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Mo Wonderboy

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I haven't been watching wrestling, has Jericho left?

Yeah, got put out of action by Orton. His band were touring and that's why he "got forced to retire". He'll be back soon though.

I'd rather Del Rio won it than either of Orton or Cena.

Has a debutant ever won it before, apart from the first one?

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WWE Title:

The Miz © v John Cena

World Heavyweight: Title:

Edge © v Alberto Del Rio v Christian

Streak Match:

Undertaker v Wade Barrett

Grudge Matches:

Randy Orton v CM Punk

Triple H v Sheamus

That's how i see Wrestlemania looking right now, although it could all change depending on injuries as well as the Elimination Chamber PPV.

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Ziggler-Edge was a great match IMO, Ziggler is awesome and that's the best match Edge has had in ages.

Orton-Miz plodded along but got better and ended quite well. Riley's jump was great.

The women's match was shite, I was sure Awesome Kong was going to be the 4th participant.

The Rumble was strange. Some of it was done very well and some of it was done horribly. The brawl at the start with the 2 Nexus groups was good. Morrison's spot at the start was excellent. The Nexus dominating the ring was good but should've been done earlier in the match IMO. Marked more than is probably acceptable for Booker. Punk was eliminated too quickly. Cena went through the Nexus too quickly. Hornswoggle was a cheap laugh but was in for too long. Diesel was obviously excellent. Cena is great but why make him do these cheesy spots such as pointing at the WM sign? Marked for Miz eliminating him. They got me with Santino at the end, I thought he was going to win. Del Rio is an interesting winner - I like him, but should he be winning the Rumble and headlining Mania this soon? I'm not so sure.

Moving forward, I like the idea of an Elimination Chamber PPV but not at this stage of the year. The Raw one is set up nicely though.

For Mania I think you're looking at:


Del Rio-Edge


Corre-Nexus (minus Punk)


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Who said Vince didn't take notice of TNA, pretty sure that's a lie and he does notice them. And he's just fucked them over something big, maybe that might make TNA re-assess their writing and that they should only progress with a storyline if they have the people involved under contract first.

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Del Rio is an interesting winner - I like him, but should he be winning the Rumble and headlining Mania this soon?


Hornswoggle was a cheap laugh but was in for too long.

I thought he made it in for the right amount of time. They played it out well enough.

They got me with Santino at the end, I thought he was going to win.

As did I. Although I still loved it when Alberto Del Rio got the win.

The Rumble match was decent, but Edge and Ziggler gets match of the night, and another showing of just how far Dolph Ziggler has come, that Edge's best match in ages comes against him.

Who said Vince didn't take notice of TNA, pretty sure that's a lie and he does notice them.

Aye, that'll be why he hardly ever does this sort of thing. Or maybe it has something to do with Wrestlemania being in Atlanta. Ya think?

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Aye, that'll be why he hardly ever does this sort of thing. Or maybe it has something to do with Wrestlemania being in Atlanta. Ya think?

Do you not have to be retired to be in the HoF? Or is that just general conventon. If Vince really wanted them in the Hall of Fame and he didn't care about TNA then he'd have Bischoff and whoever else(Sting, Nash, Booker, Stevie Ray) regardless of what ever they're doing now.

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Do you not have to be retired to be in the HoF? Or is that just general conventon.

Ric Flair wasn't retired. ;)

If Vince really wanted them in the Hall of Fame and he didn't care about TNA then he'd have Bischoff and whoever else(Sting, Nash, Booker, Stevie Ray) regardless of what ever they're doing now.

Stevie Ray?! Who gives a f**k about that guy?!

As for Bischoff, he's under contract elsewhere, so it'd be a waste of money. Sting has a pride thing as far as not going to WWE goes. He won't go there. Full stop. Although that raises the question, if he DID care, why was Sting not in the Rumble if that's not the case?

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First of all.....great PPV.

Ziggler vs Edge was superb I thought. By far MOTN for me. Great, great, great match. All that was missing was the Ziggler win. Ziggler is my new favourite WWE wrestler.

Orton vs Miz was pretty good. I was expecting the usual Orton bore-fest but I actually really enjoyed the match. The finish was a bit too scrambled for my liking but I can live with it. Very good match.

The womans match was my piss break obv.

I find it hard to compare Rumbles. I loved it for what it was.

I can't stand that Cena did the easily predictable "eliminate the whole Nexus" thing. It was so obvious. I also wanted to see Punk last alot longer.


The final 4 was almost what I expected, except for Orton. In fact, I think I said a few weeks ago Cena, Del Rio, Barrett and Kane a few weeks ago, I could be wrong. The Santino thing kinda took away from the ending I felt,

I'm not too sure about the result. I think it may be too soon for Del Rio. He hasn't even been in WWE a year and he's already in the ME of Mania. I like him, but he just would not have been my choice. I'd have taken Punk, Barrett or Cena. I know Barrett hasn't been there a year yet, but he has been pushed to the moon as one of the top heels and main evented for about 6 months. Del Rio hasn't even main evented yet. It seems a bit of a risk to me, but it should be entertaining to see where they go with this from here.

Why do they continually insist on shittin all over the Nexus? They are supposed to be the top heel group in the company. They should have had them all protect Punk until it got to the last few then sacrafice themsleves leaving Punk in the final 4. That would have got them some amount of heat and not made each and every one of them look like pussies who bring zero threat to anyone.

As for Mania, it now looks like Del Rio will go for the WHC. I'll guess a three way with Edge/Mysterio/DelRio.

It also looks like it will be Cena vs Miz for the WWE title after what happened.

It leaves Barrett free for the rumored Barrett/Taker match at Mania, using what the Nexus did to Taker as the build up.

Very good PPV with a great WHC match, a very good WWE title match and as per usually a thoroughly entertaining Rumble and sets us up nicely for the road to WrestleMania.

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Ric Flair wasn't retired. ;)

Stevie Ray?! Who gives a f**k about that guy?!

As for Bischoff, he's under contract elsewhere, so it'd be a waste of money. Sting has a pride thing as far as not going to WWE goes. He won't go there. Full stop. Although that raises the question, if he DID care, why was Sting not in the Rumble if that's not the case?

Oh yeah, but lets face it Flair isn't ever going to retire. Can't afford not to with his seeming abstinence from pre-nups.

Well he was with Booker in the tag team, ten time tag champ from WCW.

Well the Hall of Fame shouldn't be about money, it should be about honouring those who've made wrestling what it is today. Sting's still in the TNA Roster so he might still be under contract with them.

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He still got the title shot though, which is kinda the point.

The minute you take THAT away from someone, the Rumble means nothing. I will, of course, forget that the 1999 Rumble seen it happen since it was Russo at his worst around that time.

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