge then heads for the top rope and Orton comes in and takes Edge down. Right hand from Orton and then Sheamus attacks him from behind. Edge comes off the top and takes down Sheamus for a two count. This match is nowhere near the last one. Right hands from Orton. Edge ducks a Clothesline and then gets sent over the top rope. Cena then gets onto the apron and Orton spots him. Orton brings Cena in with a Suplex. Orton then works over Cena. European Uppercut knocks down Cena and then lands some kicks to the gut. Orton then stomps away at the body of Cena, as the fans start to show their support and hatred to John Cena. Orton misses a big Knee Drop. Sheamus comes down and clubs down Orton. Cena now comes back with right hands and this gets a mixed reaction. Cena with a Release Fisherman Suplex. ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ... countered. IRISH CURSE FROM SHEAMUS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Sheamus is now signalling for the end. CELTIC CROSS FROM SHEAMUS ... SPEAR ... misses. Cena with a School Boy gets a two count and Sheamus knocks him down. Orton then knocks down Sheamus. DOUBLE HANGING DDT FROM ORTON TO CENA AND SHEAMUS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... FOOT ON THE ROPES !!! Edge comes in with a Big Boot on Orton and then he has his eyes on Cena. THE SPEAR FROM EDGE ... MISSES !!! Cena now builds the momentum. PROTOBOMB !!! FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE !!! Orton comes in. ORTON BACKBREAKER ON CENA !!! Clotheslines on Edge. Powerslam on Edge and Orton is going mental in the ring. Sheamus comes in and throws Orton to the floor. He lays some stomps in on Edge. Right hands on Cena. Cena into the ropes and he sends Sheamus to the floor. Edge is now getting to his feet. Kick to the stomach and then Orton sends Sheamus back to the floor. STF ON EDGE FROM CENA !!! SHEAMUS COMES IN AND BREAKS IT !!! To the floor with Sheamus and Cena and Sheamus lays some shots in there. Sheamus with a Short Arm Clothesline on Edge and that gets a two count. Sheamus with a shot to Cena who winds up on the floor. Edge-O-Matic on Sheamus and he rolls for the ropes as well. He winds up on the floor. ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT !!! RKO FROM ORTON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... SHEAMUS MAKES THE SAVE !!! Orton is LIVID and he goes after Sheamus. EDGE WITH THE SPEAR ON ORTON !!! Sheamus in. BROW KICK SENDS EDGE TO THE FLOOR !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Right hand on Orton and then more of the same. Edge then drags Orton to the floor and suffers some shots to the head. Sheamus then gets launched over the announce table. SPEAR SENDS ORTON INTO THE BARRIER !!! NEXUS ATTACK THE WWE GUYS IN THE BACK !!! Cena seen that on the big screen. NEXUS ARE HEADING FOR THE RING !!! CENA IS ATTACKING !!! THE NEXUS ARE ALL OVER HIM !!! EDGE HELPS HIM OUT !!! THE FANS ARE GOING NUCLEAR !!! SHEAMUS STEALS THE COVER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Remember when the Nexus were scary as f**k when they hit the ring at any point ? Anyways, this wasn't quite as good as the earlier four way. The match seemed to have a bit more drama going for it and the audience were much more into it, but they just didn't get my excitement going. ***

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Taker vs HBK will be MOTY hands down, was maybe the match of the decade.

Wasn't that far out as my MOTY, and I've still got a SHITLOAD that I haven't seen, but I'd imagine that through it all, HBK/Taker is still gonna be my MOTY. Stupidly good and better than last year.

There was a six man tag on a Dragon Gate USA PPV called Mercury Rising that was a REALLY close shout though.

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Taker vs HBK will be MOTY hands down, was maybe the match of the decade.

Suprised taker wasn't at Survivor series, really quite stupid they bumped him off before that, would have been so much better at SS what with it marking the 20th year of his career.

Undertaker is out with legit injuries until around Wrestlemania time. That's why Edge has been parachuted into the feud with Kane.

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Just cause he's quoted someone doesn't mean the two receivers are alike.

He's right, Michael Cole is the most entertaining thing in WWE programming at the moment.

Firstly what concern is it of yours?

And can you say that bit in bold with a straight face?

So what your saying is you watch a wrestling show mostly down to one of the commentators? This isn't JR or Heenan, this is Michael Cole, yeah that guy that had a job cause JR didn't want to work Fridays, Thursday or whatever day Smackdown was on.

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And can you say that bit in bold with a straight face?

So what your saying is you watch a wrestling show mostly down to one of the commentators?

I don't see what makes it any different to watching for a wrestler or a manager or anything like that. They have a job and they are either good at it or not and Michael Cole happens to be VERY good at the moment.

Of course, he's not been as good as Nexus have recently. John Cena has been playing his wee part well enough, coming in and causing havoc. Oh, and The Miz has been good too.

On the subject of Nexus though, did anyone notice that Otunga has gone from being sort of half-cast to almost proper black ?

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