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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Different times indeed, which is what has made it so easy for Cole to come to the front of people's minds, among the blandness and tans of the WWE roster. Seriously, how many guys is there to care about on there ? I've got Nexus, Cena, Bryan, Miz, Sheamus and then the rest can go f**k themselves.

It's how you present the non-wrestler that makes the difference. Not the fact that they're a non-wrestler.

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Different times indeed, which is what has made it so easy for Cole to come to the front of people's minds, among the blandness and tans of the WWE roster. Seriously, how many guys is there to care about on there ? I've got Nexus, Cena, Bryan, Miz, Sheamus and then the rest can go f**k themselves.

It's how you present the non-wrestler that makes the difference. Not the fact that they're a non-wrestler.

Absolutely, I did watch Orton's promo last night, and it was really dull. The same monotone voice throughout the whole promo, even when he tried a bit of comedy and ripped into Alex Riley (sp?). The guy has the look and I'm not sure if that is his gimmick the now, this coiled viper type thing he has going on. But for a casual fan flicking through that can't look great. Credit to the Miz however for adding a bit of spark to the promo.

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WWE isn't a wrestling company anymore, it's sports entertainment.

Also Dermot O'Leary and Michael Cole aren't the same for both shows. O'Leary is more like the ring announcer.

Michael Cole comments on the wrestling, Simon Cowell comments on the singing. They'd be the most alike out of the people on both shows.

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WWE isn't a wrestling company anymore, it's sports entertainment.

Also Dermot O'Leary and Michael Cole aren't the same for both shows. O'Leary is more like the ring announcer.

Michael Cole comments on the wrestling, Simon Cowell comments on the singing. They'd be the most alike out of the people on both shows.

Is there wrestling on display for the most part of the show?

Cowell is more a Vince type figure, authority that has the final say on who goes where. Although I'm positive Vince is a much smarter businessman than Cowell.

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Is there wrestling on display for the most part of the show?

Cowell is more a Vince type figure, authority that has the final say on who goes where. Although I'm positive Vince is a much smarter businessman than Cowell.

Yes but if when have you ever heard WWE referred to a wrestling company, it's also sport's entertainment whenever they call it something.

He doesn't have that power though, whether it's legit or rigged is a different argument but, all the judges have equal power to boot people. Cowell is usually the bad guy and he tells it how it is. Cole is the heel of the commentary team.

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WWE isn't a wrestling company anymore, it's sports entertainment.

Yes but if when have you ever heard WWE referred to a wrestling company, it's also sport's entertainment whenever they call it something.

Now there is a difference in the questions you are asking here.

Your saying that it's sports entertainment and then your saying the WWE refer to themselves as sports entertainment. I'm more than aware WWE refer to themselves as sports entertainment but that doesn't mean it's not a wrestling company.

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Now there is a difference in the questions you are asking here.

Your saying that it's sports entertainment and then your saying the WWE refer to themselves as sports entertainment. I'm more than aware WWE refer to themselves as sports entertainment but that doesn't mean it's not a wrestling company.

Well it's obviously Vince who's using the term and since he's the brains behind wrestling then I'm gonna go with whatever he calls it.

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It was alright.

Abyss and Doug Williams was pretty good for a normal Abyss match. Great Styles' Clash on the ramp, must've hurt.

Don't see why they've still got the knockout's tag titles, they've got maybe about 10 knockouts.

The "Team 3D" match was reasonably funny.

Morgan's promo with Anderson was horrible, he said "really" more times than Hogan says "dude" or "brother"

The main event, wow. Mickie James and Tara in a cage match. Fucking amazing. It just shows you the difference between those two and the rest of the knockout's division. Quite a few roughs hit, like they aren't holding anything back, not that it's a surprise since their matches have been the best wrestling thing on TNA recently.

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Watching Final Resolution on Extreme Sports just now.

Crowd are into this opening match, Storm brings out the Scooter!:D, while I agree Shannon Moore sucks, he's not as bad as some people make out. I'm glad he's in there as a tag wrestler in a tag team that suits him and not a singles guy. Good match that really shows the difference in quality between TNA and WWE tag teams. LOL Jesse tunes up the band but Storm hits the superkick.

The toilet scene from the Falls Count Anywhere was funny as hell. The guy sitting on the pan while the camera man walked past. Then Taz going "he didn't even wash his hands!", if Only Taz was more witty like that I'd have no problem with him. The match was dire apart from that.

WTF Shark Boy, loving this! The toughest son of a fish in the business!, look at Goofy in the background going mental cause Lethal got DQ'd.

AJ has his old entrance hoodie, better than that Flair robe rip off. Rolling chaos on the outside was impressive.

Enjoyed the TLC match with the MCMG and GenMe...will watch the rest when I'm not shattered.

Hernandez still got a TNA contract by the way? Not seen him since his fued with Morgan.

PS Tenay should be jobless!

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Caught a bit of Final Resolution earlier on Extreme Sports, I had no idea any TNA stuff was even shown over here anymore cause I heard Bravo shut down.

Anyway, is that Robbie E guy meant to be TNA's version of Zack Ryder? He's got the same gimmick. Just shows the difference in the two companies. In WWE the guy with that gimmick is the biggest jobber and in TNA the guy with that gimmick has one of the biggest championships.

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PS Tenay should be jobless!

If Todd Grisham has a job, Tenay deserves one.


Anyway, is that Robbie E guy meant to be TNA's version of Zack Ryder? He's got the same gimmick. Just shows the difference in the two companies. In WWE the guy with that gimmick is the biggest jobber and in TNA the guy with that gimmick has one of the biggest championships.

Zack Ryder was the number contender for the WWE championship though! tongue.gif

Edited by forehead7
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The X-Division Title hasn't been "one of the biggest Championships" for years now

The way it's being booked I wouldn't be surprised if it was scrapped. AJ, Samoa Joe, Kazarian, Homicide, Doug Williams, Chris Daniels and Kendrick have all either been let go or moved up the card, that's just the ones that immediately came to my mind.

Oh and Petey Williams, used to love him. It wouldn't be that hard to get it going again. You just move Kaz back down, something that should be done since Fortune/Immortal want all the titles, you bring back those people. It definitely can be salvaged.

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The way it's being booked I wouldn't be surprised if it was scrapped. AJ, Samoa Joe, Kazarian, Homicide, Doug Williams, Chris Daniels and Kendrick have all either been let go or moved up the card, that's just the ones that immediately came to my mind.

Oh and Petey Williams, used to love him. It wouldn't be that hard to get it going again. You just move Kaz back down, something that should be done since Fortune/Immortal want all the titles, you bring back those people. It definitely can be salvaged.

Back in the day TNA should have involved all it's stories and feuds over the X title around the world title instead. Before any big names came to TNA, thy could have killed it with AJ, Joe Daniels in the main event. Now they have shifted all focus from the X title to the world title. If they did that from the very start the X title wouldn't seem like the piece of shit it has become.

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I've just been watching this weeks Smackdown. Pretty poor show overall, especially the Swoggle/Eagle nonsense and the worst tag team champions of all time going over again. Ziggler vs Kingston was decent until the non-finish and Mysterio and Del Rio worked a good main event, despite the Kane and Edge shenanigans that were going on.

RIP Paul Bearer. Again.

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Caught a bit of Final Resolution earlier on Extreme Sports, I had no idea any TNA stuff was even shown over here anymore cause I heard Bravo shut down.

Anyway, is that Robbie E guy meant to be TNA's version of Zack Ryder? He's got the same gimmick. Just shows the difference in the two companies. In WWE the guy with that gimmick is the biggest jobber and in TNA the guy with that gimmick has one of the biggest championships.

Sky is taking over the TNA contract when Bravo closes in January (along with 90% of the stuff that Bravo shows). Which channel, if any, they show it on is up for debate.

Extreme Sports have been showing the PPVs for a while now .. I dare say they'll continue to do so unless Sky take an interest.

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I watched Final Resolution too.

Beer Money and Ink Inc was pretty poor for the majority I thought.

Tara and Mickie James was shite until the bathroom stuff. I can't believe they're going to continue with this stuff.

Robbie E and Jay Lethal was pish. Marked for Shark Boy a little, but why does he get cheered for stunnering a woman?

RVD and Rhyno just seemed to be going through the motions. From one camera angle you could see Rhyno had bladed before the van terminator.

Doug Williams and AJ was decent but it wasn't as good as the reports I'd read made me think it would be. The finish was good if a little stupid (why would AJ try and beat the countout to come in and be pinned near enough instantly when he could retain his title via countout?)

I loved the Guns vs Gen Me. It was a spotfest but I love spotfests. The finish probably looked better in planning than it turned out to be.

Abyss Pope was shockingly bad. Abyss is terrible and I'm still not 100% sure on Pope. In ring he isn't great.

JJ and Joe was reasonable, it was a decent concept and they didn't make Joe look weak.

Hardy and Morgan was booked horrendously. The Twist of Fate is no longer a credible finisher, they've ruined it in recent months. Anderson got taken out for a few minutes by Bischoff?!? Morgan looked like shite after that.

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Doug Williams and AJ was decent but it wasn't as good as the reports I'd read made me think it would be. The finish was good if a little stupid (why would AJ try and beat the countout to come in and be pinned near enough instantly when he could retain his title via countout?)

He was dropped on his head on the outside, so at that point he was going on instinct.

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